Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии




Exercise 1

Read the text. Translate it (orally). Make use of the Notes and the Vocabulary.


Four hundred years ago books were so dear that only the richest people could afford buying them. The man who had thirty books was considered to have quite a library.

Since books were dear, rules were made for their use. They were not to be touched with dirty hands, nor put on the table at meal times. None was to eat fruit or cheese while reading them. Greasy elbows were not to be placed on the pages.

Books were dear in price because every copy had to be written out by hand, and this was a long process which educated men could only perform. If you had taken a walk along the northern cloister of almost any monastery, you would certainly have found one or two monks industriously spending their hours of leisure in copying. A monastery that had a famous book was always being asked for copies.

If we had lived, therefore, in that far-off time, we would have been very interested in the discovery of a cheaper way of making books by printing them, and if we had been Londoners, we would certainly have visited the house of the man who first introduced printing into England. His name was William Caxton, and his house was in Westminster, close to the Abbey.

Houses did not have numbers in those days. They were distinguished from one another by signs. Outside Caxton’s house we would have seen a picture of a shield with a red band running from top to bottom. The house is gone now, and nobody knows exactly where it stood.

Caxton tells us himself how he became a printer. For thirty years he had lived as a cloth merchant in Belgium. When he gave up business, he remembered that idleness was the mother of vice, and so he sought a good occupation and found it in reading. In a French book, which he read, he found many stories that gave him great pleasure. Then, since the book was new and had never been read in English, he thought it would be “a good business” to translate it. When he had performed his task, he found that many people desired to buy the book and constantly asked him to write out fresh copies. Soon his hand grew “weary and not steadfast” with copying and his eyes were “dimmed with too much looking on the white paper”. So, having heard of a newly discovered way of making books, he sought out men to teach him. He learned how to print, came to England in 1476 and set up his shop in Westminster.




Westminster - центральный район Лондона

Abbey (Westminster Abbey) - Вестминстерское Аббатство, один из главных кафедральных соборов Великобритании




dear, a дорогой (зд. о цене)

since, conj так как

greasy, a сальный, засаленный, жирный

cloister, n часть монастыря, представляющая из себя в архитектурном плане крытую аркаду, галерею

industriously, adv старательно, усердно

shield, n щит (зд . геральд ., щит герба)

cloth, n ткань, материя, сукно

merchant, n купец, торговец

vice, n порок

seek (sought, sought), v искать, пытаться найти

weary, a усталый, утомленный

steadfast, a твердый, крепкий

shop, n зд. мастерская (to set up shop - начать дело, открыть предприятие)



Exercise 2

Record the 6th paragraph of the text beginning with the words “Caxton tells us himself ...” and ending with the words “...his shop in Westminster”. The tape with the recording should be presented at the tutorial session.


Exercise 3

Answer the questions about the text (in written form).


1. Why were books so dear four hundred years ago?


2. Was it allowed to eat fruit or cheese while reading books?


3. Who would you have found if you had taken a walk along the northern cloister of almost any monastery?


4. What was the name of the person who first introduced printing into England?


5. How were houses distinguished from one another in the days of William Caxton?


6. When did Caxton seek a good occupation?


7. Why did his hand grow “weary and not steadfast”?


8. When did William Caxton set up his shop in Westminster?


Exercise 4

Ask 4-5 questions about the text (in written form).




Exercise 5

Say, what the text is about. Comment on the content of the text (orally). Your interpretation of the text should be presented in oral form at the tutorial session.



Exercise 6

From the text, select those facts and ideas concerning the rules everyone had to observe four hundred years ago when reading books (in written form).




Exercise 7

Compress the text to 5-6-sentences (in written form).



Exercise 8

Review the Grammar material “The Subjunctive Mood: Sentences of Unreal Condition”. Use any Grammar source you like.

The main patterns of conditional sentences in the Subjunctive Mood are those presented in the chart. Study the patterns. Make sure you know all of them.


If he were (was) a good student, he would not miss classes. Если бы он был хорошим студентом, он бы не пропускал занятия. (Нереальное условие: он плохой студент, он пропускает занятия и делает это постоянно)
If I were you, I would speak to her tomorrow. Если бы я был на вашем месте, я бы завтра поговорил с ней об этом. (Нереальное условие: относится к будущему)
He would (could) come to the country with us next Sunday if he had more time. Он бы поехал (смог бы поехать) с нами за город в следующее воскресенье, если бы у него было больше времени.
If it were not for the snow (but for the snow), we would go for a walk. Если бы не снег, мы могли бы пойти погулять.
If we had lived in that far-off time, we would have been very interested in the discovery of a cheaper way of making books. Если бы мы жили в те давние времена, нам было бы интересно найти более дешевый способ изготовления книг. (Нереальное условие: относится к прошлому)
If we had been Londoners then, we would certainly have visited the house of the man who first introduced printing into England. Если бы мы тогда жили в Лондоне, мы бы конечно посетили дом человека, который первым ввел книгопечатание в Англии.
I would have come immediately if you had told me he was ill last Monday. Я бы немедленно приехал, если бы вы мне сказали, что он в прошлый понедельник был болен.
If it had not been for your help (but for your help), he would (could) not have passed the exam yesterday. Если бы не ваша помощь, он бы вчера несдал (не смог сдать) экзамен.



Exercise 9

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.


If I (to be) you, I (to publish) classical literature.  
If I (to know) how interesting the book was, I (to read) it last week.  
Peter (to go) to France with the delegation of Russian students next month if he (to know) French.  
It the weather (to be) fine, we (to go) to the park tomorrow.  
But for my mother, I (to learn) how to cook.  
If she (to learn) Grammar rules, she (to pass) the test next week.  
We (not to hear) the latest news if he (not to phone) us two days ago.  
She (not toappear) at the party yesterday if they (not to invite) her.  
If I (to be) you, I (to go) to the theatre tonight.  
But for his illness, he (to takepart) in the competition last weekend.  
But for your hard work, you (not to succeed) in business. Everybody says you have become a professional.  



Exercise 10

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Write down your translation in the space opposite the original sentence.


Если бы не его приглашение, я бы не пошел туда вчера.  
Если бы я была на твоем месте, я бы сегодня написала ей письмо.  
Если бы книги не были такими дорогими несколько веков тому назад, все могли бы покупать их.  
Если бы Кэкстон не знал французского языка, он бы не смог перевести интересную книгу с французского языка на английский.  
Он бы завтра не увидел Анну, если бы уехал сейчас.  
Мы бы опоздали на самолет, если бы мы не взяли такси.  
Если бы не твоя лень (laziness), мы бы уже давно завершили нашу работу.  
Я думаю, было бы хорошо (to be a good thing), если бы ты поехал в Москву на каникулы будущим летом.  
Если бы не ее характер, она бы стала (to make) через несколько лет хорошим преподавателем.  









Exercise 1

Read the text. Translate it (orally). Make use of the Notes and the Vocabulary.


So you are in London for the evening, and you’ve got nothing to do? Then it is high time you went to the theatre. Your only problem will be choosing from the huge number of plays. Just look in the newspaper. There are more than sixty plays going on in London all the time. Some of them are serious: the Royal Shakespeare Company might be doing Julius Caesar, for example. Some of them are funny and have been making Londoners cry with laughter for years. Some plays only last a night or two, and some, like the popular musical Cats, seem to go on for ever.

The British theatre is among the best in the world. About three hundred theatres up and down the country open their doors every night. There are more working actors in Britain than in any other country of its size in the world. And more new plays are being written and produced.

Why is the British theatre so full of life? One reason must be its long tradition. Even before Shakespeare was writing in the sixteenth century, there were several theatres in London. Another reason is that British theatre has an unusually large audience. It is not only for intellectual people. Everyone goes, especially to the musicals, and to the popular Christmas “pantomimes” (traditional plays based on fairy stories).

Perhaps another reason for the success of British theatre is the great freedom it enjoys. There is no central “school” which says which kind of play must be shown, or which style the actors must use. New ideas are quickly put into action. New ways of doing things are often tried out. Actors and directors can get to the top surprisingly young - if they have the talent.

Of course, many British theatres are not really successful. I wish they did not go from one problem to the next, only just managing to stay alive. Money is always a difficulty. Only fifty out of three hundred theatres get money from the government, although it is of vital importance that all the theatres should receive funds from the state. Actors have problems too. I wish they did not spend most of their time out of work, “resting” as they call it.

But somehow, the theatres stay open. The actors do their best, working long hours for little money, trying, as Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, ‘to hold the mirror up to nature”.




the Royal Shakespeare Company - труппа Королевского Шекспировского театра




up and down the country по всей стране

enjoy, v  зд. пользоваться (свободой)                   

funds, n pl. зд. деньги, денежные средства, финансирование

Exercise 2 

Record the 2nd, the 3rd, and the 4th paragraphs of the text beginning with the words “The British theatre is among ...” and ending with the words “... if they have the talent”. The tape with the recording should be presented at the tutorial session.

Exercise 3 

Answer the questions about the text (in written form).


1. What would your only problem be if you were in London for the evening and you wanted to go to the theatre?




2. How many theatres are there in Great Britain?


3. Why does the British theatre have an unusually large audience?


4. On what condition can actors and directors get to the top surprisingly young?


5. Do British theatres have any problems?


6. How do British theatres manage to stay open?




Exercise 4 

Ask 4-5 questions about the text (in written form).




Exercise 5

Say, what the text is about. Comment on the content of the text (orally). Your interpretation of the text should be presented in oral form at the tutorial session.


Exercise 6

From the text, select those facts and ideas concerning the nature of the plays that go on in London (in written form).




Exercise 7

Compress the text to 5-6-sentences (in written form).



Exercise 8

Review the Grammar material “The Subjunctive Mood: Making a Wish”. Use any Grammar source you like.

The main patterns of the Subjunctive Mood when making a wish are those presented in the chart. Study the patterns. Make sure you know all of them.


I wish British actors did not spend most of their time out of work. Жаль, что английские актеры большую часть времени являются безработными. (Хотел бы я, чтобы английские актеры не были безработными большую часть времени). (Выражение сожаления по поводу того , что происходит/не происходит вообще или в настоящее время)
I wish British theatres did not go from one problem to the next. Жаль, что у английского театра одна за другой возникают проблемы.
I wish I were a student. Жаль, что я не студент.
I wish I went (could go) to the party tonight. Жаль, что я сегодня вечером не пойду (не смогу пойти) на вечеринку. (Выражение сожаления по поводу того, что будет/не будет происходить в будущем)
I wish I had gone to the party last night. Жаль, что я вчера вечером не смогпойти на вечеринку. (Выражение сожаления по поводу того, что произошло/не произошло в прошлом)
I wish I had not done it. Жаль, что я сделал это.
I wish she had attended the classes yesterday. Жаль, что она вчера не была на занятиях.



Exercise 9

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.


I wish I (to be) a doctor.  
I wish he (not to open) the window. It will be cold in the room..  
I wish she (to come) to the cinema with me last night.  
I wish I (can, to play) the piano.  
I wish they (to stay) with us last weekend. It would have been a fun.  
I wish he (not to tell) her anything yesterday.  


Exercise 10

Review the Grammar material “The Subjunctive Mood: Attributive Clauses”. Use any Grammar source you like.

The main patterns of the Subjunctive Mood in attributive clauses modifying the noun time are those presented in the chart. Study the patterns. Make sure you know all of them.


It is high time you went to the theatre. Вам давно пора сходить в театр.
It is time he had breakfast. Ему пора завтракать.
It is high time she learned this Grammar rule. Ей давно пора выучить это грамматическое правило.
It’s time we got up. Пора (нам) вставать.
It’s high time they started working. Им давно пора начать работу.
It’s high time you returned the book to the library. Тебе давно пора вернуть книгу в библиотеку.   


Exercise 11

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.


It is time you (to go) home.  
It’s time they (to start) the performance.  
It is high time she (to stop) talking about the accident.  
It’s high time we (to discuss) everything in detail.  
It is high time you (to finish) your course paper.  
It’s time he (to begin) learning French.  


Exercise 12

Review the Grammar material “The Subjunctive Mood: Subject Clauses ”. Use any Grammar source you like.

The main patterns of the Subjunctive Mood in subject clauses (when a principal clause is of the type It is (was) important, It is (was) necessary, It is (was) obligatory, etc.) are those presented in the chart. Study the patterns. Make sure you know all of them.


It is of vital importance that all the theatres should receive funds from the state. It is of vital importance that all the theatres receive funds from the state. Чрезвычайно важно, чтобы все театры финансировались государством.
It was necessary that she go/should go home. Было необходимо, чтобы она поехала домой.
It is important that he read/should read this book. Важно, чтобы он прочитал эту книгу.
It was recommended that she stay/ should stay in bed. Ей посоветовали соблюдать постельный режим.
It is better for these young men that they leave/should leave the classroom immediately. Для этих молодых людей лучше, чтобы они немедленно вышли из класса.
It was desirable that he marry/should marry a rich young lady. Было желательно, чтобы он женился  на богатой молодой девушке.
It is obligatory that every driver observe/shouldobserve traffic rules. Совершенно необходимо, чтобы каждый водитель соблюдал правила дорожного движения.
It was requested that they do/should do it themselves, without anybody’s help. Попросили, чтобы они сделали это сами, без чьей-либо помощи.


Exercise 13

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.


It is desirable that Peter (to give) me a lift (подвозить). My car has been broken.  
It is obligatory that all the students (to attend) English classes.  
It was recommended that they (to leave) as soon as possible.  
It is requested that she (to learn) French instead of German.  
It was important that Ann (to receive) your apology (извинение).  
It was better for the patient that he (to eat) more fruit and less meat.  
It is necessary that he (to see) this new musical.  
It is of great importance that young people (to get) good Humanities training.  


Exercise 14

Review the Grammar material “The Subjunctive Mood: Denoting Advice, Desire, Order, Suggestion, etc. ”. Use any Grammar source you like.

The main patterns of the Subjunctive Mood in such situations are those presented in the chart. Study the patterns. Make sure you know all of them.


He suggests that everything should be ready at 6 o’clock. He suggests that everything  be ready at 6 o’clock. Он предлагает, чтобы все было готово в 6 часов.
She desired that Mary become/should become her brother’s wife. Она очень хотела, чтобы Мэри стала женой ее брата.
My mother proposed that all the family take part/should take part in cleaning the house. Мама предложила, чтобы вся семья принялаучастие в уборке дома.
Ann demanded that he leave/should leave for London at once. Анна потребовала, чтобы он немедленно уехал в Лондон.
He orders that everybody keep/should keep silent. Он приказывает, чтобы все соблюдали тишину.
They insisted that  she stay/should stay to lunch. Они настаивали на том, чтобы она осталась обедать.


Exercise 15

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.


They ordered that all the students (to be present) at the meeting.  
He desires that his favourite football team (to win) the competiton.  
The teacher insisted that the pupils (to make) a report on this problem.  
Kate suggested that they (to go) to the country.  
He demanded that the taxi (to arrive) not later than 5 p.m.  
Susan proposed that he (to spend) his holidays in Spain.  


Exercise 16

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Write down your translation in the space opposite the original sentence.


Жаль, что я не видел тебя вчера на вечеринке. Если бы я встретил тебя там, я бы поговорил с тобой о наших проблемах.  
Он предложил, чтобы делегация приехала через неделю.  
Если бы я была в Лондоне, я бы пошла в театр посмотреть мюзикл “Кошки”.  
Необходимо, чтобы она пришла вовремя.  
Жаль, что он не сможет пойти с нами на выставку в субботу.  
Если бы я знал, что она была в Москве, я бы позвонил ей.  
Желательно, чтобы она пошла к врачу.  
Он потребовал, чтобы дети выключили телевизор.  
Если бы я была на твоем месте, я бы на следующей неделе сдала этот экзамен.  
Важно, чтобы вы завершили эту работу вовремя.  
Жаль, что вы были так заняты на прошлой неделе.  
Для тебя лучше, чтобы ты поговорил с ней.  
Он настаивал на том, чтобы я все ему рассказала.  
Если бы погода была хорошая на прошлой неделе, мы бы поехали за город.  








Exercise 1.


Read the text. Translate it (orally). Make use of the Notes and the Vocabulary.

No ancient monument, except perhaps the Great Pyramid of Egypt, has been the subject of as much speculation as England's Stonehenge. It is such an amazing structure that people come from all over the world to see it.

In the early 1300s British historians began writing down everything they could learn about their land and people. Of course they included the curious collection of big stones located on the plain near the town of Salisbury. Even in the twelfth century Stonehenge was already so old that information about it was vague. There is even doubt about the meaning of its name. One early historian said Stonehenge meant «hanging stones» because they seem to hang in the air. He referred to the horizontal stones placed on top of the vertical ones.

There are many theories about Stonehenge but everything is doubtful; nothing is sure. One writer has said, «We don't know how it was built nor why and we probably never will know».

There were three phases in the construction of the monument. Archaeologists refer to them as Stonehenge I, II and III. All dates are approximate.

The first Stonehenge was constructed over a period of 700 years, beginning about 2800 BC and finishing about 2100 BC. During that time the following parts were created: a circular ditch, 300 feet in diameter; a six-foot-high bank; the «Heel Stone», a big block of stone just outside the ditch; the «Aubrey Holes», 56 sacred holes in the earth named after John Aubrey, who discovered them in the seventeenth century. It is believed that people of the New Stone Age were responsible for creating this initial phase.

Stonehenge II was worked on between 2100 BC and 2000 BC. It consisted of: a double circle of 82 bluestones, brought from the Prescelly Hills in Wales, 215 miles away - probably on rafts down the rivers (the wheel was not yet known); a wide entrance way to the monument, now called «the Avenue»; the Нееl Stone ditch. The Beaker people (called so because of a type of pottery they made) worked on the second phase. This was towards the end of the New Stone Age.

The third Stonehenge was the work of people of the Wessex Culture of the Early Bronze Age, some time between 2000 BC and 1100 BC. At that time 60 sarsen stones were put up in a circle. The meaning of sarsen is not known. These sandstone blocks were brought from an area twenty miles away: they were so heavy that they had to be transported by sledge. The circle of vertical sarsens with a horizontal stone on top, is what people refer to as «the true Stonehenge».

                                   (to be continued)


BC (before Christ) – до нашей эры

the New Stone Age – Новый каменный век

the Beaker people – народ, перебравшийся в Великобританию из Центральной Европы в начале бронзового века; назван так по имени изготовляемых населением керамических изделий

the Early Bronze Age – начало бронзового века

sarsen – валун песчаника (в меловых дюнах)

bluestones – витриол, природный камень, в состав которого входит медный купорoс




vague, a – смутный, неопределенный

doubtful, a – сомнительный

approximate, a – приблизительный

circular, a – круглый

ditch, n – ров

sacred ,  a – священный

hole, n – отверстие, дыра

raft, n – плот

pottery, n  – керамика (гончарное дело)

sledge , n – сани (тележка)

responsible (for) – ответственный (за)

consist (of) – состоять (из)

refer (to) – относиться (к)

Exercise 2

Record the 1st and the 2d paragraphs of the text. The tape with the recording should be presented at the tutorial session.



Exercise 3

Answer the questions about the text (in written form).

1. How much of the information available on Stonehenge is reliable? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


2. When did British history begin to be recorded? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


3. Where is Stonehenge situated?



4. What does the name “Stonehenge” mean?



5. How did the bluestones get from Wales to Salisbury Plain?



6. How many phases in the construction of the monument do you know? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



7. What was built during the 1st stage?




Exercise 4

Ask 4-5 questions about the text (in written form).



Exercise 5

Say, what the text is about. Comment on the content of the text (orally). Your interpretation of the text should be presented in oral form at the tutorial session.



Exercise 6

From the text, select those facts and ideas concerning the phases of the construction of the monument, the meaning of the name Stonehenge, different theories on the reason of its construction, people taking part in it (in written form).



Exercise 7

Compress the text to 5-6 sentences (in written form).



Exercise 8

Review the grammar material “The Gerund”. Use any grammar source you like. Remember the forms of the Gerund.


  Active Passive
Indefinite writing being written
Perfect having written having been written



Exercise 9

Study the verbs after which the Gerund is usually used. Translate them into Russian. Write down your translation in the space opposite each verb.

avoid   involve  
begin   keep  
delay   mind  
deny   miss  
escape   postpone  
excuse   practise  
enjoy   recall  
finish   remember  
forgive   risk  
imagine   suggest  

Exercise 10.

The main patterns of the Gerund are those presented in the chart. Study the patterns. Make sure you know all of them. 


Historians began writing down everything they could learn about their people. Историки начали записывать все, что смогли узнать о своем народе.
Would you mind my closing the window? Вы не возражаете, eсли я закрою окно?
He remembered  having returned the book to the library. Он помнил, что вернул книгу В библиотеку.
They denied having been seen  at the conference. Они отрицали, что их видели на конференции.





Exercise 11

Put the verbs in brackets into the form of the Gerund, following the examples.

Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.


He denied (to have seen) this man before.  
We enjoyed (to be taken) to the circus every Sunday.  
They postponed (to send) an answer to the request.  
When I worked as a secretary my work involved (to have been reminded) the same task several times.  
He suggested (to go) by plane, but we didn’t agree.  
Try to avoid (to read) in a bad light.  
My watch keeps (to stop).  
Do you enjoy (to listen) to classical music.  
I can not imagine (to get up) at 6 o’clock every morning.  
He remembered (to have romised) his mother to call soon.  



Exercise 12

Study the word combinations, after which the Gerund is usually used. Translate them into Russian. Write down your translation in the space opposite each combination.


be afraid of   be pleased at  
be angry for   be proud of  
be aware of   be responsible for  
be bored with   be sorry for  
be busy   be sure of  
be capable of   be surprised at  
be clever at   be worried about  
be disappointed at   be worth  
be engaged in   be responsible for  
be fond of   be no good  
be good/clever at   be no use  
be grateful for   can’t stand/bear  
be guilty of   can’t help  
be interested in   feel like  
be keen on   have difficulty in  



Exercise 13

The main patterns of the Gerund are those presented in the chart. Study the patterns.

Make sure you know all of them. 


Archeologists were engaged in discussing the results of the expedition. Археологи были заняты обсуждением результатов экспедиции.
Pupils had difficulty in being understood by their new teacher. Учащиеся испытывали трудности, так как их не понимал их новый учитель .
I was proud of having passed my history examination. Я гордился тем, что сдал экзамен по истории.
These rules are worth revising. Эти правила стоит повторить.
People of the New Stone Age were respobsible for creating this initial phase. Люди из нового Каменного века были ответственны за создание первой фазы.


Exercise 14

Put the verbs in brackets into the form of the Gerund.

Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.


Jack didn’t feel like (to work) in the archeological expedition.  
He was proud of (to do) such a Useful job.  
From early childhood I was fond of (to read) historical novels.  
The students tried to convince their professor that they were capable of (to study) the material on their own.  
They were afraid of (to remain) in a dangerous place if nothing could be done.  
It is no use (to cry) over the spilt milk.  
Parents couldn’t help (to send) their son to the most prestigious school of their country.  
Scientists were surprised at (not to be asked) about the results of their investigation.  
He is interested in (to develop) the project.  



Exercise 15

Study the verbs with prepositions and phrasal verbs, after which the gerund is usually used. Translate them into Russian. Write down your translation in the space opposite each verb.



accuse of   inform of  
apologise for   insist on  
approve of   leave off  
blame smb for   keep on  
burst out   object to  
forgive for   prevent from  
congratulate on   put off  
count on   result in  
depend on   stop from  
give up   succeed in  
go on   thank for  
hear of   think of  



Exercise 16

The main patterns of the Gerund are those presented in the chart. Study the patterns. Make sure you know all of them. 


They succeeded in achieving very good results. Они смогли достичь очень хороших результатов.
The lecturer apologized for having taken so much time for his lecture. Лектор извинился за то, что его лекция заняла так много времени.
She burst out laughing as soon as she saw him. Она рассмеялась, как только увидела его.
Scientists gave up digging in the desert a month ago. Ученые прекратили раскопки В пустыне месяц назад.



Exercise 17

Put the verbs in brackets into the required form of the Gerund, following the examples. Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.  


They accused him of (to have broken) into the house.  
The policeman insisted on (to keep) order and (to avoid) panic in a dangerous situation.  
Who was to blame for (to have begun) the argument?  
Thank you for (to send) the information.  
He kept on (to be visited) by the teacher till he got better.  
The discussion resulted in (adopt) the draft law.  
He informed her of (to have been sent) a letter just in time.  
 Do you really think of (to buy) a new car?  
Early historians insisted on (to have found) the meaning of the first Stonehenge.  



Exercise 18

Study the combinations of nouns with prepositions, after which the Gerund is usually used. Translate them into Russian. Write down your translation in the space opposite each combination.


chance of   opportunity of  
difficulty of   plan for  
experience in   point in  
habit of   process of  
harm of   purpose of  
idea of   reason for  
intention of   right of  
importance of   sense of  
interest in   skill in  
means of   way of  


Exercise 19

The main patterns of the Gerund are those presented in the chart. Study the patterns. Make sure you know all of them. 


There are different ways of finding the historical truth. Существуют различные способы нахождения исторической истины.
The students had no experience in making scientific research. У студентов не было опыта проведения научных исследований.
We had no intention of buying a new book. У нас не было намерения покупать новую книгу.



Exercise 20

Put the verbs in brackets into the form of the Gerund, following the examples.

Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.  


Do you have any reason for (to leave) the town?  
The football team had no chance of (to win) the game.  
What’s the sense of (to go) in such a late hour?  
He had a habit of (to borrow) books in the library and (to keep) them for a long time.  
Students had a wonderful opportunity of (to listen) to an interesting lecture.  
Nobody understood the purpose of (to have organized) that expedition.  


Exercise 21

Study the following prepositions, after which the Gerund is usually used. Translate them into Russian. Write down your translation in the space opposite each preposition.


after   in spite of  
before   on  
besides   without  
instead of   by  



Exercise 22

The main patterns of the Gerund are those presented in the chart. Study the patterns. 

Make sure you know all of them.


In spite of havingread a lot of books she couldn’t answer this question. Несмотря на то, что она прочла много книг, она не могла ответить на вопрос.
Don’t forget to switch off the light before going to bed. Не забудьте выключить свет перед тем, как пойдёте спать.



Exercise 23

Put the verbs in brackets into the form of the Gerund, following the examples.

Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.  


Without (to know) his address I couldn’t write him a letter.  
Instead of (to take) an exam he went to the cinema.  
On (to come) home she immediately locked the door.  



Exercise 24

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Write down your translation in the space opposite the original sentence.


Историки стали записывать всё, что могли узнать о своём народе.  
Лектор настоял на том, чтобы перенести занятия на субботу.  
Люди гордились знанием истории своей страны.  
Мне жаль, что я причинил вам так много беспокойства.  
Дети настаивали на том, чтобы их взяли в театр.  
Мы извинились за то, что не пришли вовремя.  
У меня не было ни малейшего намерения беспокоить вас.  
Его подозревали в нарушении закона.  
Мой отец считал, что я сам способен зарабатывать себе на жизнь.  
Это хороший способ уйти от ответа.  
Они настояли на том, чтобы мы навестили их вечером.  
Он прошёл мимо, не заметив нас.  
У меня не было случая обсудить с ней эту проблему.  
Я устала делать то, что мне не нравится.  
Он продолжал задавать вопросы, хотя хорошо знал на них ответы.  




      Unit XII.  Stonehenge



Exercise 1

Read the text. Translate it (orally). Make use of the Notes and the Vocabulary.


One of the many mysteries of Stonehenge is the fact that not one of the three phases was ever completed. As a matter of fact, the Beaker people undid part of the construction done by the workers of Stonehenge I. The same was true of the Wessex people, who used some of the bluestones put up by the Beaker people for their own purposes.

The monument was under construction for nearly 2000 years. What caused these primitive people to devote so much time and energy to this astounding project that they had little time for anything else? Some archaeologists say one thing and others insist on something quite different. Everyone agrees on one point, however: Stonehenge was a kind of temple.

One belief is that this circle of stones on Salisbury Plain was a cemetery for important leaders. Human bones have been found in the Aubrey Holes, which seem to have been sacred.

Another belief is that Stonehenge was a centre of religious worship, possibly that of the Druids, who used it for their rituals. This has been a popular theory for many years, although the Druids usually worshipped in forests, not on the open plains.

In the late eighteenth century observers noted that a person standing in the centre of Stonehenge at sunrise on 21 June, the summer solstice, and looking down the Avenue would see the sun rise above the Heel Stone, one of the oldest stones in the monument. In 1901 a British astronomer, Sir Norman Lockyer, made such a complete study of this theory that he convinced many people that the monument was actually a calendar-computer. Others have made further studies, continuing this approach.

In 1963 another astronomer, Gerald Hawkins, stated that each significant stone in the monument lined up with at least one other stone to point to some position of the sun or moon. It seems so possible that this was an accurate method of determining the length of the year that today it is the most popular theory of all. In an agricultural society this was extremely useful information to have. Also, Stonehenge may have been used to calculate the cycle of eclipses. This would be important to the religious leaders; the ability to predict such an event as an eclipse of the sun gave them great power over their people.

Today many people feel that Gerald Hawkins may have discovered the real purpose of Stonehenge. Not all archaeologists accept the Hawkins theory, however. They insist it is only a coincidence that what happens at sunrise on 21 June turns the monument into a huge calendar-computer. Perhaps one day the real truth will be known. Until then the words of the English writer, Samuel Pepys, who visited Stonehenge in the seventeenth century, persist: «Only God knows what the stones' use was”.



the Wessex people – люди, населявшие Уэссекс (королевство, сложившееся в ходе англосаксонского завоевания Британии в 6 в.)

the Druids – друиды, жрецы у древних кельтов

the summer solstice – летнее солнцестояние

eclipse – затмение

in the early 1300s – в начале XIV в.



devote, v – посвящать

insist, v – настаивать

cemetery,  n – кладбище

religious, a  – религиозные

worship, n молитвы, поклонение

approach, n – подход

predict , v – предсказать

coincidence, n – совпадение

as a matter of fact – между прочим

agree on one point – cходиться в одном

method of determining – метод определения

accept the theory – признать теорию

give power over other people – давать власть над другими людьми

Exercise 2

Record the 2d, 3d and 4th paragraphs of the text. The tape with the recording should be presented at the tutorial session.



Exercise 3

Answer the questions about the text (in written form).

1) What fact is considered to be one of the many mysteries of Stonehenge?          ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


2) How long was the monument under construction?




3) What are the beliefs concerning the construction of Stonehenge?


4) What do all authorities agree about Stonehenge?




5) What was discovered once on 21 June?


6) Who may have discovered the real purpose of Stonehenge? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________________________________________


7) What could the real purpose of Stonehenge be?



Exercise 4

Ask 4-5 questions about the text (in written form).



Exercise 5

Say, what the text is about. Comment on the content of the text (orally). Your interpretation of the text should be presented at the tutorial session.

Exercise 6

From the text, select those facts and ideas concerning the phases of the construction of the monument, the meaning of the name Stonehenge, different theories on the reason of it’s construction, people taking part in it (in written form).



Exercise 7

Compress the text to 5-6 sentences (in written form).


Exercise 8


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