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Explain it in a different way

To have broad implications; to cope with; to withstand; effects of jet lag; sonic boom; sonic boom; create

6. Answer the following questions. Begin your answers with such introductory phrases as: as far as I know; as far as I remember; to my mind; certainly; it's hard to tell; probably; of course; if I am not mistaken etc.

1) What advantages might a supersonic aircraft have compared with transonic and subsonic ones?

2) What do Mach numbers refer to?

3) What kind of ways did engineers find out for aircraft to endure the extremely high temperatures generated by friction on the craft’s outer surface?

4) What is the impact of shock waves on the controls at supersonic speeds?

5) What are the implications of using such heat-resistant metals as titanium to cover the exteriors of most subsonic aircraft for the commercial aircraft industry?

6) Why do supersonic and hypersonic aircraft create shock waves?

7) What are the advantages and disadvantages of supersonic and hypersonic aircraft from an environmental and safety standpoint?

7. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Числом Маха, или числом М, называется соотношение скорости самолёта и скорости распространения звука. 2. Кроме основного значения “подход” это слово в английском языке имеет значение заход самолёта на посадку. 3. В связи с тем, что звуковые удары являются разрушительными и беспокоят людей, многие маршруты сверхзвуковых самолётов проложены над океанами. 4. Сверхзвуковые самолёты Concorde позволили одновременно сократить время полёта и отрицательное влияние нарушения биоритмов в связи с перелётом через несколько часовых поясов. 5. На сверхзвуковых скоростях ударные волны блокировали и выводили из строя приборы управления, в таких обстоятельствах пилоты не могли управлять самолётами и вынуждены были катапультироваться. 6. Многие пилоты непреднамеренно достигали сверхзвуковых скоростей, когда пикировали. 7. Для обшивки корпуса сверхзвуковых самолётов используются такие термостойкие металлы, как титан. Они выдерживают сверхвысокие температуры, возникающие в результате трения внешней поверхности самолёта при высоких скоростях.

8. a) The following directives relate to modifications to made Concorde safe for the skies. The message was issued by the design team to the Airline’s and Concorde’s manufacturers and specialist contractors. You are attending a weekly Health and Safety meeting. The senior safety officer of your plant is chairing the meeting and explaining hazards and suitable safety precautions that should be taken.

On the very first verification the potential problems the liners could have caused with fuel cooling, heat distribution in the fuel, fuel flow between tanks, fuel flow into the engines and the aircraft's centre of gravity, were not seen. On subsequent tests the results were confirmed paving the way for other aircraft in both the BA and Air France fleets to go though the multi-million pound modification programme:

· It was decided that the main cause of the accident was the ignition of the kerosene flowing from a massive rupture in a fuel tank caused by debris hitting the underside of the tank. After researching the possibilities for shielding the tanks the best source of protection was found to be lining the insides of certain tanks with kevlar-rubber panels. The Kevlar-rubber panels have been designed to match the density of the fuel. The installation of these panels would displace some fuel, thus reducing very slightly the overall range of the aircraft, but should not significantly alter the centre of gravity and balance calculations.

· The fitment of Kevlar lining to key fuel tanks - this will reduce the flow of fuel from any leak which may occur, which together with the removal of electrical ignition sources will make sustained fire impossible.

· The use of the new aircraft tire technology on all eight main wheels - these tyres are designed to be more resilient to damage by foreign objects and only in extreme cases can smaller, lighter tread pieces be released, giving a much lower level of energy on impact than that which occurred at Gonesse.

· The armouring of electrical wiring in the undercarriage bay – the investigators believe that the fire may have been ignited by an electrical spark in the undercarriage bay, and that protecting this area eliminates that risk.

· The water deflector retention cable must be removed and there is a slight reprofiling of the deflector to accommodate the new tyre.

· The antiskid protocols are changed. This is necessary because of the tyre change. (The anti-skid system is common to most airliners. If an aircraft is about to skid it automatically releases the brakes, for a short time, to prevent a skid developing.)

· The flat tyre detection and warning system must be working on departure.

· The electrical power to the brake cooling fans is switched off before take off and landing.

b)Make notes of the potential problems andthe advantages of the modifications. Complete the chart below. In pairs, discuss the main precautions you think should be taken by Concorde’s manufacturers with regard to the existing hazards.

Potential problems Causes Modifications Advantages

c) Mind the use of highlighted language in the text.

d) You are engineers of the design team. Evaluate the project and discuss the advantages of the modifications above. Use the following expressions:

from an environmental and safety standpoint… The main danger/hazard is…   certainly it’s clear that… the most important/key factor/way to improve…   the ideal/perfect/the best solution for especially good for… -ing To be safe, they’ll have to take care that (they’ll need to…)

E) Student A is a safety officer. Student B is an engineering manager. In pairs, discuss suitable safety precautions and engineering works that should be carried out at several plants to made Concorde safe for the skies. Swap roles and practices again. Use the words and expressions in the box.

an advantage/disadvantage of this format is…. the problem with this system is… this (shape/feature) allows to/helps to/makes it easy to/ makes it difficult to… as far as I know… that’s an important consideration… There is a risk of…-ing of… ing  



Unit 6 Air traffic control system

Because they were few, underpowered, and


Unit 6.

Air traffic control system

Because they were few, underpowered, and only slightly engaged in commerce, airplanes before 1914 needed no communications between themselves or with ground-based stations. As World War I progressed, airships and specially equipped airplanes carried Morse code radio equipment for military purposes. It was not until the 1930’s, however, that civil aviation communications radio became a truly useful appliance. Fledgling airlines in the United States began to install radios aboard their airplanes and at their dispatch hubs to monitor each airliner’s progress.

This practice brought about the earliest, most rudimentary form of what has become the air traffic control (ATC) system. Early pilots considered radios an unwelcome intrusion in the cockpit, and some pilots refused to use them. Despite these protests, aviation communications provided undeniable benefits to safe and efficient operation, so the system expanded. Following World War II, aviation radios had become widespread in all but the smallest airplanes, as airspace around major cities became congested.

By the 1960’s, radios were familiar even in small airplanes. By the 1970’s, air travel had become sufficiently pervasive that medium-sized and smaller cities attracted enough air traffic to make communications important to safety. The number of control towers rose accordingly, and radio communication frequencies soon became congested.

Few pilots could realistically consider their airplanes as operating apart from the air traffic system, but standardization of communications procedures and phraseology lagged behind hardware technology. Air traffic control (ATC) uses technology and trained staff to assure safe movement of aircraft in airspace and at airports. ATC continually monitors every instrument flight rules (IFR) flight from takeoff to landing, as well as visual flight rules (VFR) flights upon pilot request and controller availability, enabling reliable, efficient transportation of people and goods by airlines.

Air transportation is essential to modern life, and it requires that passengers feel safe during air travel. The features of aviation that distinguish it from other transportation forms are its high speed and vertical operation.

The potential for severe injury or death to aircraft passengers has led to air traffic control (ATC) systems that have evolved from early traffic control with signal flags in the 1920’s to the sophisticated systems using advanced technology and specially trained staff of the twenty-first century. Current ATC assures the safe movement of virtually all aircraft operating in airspace and at airports. Its objectives include giving pilots all the data and control services needed to maximize safe, efficient aircraft operation; maximizing safe air traffic at airports; and minimizing unavoidable flight arrival and departure delays. It is ATC, a product of the National Airspace System, that makes air transportation the safest means of mass transportation in the United States.

Commercial airplanes generally travel airways, which are analogous to roads, although they are not physical structures. Airways have fixed widths and defined altitudes, which separate traffic moving in opposite directions.

Vertical separation of aircraft allows some flights to pass over airports while other processes occur below. Air travel usually covers long distances, with short periods of intense pilot activity at takeoff and landing and long periods of lower pilot activity while in the air, the portion of the flight known colloquially as the “long haul”. During the long-haul portion of a flight, pilots spend more time assessing aircraft status than searching out nearby planes. This is because collisions between aircraft usually occur in the vicinity of airports, while crashes due to aircraft malfunction tend to occur during long-haul flight.

All pilots wishing to utilize IFR must demonstrate their ability through detailed testing, and all aircraft must have adequate flight instruments. For each flight, a detailed flight plan must be filed with the Flight Service Station, part of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA); flight clearance must be received from Clearance Delivery or Ground Control (or from Approach Control if the pilot files while in the air); and ATC directions must be followed throughout the flight.



1 You should check the pronunciation of key words. Transcribe the words: appliance; equipment; fledgling; reliable; distinguish; feature(s); clearance


2. Match the words from the texts (1-10) with the definitions (A-J):

cockpit A in spite of
widespread B a long distance
equipment D safe
reliable E the necessary items for a particular purpose
long haul F device
in the vicinity G widely used
appliance I a pilot's cabin
despite J near

3. Find in the texts the English equivalents for the following expressions:

(1) приобрести широкое распространение (2) несмотря на, (3) для военных целей, (4) при взлёте и посадке, (5) дальние перевозки, (6) разрешение на полёт, (7) в противоположном направлении, (8) поблизости от, (9) надёжный, (10) Правила полёта по приборам, (11) авиадиспетчерская служба, (12) иметь важнейшее значение, (13) Федеральное управление гражданской авиации (США), (14) наземный центр управления


4. Complete the text with the words from the box

cockpit reliable military purposes
distinguish appliance takeoff
landing widespread Despite

As World War I progressed, airships and specially equipped airplanes carried Morse code radio equipment for…. Early pilots considered radios an unwelcome intrusion in the …, and some pilots refused to use them. … these protests, aviation communications provided undeniable benefits to safe and efficient operation, so the system expanded. Following World War II, this truly useful … had become in all but the smallest airplanes, as airspace around major cities became congested.

Air traffic control (ATC) uses technology and trained staff to assure safe movement of aircraft in airspace and at airports. ATC continually monitors every instrument flight rules (IFR) flight from … to …, as well as visual flight rules (VFR) flights upon pilot request and controller availability, enabling …, efficient transportation of people and goods by airlines.

Air transportation is essential to modern life, and it requires that passengers feel safe during air travel. The features of aviation that … it from other transportation forms are its high speed and vertical operation.


5. Answer the following questions. Begin your answers with such introductory phrases as: as far as I know; as far as I remember; to my mind; certainly; it's hard to tell; probably; of course; if I am not mistaken etc.

1) What purposes was Morse code radio equipment used for in time of World War I?

2) Why had aviation radios become widespread in all but the smallest airplanes?

3) What are the advantages of aviation radio appliances?

4) What are the features that distinguish aviation from other transportation forms?

5) What is meant by " long haul" ?

6) Why do pilots spend more time assessing aircraft status than searching out nearby planes during the long-haul portion of a flight?

7) Where must flight clearance be received?

6. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Во время первой мировой войны кабины самолётов были оснащены радиоаппаратурой, использовавшей азбуку Морзе для военных целей. 2. Несмотря на протесты первых пилотов, считавших радиоаппаратуру нежелательным инородным элементом в кабине пилота, эти устройства приобрели широкое распространение. 3. Авиаперевозки имеют важнейшее значение в современной жизни, а авиадиспетчерская служба использует технологии и подготовленный персонал для обеспечения безопасности в воздушном пространстве и аэропортах. 4. Авиадиспетчерская служба постоянно контролирует каждое правило инструментального полёта с момента взлёта до посадки, а также правила визуального полёта, что способствует безопасной транспортировке пассажиров и грузов. 5. Во время длительных полётов пилоты тратят больше времени на оценку состояния самолёта, чем на обнаружение находящихся поблизости самолётов, потому что столкновения между самолётами обычно происходят вблизи аэропортов, в то время как аварии, связанные с техническими неисправностями чаще случаются во время длительных полётов. 6. Каждый полёт должен быть согласован с Федеральным управлением гражданской авиации, разрешение на полёт выдаётся наземным центром управления или управлением заходом на посадку (если пилот находится в полёте).




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