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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

VI. Put the verbs in brackets into an appropriate tense.

Jim (1) was not looking (not/look) forward to the exam. He (2) … (study) for the past two months, and still (3) … (not/feel) sure that he (4) … (know) even half of what he should know.  He (5) … (question) his teachers repeatedly about the material that (6) … (appear) on past exams, but he still (7) … (not/be) convinced that anything he (8) … (learn) (9) … (be) relevant to this year's exam. He (10) … (still/study) at seven o'clock in the morning on the day of the exam; he (11) … (revise) all night long, and (12) … (feel) exhausted. In fact he (13) … (be) so tired that he (14) … (fall) asleep in the middle of writing the exam, and (15) … (wake up) only just in time to finish it.


VII. Put the verbs in brackets into an appropriate tense.

In the last few years there (1) has been (be) a marked change in our attitude towards environmental issues. It (2)… (start) with scientists revealing that a hole (3) …(begin) to develop in the ozone layer above the Arctic Circle; when people (4) …(start) to notice changes in the climate, it (5) …(become) obvious that there (6) …(be) a serious threat. Those of us who (7) … (ever/use) an aerosol spray will presumably think twice before using one again. And what (8) … (happen) to all that nuclear waste we have produced? Presumably most of it (9) … (be/dump) into the sea, but the number of protesting voices (10) … (increase) steadily year by year.




Paragraph Writing

A paragraph normally consists of several sentences which are all concerned with the theme contained in the key sentence. It is usually the first sentence, which contains the main idea or topic. The other sentences support it by adding further information or examples.

Useful words and phrases:

Firstly; In conclusion; In my opinion; Some critics argue that…; In addition; I feel; Contrary to what many people believe; What is more.

Choose one topic from the following list and write a paragraph expressing your opinion.

1. The specific history of Russia, connected in many ways with its geographic location, explains its lack of similarity to the other countries of Europe and Asia.

2. The Mongol yoke was stifling for Russia.

3. Paganism in Russia disappeared immediately after the christianization of Russia in 988.



Role play: Work in groups of three.

One of you has just read an interesting book about ancient cultures. One of you is a friend who is told some pieces of information from this book, and you are interested in this topic because you have some knowledge about origin of ancient civilizations. And the third person is another friend who is eager to insist on the statement that every nation has its own reputation because of its origin. For example, Englishmen are cold-blooded and warlike because they are descendants of ancient Germans. Act out your reactions to the situation.

Summing-up assignment

I. VOCABULARY EXTENSION: Choose several of the words from the unit. Use a dictionary or Google’s search field (or another search engine) to build up more associations / collocations of each word.


Древняя Русь

Согласно летописи Рюрик был призван княжить в Новгород. Его преемник Олег объединил Русь, захватив Киев в 882 г. Этот год стал поворотным пунктом в судьбах восточных славян. Основной задачей Олега стала борьба с Хазарским каганатом, Византией и подчинение еще непокоренных восточнославянских племен.                                            

Сын Рюрика Игорь продолжил дело Олега, хотя и менее успешно. Князь Игорь был убит древлянами в 945 г. во время сбора “полюдья”. Княгиня Ольга жестоко отомстила за смерть мужа. Во время ее правления активизировалась внешняя политика Русского государства, которая велась преимущественно мирными средствами. Ольга приняла крещение в Константинополе, однако это не повлекло за собой распространение Христианства на Руси, так как ее сын Святослав остался верен языческим богам.

Княжение Святослава характеризуется многочисленными военными походами. Возвращаясь из одного из них, он был убит печенегами. После непродолжительных усобиц к власти пришел Владимир Святославович, воспетый в былинах и прозванный в народе Красное Солнышко. Главным событием в правление князя Владимира было крещение Руси, которое поставило Русское государство в один ряд с крупнейшими христианскими державами Западной Европы.

Настоящим преемником Владимира в реформаторской деятельности стал его сын Ярослав, победивший в кровавой усобице всех своих братьев. Выдающимся событием эпохи правления Ярослава стало составление свода письменных законов, получивших название Русская Правда. Из нее можно почерпнуть сведения о социальном устройстве, нравах, обычаях русского общества того времени. Дело Ярослава Мудрого было продолжено Владимиром Мономахом. Со смертью Мономаха постоянные усобицы практически свели на нет результаты победоносных походов его предшественников.

[Колесникова М.В., Миньяр-Белоручева А.П., Рытова И.Г., Седелкина Л.Н., Фукс Г.Н. Английский язык для историков. История России IX-XX вв. М., 1999.]


III. INTERNET: Search the Internet and find more information about Kievan Russia. Talk about what you have discovered with your partner(s) at the next lesson.

IV. POSTER: Make a poster showing the life of people of Ancient Russia. Show your poster to your classmates at the next lesson.

V. MAGAZINE ARTICLE: Write a magazine article about:

a) Rurik

b) Oleg

c) Saint Vladimir Svyatoslavich the Great

d) Yaroslav I the Wise

Include an imaginary interview with him. Write about what he does every day and what he thinks about.

Read what you wrote to your classmates at the next lesson. Give each other feedback on your articles.

VI. LETTER: Write a letter to Alexander Nevsky. Ask him three questions about his life. Give him three suggestions on what he should do in his future. Read your letter to your partner(s) at your next lesson. Your partner(s) will try and answer your questions.



adoption (n) ancestor (n) ancient (adj) attainment (n) audacity (n) build up (v) burden (n) codify laws decide against (v) decide upon (v) defeat (v) demand (v) depose (v) devastation (n) empire (n) encourage (v) extend (v) faith (n) fearsome (adj) flourish (v) hegemony (n) heresy (n) icon painting (n) impact (n) incursion (n) influx (n) inhabit (v) invade (v) invader (n) invasion (n) kingdom (n) maintain (v) make alliances mention (n) nomadic (adj) Orthodoxy (n) pagan (n) patriarchate (n) power (n) recover (v) reign (n) retaliation (n) rival (adj) rule (v) ruler (n) sanctuary (n) settle (v) sign (n) spiritual (adj) tribe (n) tribute (n) uneven (adj) warrior (n)

Module 2

In this module:

· Muscovy, Ivan III reign, Vasily III, Culture of Muscovy;

· Tenses of the Passive Voice;

· Writing an essay expressing opinion;

· Role play on the life in the Moscow state in the 16th century.


1. What historical events took place in Russia from the middle of the 13th century to the middle of the 16th century?

2. What territory of Russia became the most powerful and why?

3. Can you name the most prominent people of that period? What can you tell about them?


Text 1



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