Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии


УДК 811.111 (075.8)

ББК Ш 143.21 - 923

Б- 891

Е.Г. Брунова, И.Д. Латфуллина, Е.Ю. Шутова. The World Around Us. Учебно-методическое пособие по разговорной практике для студентов 1-го и 2-го курсов естественнонаучных образовательных программ. Тюмень: Издательство Тюменского государственного университета, 2013, 71 с.

Пособие предназначено для студентов 1-го и 2-го курсов бакалавриата и специалитета, изучающих английский язык. Пособие состоит из четырех разделов: “Our Institute”, “Our University”, “My Home Town” “Our Country”. Каждый раздел включает активную лексику с переводом, текст для чтения, задания на понимание текста и усвоение лексических единиц и задания на развитие навыков устной речи.

Рекомендовано к печати кафедрой иностранных языков и МПК естественнонаучных направлений.

    Рекомендовано к печати Учебно-методической комиссией ИМЕНИТ. Утверждено Учебно-методической секцией Ученого совета Тюменского государственного университета.

ОТВЕТСТВЕННЫЙ РЕДАКТОР: Е.Г. Брунова доктор филол. наук, профессор кафедры иностранных языков и МПК естественнонаучных направлений ТюмГУ

Рецензенты: Л.В. Скороходова, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков и МПК естественнонаучных направлений ТюмГУ

Л.В. Шилова, доцент, завкафедрой иностранных языков и МПК гуманитарных направлений ТюмГУ

ã Тюменский государственный университет, 2013

ã Издательство Тюменского государственного университета, 2013

ã Е.Г. Брунова, И.Д. Латфуллина, Е.Ю. Шутова, 2013

Пояснительная записка

Учебно-методическое пособие предназначается для студентов первого и второго курсов бакалавриата и специалитета естественнонаучных образовательных программ. Пособие рекомендуется для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы при изучении дисциплины: «Иностранный язык (английский)».

Основная цель пособия – развитие навыков межкультурной коммуникации на основе компетентностного подхода. В частности, данное пособие направлено на развитие компетенций, связанных с толерантностью, бережным отношением к своей культуре и другим культурам.

Аспект изучения иностранных языков, связанный с культурой и традициями различных стран, охватывает две области. Первая, страноведение, связана с культурой и традициями стран изучаемого языка. Вторая, краеведение, предполагает умение рассказать на иностранном языке о себе и своем окружении – о своем вузе, своем городе и своей стране. Именно краеведению посвящено данное пособие.

Практика межкультурной коммуникации показывает, что иностранным собеседникам интересно услышать от наших студентов о том, в каком университете они учатся, в каком городе живут и где он находится, узнать рецепты национальных блюд и национальные традиции. Поэтому основные тексты первых трех уроков построены в виде писем другу, в которых описывается Институт математики, естественных наук и информационных технологий, Тюменский государственный университет и город Тюмень, а в четвертом уроке студентам предлагается самим написать такое письмо.

Каждый из четырех уроков пособия включает активную лексику с переводом, текст для чтения, задания на понимание текста и усвоение лексических единиц и задания на развитие навыков устной речи. Большинство заданий пособия предназначены для проведения занятий в активной и интерактивной форме, в том числе – в форме ролевых игр и проектов.




UNIT 1 OUR INSTITUTE…………………………… 6
UNIT 2 OUR UNIVERSITY…………………………. 23
UNIT 3 MY HOME TOWN…………………………… 43
UNIT 4 OUR COUNTRY……………………………. 57
BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………….. 70


UNIT 1                  OUR INSTITUTE


1. acquire (V) – приобретать (знания и т.п.)

2. associate professor – доцент

3. attend (V) – посещать; attendance (N) – посещаемость

4. bachelor (N) – бакалавр

5. course project – курсовая работа

6. curriculum (N), pl. curricula – учебный план

7. degree (N) – степень; degree program – направление подготовки

8. department (N) –кафедра

9. do one’s best – делать все возможное

10. etc. (et cetera) – и так далее

11. field (of Mathematics, etc.) (N) – область (математики и т.д.)

12. graduate from (V) – заканчивать (об университете и т.п.); graduate (N) – выпускник; graduate paper – выпускная квалификационная работа; graduate student – студент магистратуры

13. investigate (V) – исследовать

14. master (N) – магистр

15. postgraduate courses – аспирантура; postgraduate student – аспирант

16. research (N, V) – исследование, исследовать

17. responsible (А) – ответственный

18. science (N) – наука, естественные науки

19. skill (N) – навык

20. specialized course – спецкурс

21. students’ progress – успеваемость

22. teaching staff – преподавательский состав

23. undergraduate student – студент бакалавриата или специалитета


1.1 Say a few words about your studies:

a) where you study; b) what subjects you study; c) how many classes you have every day; d) how long your classes last.


1.2 Read the following words and word-combinations correctly:

The teaching staff, etc. (et cetera), specialized courses, to acquire, specialists, bachelor degree, master degree, candidate degree, dissertation, science, scientific, research, well-equipped, investigation, a graduate, to graduate, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Ecology, Geography, Environmental Management, Tourism.


1.3 Skim Letter 1 through and find out which paragraph contains the information below.

a) degrees     b) teaching staff     c) location of the Institute

Letter 1. I AM A STUDENT!

Hi, Susy,

1) I am happy to tell you that now I am an undergraduate student of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science. My degree program is Computer Security. The building of our Institute is situated in the centre of Tyumen, at the corner of Lenina and Perekopskaya Streets. There are 7 departments there, such as Mathematical Analyses and Theory of Functions, Software, Mathematical Modeling, Informational Security, Algebra and Mathematical Logics, Informational Systems, Mathematics and Computer Science.

2) Every student has an opportunity to work in up-to-date lecture rooms where different scientific problems are under investigation. Here students can acquire skills, which help them to find a good job. There are also many multimedia and computer laboratories connected to the Internet. The main building offers students and teachers free WiFi connection.

3) As for the teaching staff of the Institute, it consists of professors, associate professors and well-qualified lecturers. No doubt, they are competent in their subjects, friendly, and well-organized.

4) All students of the Institute are divided into groups. The heads of the groups are responsible for the attendance of classes and for the students’ progress. Our classes usually start at 8 o’clock in the morning and last till 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Each lecture or seminar lasts an hour and a half.

5) Undergraduate students are lectured in various subjects. During the first two years, they attend lectures on main fields of their science, history, philosophy, foreign languages, etc. According to the curriculum they learn English to be able to read European and American journals and scientific books. In the third year narrow specialization begins. Students take specialized courses and additional practical and research work in the field they have chosen.

6) As for our university, lectures are given to large groups of students (from 20 to 200). Seminars and tutorials are usually arranged for smaller groups. In addition to attending lectures and seminars, students should choose a problem to investigate. They do their best to acquire as much knowledge as possible. After completing four or five years of study, students write a graduate paper for a university degree (Bachelor or Specialist degree). Very often graduates of the Institute continue their studies for two more years and write dissertations for an advanced degree (Master degree).

7) Those who are interested in science may take postgraduate courses and to work over the dissertation for receiving a Сandidate degree (the equivalent to PhD. in Europe or the USA).

    8) Graduates of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, are able to work at banks, schools, research institutes and other large private and government organizations as specialists of high level.

I hope to find a good job, too.

Kind regards,



● Read Letter 1 and say whether the information is familiar to you. What new information have you got?

1.4 Read and translate the names of the institutes and educational programs:

the Institute of Biology Biology, Landscape Architecture, Bioinformatics and Bioengineering
the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science Mathematics, Software and Administration of Information Systems, Applied Computer Science in Economics, Computer Security, Information Security, Information Systems and Technologies, Information Security of Automated Systems, Mathematics and Computer Science, Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling, Nanotechnology and System Technologies
the Institute of Earth Sciences Geography, Ecology, Environmental Management Service, Tourism, Hydrometeorology, Cartography and Geoinformatics
the Institute of Physics and Chemistry Physics, Radiophysics, Technical Physics, Nanotechnologies and System Engineering Chemistry


1.5 Match the subjects the students are taught at the University with the institutes:


1. academic (A) – университетский; academic institute – учебный институт; academic school – академическая гимназия; academic staff – профессорско-преподавательский состав; academic year – учебный год

2. advanced (A) – передовой, продвинутый

3. annual (A) – ежегодный

4. attention (N) – внимание

5. associate professor – доцент

6. branch (N) – филиал

7. campus (N) – кампус, территория университета

8. considerable (A) – значительный

9. do practical work – проходить практику

10. employ (V) – нанимать на работу; employability (N) – занятость

11. enroll (V) – зачислять (в университет и т.п.)

12. establish (V) – учреждать, основывать

13. exhibit (V) – выставлять; демонстрировать

14. experience (N) – опыт

15. facilities (N, Pl.) – удобства, средства обслуживания, условия

16. field practice –полевая практика

17. focus (V) – сосредоточивать (внимание и т.п.)

18. gain (V) – получить (знания и т.п.)

19. have at one’s disposal – иметь в своем распоряжении

20. hostel (N) – общежитие

21. improve (V) – улучшать

22. institution (N) – учреждение (don’t mix with institute – институт); higher educational institution – высшее учебное заведение

23. lecturer (N) – преподаватель; senior lecturer – старший преподаватель

24. leisure (N) – досуг

25. range (N) – диапазон

26. participate (V) – участвовать

27. prominent (A) – известный, выдающийся

28. publishing house – издательство

29. refresher courses – курсы повышения квалификации

30. representative centre – представительство

31. significant (A) – важный, значимый

32. suburb (N) – пригород, окраина

33. undergo (V), underwent, undergone – претерпеть (изменения и т.п.)

34. variety (N) – разнообразие

35. volume (N) – том


2.1 Answer the following questions:

1 What do you know about Tyumen State University?

2 Why did you decide to study at Tyumen State University?

4 Do you remember your first day at the University? What were your impressions?


2.2 What does a “university” mean? Study the factfile:

The word “university” comes from the Latin word “universitas” meaning “the whole”. Later, in Latin legal language “universitas” meant “a society, guild or corporation”. Thus, in mediaeval academic use the word meant an association of teachers and scholars. The modern definition of a university is “an institution that teaches and examines students in many branches of advanced learning, awarding degrees and providing facilities for academic research”.

2.3 Read the following words. Mind reading rules:

Establishment, considerable, decision, branch, opportunity, access, spacious, cataloged, unique, theoretical knowledge, experience, through, library, scientific, technology, leisure, facilities, museum, suburbs, technology, Kazakhstan, the Caucasus, archaeology, ethnography environmental, purification, modernization, institution, European, company, industry, undergraduate, globalized, resources, employability.

2.4 Skim Letter 2 through and find out which paragraph contains the information below.

a) leisure facilities _____
b) the academic year _____
c) the University structure _____
d) the international contacts of the University _____
e) the history of the University development   _____

A                                  B

1 institution a) grounds of a university or college
2 considerable b) listed in a catalogue
3 career с ) ready to be used
4 government decision d) division, department
5 powerful e) fairly great in amount or importance
6 spacious f) being the only one of its kind
7 campus g) a large important organization that has a particular purpose, e.g. university
8 electronically cataloged h) providing much space, roomy
9 unique i) residential area outside the central part of a town
10 available j) way of making one’s living, profession
11 suburbs k) take part in something
12 branch l) judgment, resolution, decree
13 to participate m) having great power or influence
14 undergraduate n) someone who has completed a university degree, especially a first degree
15 postgraduate o) someone who is studying at a university t o get a Master’s Degree
16 graduate p) the information, skills, and understanding that you have gained through learning or experience
17 prospective q) a student at college or university, who is working for their first degree
18 diploma r) the process of teaching and learning, usually at school, college, or university
19 education s) someone who is likely to do a particular thing or achieve a particular position
20 knowledge t) a document showing that someone has successfully completed a course of study or passed an examination

2.8 Give the English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations:

Подвергаться значительным изменениям, решение правительства, сеть филиалов, студенты бакалавриата (специалитета) и магистратуры, аспиранты, курсы повышения квалификации, получить теоретические знания и практический опыт, коллекция редких книг, проводить большую научно-исследовательскую работу, проводить конференции, совершенствовать знания, получить диплом ТюмГУ, иметь возможность, предоставлять широкий диапазон возможностей, получить знания, иметь в своем распоряжении, высшее учебное заведение, принимать участие в, написать курсовой проект.

2.9 Match the names of the Institutes in A with their Russian equivalents in B:

A                                                 B

Academic Institutes У чебные институты
1 The Institute of State and Law a ) Институт филологии и журналистики
2 The Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science b ) Институт психологии и педагогики
3 The Institute of Philology and Journalism c) Институт физической культуры
4 The Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy d ) Институт математики и компьютерных наук
5 The Institute of Physical Training e) Институт биологии
6 The Institute of Biology   f ) Институт физики и химии
7 The Institute for Professional Education g ) Финансово-экономический институт
8 The Institute of Distance Learning h ) Институт дополнительного профессионального образования
9 The Institute of Earth Sciences i ) Институт государства и права
10 Financial and Economic Institute j ) Институт наук о Земле
11 The Institute of History and Political Sciences k ) Институт дистанционного образования
12 The Institute of Physics and Chemistry l ) Институт истории и политических наук


2.10 Study the information. What have you already experienced?

    If you want to go (enter) university, you must first pass examinations. Students usually take examinations in three or four subjects, and they must do well to get a place at university.

Entrant is a person who joins a university.

If you get a place, you don’t have to pay tuition fees (money for teaching). Your education is free of charge. Some students have to pay their tuition fees, but some students need a loan (money you borrow from a bank) to cover the cost of (pay for) university life. Students at university are called undergraduates.

    When people study one subject in great detail (often to find new information), we say they are doing research.

    Scholarship is grant of money towards education.

    Grant is money given for a particular purpose, especially from public funds.

    A university teacher gives a lecture on (geography, etc.) and the students take notes.

    Students can do an (English, etc.) course in many colleges and universities. At the end of a course, you often have to take / do an exam. You hope to pass your exams. You don’t want to fail your exams.

If you pass your final exams at university, you get a degree.

A graduate is a person who holds a university degree.

Most university courses last (=continue for) four years, some courses last five years. During this period students can say they are doing a degree, and when they finish and pass their exams, they can say they have a degree. This can be a BA (= bachelor of arts) or a BSc (=bachelor of science).

    When you complete your first degree, you are a graduate. Some students then go on (=continue) to do a second course or degree, called a postgraduate course/degree (or postgrad course ). These students are then postgraduates and they often study for: an MA (Master of Arts), e.g. I’m doing a Masters in English or an MSc (Master of Science), e.g. She did a Masters in Biology or a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy), e.g. He’s got a PhD in computer science.


■ What do we call:

1 the name we give students during this period at university?

2 the money some students receive if they get a place at university?

3 the study of the subject in great depth and detail, often to get new information?

4 the talks / lessons that students go to while they are at university?

5 a university official who heads an university/institute?


2.11 Replace the underlined verbs with less formal verbs that have the same meaning in the context:

1 It is very difficult to obtain a place at university.

2 You have to pass exams before you can enter university.

3 He is studying physics, I think.

4 Did she receive a grant for her course?

5 The course continues for five years.


2.12 Fill in the gaps with a suitable word:

1 My brother is 20. He is still …… university in York.

2 She has got a degree …… chemistry.

3 He’s …… research …… various types of world climate.

4 Who is the head in your ……?

5 Is …… free if you go to university?

6 She’s already got a BA. She’s doing a …… degree now.

7 Students at university are called …… while they are studying for their first degree.

8 I’ve got a …… in English from Oxford University.

9 If you pass your graduate course you may want to go on to a …… course.

10 University teachers are usually called …….


2.13 Match the beginning of each sentence in A with its ending in B.

              A                                                          B

1 Tyumen State University is one of the a) to gain theoretical knowledge and practical experience during their studies.
2 It was given the university status b) to gain theoretical knowledge and practical experience during their studies.
3 The University provides c) oldest higher educational establishments in Western Siberia.
4 The library is proud of its d) in January the1st, in 1973 according to the government’s decision.
5 The students have the opportunity e) in government agencies and controlling bodies at all levels.
6 Tyumen State University allows students f) several branches and representative centres in the Tyumen Region and Kazakhstan, as well as field practice centres on the Black Sea coast in the Caucasus and in the surroundings of Baikal.
7 Within the University there are g) unique collection of rare books from the 19th and early 20th centuries.
8 The University has extended its borders and it has h) participating in a wide variety of sports, organizing many different students’ celebrations and performances at Tyumen State University.
9 University courses give students a chance i) different international projects of the European Union.
10 The development of international contacts allows students to j) improve their education abroad and participate in international projects.
11 The University takes part in k) excellent opportunities for education in а wide range of educational programs.
12 There is a wide range of opportunities for l) to work in up-to-date computer classes, spacious lecture halls and classrooms.
13 Graduates of the University work m) seven institutes, an Academic college, which serves students who are completing their secondary education, post graduate courses, the Internet Educational Centre, Language Teaching Centres.


2.14 Translate the following sentences into English:

1 ТюмГУ – это крупный образовательный центр в области.

2 Обучение в университете дает студентам возможность приобрести теоретические знания и практический опыт.

3 Университетская библиотека гордится уникальной коллекцией редких книг.

4 Университет проводит большую научно-исследовательскую работу.

5 Студенты могут представить свои собственные исследования на ежегодной студенческой научной конференции.

6 Каждый год университет проводит конференции международного, областного и российского уровня.

7 Студенты пишут курсовые проекты и принимают участие в исследовательских экспедициях.

8 Международные соглашения дают студентам возможность улучшить свои знания за рубежом.

9  Студенты принимают участие в международных проектах.

10 Профессиональные знания и творческий организационный опыт, полученные в университете, позволяют студентам успешно достигать своих целей.

11 ТюмГУ – это первый шаг в карьере многих людей.


2.15 Read the sentences and decide which word A, B, or C best fits each space.

Model: The university provides an … excellent … opportunity for education.

A) excellent            B) beautiful                      C) heavy

1 Tyumen State University is a …… educational centre for the region.

A) powerful               B) enormous                    C) strong

2 Tyumen’s Institute of Higher Education underwent a …… change.

A) huge                     B) considerable               C) constant

3 The main buildings of the campus are located in the..… centre of the city.

A) strange                 B) outside                         C) historical

4 Students have access to …(1)… computers, …(2).. lecture halls and classrooms.

(1) A) well-built          B) up-to-date                    C) current

(2) A) spacious         B) slightest                                C) impossible

5 Students can always use one of numerous computers …… to the Internet.

A) condensed           B) connected                   C) reserved

6 The University gives students …… to gain theoretical knowledge.

A) a chance              B) development               C) projects

7 The University conducts a great deal of …… work.

A) problem                B) protection                    C) research

8 The University takes part in different …… projects of the European Union.

A) international         B) successful                   C) amusing

9 Students have an opportunity to …… their education abroad.

A) to increase           B) to store                        C) to improve


2.16 Answer the questions:

1 When was Tyumen State University founded?

2 What is Tyumen State University now?

3 Where are the buildings of the University located? How many of them do you know?

4 What do the students have at their disposal?

5 How does the University allow students to progress the education?

6 What does a graduate mean?

7 What does an undergraduate mean?

8 Do the students get scholarships?

9 When did the University begin looking for the international links?

10 What are the results of the development of these international contacts?

11 What leisure activities are offered at the University?

12 How long does the course of study last?

13 What opportunities does the University give to its students in their future life?


2.17 Read the text and guess which building is described in each part. Choose the answer from the list below:

The Institute of State and Law / the Institute of Biology / the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Institute of Physics and Chemistry / the Institute of Earth Sciences/ the University Administration Building / the Institute of Philology and Journalism

1) Podaruevskaya Street was named in honour of Prokopy Ivanovitch Podaruev (1818-1900), a patron of the arts (меценат) and the mayor of Tyumen, now the street has another name. In this street, the University occupies a very remarkable old building made of red brick that was erected in 1901. Its architecture is notable for strict geometry of decoration. The interior of the building reflects the respect to academic process typical of pre-revolutionary Russia, and evokes self-respect, desire to study and to acquire knowledge. Beautiful cast-iron stairs with Masharov’s manufacture mark decorate it inside. There is a charming rosary in its premises. The building neighbours several historical monuments belonging to the 18th, 19th centuries and the beginning of the 20th century. Among them Znamensky Cathedral that was built in the 18th century, and nowadays is considered to be one of the most beautiful church buildings in Siberia.

2) The next site is Respubliki Street, former Tzarskaya Street. Here it is situated another university building, that was constructed in 1964. Nowadays it houses aninstitute and the University Publishing house. This building faces the University Information Library Centre and Regional Centre of Internet Education Federation erected in 2001.

    3) The former Spasskaya Street involves us into a journey along the buildings that house most of the University institutes. At the corner of Perekopskaya Street (former Trusovsky Lane) and Lenina Street (former Spasskaya Street) there is another university complex. Students study in the building constructed in 1982. In 1995 the students of two faculties moved into the block designed purposefully for them. This complex neighbours both old buildings of Knyazev’s house and Polish Catholic Cathedral of St. Jozeph. It is situated in the very historical part of Tyumen.

    4) In 1999, at the corner of two streets, Chelyuskintsev and Lenina, at the very centre of the town, another university building, housing the popular Institute, opened its doors. The facade of this building presents a sort of a huge mirror wall that reflects splendid architectural monuments: Spassky Cathedral, the Palace of Children’s Creative Activity, Yankel Shaichik’s house. From the point of view of the interior planning, halls, corridors and lecture-halls of this Institute are the most remarkable among the whole of the University buildings.

    5) Going down Dzerzhinsky Street in the direction to the Tura River you cannot fail to notice an amazing Burkov’s House and a wooden two-storied house with a balcony. Both houses were built according to the “modernist” style, as well as the building of another institute of Tyumen State University, the target of our stroll along Dzerzhinsky Street. From the very beginning, the rooms of this building were designed as classrooms. In 1914, it started as a private technical school.

    6) Outside historical centre of Tyumen there is another University building that houses one more institute. It is located in the suburb of Tyumen. It allows to have not only a site for the building itself constructed in 1980 but also a plot of land for an experimental hothouse. If you come into the building you will find yourself among green plants and beautiful flowers. There is also the taxidermy laboratory where you can see stuffed wild animals and birds (чучела зверей и птиц).

2.18 Speak about the University according to the following schemes:

Tyumen Agriculture and Teacher’s Training Institute (1930)



Tyumen State University (1973)


              branches       practice centres     representative centres




2.19 Role Game Welcome to Our University!

Student 1. You are the Rector of Tyumen State University

You may start with: Welcome to Tyumen State University. We very much hope that your time here will be both highly productive and highly enjoyable. Let me introduce …

Student 2. You are the Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science. Be ready to answer questions.

Student 3. You are the Director of the Institute of Earth Sciences. Be ready to answer questions.

Student 4. You are the Director of the Institute of Biology. Be ready to answer questions.

Student 5. You are the Director of the Institute of Physics and Chemistry. Be ready to answer questions.


Student 6. You are the Director of the Information Library Centre. Be ready to answer questions.

Student 7. You are the head of the Students’ Union. Be ready to answer questions.

You meet entrants and their parents in the University Conference Hall. Use the following conversational formulas:

I wish to stress the extreme importance of…

In addition I would like to mention that… In this context I would add that…

I want to point out that…                   Please, pay attention to…

I would like to draw your attention to… It is worth pointing out that…

I should like to note / emphasize…

I should like to add in connection with…

I should like to stress the importance of… Finally let me add that…

Students 8 ( 9, etc). You are going to enter the University. You are interested in subjects and degree programs, leisure facilities, qualification you get at the end of university. You want to know how many foreign languages you can learn and how long this course lasts.

Students 10 (11, etc). You are entrants’ parents. You are interested whether you have to pay tuition fees or the education is free of charge, whether any accommodation is provided, what the course length is. Ask questions using the following conversational formulas:

Would you tell me …?                    I’d like to know ….

Be so kind as to explain …           Please, say some words about …

My question is the following …     Is it possible ….?

Is it necessary (for me) to…?         Do I have to…?

How а bout … ing …?                        As far as I know….

Frankly speaking…                        If I am not mistaken…

One question is…                          The second is…

I would like to ask one question in this connection

Is it possible to describe how…?   Thank you (very much)

UNIT 3                  MY HOME TOWN



1. advantageous (A) – благоприятный, выгодный

2. agriculture (N) – сельское хозяйство

3. bank (N) – берег (реки)

4. commuter (N) – житель пригорода, работающий в городе

5. craft (N) – ремесло; craftsmanship (N) – ремесленничество

6. cuisine (N) – кухня (национальная и т.п.)

7. embankment (N) – набережная

8. embodiment (N) – воплощение

9. entertainment (N) – развлечение

10. erect (V) – возводить

11. eternal (A) – вечный; eternize (V) – увековечить

12. exile (N) – ссылка

13. flow into (V) – впадать в

14. freight and passenger traffic – грузовые и пассажирские перевозки

15. instructive (A) – поучительный

16. invasion (N) – вторжение, набег

17. landscape (N) – ландшафт

18. leather manufacturing – кожевенное дело

19. mall (N) – (амер.) торгово-развлекательный центр

20. masterpiece (N) – шедевр

21. merchant (N) – купец

22. Museum of Local Lore – краеведческий музей

23. mutual (A) – взаимный

24. nomad (N) – кочевник

25. oil-and-gas-bearing (A) – нефтегазодобывающий

26. picturesque (А) – живописный

27. pipeline (N) – трубопровод

28. ravine (N) – овраг

29. refinery (N) – нефтеперерабатывающий завод

30. rush hour – час пик

31. settle (V) – поселяться; settlement (N) – поселение

32. temperate (A) – умеренный

33. trade route – торговый путь

34. traffic jam – затор, «пробка»

35. wood engraving – резьба по дереву


3.1 Pre-text discussion:

1 Do you know how old Tyumen is? When was it founded?

2 Is it your home town? How long have you been living here?

3 What place in Tyumen do you like more? Why?


3.2 Skim Letter 3 through and match the information below with the years.

1) Tyumen was founded in                                          a) 1858.

2) The Tyumen Region was formed in                        b) 1960-1970.

3) Tyumen became the centre of the oil

and gas industry of Western Siberia in                  c) 1586.

4) Tyumen has had its own Drama Theatre since     d) 1944.


Letter 3. My Home Town

    Hi, Susy,

This time I want to tell you about Tyumen, my home town, which is situated in Western Siberia. It’s rather far from Moscow, Russia’s capital, over 2, 000 km to the east. Tyumen, the first Russian town in Siberia, was founded on July 29, in 1586. It is situated on the banks of the Tura River at the former place of the Tartar settlement Tchingy-Tura. The place on the high bank of the Tura River where the Tyumenka flows into it was chosen by voivodes Vasily Sukin and Ivan Myasnoy. It was a good idea to locate a fortified town where the landscape itself with rivers and deep ravines helped to protect Russian and Tartar settlers against nomad invasions. As the time went on, Tyumen became an essential point on the trade route to Central Asia, Persia and China, the centre of leather manufacturing, craftsmanship and agriculture. Since 1944 when the Tyumen Region was formed, the city has been the administrative centre of the largest region in Russia. Large tracts of pine forest surround Tyumen. The countryside, with its large lakes and hot springs, attract tourists.

     It’s interesting to know that for many years Tyumen was called the “capital of villages”. It was the place of exile till the middle of the 20th century. The industrial development of Tyumen began with the construction of the Trans-Siberian railway that connected the town with European Russia.

Well, nowadays Tyumen is considered to be oil and gas capital, though neither oil, nor gas is produced here. In 1960-1970s due to its advantageous location at the crossing of the motor, rail, water, and air ways and its temperate climate, Tyumen became the centre of the oil and gas industry of Western Siberia. There are numerous research Institutes, oil and gas pipelines and refineries. Tyumen is one of the financial, cultural, and educational centres of the Urals and Western Siberia. Most of freight and passenger traffic passes through it. I’ve probably told you Tyumen is a town of students. There are several universities, academies and dozens of colleges.

    The four-century history of Tyumen is interesting and instructive; it reflects the fate of Russia. Siberian architecture was strict and simple. About 70 buildings are registered as historical monuments; many of them are decorated with unique wood engraving. The first stone building in Tyumen was Troitsky (Trinity) Monastery erected by the decree of Peter the Great. Znamensky Cathedral is the embodiment of Siberian Baroque style. It is still one of the most beautiful and famous churches in Russia. At the end of the 19th century the axis of the town was built up with two-storied brick houses. Many of them still exist in central streets and give us the idea of a typical merchants’ town.

The citizens of Tyumen are proud of their town and its history. The best way to see the town is to start with Istoricheskaya (Historical) Square where the Museum of Local Lore is situated. This museum has a rich collection of minerals, flora and fauna of the Tyumen Region. There is a war memorial with the Eternal Flame nearby. The Masharov Mansion Museum is located not far from this place.

There are many beautiful modern and reconstructed sites in Tyumen: Lovers’ Footbridge, Tsvetnoy Boulevard, the Embankment, etc. The names of many places in Tyumen eternize the memory of merchant Andrey Tekutyev who built a hospital, a theatre, a library, a church and many other things for the town.

I’m sure you’d like to know about our places of interest. Tyumen has a lot of entertainment facilities for people of all ages. There are many cinemas and clubs. Tyumen has had its own Drama Theatre since 1858. There is also the Puppet Theatre and the Angazhement Theatre. The Concert Hall named after Yury Gulyayev is visited by Russian and world-famous music stars. The Tyumen Circus is very popular among children and their parents. Tyumen has a unique collection of masterpieces in its Picture Gallery. Many permanent exhibitions of Siberian national arts and skills attract tourists’ attention nowadays.

Tyumen offers a great variety of cuisine in its numerous restaurants and bars. There are some annual events taking place in the town such as the Student Spring Music Show and the City Festival.

    There’s one more point worth mentioning. The permanent multinational population of Tyumen is over 600, 000. They work and live with mutual respect to their historical and national traditions.

Tyumen is a city of banks, malls and supermarkets, a city of crowded streets with traffic jams, a city of beautiful flowers in summer and enchanting illumination in winter. The whole city is under construction: old buildings are being restored and many new ones are being erected. Tyumen is both ancient and young, citizens really love it.

I’d be happy to see you in Tyumen and show you my town.

Kind regards,


Read Letter 3 and say what your favourite place is in Tyumen. Is it mentioned in the letter?


3.3 Combine the words in A and B to form phrases:

A                                                B

1 rush                                           a) building

2 traffic                               b) life

3 night                                          c) rate

4 cost                                  d) hour

5 crime                                e) park

6 shopping                         f) of living

7 high-rise                          g) jam

8 car                                    h) centre

9 polluted                           i) street

10 noisy                              j) air

11 crowded                        k) possibilities

12 entertainment               l) masterpieces

13 collection of                  m) streets


3.4 Read the factfile and decide if Tyumen is a city or a town.

town               a large area with houses, shops, offices etc where people live and work, that is smaller than a city and larger than a village

village             several houses forming a small group around a church, shops etc

city                  a large important town

home town   the city or town where you lived as a child

countryside   land that is outside cities and towns, with farms, fields and trees

hamlet            a very small village


UNIT 4                  OUR COUNTRY


1. area (N) – площадь

2. barley (N) – ячмень

3. border on (V) – граничить с

4. boundary (N) – граница

5. buckwheat (N) – гречиха

6. bulk (N) – большая часть

7. coal (N) – уголь

8. coastline (N) – береговая линия

9. copper (N) – медь

10. cradle (N) – колыбель

11. crude oil – сырая нефть

12. density (N) – плотность

13. deposit (N) – запас

14. distribute (V) – распределять

15. fresh water – пресная вода

16. fuel (N) – топливо

17. hydroelectric plant – ГЭС

18. inhabit (V) – населять; uninhabitable (A) – необитаемый

19. insufficient (A) – недостаточный 

20. iron ore – железная руда

21. lead (N) [led] – свинец

22. mild (A) – мягкий

23. moss (N) – мох

24. oats (N, Pl) – овес

25. plain (N) – равнина

26. population (N) – население; sparsely populated – малонаселенный

27. rapid (A) – быстрый

28. raw materials – сырье

29. rye (N) – рожь

30. severity (N) – суровость

31. species (N) – (биологический) вид

32. supply (N) – запас

33. timber (N) – древесина

34. tin (N) – олово

35. wheat (N) – пшеница


4.1 Answer the following questions:

1 What country were you born?

2 Where do you live nowadays?

3 What holidays are the most popular in Russia?


4.2 Read the geographical names correctly, then complete the table that follows.

Russia [`r Λ ∫ ə ], Finland [`finlə nd], Estonia [es`tə unjə ], Latvia [`læ tviə ], Lithuania [liθ ju(: )`einjə ], Belarus [`bjelə rus], Ukraine [ju(: )`krein], Poland [`poulə nd], Kaliningrad [kə li: nin`gra: d], Georgia [`dʒ o: dʒ jə ], Azerbaijan [a: zə: bai`dʒ a: n], Kazakhstan [ka: za: h`sta: n], Mongolia [moŋ `gouljə ], China

- [`t∫ ainə ], Korea [kə `riə ], the Baltic Sea [ð ə `bo: ltik `si: ], the Black Sea [ð ə `blæ k `si: ], the Caspian Sea [ð ə `kæ spiə n `si: ], the Azov Sea [ð i ` a: zə v `si: ], the Arctic Ocean [ð i `a: ktik `ou∫ (ə )n], the White Sea [ð ə wait `si: ], the Barents Sea [ð ə `bæ rə nts `si: ], the Kara Sea [ð ə `ka: rə `si: ], the Laptev Sea [ð ə `la: ptjə f `si: ], the East-Siberian Sea [ð i `i: stsai`biə riə n `si: ], the Pacific Ocean [ð ə pə `sifik `ou∫ (ə )n], the Bering Sea [ð ə `beriŋ `si: ], the Okhotsk Sea [ð i ou ` kotsk `si: ], the Japanese Sea [ð ə dʒ æ pə `ni: z `si: ], the European Plain [ð i juə rə `pi(: )ə n plein], the Ural Mountains [ð i `juə r(ə )l `mauntinz], Siberia [sai`biə riə ], the West Siberian Plain [ð ə west sai`biə riə n plein], the Central Siberian Plateau [ð ə `sentrə l sai`biə riə n `plæ tou], the Far East [ð ə `fa: r`i: st], Europe [`juə rə p], Asia [`ei∫ ə ], the Don [ð ə don], the Volga River [ð ə `vo: lgə ], the Ob [ð i `ob], the Yenisey [ð i jeni`sei], Ladoga Lake [`la: də gə leik], Baikal [bai`ka: l], the Kama [ð ə `ka: mə ], the Angara [ð i Λ ng Λ ` ra: ].


Country Ocean Sea River Lake Mountain System Territory


4.3 Some of these sentences are correct, but some need THE (perhaps more than once). Correct the sentences where necessary.

1 River Volga flows into Caspian Sea.

2 Next year we are going to Black Sea.

3 Baikal is deepest lake in world.

4 Ural Mountains are boundary between Europe and Asia.

5 Mount Narodnaya reaches 1, 895 m. It’s highest mountain in Urals.

6 Atlantic Ocean washes Russia in north.

7 Mongolia borders on Russia in south.

8 Tim has travelled a lot in Siberia and in Far East.

9 Climate of Siberia is continental.

10 Angara which flows out of Lake Baikal, an enormous natural reservoir, is practically regulated by nature itself.

11 Some rivers (Pechora, Mezen and Northern Dvina) flow into Barents and White seas while others (Neva with lakes Ladoga, Onega and Ilmen situated in its basin) drain into Baltic Sea.

12 Although Caucasus has a warm climate, mountains are covered with snow the year round.

13 Russia is washed by twelve seas and three oceans.

14 Russian Plain takes an European part of Russia.

15 Arctic Ocean consists of two principal deep basins that are subdivided into four smaller basins by three transoceanic submarine ridges.

16 Russia is a country of thick forests and wide valleys, of high mountains and bare deserts.

17 Resort towns are a feature of North Caucasus region, including Sochi (on Black Sea), Pyatigorsk, and Mineralnyye Vody.

4.4 Read the text through and match these headings with the passages:


    1) With the area of 6, 592, 800 square miles (17, 075, 300 sq km), Russia is the world’s largest country, almost twice the size of either China or the United States. It covers more than one-eighth of the Earth’s inhabited land area.

Russia has an extensive coastline of over 37, 000km (22, 991mi). Russia has the longest border of any country on the Earth. In the west it borders on Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Poland through the Kaliningrad Region. In the south our country borders on Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China and North Korea.

    Russia is washed by twelve seas and three oceans. It confronts the Baltic Sea in the west. The Black, Caspian and Azov Seas wash Russia in the south. The Arctic Ocean and the White, Barents, Kara, Laptev, East-Siberian Seas are in the North. The Pacific Ocean and the Bering, Okhotsk and Japanese Seas wash the country in the east.

    Russia is a country of thick forests and wide valleys, of high mountains and bare deserts. Russian’s main regions are the Russian (or the East European) Plain, the Ural Mountains, the West Siberian Plain, the Central Siberian Plateau, and the Far East. The Russian Plain takes the European part of Russia. The Urals form the eastern boundary of it. It is held that the Urals separate Europe from Asia. The Urals stretch for about 2, 100km from north to south. The highest peak, Mount Narodnaya, reaches 1, 895m. The most important rivers in the European part of Russia are the Don and Volga.  The Volga is the most famous, because it is the longest river in Europe. The Volga River, which flows to the Caspian Sea, is one of great historic, economic, and cultural importance to Russia. It has become the cradle of such ancient Russian cities as Vladimir, Tver, Yaroslavl, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod. In Western Siberia the greatest rivers are the Ob and Yenisey. They flow along the most extensive lowland in the world. The largest lakes are Ladoga and Baikal. Baikal is the deepest lake in the world and its water is the purest on the Earth. It contains a fifth of the world’s fresh water supplies, more than all five of the Great Lakes of North America combined. Truly unique on the Earth, Baikal is home to more than 1, 700 species of plants and animals, two thirds of which can be found nowhere else in the world.

    2) Russia’s population density is 8.4 people per square kilometre (22 per square mile), making it one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world. Russia ranks eighth in the world in the size of its population. The current population is about 143 million people. The great majority of the population of Russia is Russians. Russia is inhabited by sixty other nationalities, and about twenty-five of these minorities have their own autonomous republics within the Russian Federation. The population in Russia is unequally distributed. The bulk of the people live in the European part of the country. Siberia is insufficiently populated, though its economic development was rapid in the second half of the 20th century. The northern part of Russia is practically uninhabitable because of the length and severity of its winter.

    3) There are different types of climate on the territory of Russia. Great ranges of temperature are typical. It is very cold in the north even in summer. The central part of the country has mild climate: winters are cold, springs and autumns are warm or cool, and summers are hot and warm. In the south the temperature is usually above zero all the year round, even in winter. Summer

is really hot. The climate there is very favourable. The climate of Siberia is continental: summers are hot and dry, sometimes humid, winters are very cold.

    4) Different climatic regimes are mirrored in Russian’s flora. A treeless tundra with mosses and grasses extends along the entire Arctic coast. In the south it gives the way to taiga. Southwards taiga is replaced by a zone of mixed forest which in the south transfers into mixed forest-steppe and finally into steppe.

    Russia has the world’s largest forest reserves, which supply timber, pulp and paper, and raw materials for woodworking industries.

Because of the severity of the Russian environment, less than one sixth of the land is used as farmland for growing wheat, barley, rye, oats, rice, buckwheat and doing farming.

    5) Russia has the richest deposits of mineral resources in the world. The development of the Russian economy is determined by its natural resources. It is one of the world’s biggest producers of coal, crude oil, and natural gas, as well as of iron ore, copper, zinc, lead, nickel, aluminum, tin, etc. Extensive pipeline systems link producing districts to all parts of Russia and across the border to many European countries. Much of the country’s fuel is converted to electricity, but about a third of the electricity is produced by hydroelectric plants. The largest of these are on the Volga, Kama, Ob, Yenisey and Angara rivers. Russia’s heavy industries are well-developed. They produce much of the nation’s steel and most of its heavy machinery. Russia’s chemical industry is also well-developed.


4.5 Match the words and word-combinations in A with their synonyms in B:

    A                                                          B

1 border                                         a) reserve, reservoir, stock

2 to border on (countries)                  b) to rate, to classify

3 to be obvious                                  c) to spread, to scatter

4 bare                                                 d) not much, not enough

5 to stretch                                          e) to occupy, to live in

6 extensive                                         f) boundary, frontier, borderline

7 supply                                              g) to be apparent, to be clear

8 unique                                             h) majority, greater part

9 to rank                                              i) variety

10 to inhabit                                        j) quick, swift

11 to distribute                                    k) good, satisfactory

12 bulk of                                            l) treeless, open

13 insufficiently                                  m) damp, moist

14 rapid                                               n) great, huge, immense, spacious

15 range                                             o) to extend, to spread

16 favourable                                     p) marsh, bog

17 humid                                             q) incomparable

18 swamp                                          r) to be next to


4.6 Give the English equivalents for the following:

Простираться, занимать территорию, густые леса, граничить со многими странами, широкие долины, быть недостаточно населенным, обширная низменность, экономическое развитие, основная масса населения, широтные климатические зоны, благоприятный климат, быть неравномерно распределенным, запасы пресной воды, диапазон температур.


4.7 Match the adjectives in A with the corresponding nouns in B:

Adjectives                                          Nouns

1 important                                                   a) water

2 high                                                  b) population

3 bare                                                  c) city

4 fresh                                                 d) resources

5 ancient                                             e) ground

6 swampy                                           f) lakes

7 current                                              g) lowland

8 cultural                                             h) deposits

9 natural                                              i) deserts

10 extensive                                       j) mountains

11 rich                                                 k) importance

12 deep                                               l) rivers


4.8 Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? If the statement is false, correct it.

1 Russia stretches over an enormous area of Eastern Europe.

2 Russia is washed by twenty seas and four oceans.

3 The current population in Russia is about 130 million people.

4 The Urals form the northern boundary of Russia.

5 The population in Russia is equally distributed.

6 There are diverse types of climate on the territory of Russia.

7 The climate of Siberia is temperate.

8 Its mineral resources determine the development of the Russian economy.

9 It is one of the world’s biggest producers of coal, oil and natural gas.

10 There is no official language in the country, because Russia is multinational.

11 Baikal is the largest salt water lake.

4.9 Translate into English:

1 Россия является одной из самых больших стран мира.

2 Россия занимает огромную территорию.

3 Россия соседствует со многими странами.

4 Россия занимает восьмое место в мире по численности населения.

5 Большая часть населения живет в Европейской части страны.

6 Сибирь недостаточно заселена.

7 Россия имеет самые богатые запасы природных ресурсов в мире.

8 Россия – самый большой производитель угля, нефти и природного газа.

9 Тяжелая промышленность России хорошо развита.

10 Официальным государственным языком страны является русский язык.

11 Москва – столица России.


4.10 Complete the following sentences using the information from the text:

1 Russia borders on many countries…..

2 Russia covers almost twice the territory of…..

3 The Russian Plain takes on…..

4 The Urals form…..

5 The most important rivers in the European part of Russia are…..

6 The largest lakes are…..

7 The current population is…..

8 Russia is inhabited by…….

9 The northern part of Russia is…….

10 Russia has the richest…..

11 The development of the Russian economy…….

12 Russia is one of the world’s biggest producers……

13 Russia’s heavy industries produce……

14 The head of the country is…..

15 Moscow is…..


4.11 Answer the following questions:

1 Where is Russia situated?

2 What is Russia washed by?

3 What countries does the Russian Federation border on?

4 What is lake Baikal noted for?

5 What are the most important rivers in Russia?

6 What is the deepest lake in Russia?

7 What types of climate are there on the territory of Russia?

8 What can you say about the population of Russia?

9 How large is the population of Russia?

10 Is Russia rich in natural resources?

11 Is Russia’s industry well-developed?

12 What is the official language of the Russian Federation?

13 What is the capital of Russia?


4.12 Study the factfile:

Official name: Russian Federation

Capital: Moscow

Population number: about 143 mln

Natural Regions: the East European Plain        the West Siberian Plain

 the Central Siberian Plateau  the Far East

Mountain Systems: the Altai, the Caucasus, the Cherskiy,

the Pamir, the Sayan, the Tian Shan, the Ural

The highest Peak: Elbrus – 18, 481 feet (5, 633 metres)

Major Rivers: the Amur, the Angara, the Irtysh, the Lena, the Ob, the Volga,

the Yenisey

Major Lakes: Baikal, Ladoga, Onega

Natural Zones: Tundra (along the Arctic coast), taiga (north and central half of the country), forest, forest-steppe, steppe

Climate: Long bitter winters and short summers (tundra)

Long severe winters, short springs and summers (taiga)

Long cold winters, hot moist summers (forest)

Cold winters and hot dry summers (steppe)

Major Agricultural Products: Crops, sugar, beets, wheat, potatoes, barley, rye, oats, cabbage, tomatoes, sunflowers.

Cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, poultry, fish, seafood

Major Mined Products: Coal, oil, natural gas, iron ore, salt, bauxite, lead, tin, manganese, zinc, copper, nickel, molybdenum, gold, etc.

Major Manufactured Products: Iron, steel, cement, mineral fertilizers, chemicals, food products, wood products, machine tools, food processing equipment, chemical equipment, oil and gas equipment

Currency: 1rouble = 100kopecs


4.13 Read the factfile and answer the questions below:

1. Which fact do you find the most surprising?

2. Which fact arouses the most optimism?

Lake Baikal

Lake Baikal is the most ancient lake on the earth, its great age is more than 25 million years. So, it is the oldest body of fresh water.

It is the deepest lake, measuring 1, 635 metres from top to bottom, more than a mile.

It holds one-fifth of the planet’s fresh water and 80 per cent of the former Soviet Union’s – more water than all of North America’s Great Lakes combined.

Baikal extends for 635 kilometres from north-east to south-west, covering the area of 30, 500 square kilometres.

Baikal sits in the planet’s deepest land depression (впадина). Its depression formed of hard, fixed rocks holds 23, 000cu km of chemically very pure and extraordinary clear water.

Its cold waters move vertically, carrying oxygen to the bottom, where 1, 500 endemic species (эндемичные, т.е. свойственные данной местности, виды) were spotted. Lake Tahoe has two endemic species, Lake Superior – four endemic species.

Fifty-two species of fish inhabit these waters.

Baikal owes its longevity (долговечность, долголетие) to the tectonically active rift (разлом земной коры) it occupies, which may cause it to widen by as much as 2.5 centimetres each year.

The Buryat – ethnic Mongols – settled its shores long before the 13th century conquests (завоевания) of Genghis Khan. Russian fur (мех) traders arrived in the 1640s.

(From Брунова Е. Г., Латфуллина И. Д., Фомина Е. В.

    Английский язык: Учебное пособие. – Тюмень: Изд-во ТюмГУ, 2012)

4.14 National cuisine is part of national culture, isn’t it? Match the dishes with the cuisine, description and ingredients and fill in the table

Borshch / bliny / manty / shashlyk / okroshka / chak-chak

Russian / Tartar / Caucasian

Thin pancakes / a sweet dessert, made of honey and pastry / a soup of Ukrainian origin that is popular in many Eastern and Central European countries / Cold soup of mostly raw vegetables like cucumbers, spring onions, boiled potatoes, with eggs, and a cooked meat such as beef, veal, sausages, or ham with kvass, topped with sour cream / Marinated lamb skewers; sometimes with vegetables / Dumplings of a spiced meat mixture, usually lamb or ground beef, in a dough wrapper, either boiled or steamed.

Flour, eggs, oil, honey / Beef or pork, onion, cabbage, carrot, beetroot, tomatoes, potatoes, water / Lamb or beef, salt, pepper, onion, flour, water / Flour, eggs, oil, milk, sugar, salt, yeast / Cucumbers, spring onions, boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, sausages, kvass, sour cream / Lamb, vinegar, salt, pepper, onion, tomatoes

Dish Cuisine Description Ingredients

4.15 Write a letter to Susy and describe your favourite national dish.

4.16 Project work. Chose a Russian tradition and make a presentation. Use the hints below

New Year

Dinner with family or friends / Olivier salad / “Irony of Fate” / New Year Tree / Fireworks / Illumination / Father Frost and Snegurochka /



Bride and groom / best friend / bride price / groom testing / rings / flowers / ceremony


Maslennitsa (Shrovetide)

Bliny / jackstraw of winter / competitions



Let in a cat / useful presents / moving mess




1 Брунова Е.Г., Латфуллина И.Д., Фомина Е.В. Английский язык: Учебное пособие. – Тюмень: Изд-во ТюмГУ, 2012.

2 Тюмень университетская. Путеводитель по ТюмГУ. Изд-во ТюмГУ, 2005.

3 Шилова Л.В. и др. New English Wave: Учебное пособие. – Тюмень: Изд-во ТюмГУ, 2006.

4 Gorskaya, M.V. English-Russian and Russian-English Geographical Dictionary. – Moscow: Russky Yasyk Publishers, 1994.

5 Jordan, R.R. Academic Writing Course. – Harlow: Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate, 2002.

6 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 2005.

7 McCarthy, M., O’Dell, F. English Vocabulary in Use. Upper-Intermediate. –Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

8 Oxford Minireference Dictionary and Thesaurus. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.

9 Redman, S. English Vocabulary in Use. Pre-intermediate and Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.


Useful Links

1 Photos of Tyumen: http: //www.panoramio.com/user/1807604

2 Institute of Mathematics, Science and IT: http: //imenit.info

3 List of Russian dishes: http: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Russian_dishes

4 Tyumen: http: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyumen

5 Tyumen State University: http: //www.utmn.ru


УДК 811.111 (075.8)

ББК Ш 143.21 - 923

Б- 891

Е.Г. Брунова, И.Д. Латфуллина, Е.Ю. Шутова. The World Around Us. Учебно-методическое пособие по разговорной практике для студентов 1-го и 2-го курсов естественнонаучных образовательных программ. Тюмень: Издательство Тюменского государственного университета, 2013, 71 с.

Пособие предназначено для студентов 1-го и 2-го курсов бакалавриата и специалитета, изучающих английский язык. Пособие состоит из четырех разделов: “Our Institute”, “Our University”, “My Home Town” “Our Country”. Каждый раздел включает активную лексику с переводом, текст для чтения, задания на понимание текста и усвоение лексических единиц и задания на развитие навыков устной речи.

Рекомендовано к печати кафедрой иностранных языков и МПК естественнонаучных направлений.

    Рекомендовано к печати Учебно-методической комиссией ИМЕНИТ. Утверждено Учебно-методической секцией Ученого совета Тюменского государственного университета.

ОТВЕТСТВЕННЫЙ РЕДАКТОР: Е.Г. Брунова доктор филол. наук, профессор кафедры иностранных языков и МПК естественнонаучных направлений ТюмГУ

Рецензенты: Л.В. Скороходова, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков и МПК естественнонаучных направлений ТюмГУ

Л.В. Шилова, доцент, завкафедрой иностранных языков и МПК гуманитарных направлений ТюмГУ

ã Тюменский государственный университет, 2013

ã Издательство Тюменского государственного университета, 2013

ã Е.Г. Брунова, И.Д. Латфуллина, Е.Ю. Шутова, 2013

Пояснительная записка

Учебно-методическое пособие предназначается для студентов первого и второго курсов бакалавриата и специалитета естественнонаучных образовательных программ. Пособие рекомендуется для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы при изучении дисциплины: «Иностранный язык (английский)».

Основная цель пособия – развитие навыков межкультурной коммуникации на основе компетентностного подхода. В частности, данное пособие направлено на развитие компетенций, связанных с толерантностью, бережным отношением к своей культуре и другим культурам.

Аспект изучения иностранных языков, связанный с культурой и традициями различных стран, охватывает две области. Первая, страноведение, связана с культурой и традициями стран изучаемого языка. Вторая, краеведение, предполагает умение рассказать на иностранном языке о себе и своем окружении – о своем вузе, своем городе и своей стране. Именно краеведению посвящено данное пособие.

Практика межкультурной коммуникации показывает, что иностранным собеседникам интересно услышать от наших студентов о том, в каком университете они учатся, в каком городе живут и где он находится, узнать рецепты национальных блюд и национальные традиции. Поэтому основные тексты первых трех уроков построены в виде писем другу, в которых описывается Институт математики, естественных наук и информационных технологий, Тюменский государственный университет и город Тюмень, а в четвертом уроке студентам предлагается самим написать такое письмо.

Каждый из четырех уроков пособия включает активную лексику с переводом, текст для чтения, задания на понимание текста и усвоение лексических единиц и задания на развитие навыков устной речи. Большинство заданий пособия предназначены для проведения занятий в активной и интерактивной форме, в том числе – в форме ролевых игр и проектов.




UNIT 1 OUR INSTITUTE…………………………… 6
UNIT 2 OUR UNIVERSITY…………………………. 23
UNIT 3 MY HOME TOWN…………………………… 43
UNIT 4 OUR COUNTRY……………………………. 57
BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………….. 70


UNIT 1                  OUR INSTITUTE


1. acquire (V) – приобретать (знания и т.п.)

2. associate professor – доцент

3. attend (V) – посещать; attendance (N) – посещаемость

4. bachelor (N) – бакалавр

5. course project – курсовая работа

6. curriculum (N), pl. curricula – учебный план

7. degree (N) – степень; degree program – направление подготовки

8. department (N) –кафедра

9. do one’s best – делать все возможное

10. etc. (et cetera) – и так далее

11. field (of Mathematics, etc.) (N) – область (математики и т.д.)

12. graduate from (V) – заканчивать (об университете и т.п.); graduate (N) – выпускник; graduate paper – выпускная квалификационная работа; graduate student – студент магистратуры

13. investigate (V) – исследовать

14. master (N) – магистр

15. postgraduate courses – аспирантура; postgraduate student – аспирант

16. research (N, V) – исследование, исследовать

17. responsible (А) – ответственный

18. science (N) – наука, естественные науки

19. skill (N) – навык

20. specialized course – спецкурс

21. students’ progress – успеваемость

22. teaching staff – преподавательский состав

23. undergraduate student – студент бакалавриата или специалитета


1.1 Say a few words about your studies:

a) where you study; b) what subjects you study; c) how many classes you have every day; d) how long your classes last.


1.2 Read the following words and word-combinations correctly:

The teaching staff, etc. (et cetera), specialized courses, to acquire, specialists, bachelor degree, master degree, candidate degree, dissertation, science, scientific, research, well-equipped, investigation, a graduate, to graduate, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Ecology, Geography, Environmental Management, Tourism.


1.3 Skim Letter 1 through and find out which paragraph contains the information below.

a) degrees     b) teaching staff     c) location of the Institute

Letter 1. I AM A STUDENT!

Hi, Susy,

1) I am happy to tell you that now I am an undergraduate student of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science. My degree program is Computer Security. The building of our Institute is situated in the centre of Tyumen, at the corner of Lenina and Perekopskaya Streets. There are 7 departments there, such as Mathematical Analyses and Theory of Functions, Software, Mathematical Modeling, Informational Security, Algebra and Mathematical Logics, Informational Systems, Mathematics and Computer Science.

2) Every student has an opportunity to work in up-to-date lecture rooms where different scientific problems are under investigation. Here students can acquire skills, which help them to find a good job. There are also many multimedia and computer laboratories connected to the Internet. The main building offers students and teachers free WiFi connection.

3) As for the teaching staff of the Institute, it consists of professors, associate professors and well-qualified lecturers. No doubt, they are competent in their subjects, friendly, and well-organized.

4) All students of the Institute are divided into groups. The heads of the groups are responsible for the attendance of classes and for the students’ progress. Our classes usually start at 8 o’clock in the morning and last till 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Each lecture or seminar lasts an hour and a half.

5) Undergraduate students are lectured in various subjects. During the first two years, they attend lectures on main fields of their science, history, philosophy, foreign languages, etc. According to the curriculum they learn English to be able to read European and American journals and scientific books. In the third year narrow specialization begins. Students take specialized courses and additional practical and research work in the field they have chosen.

6) As for our university, lectures are given to large groups of students (from 20 to 200). Seminars and tutorials are usually arranged for smaller groups. In addition to attending lectures and seminars, students should choose a problem to investigate. They do their best to acquire as much knowledge as possible. After completing four or five years of study, students write a graduate paper for a university degree (Bachelor or Specialist degree). Very often graduates of the Institute continue their studies for two more years and write dissertations for an advanced degree (Master degree).

7) Those who are interested in science may take postgraduate courses and to work over the dissertation for receiving a Сandidate degree (the equivalent to PhD. in Europe or the USA).

    8) Graduates of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, are able to work at banks, schools, research institutes and other large private and government organizations as specialists of high level.

I hope to find a good job, too.

Kind regards,



● Read Letter 1 and say whether the information is familiar to you. What new information have you got?

1.4 Read and translate the names of the institutes and educational programs:

the Institute of Biology Biology, Landscape Architecture, Bioinformatics and Bioengineering
the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science Mathematics, Software and Administration of Information Systems, Applied Computer Science in Economics, Computer Security, Information Security, Information Systems and Technologies, Information Security of Automated Systems, Mathematics and Computer Science, Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling, Nanotechnology and System Technologies
the Institute of Earth Sciences Geography, Ecology, Environmental Management Service, Tourism, Hydrometeorology, Cartography and Geoinformatics
the Institute of Physics and Chemistry Physics, Radiophysics, Technical Physics, Nanotechnologies and System Engineering Chemistry


1.5 Match the subjects the students are taught at the University with the institutes:


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