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Foreign Intelligence services are more active in South Africa than ever before. The reason for this is that most foreign countries perceive South Africa to be the gateway to Africa. Another important consideration is the fact that if Southern African countries’ debts are going to be written off, Southern Africa, for all practical purposes becomes the richest region in the world. Take into consideration that this region, mineral-wise, is one of the richest regions in the world. So without any debt it won't just become a global player; Southern Africa can become the leader in the New World Order. 

Also important to know is the fact that in the modern espionage world, business has become the norm as a front. These business people are flashy and move in the right circles, so to arrest them becomes almost impossible. Also one of the modern spy’s tasks is to ensure economic advantages for their own countries. A practical example is the now much controversial arms procurement transaction, and the French spies’ involvement were quite eminent.



John KIPP is a CIA operative who has contact with Gen. Tienie GROENEWALD and Thabo MBEKI when MBEKI received drugs from Alex KOUVARIS. Because Intelligence operatives use different names, it is difficult to know what their real names are and with whom else they had contact. However, It is confirmed that they do exist. The CIA is very active in Ruanda, causing nervousness, especially in the DRC. The author confirmed that the CIA has contact with the EAG as well as the IFP. The source in the EAG told the author that there is an exchange of information between them and the CIA.




According to a high-placed source in the EAG, CIEX is an MI6 front. Their legend as a foremost "private" company that specialises in economic investigations, gives them a perfect excuse to gather any information in this region and also help to establish access. Through CIEX, MI6 has direct access to MBEKI. It is important to note that until the ANC had been banned, MBEKI was a SACP member in Britian.


It will be only logical for MI6 to have an interest in MBEKI during his time in exile and even more logical to continue their interest now that he is President (British Aerospace’s Ј2 million payment into Vuwani Projects). The EAG also have close links with MI6 according to a source within the EAG and again information is exchanged.




The French Intelligence Service is one of the most active in the region, if not the most. Their network in SADC is not very big in terms of numbers but they make extensive use of the super-spy structure whereby they have at least two very high profile persons in every country that have contact with most of the influential people. In South Africa two of the people that have been identified by the author are Alain GUENON, who was the French Intelligence contact who liased with the South African DCI operative Wietzke Van Wyk De VRIES during the apartheid years. It seems that the South African Intelligence has a hold on OLLIVIER because of his homosexual orientation. It was also confirmed that Dominique NASPLEZES, the partner of Jean-Ives OLLIVIER, does work for MI. Jean-Ives OLLIVIER is the international link; he reports back directly to the head of French Intelligence and the President, and he co-ordinates internationally.


SADC Presidents that OLLIVIER have contact with, include RSA (But secretly opposes MBEKI), DRC, (But supporting the opposition of Jean-Pierre BHEMBA), Angola (Also supporting UNITA), Mozambique, Congo Brazzaville and Zambia. He is trying to get access to Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia. He also is active in the Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Algeria, Burundi, Uganda and Tanzania. The author also knows that he is active on other continents including Europe, Far East and Middle East.


OLLIVIER also approached one of the author’s sources to help him get rid of Thabo MBEKI. During December 1998 OLLIVIER approached the source. Apparently OLLIVIER had told the source that French speaking African countries want to get rid of Thabo MBEKI. OLLIVIER admitted to the author that they know about MBEKI's drug problem and they were aware that MBEKI's imprisonment in Angola was for a drug-related offence. Noseweek of June 2001, made mention of MBEKI’s imprisonment, but stopped short of giving the reason, which was drug related.  


The French Intelligence worked on various projects with the apartheid government and OLLIVIER was the contact. OLLIVIER had close links with Pik BOTHA and Rusty EVANS. Another source of the author in the Scorpions told him that they are looking into OLLIVIER’s activities as a money launderer for the EAG. Also see issue 35 of NOSEWEEK.




The German Intelligence also makes use of the super-spy structure, but it varies slightly from the French model. When the head of the BND visited South Africa a couple of years ago, the BND head visited almost all the major German companies during his visit. The German's have various business and professional people in South Africa and they report directly to the Minister's office in Germany, with one person in this region verifying the information. The number in Germany that these people phone is 094 9173 527 9103; this was confirmed by NIA’s Counter-espionage department. One of the persons using this number is Christiaan MEYER, who is also involved with the ADLER group. Deon MUNSTERMAN was the controller in Germany. An agent from Germany working out of an international front company with well-established contacts in Intelligence, through whom the author had met the person mentioned, said major concerns for the German government was the disappearance of 72 tactical nuclear warheads. A senior politician within the ANC confirmed that the ANC is aware of this and they are concentrating their efforts in Mpumalanga, as Mpumalanga is geographically the most likely place where these warheads are hidden.




Mark WULLOSKEN, an ex KGB officer, is also linked to Dimitri ECON (Econ was also with John KIPP[CIA] and Alex KOUVARIS [ex CCB] when MBEKI received drugs, and who is an ex-MI agent and father of Paul ECON). Dimitri and Mark are known to one of the author’s sources and were also fully aware of project SUNROCK.





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