Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии


Exercise 1

Read the text. Translate it (orally). Make use of the Notes and the Vocabulary.

The English usually have four meals a day: breakfast, dinner (lunch), tea (five o'clock) and supper (dinner). Some people have din­ner at one o'clock and some have dinner in the evening (instead of supper) and the midday meal is then called lunch. The traditional English breakfast is a meal of bacon and eggs, hot buttered toast or bread or rolls, marmalade or jam, tea or coffee. In Scotland and north­ern parts of England people sometimes have a plate of porridge or cornflakes for breakfast.

The second meal (lunch or dinner) is served at one o'clock. It consists of two courses if it is lunch and three courses if it is din­ner. First comes soup (sometimes juice or a piece of melon). The sec­ond course is a meat or fish course. Beefsteak is the most popular meat dish. It is usually accompanied by roast potatoes or potatoes done in their jackets, a second vegetable (probably cabbage or carrots) and Yorkshire pudding.

Then comes a sweet. Apple pie (with hot custard) is a favourite sweet. There are various types of pudding. Lunch is very similar to dinner but it is a lighter meal and as a rule people do not have soup for lunch.

The next meal is five o'clock tea. In most families it is served at half past four or five o'clock. Sometimes people may have some sand­wiches or biscuits with five o'clock tea but generally very little food. Tea is taken with milk. Tea with lemon is called Russian tea and is served only in some cafes and restaurants. Guests are often invited to five o'clock tea. The hostess welcomes them at the door and invites them to the drawing-room where tea is served. Then she brings in the tea-service (cups, saucers, plates, a tea-pot, a sugar bowl) on a tea-waggon (tea-trolley) or on a tray. The tea-party usually lasts not more than an hour.                         

The most known and popular food in Britain is fish and chips which anyone can get in cafes and restaurants or in special Fish and Chips shops open at certain times of the day (from 12 till 3 p.m. and from 7.30 till 11 p.m.). When you come in and ask for fish and chips, the shop-assistant puts chips into a paper bag, puts a piece of fish on the top, sprinkles everything with salt and vinegar and then wraps everything in an old newspaper to keep them warm.


Yorkshire pudding - Йоркшир­ский пудинг ( кусок теста ,

                                        обжаренный в растительном масле)

Fish and Chips (shops) - кулинарные мага­зины, где продается

                                       жареный карто­фель и рыба



Cornflakes, n - кукурузные хлопья

melon, n - дыня

potatoes done in jackets - ва­реный картофель “в мундире”

sweet, n  - десерт

sugar bowl - сахарница

tea-waggon / tea-trolley - сервировочный столик на колесиках

sprinkle, v - полить, посыпать

wrap, v - заворачивать


Exercise 2

Record the 2nd and the 3rd paragraphs of the text beginning with the words   «The second meal…» and ending with the words «…more than an hour». The tape with the recording should be presented at the tutorial session.


Exercise 3

Answer the questions about the text (in written form).


1. How many meals a day do the English have? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What is the name of the first meal in the morning? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. When is breakfast served?


4. What is the traditional English breakfast like? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. What do people in the northern parts of England have for breakfast? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. What do you have for breakfast?


7. What is the traditional English second meal?

When is it served?


8. What is five o'clock tea?


9. What is the most known and popular food on the British Isles?


10. Where is fish and chips served in Great Britain?



Exercise 4

Ask 4-5 questions about the text (in written form).






Exercise 5

Say, what the text is about. Comment on the content of the text (orally). Your interpretation of the text should be presented in oral form at the tutorial session.



Exercise 6

From the text, select those facts and ideas concerning eating habits (in written form).


Exercise 7

Compress the text to 5-6-sentences (in written form).



Exercise 8

Review the Grammar material “Modal Verbs with the Perfect Infinitive”. Use any Grammar source you like.


They can’t have prepared their lessons so quickly. Не может быть, чтобы они приготовили уроки так быстро.
Can (could) he have failed to get her on the phone? Неужели он не дозвонился ей?
They may (might) have written their compositions yesterday. Они вчера, может быть (возможно), написали сочинение.
You might have helped the old woman to carry the bag. Ты мог бы помочь этой пожилой женщине донести сумку. (Ты не помог донести сумку, и это плохо).
This girl must have come from London. Эта девушка, должно быть, приехала из Лондона.
You should (ought to) have cleaned your room. Ты должен был (тебе следовало) убрать в своей комнате. (Почему ты не убрал в комнате? Я недовольна тем, что ты этого не сделал).  
I needn’t have hurried, but I did. The film started at seven, not six. Mне не нужно былоспешить, а я спешила. Фильм начинался не в 7, а в 6 часов.



Exercise 9

Complete the sentences using might, must or can't, and the correct form of the Infinitive.

Model: She didn’t answer the door bell even though I rang several times.

She …. (to be) asleep. / She must have been asleep.


I can't find my keys anywhere. I think I … (to lose) them.  
You shouldn't have driven when it was so foggy. You ... (to have) an accident.              
She ... (to telephone) because I was in all day and I didn't hear anything.  
I'm glad you didn't come to see me Yesterday. You ... (to catch) my cold.  
I … (to lose) my passport. It was here on the table just a few minutes ago.  


Exercise 10

Rewrite the following sentences using should (ought to) or shouldn't  and the correct form of the Infinitive.

Model: I’ve been waiting for hours for you to phone!

You should have/ought to have phoned earlier.


It was wrong of you to keep the                  change. You
I'm sorry I got so angry. I
How stupid of them not to check the time of the train. They
Why didn't I take my swimming                things? I
The accident was his fault. He was drinking and driving. He



Exercise 11

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Write down your translation in the space opposite the original sentence.


Может быть, он и видел ее на концерте, но он мог и ошибиться.  
Он ведь очень близорук(short-sighted).  
Вы могли бы быть построже с ребенком.  
Вы его портите(to spoil).  
Вы могли бы дать показания в пользу обвиняемого.  
Я был удивлен, когда увидел, что вас нет в суде.    
Oн, должно быть, ждал нас.  
Неужели они ждали вас так долго?  
Не может быть, что он опоздал на поезд.  
Воз­можно, они ждали нас.  
Вам следовало дождаться нас.  
Без вас нам было очень трудно найти дорогу.  
Мне не следо­вало ждать тебя.  
Я с тем же успехом мог бы дожидаться кого-либо с того света (the other world).  
Возможно, они встретились по пути домой.  









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