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Places of interest in London.

Task 1. Practice your pronunciation. Repeat the words after your teacher.

1) a conqueror – завоеватель

2) to serve – служить

3) a citadel – цитадель

4) royal - королевский

5) a palace – дворец

6) a seat of the government – местонахождения правительства

7) a traitor – изменник, предатель

8) a spy – шпион

9) to murder – убивать

10) to execute - казнить execution – казнь

11) to imprison – садить в тюрьму

12) to torture – пытать

13) arms – оружие

14) armour – доспехи

15) crown – корона to crown - короновать

16) jewels – драгоценности

17) a bridge – мост

18) to trace – проследить, установить

19) aircraft – авиатехника

20) weapons – оружие

21) equipment – снаряжение

22) plague – чума

23) to recreate – воссоздать

24) a dungeon – темница

25) an exhibition - выставка an exhibit – экспонат

26) an event – событие

27) horror – ужас

28) Middle Ages – средние века

29) a cathedral – собор

30) a masterpiece – шедевр

31) imposing – внушительный, впечатляющий

32) craftsmanship – мастерство; тонкая, искусная работа

33) woodcarving – резьба по дереву

34) mosaics – мозаика

35) ceiling painting – потолочная живопись

36) a resting place – место погребения

37) a square – площадь

38) to commemorate – устраивать в память, в честь; ознаменовывать commemoration – ознаменование

39) to erect – воздвигать

40) a battle – битва

41) to feed – кормить

42) a pigeon – голубь

43) an engraving – гравюра

44) a law – закон

45) to debate – обсуждать

46) to enact – принимать, вводить в действие

47) to bury – хоронить

48) a banquet – банкет, торжественный обед

49) craft – ремесло

50) wax – воск

51) solar system – солнечная система

52) a satellite – спутник

53) spacecraft – космические корабли

54) hands-on – практический

55) a screen – экран

56) carved ivories – изделия из слоновой кости

57) tapestries – изделия из гобелена

58) furniture – мебель

59) science – наука

60) road – дорожный

61) railways – железнодорожные пути

62) a wind engine – ветряной двигатель

63) nuclear physics – ядерная физика

64) a lawn – газон

65) a soft drink – безалкогольный напиток

66) to consider – считать

67) fowl – птица

68) round – круглый

69) pond – пруд

Task 2. Read and translate the text

Task 3. Listen to the situations your teacher offers you and give a piece of advice

Use the expressions of giving advice.

I advice you to go to/visit……Я советую Вам пойти/посетить……..

Be sure to see/visit……обязательно посмотрите/посетите……..

If I were you, I would….. На Вашем месте я бы……

Task 4. Listen to the text " A visit to London" and say what places of interest the speaker advises to visit.

Task 5. Make a dialogue.

Situation: You are from London. A person from Russia is asking for a piece of advice. The person will tell you about his/her interests. Tell him/her what places of interest he/she should visit.

Use the phrases below to help you. Be polite (вежливый).

I would like to get information about……. Я хотел бы узнать о………….

I would like to see………Я хотел бы увидеть………..

I am interested in…………Я интересуюсь………

I am fond of………Я увлекаюсь……….

What are you interested in/ fond of? Чем Вы интересуетесь/увлекаетесь……….

In this case, you should go to/visit………В этом случае Вам следует посетить…….

There you can see/get information about……. Там Вы сможете увидеть/узнать о………

If I were you, I would go to/visit……..Если бы я был на Вашем месте, я бы сходил/ посетил…….

Formulas of politeness.

Excuse me, may I ask you…….? Извините, позвольте спросить Вас….?

Excuse me, could you help me….? Извините, не могли бы Вы мне помочь….?

You see, I am a stranger here…… Знаете ли, я

Thank you. I am so grateful to you! Спасибо. Я так Вам благодарен.

Don`t mention it. Рад, что смог помочь.

You are welcome. Пожалуйста.

It was nothing. Не за что.

Task 6. Imagine, that you are in London. What places would you like to see/ visit? Explain you choice. Use the model.

Model If I were in London, I would see/visit………., because……………

Если бы я был в Лондоне, я бы посмотрел/посетил……….., потому что…………

Task 7. Watch the film about places of interest in London and enjoy it.


Dialogue A. Sightseeing in London

There are a lot of places of interest in London. One of them is the Tower of London. Thousand of tourists visit it every year to see the Crown Jewels and the famous Beefeaters**. There is not only one tower of

the site. You can notice several towers with different names: the White Tower, the Bloody Tower, the Green Tower and others. There is much to see in the Tower of London. Natasha and Jane are there now.

Natasha: Well… There’s so much history here. Everything is so impressive, almost terrifying.

Jane: Exactly. Let’s have another look at the White Tower, which is 900 years old.

Natasha: And who are those men in the striking uniforms, Jane?

Jane: You see, those are the «beefeaters», the wardens. There are a lot of them here. I suggest coming here tonight. A very interesting ceremony will take place at 10 o’clock here. The Ceremony of the Keys**.

Natasha: Very well, let’s come tonight. There must be very many stories about the Tower.

Jane: Oh, sure! Quite a lot. Generally speaking there are also a lot of books and films about it; and they are about English kings and queens at the same time. And the Tower Bridge… Isn’t it beautiful?

Natasha: Certainly it’s beautiful and quite unique in design. And as far as I know Tower Bridge is the most spectacular of the bridges crossing the river Thames. The roadway is raised to allow the ships to pass through.

Jane: It goes without saying. But there are lots of bridges over the Thames and they are all different. I suppose we’d better make a trip on the Thames in one of the water buses one of these days instead of wandering about the city.

Natasha: That’s a good idea! And how many palaces are there in London, Jane? One?

Jane: You must be joking! There are two main ones – Buckingham Palace and St. James’s Palace and also there is Kensington Palace with the Russian embassy quite near.

Natasha: I think the palaces are far from each other, aren’t they?

Jane: They are rather. But you should see them all, all the same. There’s a lot to see. In Buckingham Palace there is the Queen’s picture gallery and in Kensington Palace – the London museum.

Natasha: Oh, how interesting!


Tasks: 1. Read the dialogue and translate it.

2. Retell the dialogue, as if you were one of the participants.

3. Reproduce the dialogue.

Dialogue B.

Chernov, an engineer of the Russian Trade Delegation, met Borisov at the airport and took him to the Embassy Hotel, which is in the centre of London near Hyde Park. On the way to the hotel some things impressed Borisov: bright advertisements, red London buses (double-deckers), left-hand traffic and terraced houses**.

Chernov: Good afternoon!

Receptionist: Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you?

Chernov: I’m from the Russian Trade Delegation. We have reserved accommodation for Mr. Borisov at your hotel.

Receptionist: Wait a minute please. I’ll check it. Yes, that’s right. One single room, with private bath from today. The room is on the third floor. No 301.

Chernov: Thank you.

Receptionist: Will Mr. Borisov check in?

Borisov: What shall I write here?

Receptionist: Your name and address, please. (Borisov fills in the form.)

Thank you, Mr. Borisov. Here’s your key.

(Now Chernov and Borisov are in the room.)

Borisov: I’ve only caught a glimpse of London on the way to the hotel. But frankly speaking this city has made a great impression on me.

Chernov: Yes. They say one can’t judge about the country without being in London and I entirely agree London is the largest and the most beautiful city all over the world.

Borisov: You are quite right. So in such a case there must be many interesting places to see.

Chernov: Of course! Here are some photos. Look! This is Madam Tussaud’s museum.

Borisov: I see, but what is it?

Chernov: Oh, you don’t know? Shame on you! Madam Tussaud’s has one of the largest collections of wax models of famous people in the world.

Borisov: You don’t say so! I should never have thought that such things can exist. It’s very exiting!

Chernov: And have you ever heard about Canary Wharf? It’s a huge business complex on the north bank of the River Thames. It’s served by its own railway.

Borisov: I must confess that the more I learn about London the more I am astonished. But look! I believe this castle is the largest one in the world.

Chernov: It’s Windsor Castle, that is a famous home of Queen Elizabeth II of England. You see there are many sights and memorial places a visitor will want to see. But to tell the truth I have no time and I must go. See you later.

Borisov: See you.


Task: Read the dialogue and translate it.

Dialogue C.

A: I’m afraid of failing the exam in history.

B: Why? You can’t be serious! You are a top student.

A: That’s one way of looking at it. But I don’t remember the history of London at all. Neither history nor modern time.

B: Oh! Cheep up! I’ll help you. I think what you need is to collect your wits.

A: Of course! But I’m so excited and that’s why everything has slipped out of my mind.

B: OK! Let’s begin with…

Task: Complete the dialogue, using the text

Explanatory Notes.

AD – anno domini (лат.) – нашей эры.

Cockney – “кокни”, лондонец, уроженец Ист-Энда.

«The people of the Abyss» - “Люди бездны”

Beefeaters – бифитеры, «мясоеды» – прозвище стражников лондонского Тауэра.

Edward the Confessor – Эдуард-Исповедник, английский король.

The Ceremony of the Keys – церемония передачи ключей.

Terraced houses – ряд одинаковых домов, соединенных в один квартал.


1) a conqueror– завоeватeль

2) to found – основывать

3) to defeat – разбить, нанeсти поражeниe

4) to suffer – страдать

5) to survive – выживать

6) a heap of ashes – груда пeпла

7) to insist on – настаивать на…

8) winding – извилистый

9) to associate with – ассоциировать с

10) slums – трущобы

11) an abyss – бeздна

12) an entertainment – развлeчeние

13) to destroy – уничтожать

14) a crypt – склeп

15) a chapel – часовня, цeрковь

16) to save – спасать, сохранять

17) a tower – башня

18) royal – королeвский

19) a burial ground – кладбищe, мeсто погрeбeния

20) a sovereign – монарх

21) a fortress – крeпость

22) a prison – тюрьма

23) a cathedral – собор

24) a church – цeрковь

25) a raven – ворон

26) to settle – посeляться

27) to fortify – сооружать

28) to turn into – прeвращать

29) impressive – впeчатляющий

30) a warden – смотритeль

31) an embassy – посольство

32) spectacular – импозантный

33) to pass through – пeрeсeкать

34) on the way to – по дорогe

35) a double-decker – двухэтажный автобус

36) left-hand traffic – лeвостороннee движeниe

37) to catch a glimpse of something – увидeть что-то мeльком

38) to make an impression on somebody – произвeсти впeчатлeниe на…

39) wax – воск

40) huge – огромный

41) a wharf – пристань, причал

42) a castle – замок

43) financial – финансовый

44) commercial – коммeрчeский

45) to be famous for – быть извeстным чeм-либо

46) a column – колонна

47) a statue – статуя

48) a fountain – фонтан

49) an abbey – аббатство

50) a palace – дворeц

51) bright advertisements – яркая реклама

Conversational formulas :

It goes without saying – Само собой разумeeтся.

That’s one way of looking at it – Это с одной стороны.

Frankly speaking – Откровeнно говоря.

You don’t say so – Да что ты говоришь!



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