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Supreme Court
President / Vice-President



House of representatives




I. Read and translate the text.



    The United States has large reserves of all the more widely used minerals except tin. These minerals include coal, petroleum, nuclear fuels, natural gas, iron, copper, bauxite, lead, zinc, stone, and many others. The country produces enough of some minerals to supply all its own needs and to ship to other countries as well. The country lacks a sufficient supply of some of the minerals required for modern industries.These must be shipped into the United States. They include tin,nickel, manganese, chrome, cobalt, industrial diamonds.

    Most of the petroleum and natural gas deposits are located in the sedimentary basins on the flanks of the Cordillera, in California on the western side,on the High Plains; the principal coalfields are in the eastern United States, the main producing areas being in the Appalachian Plateau region. Hydroelectric power has been developed on the Tennessee River, on rivers such as the Columbia, Sacramento, and Colorado,at Niagara Falls, on the River St.Lawrence. Uranium is produced in Colorado and several other Mountain States, and thorium in southern California and South Carolina.

    The principal seat of iron deposits in the United States is the "ranges" located in the ancient rocks of the Canadian Shield close to Lake Superior and Lake Michigan.

    The main supplies of the other metallic minerals are drawn either from the Mountain States or from the Ozarks. The outstanding contributors are Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and Idaho, but all the western states except Oregon are of importance.

    Non-metallic minerals are especially important in the Gulf States, which yield not only petroleum and natural gas, but also sulphur, salt and helium. Tennessee and Florida account for most of the phosphates,New Mexico and California for the bulk of the potash. Both these minerals are important sources of agriculture fertilizer.



    In agricultural resources the United States has throughout most of the Middle Atlantic, outhern, and Midwestern states an abundant supply of fertile soil, adequate rainfall, and a growing season long enough for the production of most major crops. A considerable increase in farm output was achieved by the use of farm machinery and scientific farming methods.Other factors in the increased production include improved fertilizers, diseaseresistant varieties of plants, better methods of crop rotation,and scientific breeding and feeding of livestock.

    Farmers raise crops on about a sixth of the land of the United States.They use almost half of the land for pasture and grazing. Crops and farming methods have been adapted to the different climates and soil in various parts of the country.

    The most important crop in the US is corn. Other crops in the approximate order of their value include cotton,hay,wheat, tobacco, and oats.



    Manufacturing industry is the largest sector in the country's economy.

    The range of manufacturing activity throughout the country is immense.It includes the manufacture of transportation equipment, highlighted by the automobile industry of the Detroitconurbation, but also that of aircraft, ships and railway ordnance;a varied metal-working industry which includes such products as farm, mining, and household machinery as well as ma-chine tools,strongly represented in the East North Central and New England sectors; the electrical industry concerned with a wide range of products, prominent in all the highly industrialized areas. The chemical industry, the textile industry with factories sprinkled all over the South so far as cotton is concerned, but including, both here and elsewhere, woolen, rayon and synthetic fibres;the clothing industry; the pulp and paper industry, now concentrated in the South but present also innorth-eastern and north-central areas; and a vast range of others, such as printing and publishing, rubber and leather, pottery and glass, furniture and wood working, instruments and related products. Not least in all of these is the manufacture of foodstuffs.

    The bulk of the manufacturing activity was concentrated in the Middle Atlantic States and the eastern North Central States, where it had been for over one hundred years. In recent years, however, there has been a gradual shift toward other areas of the country and the pinch of competition from the South,South-West, and Far West.


The distribution of industries

    The Middle Atlantic Region stretches along the Atlantic coast from New York to Baltimore. As a "funnel" for many of the United States' imports and exports,this well-established area attracts a major share of the nation's processing,with a full range of industries from the heaviest to the lightest.

    The Northern Appalachians.In the valleys round Scranton and Wilkes-Barre there is a small industrial area, located on the Pensylvania anthracite field. Suffering today from problems of accessibility and from the decline in anthracite production, this old industrial area faces an unpromising future.

    Southern New England. In the three states of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut, where manufacturing is wide-spread, lies the country's oldest industrial area. Textile and leather goods industries are developed there.Boston is the largest manufacturing centre and the commercial hub of this region.

    The Mohawl Valley, a linear industrial belt stretching from Albany to Rochester, N.Y. A number of manufacturing towns has grown up there, each with its own specialities.

    The Industrial Eastern Interior. Throughout a wide region that includes the Ohio Valleys,the eastern Corn Belt and south-western Ontario, industry has everywhere penetrated into what is still basically an agricultural section and has created such large industrial centres as Toronto and Cincinnati,while industry's original business in this area was the supply of farm requirements and the processing of farm products.

    The Pittsburgh-Lake Erie Region, stretching along the coal and iron routes of the Great Lakes and Appalachian area from Toledo to Buffalo,and southward into Ohio and western Pennsyl-

vania. This is the core area of American heavy industry.

    The Chicago-Lake Michigan Region. This has many of the characteristics of the Lake Erie steel area. but it also fulfils the supply and processing functions typical of the Eastern Interior as a whole.In both roles Chicago dominates the Interior, with more than 5 per cent of United States industrial employment.

    Michigan. The state's manufacturing is dominated by the automobile industry.Nearly 30 per cent of Michigan's industrial workers are associated directly with it,and in Detroit this figure rises to over 30 per cent. Branches of the industry are to be found scattered widely throughout the state.

    The Cities of the Western Interior,among which the most important are Winnipeg, Minneapolis-St.Paul, Kansas City and St. Louis. These cities and scores of lesser centres, perform in nearly every case the same double function. They serve as regional supply points, and they participate in the Mid-West's basic industries - meat packing,flour milling,and the production of agricultural machinery.

    The South-Eastern Region,a wide horseshoe round the southern end of the Appalachians. It has been the scene of much recent development, powered by hydro-electricity and Southern petro-leum,and specializations in cotton textiles,tobacco,chemicals and plastics.

    The Texas and Gulf Coast Region. This industrial area is of recent growth,and its resources and facilities have already attracted a wide variety of plants to the coast and to the island oilfield regions.

     The Pacific Coast. As another new industrial area,the Coast has developed a wide range of products for both local and national markets. Three types of industries are developed there: food processing, lumber manufacturing,and transport equipment.


II. Find in the text English equivalents for these word-combinations:

   Большие запасы полезных ископаемых, удовлетворить свои нужды, важные источники, основные сельскохозяйственные культуры, был достигнут благодаря использованию, ценность, брабатывающая промышленность, месторождения природного газа, огромный запас, испытывать недостаток, значительное увеличение сельскохозяйственной продукции, разведение домашнего скота, разбросанные по всему югу, производство продуктов питания, чувствовать тиски конкуренции,страдать от снижения производства, производство сельскохозяйственных продуктов.


III. Say what is the Russian for the following words and phrases. Use the text.

    On the flanks of the Cordillera, the principal seat of iron deposits, Florida accounts for most of the phosphates, important sources of agricultural fertilizer,a considrable increase in farm output,better methods of crop rotation, fertile soil, to adapt to different climates, synthetic fibres, a gradual shift toward other areas, commercial hub of this region, created large industrial area, local and national market.


IV. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given below the sentences.

   1. The country produces enough of some minerals ... all of its needs.

2. Most of the petroleum deposits ... in California.

3. Tennessee and Florida ... most of the phosphates.

4. A considerable increase in farm ... was achieved by the the use of farm machinery and 

   scientific farming methods.

5. They use almost half of the land for ... .

6. The most important ... in the US is corn.

7. In recent years there has been ... toward other areas of the country.

8. These minerals are important ... of agricultural fertilizer.

9. This old industrial area ... an important future.

10. In the three states of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut, where manufacturing is ...

    lies the country's oldest industrial area.

11. Boston is the commercial ... of this region.

12. Industry's original business in this area was the processing of ... .

13. The state's manufacturing ... by the automobile industry.

14. They serve as regional supply points, and they ... in the Mid-West's basic industries.

15. The Coast has developed a wide range of products for ...

16. ... of the industry are to be found scattered widely throughout the state.

17. In both roles Chicago dominates the Interior, with more than ... of the United States industrial

   employment. A large shift, to participate, output, to supply, 5 percent, hub, to be located, local 

   and national markets, to face, farm products, branches, crop, to account for, sources, to be

   dominated, pasture and grazing, widespread.


V. Insert prepositions where necessary.Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. The United States has large reserves ... all the more widely used minerals except tin.

2. The country produces enough of some minerals to ship ... to other countries.

3. Most of the petroleum and natural gas are located ... the sedimentary basins ... the flanks of the


4. Hydro-electric power has been developed ... the Tennessee River.

5. The main supplies of the other metallic minerals are drawn either ... the Mountain States or ...

   the Ozarks.

6. Tennessee and Florida account ... most of the phosphates.

7. A considerable increase in farm output was achieved ...the use of farm machinery.

8. Other crops ... the approximate order ... their value include cotton, hay, wheat, tobacco and 


9. The electrical industry concerned ... a wide range ... products.

10. In recent years there has been gradual shift ... toward other areas ... the country.

11. The Middle Atlantic Region stretches ... the Atlantic Ocean.

12. This old industrial areas faces ... an unpromising future.

13. Throughout a wide region that includes ... the Ohio Valleys and the eastern Corn Belt, industry 

   has everywhere penetrated ... what is still basically an agricultural section.

14. This has many ... the characteristics ... the Lake Erie steel area.

15. The state's manufacturing is dominated ... the automobile industry.

16. The country lacks a sufficient supply of some of the mirals required ... modern industries.


VI. Complete the sentences using the text.

1. The United States has large reserves ...

2. The country lacks a sufficient supply ...

3. Uranium is produced in Colorado and several other Mountain States, ...

4. The main supplies of the other metallic minerals ...

5. Both these minerals are important sources ...

6. A considerable increase in farm output was achieved ...

7. Crops and farming methods have been adapted ...

8. Other crops in the approximate order of their value include ...

9. The range of manufacturing activity ...

10. The bulk of manufacturing activity was concentrated ...

11. As a "funnel" for many of the United States' imports and exports, ...

12. Suffering today from problems of accessibility and from the decline in anthracite 

    production, ...

13. Boston is the largest manufacturing centre ...

14. There is a number of manufacturing towns have grown up,...

15. Nearly 30 per cent of Michigan's industrial workers are associated directly with it, ...

16. These cities and scores of lesser centres, ...

17. This industrial area is of recent growth, and its resources and facilities ...

18. Three types of industries are developed there ...


VII. Answer the following questions.

1. Does the United States have large reserves of all minerals?   

2. What does the United States do with surplus of minerals?

3. What minerals required for modern industries does the United States lack?

4. Where are most of the petroleum and natural gas deposits located?

5. What minerals is produced in Colorado?

6. What is the region located close to Lake Superior and Lake Michigan famous for?

7. Do the Gulf States or the Mountain States yield salt, helium and sulphur?

8. What states account for the bulk of the potash?

9. What minerals are important sources of agricultural fertilizer?

10. What states have an abundant supply of fertile soil?

11. Was a considerable increase in farm output achieved by the use of farm machinery or by the

    use of scientific farming methods?

12. What other methods helped to increase farm output?

13. Almost half of the land is used for pasture and grazing, isnt't it?

14. What is the most important crop in the US?

15. The range of manufacturing activity throughout the country is immense, isn't it?

16. Where is the pulp and paper industry concentrated?

17. Why have the older industrial areas begun to feel the pinch of competition and from what


18. Where does the Middle Atlantic Region stretch?

19. What industry is wide-spread in Southern New England? What other industries are developed


20. What is the centre of American heavy industry?

21. In what area is the automobile industry developed?

22. What cities are the most important in the Western Interior?

23. What industries are developed in the Mid-West?

24. What cities serve as regional supply points?

25. What industrial area has developed a wide range of products for both local and national 



VIII. Say what you have learnt about:

1. deposits of minerals located on the territory of the USA;

2. agriculture of the US;

3. manufacturing industry;

4. Southern New England area;

5. the core area of American heavy industry;

6. automobile industry;

7. Pacific Coast area.







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