Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Discovering University Communities

Томский Государственный Университет

Международный факультет управления


Discovering University Communities

(Tomsk State University,

British and American Universities )

Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов первого курса



2012 г.


Рассмотрено и утверждено методической комиссией кафедры иностранных языков, протокол № 4 от 30.08. 2010


Авторы: Сергеева Елена Анатольевна, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Международного факультета управления ТГУ

           Солоненко Александра Владимировна - преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Международного факультета управления ТГУ


Рецензенты: Бельтюкова Н.П., доц., к. фил. н

                   Прокопенко Л.А., ст. преп. англ. яз.

                   Стуканова О.Б., ст. преп. англ. яз.

                   Швадленко И.А., MS, alumna of Muskie Program (USA)

                   Kate Willison, BA, Canada

                   Michael Howard, BA, Great Britain

                   Mark Ciavaglia, BT, Australia



Пособие знакомит студентов первого курса с реалиями высшего образования в России и за рубежом, на примере Национального исследовательского Томского государственного университета и университетов Великобритании и США. Основу пособия составляют три раздела, знакомящие с историей, структурой, правилами поступления, традициями данных вузов. Каждый раздел содержит задания, которые носят творческий характер и ориентированы на развитие у студентов всех видов речевой деятельности, критического мышления, навыков сравнительного анализа и исследовательской работы и на использование ресурсов Интернета. Одной из целей работы с данным учебно-методическим пособием является обогащение вокабуляра по теме «Образование» и развитие грамматических навыков у учащихся. Пособие помогает студентам первого курса приобрести и развивать навыки автономного обучения и работы с информацией. Также оно знакомит с  перспективами обучения в британских и американских вузах. Также пособие содержит ценные дополнительные материалы: список ключевых слов по теме «Образование», тест на определение уровня знания языка студента первого курса, тренировочный лексико-грамматический тест по материалу пособия, памятка по подготовке устной презентации, полезная информация о Томске и студенческих традициях, список сайтов, содержащих полезную для студентов информацию. В целом, данное пособие отличает новизна, информативность, разнообразие содержания, законченность, оригинальность, что даёт богатый материал в помощь преподавателям иностранного языка, работающим с группами разного уровня владения языком.





Dean’s Word................................................................... 4

Manage Your Studies Card.......................................... .5

Part I Tomsk State University........................................ .6

Part II Oxford University………..……….……………....20

Part III American Universities....................................... 29

Appendix 1.................................................................... 41

Appendix 2.................................................................... 44

Appendix 3.................................................................... 49

Appendix 4.................................................................... 51

Appendix 5.................................................................... 52

Appendix 6.................................................................... 54

Appendix 7.................................................................... 56

Appendix 8.................................................................... 59

Appendix 9.................................................................... 63

Appendix 10.................................................................. 67

Bibliography and references......................................... 68





Dear students and teachers:     


 This textbook in English created by our teachers is a remarkable event in the life of our International Department of Public and Business Administration, due to the very important role that having a good command of foreign languages plays in the success of young specialists' professional activities.



The fast development of globalization in any profession and the intensively increasing mobility of specialists around the world, make knowledge of languages absolutely imperative. But it has not just purely practical significance. Language is not a means of communication only. It is much more – it is a way to see the world and understand it or, as the Germans say, it is “die Weltanschauung”.


For instance, people thinking in Russian and in English have different views on many things. Take the word управление . Did you notice how I translated the name of our department above? This is because in English there is no equivalent to the term управление. Управлять автомобилем – to drive a car; управлять ракетой – to guide a missile, страной – to govern, организацией – to manage, etc. My American friend told me that perhaps the nearest equivalent is operation, but its meaning is wider, it embraces any activity. 


Another language is another view of the world, and it makes life more interesting, and gives you additional possibilities in life. For instance, many interesting and very important events in my life have had happened solely due to my knowledge of English. I wish all of our students success in their studies of foreign languages.                                



Felix Tarasenko,

Dean of International Department of Public and Business Administration

Manage Your Studies Card


Unit: Discovering the University Community

Name   ______________________________________________________                           

Surname ______________________________________________________



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



# TOPIC Activities GRADES
1. Tomsk State University                                               part1 discussion  
2. Tomsk State University                               part 2 presenting TSU  
3. British Universities                            part1 listening  
4. British Universities                           part2    
5. American Universities                           part1 speaking  
6.  American Universities                          part 2 reading  
7. Visiting American Center questions  
8.  Test Preparation                 (oral section) writing a letter texts vocabulary * * *
9.  Test  Preparation                 (written section) test  
10. Test test *
11. Presentations presentation *

  Final Score


Part 1




· Word Harvest


In groups make up a list of words related to the topic ‘University‘. Exchange your words with another group. Write down new words and expressions.


· University Discussion


In groups choose  two questions to discuss from the list. Then talk about your group’s opinion.


1. What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘university’?

2. What would you like to study at university?

3. Do you think everyone should go to university?

4. Is university only for very intelligent people?

5. Do you think university today is different from one hundred years ago?

6. Is university life more about studying or having fun?

7. What universities would you really like to study at and why?

8. Should university education be free?

9. What is the difference between university and school?

10. Edward Hubbard, an English historian, said: “You can take a man to university, but you cannot make him think.” Do you agree?



· Surfing the University web site

Surf the official web site of Tomsk State University www.tsu.ru . Try to complete the following questionnaire

1. What is the name of the university Rector?


2. When was the University founded? Name the most important dates from the University history.



3. How many faculties are there at Tomsk University? Which is the oldest one?

4.  How many students study at the University?

5. What language versions are presented?

6. What is the name of the University newspaper? What does its name mean?

7. What is the latest news from university life on the site?

8. What foreign universities does TSU cooperate with?


Surf the official web site of International Faculty of Business Administration www.mfu.tsu.ru . Try to complete the following questionnaire

1. What are the names of the faculty dean and vice-dean?

2. When was the faculty founded? What was its original name?

3. What chairs exist at the faculty?

4. Find the names of any five teachers who work at this faculty.

5. What are the majors offered by the faculty?

6. Can you take a correspondence course at this faculty?

7. What is the name of the faculty newspaper?


Are these sites user-friendly? Do you have any ideas to make these sites better?

What were the most important/ interesting pieces of information you found? 




1. Read the following words

Far East

Siberia                                      physics                             chemistry

academia                                  philology                          technology  

academy                                   philosophy                       ecology

alumni                                                                                    biology



medicine                                   specialist

merchant                                  zoologist                          science

mathematics                             physicist                          scientific                             

museum                                    chemist


Read the following phrases


1. He is a specialist in chemistry, physics and nanotechnology.

2. This merchant was a great zoologist and worked in academia.

3. Many alumni from Siberia visit the Museum of Medicine.

4. This physicist liked mathematics and biochemistry.

5. The man from the Academy knows a lot about chemistry and ecology.




1. Read through the text about Tomsk University and do the following tasks


· Find the words that you can understand without translation. What  do you call such words?

· Pay attention to the endings of the verbs in the text. What is the text going to be about – the past or the present of Tomsk University?

· Choose a paragraph and practice reading aloud.



merchant купец, торговец

donation денежное пожертвование

to cover expenses покрывать расходы, затраты

to maintain high standards поддерживать высокие стандарты


Founded in 1878, Tomsk University was the first educational institute

in Siberia and the Far East. It took seven years to complete the construction of the main building and the halls of residence for students.  Most of the expenses were covered by local merchants who made donations.


The Faculty of Medicine, the only faculty at this time, opened its doors to 75 students in 1888. Three more faculties were opened much later. Those were the Faculty of Law (1898), Physics and Mathematics, and History, Philosophy and Philology (1917).


A lot was done by Professor Florinsky, who supervised the construction work and the first years of university activities. It was he who bought the first collections for the university museums. The first professors who started teaching here arrived from St. Petersburg, Kazan and Moscow. They were the physicist Gezehus, the chemist Zaleski, and the zoologist Zaitsev. Professor Gezehus was the first rector.



 Professor Gezehus                                             Professor Florinsky


The university has always kept its traditions and maintained high standards. Its reputation has developed over many years. In the late 19th century, schools of thought created by the university professors in medicine, zoology and botany became well known and recognized throughout the world. In the period of the 1930s – 1950s, Tomsk University became famous for the works of its specialists in physics, geology, mathematics as well as chemistry, history and others. In the 21st century, the university became a leader in such fields of study as ecology, nanotechnology and biochemistry. In 2010, TSU showed its high scientific potential and received the status ‘national research university’. Not every Russian university can boast of such success.


So far Tomsk State University has trained more than 70 thousand specialists. A hundred members of the Russian Academy of Sciences are among its graduates.

 Successful alumni of the University are found in business, academia and administration.



  1.  Match the words from the text with their meaning


- hall of residence - expenses - donation - train - supervise - graduate - merchant to give teaching and practice in a profession to watch and direct the work of other people a person who buys and sells products in large amounts a person who completed his/her studies at university money given as a gift, especially for a good purpose the money used or needed for a purpose a university building where students live



  1. Read and tell if the following statements are True or False

1. Tomsk University was the first in Russia.

2. The university was constructed with the money of the Russian government.

3. The first students studied at four faculties.

4. Professor Gezehus was a specialist in physics.

5. Professor Florinsky was the first rector of the university.

6. The first university professors were from Siberia.

7. Today Tomsk State University is a leader in many fields.

  1. Finish the phrases according to the information from the text


· Tomsk University was ……

· The construction of university buildings was …..

· The first graduates were ….

· Professor Gezehus was a famous physicist. It was he who …..

· Professor Florinsky did a lot for the university: he …..

· The professors of Tomsk University created  schools of thought in …

· Tomsk State University can boast of many successes: for example,

· Many graduates from Tomsk University are successful people because …..


  1. What do the following dates mean in the history of Tomsk State University?

1878, 1888, 1898, 1930s, 2010

  1.   Give a  title to each paragraph of the text
  1. Find the key words in each paragraph of the text
  1.  Answer the following questions

a. Why was Tomsk University so important for the history of Russia?

b. Why did the university open its first faculty ten years after its foundation?

c. Who did much for Tomsk State University in its first years?

d. Why is Tomsk University often called ‘a leader in research and science’?

e. Why do many people believe that to study at Tomsk University is a guarantee for future success?


Text Vocabulary

construction hall of residence (AmE dormitory) expenses local merchant to cover donations Faculty of Law to supervise physicist to keep traditions to maintain high standards school of thought field of study national research university to boast of … graduate alumni (ед. ч. alumnus) academia administration



Questions in Present and Past Simple Tenses

To form questions

· in the present simple use the auxiliary verb do/ does

Do you study at Tomsk University?

Does the library work today?

When does the excursion to the Museum of Physics start?




o The – s ending of the third person singular verb is in the auxiliary does, not the main verb.


· in the past simple, use the auxiliary verb did

Did you graduate from university last year?

When did the Faculty of Medicine open its doors to its first students?


· with modals simply change the order of the verb and the subject


Students can take part in sport activities organized at the university.

Can students take part in sport activities organized at the university?



o Do not use do/ does/ did with the verb be – change the order of the subject and the verb

Are you a professor?

Was the university founded in the 19th century?


o If who is the subject of the question, we don’t use    do/ does/ did

Who became the first rector of the university?



Make questions  


0. I’m a student of Tomsk State University. 

 Are you a student of Tomsk State University?



1. We study at the Faculty of Law.

2. Our math teacher is very friendly.

3. Our dean drives a red Lexus.

4. My grand-grand father was among the first students of Tomsk University.

5. I decided to enter Tomsk University when I was 12.

6. Marina goes to the university library every day – she has a lot of homework to do.

7. The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics opened its doors to its first students in 1917.

8. You can ask about your vacation at the dean’s office.

9. I want to visit the famous Botanical Gardens of TSU.

10. The first professors arrived in Tomsk from Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Kazan.

11.  My best friend lives in the hall of residence on Yuzhnaya Square.

12. They are very proud to study at University of Tomsk.

13. Professor Gezehus became the first rector of TSU.

14. We can find the books we need at the Scientific Library.

15. I came from Kazakhstan to study at the International Faculty of Business Administration.

16. Our classes start at 8:30 every day.

17. The famous alumni of our faculty met the vice-dean last week.

18. She’s a Tomsk University graduate.

19. Mr. Ivanov as the vice-rector supervises the work of biology chair.

20. We were happy when we became students.


Find out More




Students’ Union             Студенческий профсоюз

Psychological Service  Психологическая служба

Law Clinic                Юридическая клиника

Scholarships             Стипендии



Scientific Library of TSU


The Library is the university’s pride and joy, ‘the book treasure house of Siberia’. The library book collection totals about 4 million items including journals, maps, posters, newspapers, and other resources. Every year the collection acquires almost 50 000 new items. 


Any student of Tomsk (not only from TSU) can ask for a book or get free consultation on the literature he or she needs. If you cannot find the book you need, the Library maintains exchanges with seventy libraries within Russia and abroad, and you can order this book and use it.

 The Scientific Library houses ten departments. The most interesting and renowned one is considered to be the Department of Book Monuments. It has the most valuable collection in the library of 100,000 items. There one may find old hand-written manuscripts, from the 14th to 20th centuries, and 16 book collections which belonged to the great Russian writer Vasily Zhukovsky, Count Stroganov, the great traveller and scholar Potanin and many others.


treasure house сокровищница

item                 зд .: наименование

Department of Book Monuments зд .: Отдел редких книг

hand-written   написанный от руки


Psychological Service helps the students to overcome psychological problems connected with their studies or private life. The Service conducts various psychological trainings and seminars dedicated to communication skills, success strategies, time management, and stress management. In case of an emergency, if you feel you cannot cope with stress or emotional problems, or if you need wise advice, you can call the Service emergency telephone and get a free consultation.


Emergency Telephone 22 43 26 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.)

Psycologic Sevice Site http://ps.tsu.ru/index.php

Location: Ground floor of the Main university building, room 25a

Phone: 53 47 56


overcome = cope with преодолеть, справляться с

dedicated посвященный

stress management управление стрессовыми ситуациями

emergency экстренная ситуация, чрезвычайная необходимость


Culture and Sports


If you are a sport enthusiast you can try out various sports such as basketball, volleyball, fitness. One of the most eminent sport clubs at TSU is the university club of underwater swimmers SCUT. Its members can be proud of setting up 30 world records and winning numerous gold medals in national and international competitions. Those with a cultural interest can partake in a wide variety of cultural activities. They can join the renowned university Choir, the Ensemble of Violinists, the Jazz Band. The Student Theater ESTUS also welcomes newcomers.


eminent = renowned знаменитый

club of underwater swimmers клуб подводного плавания

newcomers новички



 Students who are interested in research and scientific activity can apply for a grant or scholarship. This financial assistance is a tribute to work the student accomplished as well as opportunity to concentrate on your research without looking for a chance to earn some pocket money. As an example, the Oxford Fund scholarship is given to 300 TSU students of humanitarian departments annually who conduct research in the field of history, economics, and philology. Another scholarship is provided by the Potanin Fund for students who develop their leadership qualities and communication skills. In 1998 the Youth Center was establish to inform, encourage and advise young talented scholars.


Youth Center Site http://www.tsu.ru/WebDesign/tsu/core.nsf/structurl/science_sciactivity_centr

Phone: 529 837


apply for подавать заявку на

tribute to награда за, признание заслуг за

fund фонд

leadership qualities лидерские качества

communication skills навыки общения



The Students’ Union aims to help students to become full-fledged members of the university community. It provides plenty of opportunities to participate in university life: sport competitions, concerts, discussion clubs, and charity events. It helps the students who need financial aid or have some health problems by rendering financial assistance or sanatorium treatment. The Union also cares about students’ summer vacation – if you are an active guild member you will get a chance to spend your summer in one of the student camps in Altai, at the Black Sea or in the Tomsk region.



TSU Students’ Union Site http://pos.tsu.ru/

Location: 2nd floor of the Main university building


full - fledged полноправный

charity благотворительность, благотворительный

render предоставлять, обеспечивать

financial aid = financial assistance финансовая, денежная помощь

treatment лечение

 The Law Clinic was established in 2000. It renders free consulting service for those who are in difficult situations, helps to prepare the right documentation for the court, and represents the litigant in court. All services are provided by 4th and 5th year students of the Law Faculty who are chosen among the best ones for their academic excellence.


Location: University building 4

Phone: 783-578


е stablish учредить, основать

render предоставлять, обеспечивать

litigant истец = тот, кто обращается в суд

court = суд



Revision Task


What is the English  for?   денежное пожертвование руководить строительными работами приезжать из хорошо известный, признанный хвастать чем-л. среди его выпускников преодолевать психологические проблемы поддерживать высокие стандарты денежная помощь подавать заявку на гранты (стипендии)     What is the Russian for?   to complete the construction to cover expenses to render financial assistance to keep traditions national research university to become a full-fledged member of Students’ Union to need financial aid    


B) Translate into English


1. Многие выпускники ТГУ работают за рубежом.

2. Профессор Флоринский руководил строительством университета, а деньги на строительство жертвовали местные купцы.

3. На каком факультете, и на каком курсе ты учишься?

4. Многие студенты МФУ подают заявки на российские и зарубежные гранты.

5. В студенческий профсоюз ТГУ обращаются за финансовой помощью студенты, которые не могут справиться со своими проблемами.


Final Task


· You take part in the United Nations international student conference in Amsterdam (UNISCA). You will speak about the university you study at. During your 5 to 7 minute speech you should tell the audience about the history, the present situation and opportunities for the students of your university.


Outline for Your Speech:


1. Introducing yourself (name, where you are from, where you study).

2. Your university (name, where it is situated).

3. Some facts from the history of your Alma Mater.

4. The recent successes of your university

5. Information about your faculty.

6. Saying ‘thank you’ to the audience and ask if the audience has any questions for you.


Good luck!!!

                In the next part you are going to learn:

- the traditions of British universities


Part 2



· Education Abroad: For & Against

Do you believe that Russian education is the best in the world? Why?


Today many students go to other countries to get an education. What problems can they have when they study abroad? Make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.


What famous foreign universities do you know? At what university would you like to study? Why?


· Oxford Vocabulary



Read the following text. What is it about? Give a heading for each paragraph (A to D).


tutor куратор; индивидуальный преподаватель, посредник между

         студентом и материалом

degree  учёная степень, учёное звание

to be idle бездельничать, не работать, праздно проводить время

to calm the nerves успокаивать нервы

bleak    блёклый

torture  пытка

emerge появляться

stagger идти шатаясь

A) What is like, being a student at Oxford? Like all British universities, Oxford is a state university, not a private one. Students are selected by their results in the national examinations or the special Oxford entrance examination. There are many applicants, and nobody can get a place by paying a fee. Successful candidates are admitted to a special college of a university: there will be their home for next three years (the normal period for an undergraduate degree), and for longer if they are admitted to study for a postgraduate degree. They will be mostly taught by tutors from their own college.


B) Teaching is pleasantly informal and personal: a typical undergraduate will spend an hour a week with his or her ‘tutor’, perhaps in the company of one other student. Each of them will have written an essay for the tutor, this essay serves as the basis for discussion. At the end of the hour the students go away with a title for a new essay and a list of books that are helpful in preparing for the essay.


C) Other kinds of teaching such as lectures and seminars are normally optional: popular lecturers can attract audiences from several faculties, while others may give their lectures to two or three loyal students. In theory, if you are good at reading and writing quickly, you can spend five days out of seven being idle: sleeping, taking part in sports, in student clubs, in acting and singing, in drinking and having parties. In practice, most students at Oxford are enthusiastic about the academic life, many ones work for days at each essay, sometimes they sit up through the night with a wet towel round their heads.


D) At the end of three years, all students face a dreadful period of time, ‘Finals’, the final examinations. The victims are obliged to dress up for the occasion in black and white, an old-fashioned ritual that helps to calm the nerves. They go to the huge, bleak examination building and sit for three hours writing on half-remembered or forgotten subject. In the afternoon they assemble for another three hours of writing. After four of five days of this torture they emerge into sunlight, blinking, and stagger off for the biggest party for them all.


by Karen Hewitt

Text Vocabulary

state ≠ private to select by results entrance examination applicant fee to admit helpful optional to attract an audience to be enthusiastic aboutsmth. to sit up through the night to face dreadful finals = final examinations to be obliged to do smth.


Questions in Present and Past Simple Tenses: Practice

Revision Task


What is the English for?   вступительный экзамен плата за обучение убеждать лектора средневековые ценности студенческое сообщество сидеть допоздна студент университета общий бюджет стипендия What is the Russian for?   optional classes private university to do post graduate-studies to cover living expenses a list of helpful books to write an essay for the tutor dreadful torture the finals applicant


B) Translate into English .


1. Студенты МФУ могут выбирать факультативные занятия, например, уроки английского с носителем языка.

2. Как здорово, что мне не надо сдавать вступительные экзамены!!!

3. Многие студенты нашего факультета работают по вечерам, чтобы покрыть расходы на проживание.

4. Мы живём в одной комнате в общежитии и ведём общий бюджет.

5. Я бы хотела учиться в магистратуре в каком-нибудь частном университете за рубежом.


Final Task


· Education in Russia and the USA: Comparing and Analyzing

Would you like to enter any American college or university?


What should you do to enter a Russian university?


What does the term “admission requirements” mean?


What does Unified State Examination in Russia mean?

· American Education Vocabulary

Read the following words. Try to memorize their translation.


admission requirements to differ from to fill in an application form to file / submit an application form to enter a university to require official record proof of one’s financial ability to pass an exam to process one’s application apart refundable a waiting list major условия приёма отличаться от заполнить анкету подавать анкету поступать в университет требовать данные о ком-л. доказательство финансовой состоятельности сдавать экзамен обрабатывать заявление отдельно возвращаемый, возмещаемый список очередности, лист ожидания основная область академических интересов студента

· Mini-poll! Go around the class and interview as many people as you can. Ask them questions given below.

Y = Yes, I agree N = No, I disagree X = I don’t know CM = classmate

What do you think? You CM 1 CM 2
1. To get higher education in the USA is a difficult task.      
2. American admission requirements differ from Russian ones.      
3. Higher education in the USA is free.        
4. Application form is standard for all universities.      
5. You need a good recommendation from a teacher if you want to enter a university or college in the USA.      
6. USA universities don’t require official records of your previous study.      
7. Proof of your financial ability is the key point in admission requirements.      
8. In general, the system of different American universities is the same as in our country.      
9. All American grads pass a great number of exams to enter a university.      
10. You must pay for processing your application.      




Case Study

Find out More

University Slang Part A


1. Try to remember some slang expressions from school. What do they mean? What did you use them for? What were some funny episodes?


2. Here is the list of some of the latest popular

 California university slang.


· Awesome = Really cool

How are classes going? - Awesome possum!

— Как дела в школе? - Лучше не бывает.


· Bounce = Leave

· Da bomb = The best

· Do you feel me? = Do you understand me?

· Hottie = A really good looking person

· Let’s roll = Let’s go

· Phat = Cool

· Shake the spot = Leave

· That’s bad = That’s good

· Yo = Hello

· to snake = to steal

· You trippin’ = You’re crazy


3. Now can you translate the following phrase from a California university undergraduate into the traditional English?


Yo, isn’t it bad to snake some of these phat expressions from the awesome hotties at California University? Well, its time for me to shake the spot. I gotta roll!


 4. Practice. Make up a dialogue with your partner, using some new slang phrases from the list above.

University Slang Part B

Listen to the VOA (Voice of America) radio experts talk about some popular slang phrases. Mark if the statements are True or False.


a. The word Hella means Very.

b. Tight doesn’t mean trendy or impressive or interesting among the youth.

c. Chill doesn’t express unpleasant coldness in college slang.

d. Sick is a positive word.

e. Cool is not a fresh expression.


If you are still interested in youth college slang you can read the rest of the radio program on the VOA site.



Observing American Universities: University of Chicago



Roommate Questionnaire

Once a student has been accepted to a university, he or she often has to fill out a roommate questionnaire before arriving at the university. The university staff uses the answers to decide which students to put together in rooms in the dormitory.



What kinds of factors would be important in matching roommates? In your group, write your own roommate questionnaire to be given to new students. To get you started, here are some questions:


 - Do you smoke?

 - What time do you usually go to sleep?

 - What time do you usually wake up?

 - Do you listen to music when you study?



What other questions would you ask? Be creative!


Revision Task


What is the English for?   условия зачисления подавать анкету поступать в университет студент-первокурсник сосед по комнате в общежитии требования к поступающим достижения выдающийся баллы за тест What is the Russian for?   curriculum application fee admission committee GPA to fill in an application form unrefundable payment waiting list dormitory SAT


B) Translate into English .


1. Комиссия по зачислению требует с абитуриентов специальную плату за обработку регистрационных форм, но потом её не возвращает.

2. Среди требований для желающих поступить в Чикагский университет является обязательным предоставление результатов ЕГЭ.

3. Мой сосед по комнате может похвастаться многими достижениями, но главное – он выдающийся футболист.

4. Моих баллов для зачисления было недостаточно, поэтому я в списке ожидания.

5. Ты можешь помочь мне заполнить анкету абитуриента? Я должен подать её уже сегодня.


Final Task

Appendix 1


or  What you should know as a student …..


· The world ‘student’ originated from the Latin ‘studēre’ which means ‘directing his energy’.


· In Ancient Rome any person who was engaged in scientific activity of any type was called a student. When the first universities appeared in Europe in the XII century, student became a person who either studied or taught at university. Later when such academic titles as ‘professor’, ‘master’ were coined for those who did teaching, only people who were learning were called ‘students’.



· The oldest university student in the world is Nola Ochs, born in 1911 in Kansas, who at the age of 95 graduated from Fort Hays State University (Hays, Kansas) alongside her granddaughter, Alexandra, who was 21 years old at the time.


· The oldest university student in Russia lives in Lipetsk, his name is Mark Goldman. At the age of 72 he entered the Higher School of Economics, a state university at Moscow.


· The world’s youngest university student is Michael Kearney, a child prodigy from Hawaii, who received a bachelor’s degree in anthropology from the University of South Alabama at the age of 10!

· On November 17th students all over the world celebrate International Students' Day. The date commemorates the anniversary of the 1939 Nazi storming of the University of Prague after the demonstrations against the killing of a Czech student Jan Opletal as well as against the occupation of Czechoslovakia. As a result of that demonstration, nine student leaders were executed, over 1200 students were sent to concentration camps, all Czech universities and colleges were closed. Two years later, in 1941 the London International Student’s Council marked the 17th of November as the International Students' Day. Today this holiday symbolizes multiculturalism and international diversity of the world’s student community.

· Russian students have their own celebration on January 25 – Tatiana Day. This day commemorates a Roman martyr Tatiana, and on this date the Russian Empress Elizabeth of Russia endorsed a petition to establish a university in Moscow. Thus, the Russian Orthodox Church declared Saint Tatiana the patron saint of students, and Tatiana Day has become celebrated as Russian Students Day.



· Students have also their own hymn – the old song "Gaudeamus Igitur" ("Let Us Rejoice") or just "Gaudeamus", in the UK, it is sometimes affectionately known as "The Gaudie". It was written in Latin by the students of Paris or Heidelberg University – there are still doubts about the authorship. It is frequently sung at university functions all across the world such as the opening of the academic year or graduation ceremony. Students traditionally stand while singing it.


Gaudeamus igitur: lyrics and translation

Latin English
Gaudeamus igitur Juvenes dum sumus. Post jucundam juventutem Post molestam senectutem Nos habebit humus. Let’s be happy While we are young. After a pleasant youth After a troubling old age The earth will take us.
Ubi sunt qui ante nos In mundo fuere? Vadite ad superos Transite in inferos Hos si vis videre. Where are they who before us Have lived in the world? Go to Heavens Go to Hell     If you wish to see them.
Vita nostra brevis est Brevi finietur. Venit mors velociter Rapit nos atrociter Nemini parcetur. Our life is too short It ends too fast. Death comes quickly And kills us cruelly Never making exception.
Vivat academia! Vivant professores! Vivat membrum quodlibet Vivant membra quaelibet Semper sint in flore. Long live University! Long live professors! Long live each student! Long live all students! May they always be in their prime!


Appendix 2

Practice Test




Listen to the speaker, telling about his/her studies at the university, write down the main information.



You are thinking of studying at Lancaster University. Before you make a decision you will wish to find out certain information about the University.Below are ten questions about the Univer­sity. Read the questions and then read the information about Lan­caster University on the next pages.

Write a letter of a paragraph where you find the answer to the question.

Note: Some paragraphs contain the answer to more than one ques­tion.

1* I n which part of Britain is Lancaster University?

2* What about transport to the University?

3* Does a place on the course include a place to live?

4* Can I cook my own food in college?

5* Why does the University want students from other countries?

6* What kind of courses can I study at the University?

7* What is the cost of living like?

8* Can I live outside the University?

9* Is the University near the sea ?

10* Can I cash a cheque in the University?


Lancaster University – A Flourishing Community


Since being granted its Royal Charter on September 14th 1964, the University of Lancaster has grown into a flourishing academic commu­nity attracting students from many overseas countries. The Universi­ty now offers a wide range of first degree and diploma courses in the humanities, management and organisational sciences, sciences and so­cial sciences. Extensive research activities carried out by 470 aca­demic staff have contributed considerably to the Universitys international reputation in this areas.


The University is situated on an attractive 250-acre parkland site in a beautiful part of North-West England. As one of Britain's modern universities, Lancaster offers its 4,600 full-time students especially designed teaching, research and computer facilities, up- to-date laboratories and a well stocked library. In addition, eight colleges based on the campus offer students 2,500 residential places as well as social amenities. There is also a large sports complex with a heated indoor swimming pool, as well as a theatre, concert hall and art gallery.

C  International Community

Lancaster holds an established place in the international academic co mmunity. Departments have developed links with their counterparts in overseas universities, and many academic staff have taught and studi­ed in different parts of the world.


From the beginning, the University has placed great value on ha­ving students from overseas countries studying and living on the cam pus. They bring considerable cultural and social enrichment to the life of the University. During the academic year 1981/82 460 over­seas undergraduates and postgraduates from 70 countries were studying at Lancaster.

E Accomodation and Cost of Living

Overseas single students who are offered a place at Lancaster and accept by September 15th will be able to obtain a study bedroom in college on campus during the first year of their course. For stu­dents accepting places after that date every effort will be made to find a room in college, for those who want one.



Each group of rooms has a well equipped kitchen for those not wishing to take all meals in University dining rooms. Rooms are heated and nearly all have wash basins.


Living at Lancaster can be significantly cheaper than at uni­versities in larger cities in the United Kingdom. Students do less travelling since teaching, sports, cultural and social facilities as well as shops, banks and a variety of eating facilities are situated on the campus. The University is a lively centre for mu­sic and theatre performed at a professional and amateur level. The Universitys Accomodation Officer helps students preferring to live off campus find suitable accomodation, which is available at reasonable cost within a 10-kilometre radius of the campus.

I  The Surrounding Area

The University campus lies within the boundary of the city of Lancaster with its famous castle overlooking the River Lune, its fifteenth century Priory Church, fine historic buildings, shops, cinemas and theatres. The nearby seaside resort of Morecambe also offers a range of shops and entertainment.


From the University the beautiful tourist areas of the Lake District with its mountains, lakes and valleys, and the Yorkshire Dales are easily reached. The M6 motorway links the city to the ma­jor national road network. Fast electric trains from London (Euston) take approximately three hours to reach Lancaster. Manchester, an hour away by car, is the nearest international airport.


3. Vocabulary

Fill in the gaps with a suitable word or phrase from the table below.


1.  Томский университет был основан в 1878 году.

2. Международный факультет управления предлагает четыре основные специальности: «мировая экономика», «документоведение», «государственное и муниципальное управление», «антикризисное управление».

3. В 2010 году ТГУ получил статус Национального исследовательского университета.

4. Когда Вы решили стать студентом ТГУ?

5. Психологическая служба ТГУ помогает первокурсникам преодолевать психологические проблемы.

6. Какова стоимость проживания в общежитии университета для студентов второго курса в университете Шеффилда?

7. Поступающие в университет не сдают вступительных экзаменов, а отбираются на основе результатов ЕГЭ.

8. Где я могу узнать условия приёма и оплату для абитуриентов в университеты США?

9. Хотя (although) у него высокий средний балл и хорошие рекомендации от преподавателей, на собеседовании он нервничал.



Write a letter to your friend who studies at a university abroad. In the first part of the letter, describe your own impressions from the first university month. In the second part, ask your friend about his/ her studies.





Appendix 3

The University of Oxford

                    (presentation text)

Today I am going to be talking about one of the famous British Universities, Oxford University. The aim of my presentation today is to help you to get more information about the university.

We are going to look at four main areas. First, I will describe the history and the development of Oxford University. Then I will look at the structure of the University. After that you will know about the opportunities for studies. And finally all together we will enjoy some photos of Oxford. The presentation will take around 7 to 9 minutes. I welcome questions if you don’t understand something.


Let’s start by looking at the first section: History and Development.

Nobody knows exactly when Oxford University ‘began’. We know that lectures were given at the beginning of the 12th century. The students, teenagers, settled where they could find places to live. The learned men taught them. They gathered in small communities. When they could find money, they built homes for themselves. The teachers and students lived together, so they continue today. The oldest college buildings, which are still used, are nearly 800 years old.

So, in the first part you have known some facts from the history of Oxford University. Any questions so far?


Now let’s move on to the next part: The Structure. First, let us look at a typical structure of most British and Russian universities. This particular slide shows they have a central administration, various faculties and departments. Professors run the departments; deans rule the faculties and at the top there is Vice Chancellor, equivalent to our Rector.

However, Oxford is quite different. The structure is unique. It has a mediaeval university organization. As you can see from the slide it is a federation of 38 republics or 38 colleges. Now I would like to draw your attention to the following features. These colleges have common policy, common budget, and common values. At the same time they have unique funds, students, and projects.


To recap the organization of OU is unusual, special and specific. It is at the heart of the University’s success. The University and colleges are very democratic institutions. Nobody is boss, but almost everybody helps to run the university as well as their own departments. Is that clear? Are there any questions?

Let’s turn our attention to the third section: Opportunities for study.

Many Russian students would like to study at Oxford University. If you are an undergraduate, the answer is No. Many British students compete for limited places (17,000 people applied in 2010).

If you do post graduate study, you have two big problems. First, you have to persuade the college that you are academically better than many other candidates from all over the world. Secondly, you have to find tuition fees and living expenses, and the university recommends not less than £ 20,000 per year. There are very few scholarships. You should write to the Admissions Information Center of Oxford.

So to summarize, if you want to be a student you should know that your chances of success are small because so many people have the same wish, but surprises do happen. Online and distance learning at Oxford University offer a new way of learning.

And now I invite you to enjoy some pictures of Oxford.


Appendix 4


(памятка студенту)


1. Внимательно прочитайте содержание статьи, переведите незнакомые слова.


2. При повторном чтении отметьте интересные факты, даты, цифры, примеры, сравнения.


3. Наметьте основные разделы вашей презентации.


4. Внимательно поработайте с каждым разделом: отберите самую важную информацию, сократите предложения, измените сложные грамматические конструкции, замените незнакомую лексику на уже известную аудитории.


5. Составьте текст вашей презентации. Вы можете взять за основу текст презентации об Оксфордском университете (см. Appendix 3).


6. Продумайте информацию для слайдов
(ключевые слова и выражения, цифры, даты, фотографии).


7. Потренируйтесь рассказывать, используя слайды как опору.


8. Подумайте, какие вопросы вам могут задать и как ответить на них.


Appendix 5

Needs Analysis Questionnaire for First Year Students

This questionnaire will help your teacher learn about your English and to help you to master the foreign language.

So, please, be free to answer these questions honestly!


Test Your English

          For School Graduates


1. How many people … in China?      

A) are there            B) is there

C) is                       D) is it             


2. That book is … . Those are … over there.   

A) mine, your        B) my, yours

C) mine, yours       D) my, your


3. One of … nuclear accidents … the world occurred at Chernobyl in 1986.

A) worse, in           B) the worst, of

C)   worse, of         D)  the worst, in


4. Are there … letters for me? I never seem to get … .

A) any, some        B) any, any

C) some, some     D) some, any


5. … of students … absent today.

A) A number, is     B) The number, is

C) A number, are D) The number, are


6. Nothing was wrong, …?

A) was it             B) wasn’t anything

C) wasn’t it         D) was anything


7. The teacher … some of the students rewrite their homework.

A) said                B) made

C) said to            D) made to


8.  I have her business card, but strangely I don’t … her at all.

A) recall             B) remind

C) forget              D) memorize


9. It was … tea that I had another cup.

A) such good       B) so a good

C)  such a good    D) so good


10.  No news … good news.

A) are a                B) are

C) is a                 D) is


11. The new film … about.

A) has much spoken

B) many spoke

C) was much spoke

D) is much spoken


12. Jason has only … to blame for the mistake.

A) oneself            B) him

C)  his own               D) himself


13. The ship is leaving … New York soon.

A) for                   B) to

C)  into                      D) in


14. … any of you know the answer to this question?

A) Have               B) Do

C)  Does                    D) Has


15. Let me give you … advice.

A) a few              B) a little

C)  few                D) many


16. I need … two days to finish my report.

A) the other         B) other

C)  others            D) another    


17. At 5:30 yesterday afternoon, I saw Jim … to his car, … the door, and … .

A) walked, opened, got in      B) walk, open, get in

C)  walking, open, get in         D) walk, open, getting in


18. Do you know what …?

A) is time            B) time is it

C)  time               D) the time is


19.  We … at 6 o’clock.

A) waited they come            B) expected them to come

C)  waited them to come      D) expected them come


20.  Ms. Jones, please type those letters before noon.

- They’ve already …, sir. They’re on your desk.

A) typed             B) being typed

C)  been typed         D) been being typed


Appendix 7

Some useful Web-sites


v Education in the UK


Система образования в Великобритании - secondary education.



Общая информация о Великобритании.



Система образования в Великобритании.



v UK Universities

http://www.cam.ac.uk/ University of Cambridge


http://www.uea.ac.uk/ University of East Anglia


http://www.ed.ac.uk/       The University of Edinburgh


http://www.ex.ac.uk/   University of Exeter


http://www.gcal.ac.uk/  Glasgow Caledonian University


http://www.ncl.ac.uk/   Newcastle University


http://www.liv.ac.uk/  University of Liverpool


http://www.lon.ac.uk/  University of London


http://www.man.ac.uk/     The University of Manchester


http://www.ox.ac.uk/   University of Oxford


http://www.qub.ac.uk/     Queen's University Belfast



v Education in the USA


Сайт Государственного департамента США. Содержит исчерпывающую информацию по системе американского образования и практические советы для иностранных студентов, желающих обучаться в США.


Language Link

Хороший сайт для тех, кто хочет учиться в США. Требования при поступлении в американские вузы, рекомендации, изучение языка.



Образование в США.



Большой выбор программ обучения в США для иностранных студентов - языковые курсы, додипломное и последипломное образование, каникулярные программы, подготовка к университету.



Море полезной информации для студентов, желающих продолжить свой образование в США - процесс получения визы, выбор университета или колледжа, стипендии и гранты, трудоустройство для студентов.



Широкий выбор возможностей до- и последипломного образования для иностранных студентов.

v US Universities and Colleges

http://www.columbia.edu/   Columbia University


http://www.stanford.edu/ Stanford University


http://www.nyu.edu/ New York University


http://www.cornell.edu/ Cornell University


http://www.upenn.edu/ University of Pennsylvania


http://web.mit.edu/ Massachusetts Institute of Technology


http://www.princeton.edu/main/ Princeton University


www.harvard.edu/         Harvard University


http://www.yale.edu/ Yale University


http://www.miami.edu/ University of Miami


http://www.uchicago.edu/index.shtml University of Chicago


http://www.bu.edu/ Boston University


http://www.brynmawr.edu/ Bryn Mawr College


http://www.middlebury.edu/ Middlebury College




Let’s surf the Net!



Appendix 8

Британские академические термины



A-levels – квалификация, присваиваемая по окончании среднего образования продвинутого уровня в Великобритании, обычно в возрасте 18 лет. Для поступления в университет обычно требуется сдача «A-levels» по двум или трем предметам.


academic year – учебный год с сентября текущего года по сентябрь следующего. Большинство курсов в Великобритании начинаются в сентябре или октябре.


admissions tutor – член приемной комиссии, например, преподаватель университета, который решает, кто из абитуриентов принят в университет.


assessment – оценка, определение академической способности и успеваемости студента по эссе, результатам экзаменов, интервью и др.


 assignment – задание, любая часть работы, например, эссе, которую студент должен выполнить к определенному сроку и сдать для оценки.


 BA (Bachelor of Arts) – аббревиатура для обозначения степени бакалавра гуманитарных наук.


BSc (Bachelor of Science) - аббревиатура для обозначения степени бакалавра естественных наук.


coursework - работа, выполняемая студентом самостоятельно в личное время, а не на занятиях; обычно учитывается при выставлении оценки за курс или модуль.


DSc (Doctor of Science) – высшая ученая степень, доктор естественных наук.


d issertation - диссертация; объемная письменная работа, влияющая на итоговую оценку за курс.


e nrolment – зачисление, процесс регистрации студента перед началом курса.


g rant – грант, финансовая награда студенту или научному сотруднику для обучения и проведения исследования.


hardship fund – университетский фонд поддержки студентов, испытывающих финансовые трудности.


live in – жить в кампусе, в студенческой резиденции. live out – жить за пределами кампуса.


MA (Master of Arts) - магистр гуманитарных наук; пост-дипломная степень в университетах Великобритании или степень в области гуманитарных наук первой ступени в Шотландии.


open examination – «открытый» экзамен, когда студенту разрешается пользоваться книгами и записями и даже вернуть экзаменационную работу к определенному сроку.

p ass – удовлетворительная оценка за экзамен или курс.


t ranscript – подробный перечень курсов и предметов оценками за время обучения студента в университете.

t hesis – диссертация, содержащая результаты оригинального исследования в поддержку определенной гипотезы; обычно пишется для получения академической степени.


Американские академические термины


a lumnus, a lumnae, a lumni Эти латинские слова относятся к выпускникам колледжей и университетов. Многие американцы поддерживают связи со своими учебными заведениями и после окончания. Они делают материальные пожертвования в пользу ВУЗов и участвуют в их активностях.

сampus – кампус, это вся территория ВУЗа. Учебные, хозяйственные корпуса, общежития, земли, которые принадлежат учебному заведению и образуют campus (кампус).

c ourses, classes and credits -Американцы часто используют словa class (course), но имеют в виду предмет. Если у вас спрашивают “What classes (courses) you are taking this semester?”, имеется в виду список предметов, которые вы собираетесь изучать в этом семестре. “Registering for classes” обозначает выбрать и записаться на предмет, который вы хотите изучать в этом семестре. За каждый пройденный предмет вы получаете некоторые количество кредитов (как правило, 3 или 4). Чтобы получить степень Бакалавра, вам, как правило, нужно иметь 120 кредитов.

c urriculum - курс обучения (школы, института, университета); учебный план; расписание; учебный план (в школе, университете и т.п.).

сredits - кредит, это единица измерения академической успеваемости. Существует несколько систем отличных друг от друга систем кредит-часов.

f aculty - преподавательский состав в университете. Это слово не используется в значении факультет, к которому мы привыкли. Вместо него используется слово department. Например, Department of History – Факультет Истории.

m ajor -  это основная область академических интересов студента.

s cholarsh ip - стипендия (в университетах и некоторых частных школах ), грант, целевая денежная дотация на обучение в Америке.

s emester, t rimester, q uarter, t erm - Колледжи и университеты делят академический год по-разному. Наиболее распространено деление на семестры (осенний и весенний). ВУЗы, использующие систему триместров, добавляют зимний триместр. В случае четвертей, добавляется летняя четверть. Большинство ВУЗов, использующих системы семестров или триместров, также имеют летний учебный сезон, в течение которого можно учиться и получать кредиты.

t ransfer - Многие американские студенты начинают учиться в одном ВУЗе, а заканчивают другой. Термин transfer обозначает перевод из одного ВУЗа в другой.

t ranscripts - это сертифицированная копия официальных академических выписок, содержащих информацию по пройденным предметам, количеством часов и полученным оценкам.

tuition and fee – плата за обучение.

f ees – оплата за услуги, использование оборудования и пр.

fraternity – мужское студенческое сообщество в высших учебных заведениях США, «братство». Членство в этих организациях подразумевает активную его членов по академическим и общественным направлениям. Некоторые группы также проводят так называемые «собрания», в первую очередь в целях материальной помощи студентам на пропитание и проживание.


f reshman - студент-первокурсник.



sophomore - студент второкурсник.

sorority – женское студенческое сообщество в высших учебных заведениях США, «сестринство»; женский аналог fraternity .

senior - студент последнего курса.

junior - студент предпоследнего курса




Appendix 9

Word List

academy [ə'kædəmɪ]                                                           

admission requirements [əd'mɪʃ(ə)n] [rɪ'kwaɪəmənts]

alumnae [ə'lʌmniː] (ед. ч. alumna) [ə'lʌmnə]

alumni [ə'lʌmnaɪ] (ед. ч. alumnus) [ə'lʌmnəs]

applicant ['æplɪk(ə)nt]

to apply for  [ə'plaɪ]

to arrive from [ə'raɪv]

To arrive at/ in

audience ['ɔːdɪən(t)s]


biology [baɪ'ɔləʤɪ]

to boast of [bəust]


chair [ʧɛə]

chemistry ['kemɪstrɪ]

classmate ['klɑːsmeɪt]

common ['kɔmən]

communication skills [kəˌmjuːnɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]

community [kə'mjuːnətɪ]

to cooperate with  [kəu'ɔp(ə)reɪt]

correspondence course [ˌkɔrɪ'spɔndən(t)s]

course paper [kɔːs]

to cover expenses  ['kʌvə] [ɪk'spen(t)sɪz]

curriculum [kə'rɪkjələm]


dean [diːn]

Dean’s office

degree [dɪ'griː]

discipline = subject

to discover [dɪ'skʌvə]

To do a post graduate-study

to donate [dəu'neɪt]

donation [dəu'neɪʃ(ə)n]


eminent['emɪnənt] = renowned [rɪ'naund]

to enter TSU ['entə]

entrance examination ['entrən(t)s] 

essay  ['eseɪ]


faculty  ['fæk(ə)ltɪ]

to fail an exam [feɪl]

To be famous for

Field of study

to file / submit an application form [faɪl] [səb'mɪt]

to fill in an application form [fɪl]

finals [ˈfaınǝlz]

financial aid [eɪd] = money assistance [ə'sɪst(ə)n(t)s]

to found [faund] = to establish [ɪs'tæblɪʃ]

to be founded [fa͟ʊndɪd]

full-fledged member [ˌful'fleʤd]

fund  [fʌnd]


to graduate from TSU  ['grædjueɪt ], ['græʤueɪt]

graduate ['grædjuɪt ], ['græʤuət]

grant [grɑːnt]


hall of residence (BrE)  ['rezɪd(ə)n(t)s] =

= dormitory (AmE) ['dɔːmɪt(ə)rɪ]


To keep traditions

leadership qualities ['liːdəʃɪp] ['kwɔlətɪz]

lecture   ['lekʧə]     

lecturer ['lekʧ(ə)rə]

Library card


 to maintain high standards [meɪn'teɪn]

major ['meɪʤə]

to manage ['mænɪʤ]

mathematics  [ˌmæθ(ə)'mætɪks]                                                                                                                       

mediaeval [medɪ'iːv(ə)l]

medicine ['meds(ə)n ], ['medɪsɪn]                               

merchant ['mɜːʧ(ə)nt]

nanotechnology [ˌnanəˌtek'näləjē; ˌnanō-]

newcomer ['njuːˌkʌmə]


to offer  ['ɔfə]

optional ['ɔpʃ(ə)n(ə)l]

to overcome [ˌəuvə'kʌm] = to cope with [kəup]


to pass an exam  [pɑːs]

to persuade smb. [pə'sweɪd]

philosophy [fɪ'lɔsəfɪ]

physicist ['fɪzɪsɪst]

physics ['fɪzɪks]                      

post-graduate [ˌpəust'græʤuət]

private ['praɪvɪt]

to process one’s application  ['prəuses]

to proof of one’s financial ability [pruːf]


questionnaire  [ˌkwesʧə'nɛə]


reference ['ref(ə)r(ə)n(t)s]

refundable [rɪ'fʌndəbl]

to render ['rendə] = to provide [prə'vaɪd]

to require official record [rɪ'kwaɪə] ['rekɔːd]

roommate ['ruːmmeɪt]

Russian Academy of Sciences

scholarship ['skɔləʃɪp]

science ['saɪən(t)s]

scientific [ˌsaɪən'tɪfɪk]                      

score [skɔː]

Stress management

Student's ID card

student's record book ['rekɔːd]

Students’ Union ['juːnjən]

to supervise ['suːpəvaɪz]

technology [tek'nɔləʤɪ]

to train [treɪn]

tuition fee [tju'ɪʃ(ə)nfiː]

tutor ['tjuːtə]


undergraduate [ˌʌndə'grædjuət]


vice – dean ['vaɪs 'diːn]

Waiting list

well - known [ˌwel'nəun]

zoologist  [zuː'ɔləʤɪst]

Proper names:


Tomsk State University

Chair of Foreign Languages

Chair of Economics

Chair of Social Sciences

Chair of System Analysis

The Scientific Library

The Psychological Service

The Law Clinics



 - World Economics

 - State and Municipal Administration

 - Crisis Management

 - Documentation Management

 - Business Informatics


Appendix 10

Sample of Application Form

Bibliography and references


1. Агранович Б.Л., Англо- русский терминологический словарь по образованию./ Б.Л.Агранович , И.Д. Блат, Л.Е. Лычковская , А.И. Прокашев , Ф. П. Тарасенко. - Томск : Изд-во Том. ун-та, 1994.- 82 с.


2. Аноп А.Ф. Томский государственный Университет. Методические указания./ А.Ф. Аноп.– Томск : Изд-во Том. ун-та, 2000.- 12 с.


3. Тузлукова В.И., Высшее образование в США./ В.И. Тузлукова, А.А. Андриенко, М.А. Сухомлинова, [и др.]. – М. : АСТ : Астрель, 2007.- 63 с.


4. Хюитт К. Федеративная республика Оксфорд/ К. Хьюитт// Европа. – 1994. – март-апрель. – С. 16-19.


5. Evans V., Upstream Upper-Intermediate Student’s Book./ Virginia Evans, B. Obee// Express Publishing, 2003. – P. 264


6. If you want to study in the United States. USA: United Sates Information Agency. – 2008. – P. 152


7. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use: A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students: With answers\ Raymond Murphy. – Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001. – P. 350


Useful Websites


· http://admissions.psu.edu/info/future/international/

 Pennsylvania State University


· http// www.tsu.ru  Tomsk State University


· http//ich.tsu.ru

International Department of Business Administration, TSU


· http//lib.tsu.ru  Scientific Library of TSU


· http//actr.nsk.ru

EducationUSA, Novosibirsk Office


Томский Государственный Университет

Международный факультет управления


Discovering University Communities

(Tomsk State University,


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