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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Based on the information from the text and your own knowledge decide what these statements are about.

1. It paved the way for radio and television broadcasts.

2. Advances in signal transmission and reception as well as vacuum tube technology made them more reliable and compact.

3. The two types of television began to compete with broadcast television, as they provided access to more channels.

4. The development of digital code, microprocessors, and fiber-optic cables were key technological advances that made it and digital communication possible.

5. It copied many of radio’s ideas and soon displaced the radio as the centerpiece for entertainment in people’s homes.

6. It took advantage of new technologies to become portable and follow people out of their house.

Scan the text for the following reference words and phrases and then say what they refer to.

this first cable (para 2) this time (para 2) some more successful than others (para 3) this crude version (para 4) this technology (para 4) these men (para 4) the man (para 6)

Work in pairs. Use the words from Essential Vocabulary and from the Text in the correct form to complete the gaps.

attractive           take place            allow              simultaneously               in particular require                solve       though               responsible                notify


1. The digital technology s___________ the old problems of noise in signal transmission.

2. Where did the survey t______ p_________?

3. T__________ first developed for military purposes, radar can be used in modern cars.

4. One laser beam could carry all the radio, TV and telephone messages s______________.

5. Cable was especially a_________________ to people who lived in mountainous, hilly, or rural areas.

6. Digital TV provides a better quality of picture and sound and a______________ broadcasters to deliver more channels.

7. The equipment r_________________ further improvement.

8. These men are r______________________ for the invention of television, which was the first mass medium capable of instantly and wirelessly transmitting audio and visual signals.

9. He was n____________________ that he did not get the job.

10. This doesn't improve the speed of transport vehicles in general and that of an automobile i____  p_________________.

Why are these numbers and dates mentioned in the text? Look back and check, if necessary.

1. 560                 2. 1840                        5. 1884               6. 1923     3. 1895                         4. 45       7. 1989                         8. 990  

Summarize the technological advances of the print, audiovisual, Internet and digital technologies using communication Timeline (8-10 sentences).


Reported questions

- In questions, ask and want to know are common reporting verbs. In yes/no questions the verb is joined to the reported words with if or whether. e.g. She asked/wanted to know if (whether) it was true. In Wh- questions, we do not need if or whether. “Where are my glasses?” He asked me where his glasses were. Word order in reported questions: The reporting verb comes first, then the question word, and then the reported sentence with the tense moved back. And don`t forget to change the word order from question word order to statement word order. e.g. Who ate the cake?                  He asked me who had eaten the cake. (He asked me who`d eaten the cake.)


22. Report the next six questions using “He asked…”

1. “What are you doing here?

e.g. He asked me what I was doing there.

  2. “When does the football match start?

3. “Why didn’t you answer my letter?

4. “Do you have a blog or read other blogs?”

5. “Can we protect our email and keep it private?”                   

6. “Is it your new website ?”


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