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Work with a partner to discuss the following .
Work with a partner to discuss the following. 1- Are you able to imagine our life without electricity? 2 - What do you know about electricity? 3 – Where did electricity come from? 4.- Do you know any scientists who made a great contribution to electricity? 5. What effects can electricity produce? 6 - What sources of electricity do you know? 7- What are the main benefits of using electricity? 8 - Does it have any disadvantages? 9 - What electrical equipment do you use at home? (at the laboratories? ) 10 What device or machine would you miss if you had to work without electricity for a day or week? 10- Why should people be extremely careful while working with electrical devices? New words and word combinations discover (v) –открывать invent (v)– изобретать be associated with (v)– быть связанным с comprehensible (adj.) - понятный, постижимый entity (n) –существо, организм visible (adj.) – видимый, явный filament (n) – эл. нить накала charge (n)- эл. заряд refer to (v) – относиться к, ссылаться на conversion (n) – преврaщение renewable (adj.) – возобновляемый decipher (v) – расшифровывать, разбирать accomplishment (n) – выполнение, завершение, (pl.) достижения alternating current (n) –переменный ток enable (v)- позволять involve (v) – включать в себя. 3. Skim the text below and answer the questions. 1) Why has electricity dramatically changed our daily life? 2) Why should we use electricity wisely? TEXT 3A HOW IS ELECTRICITY IMPORTANT IN OUR EVERYDAY LIFE? Electricity has become very useful and has changed everyone's life since the day it was discovered. Of course, it couldn't be invented for it is a set of natural phenomena, associated with the presence and flow of electric charges. The term “electricity” came from Greek “elektron” which means amber. But what is “electricity”? It is a mysterious incomprehensible entity which is invisible and visible, both at the same time. It moves forward at the speed of light...yet sits and vibrates inside your AC cord without flowing forwards at all. It is totally weightless, yet it has a small weight. When electricity flows through a light bulb’s filament, it gets changed entirely into light. So, electricity is a class of phenomena, merely a type of event. Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge. It is both a basic part of nature and one of the most widely used forms of energy. Electricity is actually a secondary energy source, also referred to as an energy carrier. That means that customers get electricity from the conversion of other sources of energy, such as coal, natural gas, nuclear, solar, or wind energy. These sources of energy are called the primary energy sources. The energy sources used to make electricity can be renewable or nonrenewable, but electricity itself is not renewable or nonrenewable. Electricity use has dramatically changed daily life Before electricity became available more than 100 years ago, houses were lit with candles and kerosene lamps, food was cooled in iceboxes, and rooms were warmed by wood-burning or coal-burning stoves. Scientists and inventors have worked to decipher the principles of electricity since the 1600s. Some notable accomplishments were made by Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, and Nikola Tesla. Benjamin Franklin demonstrated that lightning is electricity. Thomas Edison invented the first long-lasting incandescent light bulb. Prior to 1879, direct current (DC) electricity had been used in arc lights for outdoor lighting. In the late 1800s, Nikola Tesla pioneered the generation, transmission, and use of alternating current (AC) electricity, which reduced the cost of transmitting electricity over long distances. Tesla's inventions used electricity to bring indoor lighting to homes and used electricity to power industrial machines. Despite its great importance in daily life, few people probably stop to think what life would be like without electricity. Like air and water, people tend to take electricity for granted. Individuals have become accustomed to use electricity in everyday life for electricity illuminates houses, switches on our televisions and computers, energies our laptops, cooks our food, powers vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, washing machines and other electrically operated devices, which enables us to live more comfortably. Doesn't the majority of our actions involve electricity? Yes, it is... Every little single factor on the planet involves electricity. We may not be able to touch electricity, but it touches our lives every day. Now, are you able to imagine existence without electricity? But it’s also important that we use electricity wisely. Wise electricity use helps us to become more energy-efficient as a nation, reduces our environmental impact, saves us money on our electricity bill, and keeps our nation’s electricity supply more reliable. Smart our energy policies can support our quality of life. 4. Answer the questions: 1) Why couldn’t electricity be invented? 2) What is electricity? Outline the idea. 3) What do we call the primary energy sources? 4) What kinds of electricity do you know? 5) What were the names of scientists who were experimenting with electricity? 6) For what purposes did Tesla’s inventions use electricity? 7) Why has electricity dramatically changed the life of people? 8) Can you imagine our life without electricity? 9) What kind of energy policy can support our daily life? Prove it. Read the text again. Are these sentences true, false or not given? 1) Electricity was invented as a natural phenomenon. 2) Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge. 3) Electricity is actually given as a radiation carrier. 4) Electricity can be renewable and nonrenewable. 5) Some notable accomplishments were made by Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, and Nikola Tesla. 6) Scientists and inventors have worked to decipher the principles of heat transfer since the 1600s. 7) Tesla's inventions used electricity to bring indoor lighting to homes and used electricity to power industrial machines. 8) None of our actions involve electricity. 6. Look at the text again and find the words below. Which other words do they combine with? Is each compound adjective +noun or noun + noun? For example: electric power, heat transfer. a) power g) source b) carrier h) energy c) phenomena i) bulb d) current j) machine e) impact k) supply f) devices l) policy 7. Work in pairs to discuss the following: 1) Do you agree that electricity has completely changed our daily life? In what way? 2) There were a number of scientists who carried out experiments with electricity. Which of these inventions are used nowadays? (Name them). 3) In your opinion do the majority of actions involve electricity? Match column A to column B to make up a word combination A B 1/discover a/ energy-efficient 2/ reduce b/ machines 3/ convert c/ electricity 4/ decipher d/ notable accomplishments 5/ make e/ the principle of electricity 6/ invent f/ indoor light to homes 7/ bring g/ the first light bulb 8/ power h/ laptops 9/ energize i/ electricity supply 10/ become j/ an impact 11/ keep k/ energy Translate sentences from Russian into English using Perfect Tenses. 1) Вы провели эксперимент с электричеством очень небрежно. 2) Открытие электричества привело к широкому использованию различных устройств и приборов в промышленности. 3) К середине 17 века немецкий ученый изобрел машину, которая производила статическое электричество. 4)Электрический ток был уже подан к тому моменту, когда вал машины начал вращаться. 5) Электрические явления были известны человечеству с древнейших времен. 6)Быстрое развитие инновационных технологий существенно повлияет на производство, распределение и потребление электричества к 2030 году. 7)Потребовалось несколько веков, чтобы развить науку об электричестве. 8)Сегодня электричество стало важной частью нашей повседневной жизни. 9) Технологии передачи электроэнергии будут зависеть от линий электропередач. К 2050 году. 10) После того как ученые начали изучать действие света, они пришли к выводу, что есть два различных мнения о природе света. Topical Questions 1. Why cannot people live without electricity? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of electricity? 3. Why should engineers follow the instructions while working with electrical equipment? Listening gap fill Electricity ______________________ most important inventions ever. It is the thing that powers the Earth. ______________________ no electricity, we’d be back in the dark ages. Few people stop and ______________________ amazing electricity is. With the flick of a switch, ______________________ almost anything. Think ______________________ happen if there was no electricity. We’d have no TV, no computers, no traffic signals. It would be like ______________________ living in caves. There are a few ______________________ about electricity, of course. Number one, it’s dangerous. Thousands ______________________ each year from electrocuting themselves or in electrical fires. And number two, it ______________________ the environment. Most electricity comes from ______________________ and that creates greenhouse gasses. Work with a partner to discuss the following. 1- Are you able to imagine our life without electricity? 2 - What do you know about electricity? 3 – Where did electricity come from? 4.- Do you know any scientists who made a great contribution to electricity? 5. What effects can electricity produce? 6 - What sources of electricity do you know? 7- What are the main benefits of using electricity? 8 - Does it have any disadvantages? 9 - What electrical equipment do you use at home? (at the laboratories? ) 10 What device or machine would you miss if you had to work without electricity for a day or week? 10- Why should people be extremely careful while working with electrical devices? |
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