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Написание сочинения

На английском языке

Essay — a short piece of writing on a particular subject.

Composition — an essay, especially one written by a school or college student.


Planning and writing

an essay or composition


· Read the question or essay title carefully to make sure you understand exactly what is required.

· Brainstorming: quickly note down some ideas on the topic as you think of them. Then write down some vocabulary that you know you will need to write about this subject.

· Planning: if you are asked to discuss a topicor give your opinionit is important to organize your thoughts and present your arguments clearly in paragraphs, and to work out the structure of your essay before you start to write.


Essay plan


Paragraph 1. Introduce the topic.

Paragraph 2. Give points of view and information, in support of the ar­gument, with reasons.

Paragraph 3. Give contrasting views.

Paragraph 4. Conclude (give your own opinion or interpretation of the facts).

Сочинение «За — против»

Recommended Plan


1. Introduction (state the problem).

2. Arguments “for”.

3. Arguments “against”.

4. Conclusion based on the given arguments.


Examples of beginnings:

1. Did you ever dream of becoming a doctor when you were young? Although it can be a very rewarding career, being a doctor also has its drawbacks.

2. Imagine going to school all day long and then having to work as well. Many young people decide to attend school and have a part-time job at the same time. This can have both advantages and disadvantages.

3. Cooking is something that few of us have time to do in today’s fast-moving world. But does eating out really have as many advantages as peo­ple think it does?

4. Have you ever thought about the effect tourism can have on an area? It may seem, at first, that tourism brings only benefits, but further consid­eration shows that it also has negative effects.

5. The question of whether it is right to keep animals in captivity is one of that has been under discussion for some time now. After all, what right do we have to decide, if an animal should be free or not?


Examples of endings:

1. On balance, the life of a doctor can be both exiting and very demand­ing. Not everyone is suitable for it, especially as it is not a profession with room for mistakes.

2. It’s up to each individual to decide whether he or she would benefit from working and studying for the same time. However, isn’t it a pity that many simply have no choice due to poor financial situation?

3. All in all, while eating out does have its advantages, it is not some­thing we should make a habit of. Perhaps, we should make time in our lives to eat properly.

4. In conclusion, an area can benefit from tourism in many ways. How­ever, it can also do a great deal of harm, and local residents should be aware of this before deciding to en­courage it.

5. To sum up, it is obvious that keeping animals in Zoos can deprive them of the right to live in their natural environment. It is, however, some­times the only way to prevent species from extinction. Therefore, we should try to ensure that animals are only kept in captivity when necessary.



Сочинение, выражающее точку зрения

Recommended Plan


1. Вступление: перифраз темы + свое мнение («Я считаю… и хочу это доказать»).

2. Личное мнение + 2 аргумента в его пользу.

3. Стороннее мнение (1—2) с обоснованием + 2 контраргумента (опровержение).

4. Заключение с подтверждением своей точки зрения.



Полезные фразы и выражения

Для выражения своего мнения:

· In my opinion…

· I (don’t) think / imagine / feel / believe (that)…

· I (don’t) believe in…

· Personally, I believe / think (that)…

· If you ask me…

· It seems to me (that)…

· In my view…

· As far as I’m concerned…

· To my mind…

· I feel very strongly that…

· I am inclined to believe that…

· I am absolutely convinced that…

· I tend to think that…

· I would suggest that…

· I am totally opposed to…

· I am totally in favour of…

· I consider…

· It’s my view / my opinion that…

· I agree with the idea that…

· I (can’t / don’t) agree that…

· I disagree with the idea that…

· The way I see it…

· As I see it…

· I doubt whether…


Для выражения мнения других людей:

· It is popularly believed that…

· People often agree / claim / think that…

· It is often alleged that… but…

· Contrary to popular belief…


Фразы, перечисляющие точки зрения и аспекты обсуждаемой про­блемы в порядке их значимости:

· In the first place…

· First of all…

· To start with…

· To begin with…

· Secondly…

· Thirdly…

· Finally…

· Last, but not least…


Фразы, добавляющие новые аспекты обсуждаемой проблеме:

· In addition to this / that…

· Besides…

· Also…

· Apart from this / that…

· Not to mention the fact that…


Фразы, выражающие причины, уточняющие высказывание:

· …Because…

· The reason why… is that…

· What I like / dislike about… is …

· This would mean…

· By doing this…

· As a result of this…


Фразы, подчеркивающие контраст, связывающие различающиеся идеи:

· It is argued that…

· People argue that…

· There are people who oppose…

· Contrary to what most people believe…

· Opponents of this way say…

· However…

· On the other hand…

· In spite of…

· Despite…

· Even though…

· Although…

· Nevertheless…

· Otherwise…

· Yet…


Фразы, приводящие пример, доказательство либо аргументацию:

· For example…

· For instance…

· Such as…

· Like…

· Especially…

· In particular…


Заключительные фразы:

· In conclusion…

· On the whole…

· To sum up…

· All in all…

· All things considered…

· To put it in a nutshell…

· Taking everything into account…

Составление аннотации статьи или книги

Аннотация специальной статьи или книги — это краткая характе­ристика оригинала, излагающая его содержание в виде перечня ос­новных вопросов и иногда дающая критическую оценку.

Объем аннотации обычно не превышает 500 печатных знаков.

При составлении аннотации на статью или книгу на иностранном языке нужно проделать следующие операции:

— выписать название статьи (книги), фамилию и инициалы автора на иностранном языке;

— дать перевод названия статьи (книги);

— предоставить выходные данные журнала на иностранном язы­ке: номер, год издания, место издания, том, серию выпуска, количест­во страниц аннотируемой статьи, количество рисунков, таблиц, биб­лиографических названий и т. п.;

— дать очень краткое изложение содержания статьи.


Образец аннотации текста:



New Energy from Old Sources


Новые ресурсы энергии из старых источников



Automobile Engineer. Vol. 82, No. 5. 1990. New York.

В этой статье рассматриваются вопросы получения энергии от таких источников, как солнце и ветер.


Изложение краткого содержания текста

(резюме / реферат текста)

Реферат (резюме) — это конспектное изложение содержания ста­тьи или книги, передающее ее основной смысл. Реферат содержит в общем виде все основные положения оригинала.

Объем определяется степенью важности реферируемого материа­ла, хотя практически в среднем не превышает 2 000 печатных знаков.

Рефераты должны составляться по определенной схеме:

— автор, название работы (на иностранном языке), перевод названия;

— выходные данные (см. схему составления аннотации);

— краткое содержание работы;

— выводы или резюме составителя реферата.


Making a summary of a text.

The following cliché s will help you to speak about the contents of any text you’ve read.




This The text book article is about deals with touches upon (the)… the problem of… the question(s) of…



This     is of presents   much some great no     interest importance use   for those who     study are in­ter­ested in etc.
The     problem question subject fact     considered discussed in question under con­sideration  



The author points out states makes it clear draws our attention to the fact     that…



It is necessary interesting important useful     to bear in mind emphasize mention say   (in this connection)   that…



There are The author gives some two (three) many good and interesting useful   examples illustrating the…


The examples given in the text by the author illustrate well enough the…



It should be realized made clear pointed out borne in mind mentioned   that…



The author arrives at the following conclusions…


To sum up In conclusion I’d like to say IV / VI / III that…


Составление отчета

What is a report?


· A report is a document that presents information about an issue or in­vestigation concisely and impersonally, in a clearly structured format.

· Reports are usually written in an objective, formal style. This means you should avoid using more informal language, such as slang or colloqui­alism, or constructions. You should structure your language carefully, us­ing complete sentences and paragraphs. However, sometimes a more per­sonal and less formal style may be acceptable.

· As a rule a report has four parts: title, introduction, main section (or summary) and conclusion.

· The title contains such information as “to”, “from” and subject.

· The introduction should tell the reader the purpose of the report and what the report should cover.

· The main section is the largest section and contains most of your in­formation. In it, you will present your research findings to the reader. You need to organize the information into smaller subsections, and give these sections a heading. Make sure the information flows logically from one section to the next.

· As for conclusion, you must not introduce any new information here. You should pull together the main points of the report in a brief summary, and emphasize the most significant points. You should link your conclu­sion back to the purpose of the report and give your recommendations. Your recommendations must flow logically from your conclusions. Rec­ommendations can be listed and numbered.


Task 1. Read the following report. Name the good points and the weak points of this report and discuss.




To: visitors of our area.

From: (candidate’s name).

Subject: shopping facilities and nice shops.


Purpose of report: I’m writing to you in order to give you information about the shopping facilities in our town. I would also like to give you my recommendations about good shops.



It is true that in our town there are many shops. Referring to people who do not want many things, they could go to shops in the centre of our town. There we provide a) clothing, b) things that you want to use for your house, c) personal objects, d) souvenirs and it is true that all of them are in reasonable prices. There are also some bargains on casual clothes.


Department Stores.

On the other hand people who want more than common things, can go to our central department store where there is provided a) sports equip­ment, b) expensive souvenirs, c) clothes of good quality, d) special gifts (presents) and everything you would like. However you must afford the cost.


I believe that the stores which are for all tasters including expensive and cheap things are: our central department store (has everything) and the sports centre which has clothes and everything which has to do with sport. For souvenirs you can go to Mr Johnson’s store as it has cheap objects and nice postcards.

Task 2. The local tourist office has asked you to write a report on inter­esting things for visitors to see and to do on a one day sightseeing tour of your area. In your report include suggestions about where visitor should go and what they should do in order to spend an interesting day in your area.


You may use the following phrases:

· for introduction: “The purpose / aim of this report is to…”; “The re­port consists of the results of…”; “As requested…”;

· for main section: “However...”; “Nevertheless…”; “On the other hand…”; “At the same time…”; “In contrast…”; “Despite the fact…”; “While…”; “It may seem…”; “Apparently…” etc.;

· for conclusion: “In conclusion…”; “It is recommended that…”; “On the whole…”; “It is advisable that…”; “To sum up…” etc.



Учебное издание





Практическое пособие для студентов I—II курсов




Сечкина Мунира Каратаевна, Трегубенко Виктория Валерьевна


Корректор Е. В. Дворнякова

Оригинал-макет подготовлен О. М. Хрусталевой


Подписано в печать 10.04.2012 г.

Бумага для множительных аппаратов. Формат 60´ 90 1/8.

Гарнитура «Таймс». Ризограф. Усл. печ. л. 4, 1. Уч.-изд. л. 1, 5.

Тираж 100 экз. Заказ 96.


Издательство Балтийского федерального университета им. И. Канта

236041, г. Калининград, ул. А. Невского, 14


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