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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Exercise 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) There is a large forest near our city.

2) There were many berries in our kitchen-garden last summer.

3) There are many museums in this city.

4) There will be an interesting lecture on literature tomorrow.

5) There was an interesting match on TV.

6) There is no smoke without fire.

7) Where there is a will, there is a way.

8) There is no rule without exception.

9) There is no place like home.

10) There is no rose without a thorn.

11) While there is life, there is hope.

Exercise 2. Употребите формы глагола to be в Present, Past или Future Indefinite.

1) There … a park near our school.

2) There … few students at college yesterday.

3) There … a lot of shops in this district.

4) I hope, there … no mistakes in my dictation tomorrow.

5) There … little furniture in our bedroom, and now there … much furniture in it.

6) There … many garages near our house.

7) There … a swing and two benches behind the house. 

Exercise 3. Поставьте предложения в Past и Future Indefinite.

1) There are not any German books in our library.

2) There is one theatre and five cinemas in this town.

3) There is no lift in our house.

4) There is little milk in the bottle.

5) There are three rooms in our flat.

6) There are not many difficult exercises in this textbook.

7) There are two hospitals in this town.

Exercise 4. Дополните ответы в отрицательной форме.

1) There was a telephone in the hall. – I’m afraid, ….

2) I should like to have some ice-cream. – But ….

3) You can take this book in the library. – I was there. But ….

4) There will be much trouble with this car. – Why, on the contrary ….

5) I am going to see a popular TV programme tonight. But ….

6) There are many old trees in your garden. - On the contrary ….

Exercise 5. Преобразуйте предложения, употребляя оборот “ There + to be ”.

1) This city will have many monuments.

2) I see a man at the corner.

3) The students will be in the laboratory.

4) Our town has no theatres.

5) The dog is in the room.

6) This family had no children.

7) Our group has many good students.

8) I can’t see anybody here.

9) The car is near our house.

10) The children were in the yard.

11) Every week has 7 days and every year has twelve months.

12) She had a lot of English books in her library.

13) The bench was under the tree.

14) I could see yellow curtains on your window.

15) A lot of people will be at the stadium tomorrow.

Exercise 6. Задайте все возможные вопросы к предложениям.

1) There is some cheese on the plate.

2) There are a lot of stars in the sky.

3) There were many apples in our garden this year.

4) There was nothing interesting in today’s newspaper.

5) There will be a concert on TV tonight.

Exercise 7. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1) В нашей квартире есть телефон.

2) Наш дом находится на улице Свободы. Около дома есть школа и поликлиника.

3) Зимой на улице было много снега. Снег лежал на земле, на крыше, на деревьях.

4) В Москве много красивых зданий и исторических памятников.

5) Масло будет не в холодильнике. Оно будет на столе. Там также будет белый хлеб и варенье.

Предлоги места и направления.

- in – в (in the box – в коробке);

- on – на (on the box - на коробке);

- under – под (under the tree - под деревом);

- below – под, ниже (below zero - ниже нуля);

- above – над (above the roof - над крышей);

- over – над (over the table – над столом);

- in front of – перед (in front of the building - перед зданием);

- behind – за, сзади, позади (behind the curtain - за занавеской);

- near – возле, у, около (near the river - возле реки);

- at – у, около, рядом с (at the window - у окна);

- by – у, около, рядом с (by the wall - у стены);

- beside – у, возле, около, рядом (beside me - рядом со мной);

- between – между (between the arm-chair and the sofa - между креслом и диваном);

- opposite – напротив (opposite the sofa - напротив дивана);

- among – среди (among the pillows - среди подушек);

- across – через (across the street - через улицу);

- along – вдоль, по (along the road - по дороге);

- to – к, в, на (to Moscow - в Москву);

- into – в (into the room - в комнату);

- from – из, от, с (from the library - из библиотеки);

- out of – из (out of the pocket - из кармана);

- through – через, сквозь (through the window - через окно);

- up – вверх (up the mountain - на гору);

- down – вниз (down the steps - вниз по ступенькам).

Упражнения для закрепления грамматики:

Exercise 1. Переведите на русский язык.

1) out of the room; 2) along the street; 3) near the playground; 4) opposite the entrance door; 5) into the kitchen; 6) among the students; 7) under the mirror; 8) in front of the TVset; 9) behind the door; 10) to the kitchen-garden; 11) down the river; 12) from college; 13) in the wardrobe; 14) below the roof; 15) beside the river; 16) on the bench; 17) at the blackboard; 18) through the gate; 19) up the steps; 20) across the road; 21) over the picture; 22) by the window; 23) between the shelves.

Exercise 2. Переведите на английский язык.

1) через весь город; 2) в песочнице; 3) на каток; 4) вверх по реке; 5) через тротуар; 6) над столом; 7) между качелями; 8) рядом с домом; 9) под кроватью; 10) за домом; 11) среди детей; 12) из школы; 13) перед дверью; 14) на 3-м этаже; 15) напротив гостиной.

3.Неопределенные местоимения MUCH / MANY, FEW / LITTLE.



мало немного
Исчисляемые many

a lot of

few a few
Неисчисляемые much little a little

Упражнения для закрепления грамматики:

Exercise 1. Переведите на русский язык.

Many people; a little milk; much money; a lot of food; few chairs; many wooden buildings; much time; little bread; a few rooms; a lot of swings; to read much; to read many books; to sleep little; to sleep a few hours.

Exercise 2. Переведите на английский язык.

Мало комнат; мало мебели; немного скамеек; много стульев; мало небоскрёбов; много говорить; мало делать; делать много хороших вещей; немного окон; мало света; много дверей; много шума; немного времени.

Exercise 3. Вместо пропусков подставьте much / many; little / few.

1) I am busy now I have … time.

2) We know … English and American songs.

3) There is not … milk in the fridge.

4) There are … rooms in the house.

5) Does she read …?

6) Are there … bedrooms in your house?

7) … people know Chinese and … people know English.

8) Nick has …English books but very …Russian books.

9) There is … light in that room, because there are … windows in it.

10) She talks …, but does ….

Exercise 4. Вместо пропусков подставьте little / few; a little / a few.

1) There is … light in the bathroom. It is dark.

2) We have …relatives, only a grandmother and an uncle.

3) He speaks Chinese … and knows … words in Japanise.

4) We have very … time.

5) Wait ….


Неопределенные местоимения SOME / ANY и их производные.

несколько, сколько-то, некоторые, какие-то some Например: I have some books. any Например: I haven’t any books.
кто-то, некто кто-либо,    кто-нибудь somebody = someone Например: There is somebody at home. anybody = anyone Например: There isn’t anybody at home.
что-то, нечто что-либо,    что-нибудь something Например: There is something on the table. anything Например: There isn’t anything on the table.
где-то, где-либо, где-нибудь, куда-то, куда-либо, куда-нибудь somewhere Например: He is somewhere in the yard. anywhere Например: He isn’t anywhere.
Употреб - ление: 1) в утвердительных пред-ложениях; Например: There is somebody in the classroom. 2) в общих вопросах (просьбы); Например: Will somebody help me? 3) в специальных вопросах Например: Why is there somebody in the classroom?     1) в отрицательных пред-ложениях; Например: There isn’t anybody in the classroom. 2) в общих вопросах; Например: Is there anybody in the classroom? 3) в условных предложе-ниях; Например: If there is any- body in the classroom, don’t close the door. 4) в значении «любой». Например: Ask anybody.

Упражнения для закрепления грамматики:

Exercise 1. Вставьте some или any. Обоснуйте свой выбор.

1) There are … pictures in the book.

2) We haven’t got … milk.

3) Bob always likes … sugar in his coffee.

4) Are there … schools in this street?

5) Will you give me … tea, please?

6) Has he … French magazines at home? – Yes, he has ….

7) Why have you got … books in the kitchen?

8) Take … book you like.

9) If I have … free time, I shall go with you.

10) There is … butter on the table but there isn’t … milk.

Exercise 2. Вставьте somebody или anybody. Обоснуйте свой выбор.

1) Don’t tell … about it. It’s a secret.

2) … has eaten all the ice-cream.

3) Is there … here who knows French?

4) If … is at home, please, tell me.

5) You may invite … you wish.

6) Where did you meet …?

7) Will … pass me the salt, please?

8) There isn’t … at home today.

9) Has …got a dictionary?

10) I saw … in the train yesterday who looked like you.


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