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Arrange the words modifying the marked noun into a string of pre-modifiers and make a sentence using it.

Mind that the newly aligned string of modifiers can make us change the originally functioning determiner. Occasionally you have to reformat the entire structure of the sentence and even use other words to compensate for the slight change in meaning. If so, account for it.


e.g. This method is an extension which is natural for the technique.


You compose:    natural technique extension method → and then rephrase saying:


                      This is what is called the natural technique extension method. 


1. The example illustrates a limitation which is fundamental to any algorithm.

2. The world is interesting. The world is big . The world is a strange place.

3. To explain the difficulty, we must introduce another notion. It is that of an integer. To be more exact, the integer is algebraic.

4. We have to acknowledge that the arrangement to meet with the representatives of the local authority was most expedient.

5. I am bound to say that the decision of yours was hasty. Bizarre and haphazard.

6. I continued my study but in a rather haphazard way. In a rather disorganized manner.

7.’Assessments’, Peter said. ‘Bloody assessments. We never had anything like that before. And what about this other bloody stupid idea, “ongoing vocational training”? Like I need some academic telling me how to do what I do.’

8. Phthalic acid esters are a group of chemicals used in a wide range of consumer goods. Thus, they are commercially important.

9. In this paper we further improve the algorithm for the computation of polynomials over algebraic number fields.

10. This scheme is so easy and foolproof. It’s also legal. Why doesn’t everybody use it?

11. All things we produce are made of eco-friendly plastic. It stands to reason that material like this is recycled.

12. This is a mathematical problem that belongs to a special class and deals with optimization.

13. These methods are reliable enough to be embedded in a design aided by the computer.

14. The point is how to develop methods for the solution of problems which are going to be reliable.

15. Everyone in the office had what might be termed a “clerical mind”. They were very scrupulous in their filing. They were, in fact, a kind of line for production of pre-information on the basis of proper technology. The line that was permanently feeding data into the central computer.

16. New methods allow us to solve problems of optimization in the design of electronic circuits.

17. Since 1990 many applications have been discovered in the area of estimation and signal processing.

18. The new method of convex optimization is used to find bounds on the optimal value as well as approximate solutions. (2 versions)

19. The development of a working knowledge of convex optimization can be mathematically demanding.

20. Our audience is mostly graduate students in electrical engineering and computer science.

21. You should apply for a grant that combines research and the development of the curriculum. Such grants are given by the National Science Foundation.

22. The optimization problem in the given example is an abstraction of the problem of making the best possible choice of a vector in R΄ from a set of candidate choices.

23. There exists communication between astrocytes and neurons which is dynamic and bidirectional. It is now thought to contribute to the processing of information by brain.

24. In the past philosophers considered language to be a contingent and freestanding phenomenon, though natural.

Use while rephrasing: In the past philosophers talked as if language were some kind of … … … phenomenon like a sheet of water that happens to reflect the scenery around it.

25. There have been recently discovered waves in the solar corona. They are electromagnetic. Their frequency is ultra-low. They have extended the area of interest and area of applicability of solar radiophysics.

26. Acceleration of electrons in solar flares occurs in a magnetized plasma during the relaxation of electron beam which is nonlinear. The process was modeled. It was modeled with a code which is electromagnetic, 3D particle-in-cell and state-of-the art.

27. H. Schon of Bell Labs used a transistor to demonstrate all of the main findings of physics. The transistor demonstrated had some field effect and was humble. In his presentation H. Schon confined himself to the issues of condensed matter within the twentieth century.



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