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Active vocabulary to remember. Find proper explanations to the following.


1. ancient [‘ein∫эnt] - древний, старинный, старый
2. a castle [‘ka:sl] a cathedral [kэ‘θi:drэl] a fortress [‘fо:trэs] a palace [‘pælэs] a tower [‘tauэ] - замок, дворец - кафедральный собор - крепость - дворец -1) крепость, 2) башня
3. to cover [‘kΛvэ] - занимать, расстилаться, охватывать
4. dense densely populated - плотный, густой, компактный - густонаселенный
5. a department store - универсальный магазин, универмаг
6. to divide [di’vaid] - делить(ся), разделять(ся)
7. to flow - течь, протекать
8. to be full - быть плотным, заполненным
9. to house [‘hauz] - вмещать(ся), помещать(ся)
10. huge [hju:d3] (Syn.) enormous [i’nо:mэs] - огромный, громадный, гигантский  
11. numerous [‘nju:mэrэs] - многочисленный
12. splendid   lovely [‘lΛvli] - великолепный, отличный,       превосходный - красивый, прекрасный, привлекательный
13. traffic heavy traffic to carry the traffic - движение, транспорт - интенсивное движение - выдерживать движение (о дороге)
14. wealth [welθ]  luxury [‘lΛk∫эri] - богатство, изобилие - роскошь
15. workshop - мастерская, цех




Pronounce correctly.

Buckingham Palace [‘bΛkiŋэm] Charles Dickens [‘t∫a:lz’dikinz] Chaucer [‘t∫о:sэ] Christopher Wren [‘kristэfэ‘ren] clerk [kla:k] commerce [‘komэ:s] commercial [kэ‘mэ:∫l] Darwin [‘da:win] Egyptian [i’dζip∫n] feature [‘fi:t∫э] financial [fai’næn∫l] Great Britain [,greit ‘britn] Houses of Parliament [‘hauziz эv’pa:lэmэnt] jewels [‘dζu:эlz] London [‘lΛndэn] naval [‘neivl]     Northern Ireland [‘nо:ðэn’aiэlэnd] numerous [‘nju:mэrэs] rare [reэ] silent [‘sailэnt] St. Paul’s Cathedral [snt’pо:lz kэ‘θi:drэl] striking [‘straikiŋ] Thames [temz] Thomas Hardy [‘tоmэs’ha:di] Tower [‘tauэ] Trafalgar Square [trэ’fælgэ‘skweэ] treasure [‘treζэ] United Kingdom[‘junaitid’kiŋdэm] Waterloo [,wо:tэ‘lu:] weigh [wei] Westminster Abbey [‘westminstэ’ræbi]


Find proper explanations to the following.

 to flow to divide a cathedral perhaps to carry heavy traffic silent empty a trust wealth luxury a department store lovely attractive appearance a workshop a castle formerly a fortress jewel a feature  difficult to travel over  great comfort, as provided by wealth  a large fort, place strengthened for defence  a precious stone  to separate, to split or break up  a building in which machines are repaired  association of business firms  possibly, maybe  pleasing  in early times  making no or little sound  a large shop to move along like a river does  great amount of property, money, etc.  a large strongly-built building or set of buildings made in former times to be defended against attack  characteristic or striking part  to support the weight  containing nothing  beautiful, that one loves or likes  a chief church in a diocese  that which can be seen, outwards qualities  movement of vehicles along roads and streets


Substitute the words and word combinations from the Text for the parts underlined.

1. London is a very old city.

2. London is also a very big port.

3. London is located on the river Thames.

4. The city of London spreads over about a square mile.

5. During the day, the City fills up with people.

6. A lot of banks and offices are concentrated in the City.

7. There are magnificent houses in the West End.

8. The East End comprises the port, docks, a lot of factories and workshops.

9. There is a noticeable contrast between the East End and the West End.

 10. The East End is a thickly-inhabited district.

 11. The Tower of London stores the Crown jewels and other highly valued things.

 12. Nearly all the kings and queens of Britain were put into the grave in the Westminster Abbey.

 13. Trafalgar Square was named in memory of Lord Nelson’s great warships victory of 1805.

 14. The most remarkable feature of St. Paul’s Cathedral is a very large dome.

 15. The British Museum has a rich library with copies of uncommon manuscripts.



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