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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

The Disorders of the Respiratory System

The pneumonias are known to form a large and important class of respiratory disorders. The most common types of inflammation of the lungs are croupous оr lobar pneumonia, and bronchopneumonia or catarrhal pneumonia.

Lobar pneumonia is caused by pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci. In lobar pneumonia one lobe or a portion of a lobe may become affected. The onset of lobar pneumonia is sudden. Pain in the side is often absent in children, especially you ones. Cough is usually slight or even absent. Respiration is shallow and accelerated. The pulse-respiration ratio falls to 2-3:1. The temperature may reach 40°C at the height the disease.

Auscultation and percussion reveal bronchial respiration dullness, moist bubbling râles and crepitation. On auscultation attention should be concentrated on the following spaces: the axillae — early appearance of bronchial respiration in lobar pneumonia, the paravertebral spaces — frequent localization of bronchopneumonia in babies and the interscapular space — onset of pneumonia.

Bronchopneumonia which predominates in childhood may be caused by pneumococci, streptococci or influenza bacilli. The onset of bronchopneumonia is usually insidious, its course is slower than in lobar pneumonia. On auscultation and percussion bronchia breathing, fine moist râles and crepitations are found.    

Dyspnea and weakened cardiac activity are characteristic symptoms. Cough is usually present through the whole course of the disease, sometimes continuous, but more often intermittent. Due to the tendency of children to swallow the secretions from their lungs, it is unusual for them produce any expectoration. The temperature as a rule shows daily fluctuation and is usually expected to reach its maximum in the first few days.

Bed rest, abundance of fresh air, fluid digestive diet and specific treatment with two antibiotics are usually helpful in controlling bronchopneumonia.

Тема № 7

Название темы:: «The Digestive system».

2. Формы работы: подготовка к практическим занятиям, подготовка материалов по НИРС.

3. Перечень вопросов для самоподготовки по теме практического занятия.

Знать лексический минимум по теме, основную медицинскую терминологию на иностранном языке; грамматический материал; уметь использовать знания лексико-грамматического материала устной и письменной речи, владеть иностранным языком в объеме, необходимом для возможности коммуникации и получения информации из зарубежных источников.



1. Поисковое чтение текста “The Abdomen” – предложения содержащие герундий.


2. Изучающее чтение и перевод текста “The Abdomen” 


3. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What are the organs of the abdominal cavity?

2. What organ separates the abdomen from the cavity of the thorax?

3. What is the largest organ in the abdominal cavity?

4. What does the stomach serve for?

5. Where does the food pass from the stomach?

6. Where does the liver lie?

7. What does the liver serve for?

8. What organ occupies chiefly the central portions of the abdominal cavity?

9. Describe the role of the gall-bladder.

10. How do we distinguish “small” and “large” intestines?


4. Составление кроссворда по теме “The Digestive System”.


5. Изучающее чтение и перевод текста “The Digestive System and the Process of Digestion and Absorption”


6. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. How are nutrients supplied to the body?

2. What processes are known as digestion and absorption?

3. What do we call the parts of the digestive tube?

4. Is glucose absorbed from the stomach or small intestine?

5. Water and drugs are absorbed through the stomach walls, aren’t they?


7. Составьте письменно план текста и обсудите его в парах.


8. Поисковое чтение текста “Gastritis”.

1)Вы пишите предложения выражающие основную мысль из каждого абзаца.

2) Составьте вопросы к выписанным предложениям.

3) Задайте эти вопросы своим одногрупникам.


9. Повторение грамматического материала герундий.


Герундий—это неличная форма глагола, которая, как и причастие I, образуется с помощью окончания - ing , прибавляемого с соответствующими орфографическими изменениями к основе глагола.

В русском языке соответствующей герундию формы нет.

По значению к герундию близки такие русские отглагольные существительные, как хождение, ожидание и т. д.

Поскольку формы герундия в русском языке нет, он переводится на русский язык различными другими частями речи: существительным, инфинитивом, деепричастием, а также придаточными предложениями:

You must stop smoking .                               Вы должны перестать курить.

I cannot diagnose a disease                Я не могу поставить диагноз,

without examining the                                  не осматрев больного.


Vomiting blood is a symptom                      Рвота кровью — симптом

of a severe disease.                               тяжелой болезни.        

I remember hearing about this                     Я помню, что слышал

disease.                                                 об этой болезни.

Герундий имеет некоторые свойства имени существительного, а именно:

а) Он может, как и существительное, иметь перед собой предлог:

Thank you for helping me.                  Спасибо вам, что вы помогаете мне.

I think of going to a sanatorium.          Я думаю поехать в санаторий.

б) Он может, как и существительное, иметь перед собой определение, выраженное притяжательным местоимением или именем существительным в притяжательном падеже:       

I have heard about (of)                         Я слышал, что Петров очень

Petrov ' s performing these                   хорошо выполняет эти операции.

operations very well.


4. Самоконтроль по тестовым заданиям данной темы.

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на то, что герундий может быть переведен не только инфинитивом, но и существительным, деепричастием, а также придаточным предложением:

1. I insist on your giving up smoking. 2. Vomiting blood (haemotemesis) is a symptom of some dangerous diseases. 3. Though it was late he continued working in order to finish the report for the next day. 4. Take this medicine before going to bed. 5. He has already finished dressing the wound. 6. It would be difficult to diagnose a disease without examining the patient. 7. The doctor prefers performing an operation instead of treating the patient conservatively. 8. On listening to the heart he detected no abnormalities. 9. I can’t insist on confirming the diagnosis without taking into account the Professor’s opinion.


2. Complete the sentences using some of the following words: stomach, cavity, intestine, pancreas, liver, gall-bladder, GI tract.

1. It is the …………..that secretes bile which participates in the digestive process and has a defensive function.  

2. The large …………….. is up to 2 1/2 inches wide.

3. The ………….. serves as a container of food.

4. The …….……. serves as a bile reservoir.

5. The major functions of the ……………. are digestion and excretion.


3. Say true or false:

1. Every cell of the human body takes certain chemical nutrients from the air that surrounds it.

2. The passing of the molecules through tissues is called digestion.

3. The human digestive tract is a muscular tube up to 8-10 meters in length.

4. Digestion involves the mixing of food, its movement through the digestive tract, and the chemical breakdown of the large molecules of food into smaller molecules.

5. The glands include the salivary glands, bladder and the spleen.

6. Each gland produces secretions.

7. The salivary glands are connected by ducts to the stomach.

8. Water is absorbed in the esophagus.

9. Drugs are absorbed in the stomach.

10. Bacterial decomposition takes place in the stomach.


4. Из пары слов, данных в скобках, выберите подходящее по смыслу:

1. After the … working day I felt like having a good rest (tiring, tired).

2. This food is … so it is not recommended for those who suffer from gastritis (irritating, irritated).

3. The doctor demonstrated some new techniques and the students became … in them (interesting, interested).

4. The patient will be … if he follows all the doctor’s recommendations (curing, cured).

5. She could not sleep because of that … noise in the street (annoying, annoyed).

6. The news about his death was …, so we all were … when we heard it (shocking, shocked).


5. Fill in the blanks with the words below and translate the text paying attention to the translation of participles I and II.


bacteria body delicate disease eyes germs line liquids membrane moisture mouth nose parts prick skin sneeze stomach injury entering


How the body fights disease.

The 1 _____ is often called “the body’s first 2 _____ of defense”. It acts as armour, resisting many germs that might harm the more 3 _____ parts of the 4 _____. Any 5 _____ in the skin, even a pin 6 _____, provides an opening for 7 _____ of germs. Some 8 _____ enter the body through the 9 ____ and 10 _____ and other natural openings. These areas provide warmth and 11 _____, in which germs thrive. When the 12 _____ of the nose and throat becomes irritated, we cough or 13 _____, blowing out the unwanted substances.

Other body 14 _____ also provide a defense against 15 _____. Tears, for example, wash 16 _____ from the 17 _____. Tears also contain substances that fight bacteria. Acid in the 18 _____ kills many germs before they can reach other 19 _____ of the body.

5. Самоконтроль по ситуационным заданиям.

1. Предложите ситуации из медицинской практики, которые можно было бы описать следующим высказыванием: „When you hear hoofbeats behind you, don't expect to see a zebra.” (Theodore Woodward, University of Maryland, Baltimore)


2. You are going to make a report at the scientific conference “Modern medicine”. The teacher suggested you to chose from one of the following topics: “Protective functions of the liver” and “Coordination of the activity of digestive organs by the nervous system”. Make a presentation of the chosen topic.


3. You are a doctor on duty. There is an emergency patient waiting for your examination. He has the problems with digestion. Ask him for the complains and make up a case history. Pay attention to all necessary entries: FH, PH, FPI.


4. Your patient is suffering from constipation. Explain the possible causes of such condition and give your recommendations. For example: following irregular diet, eating unhealthy food, e.t.c.


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