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Ex.2 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Этот супермаркет имеет широкий ассортимент продуктов. 2. Мы только что получили в продажу розовые халаты с перламутровыми пуговицами. 3. На углу улицы продается разливное молоко. 4. Пожалуйста, заверните вазу. 5. У нас закончился хлеб. Сходи в булочную и купи буханку черного хлеба, булочек и печения. 6. Мы обычно запасаемся продуктами в местном супермаркете. 7. В этом магазине все товары продаются на вес. 8. На данный момент икры нет в продаже. 9. Вам достаточно 1,5 кг слив? 10. Все джинсы этой марки распроданы.


Ex.3 Name 5-10 things that fall under the following terms:

Summer wear, winter wear, underwear, footwear, textiles, dinnerware, tableware, hardware, bedroom suite, garments, household appliances, perfumery, sanitary goods, toiletries, groceries, bric-a-brac, pottery, antique, confectionary, canned foods, baking ingredients, glassware, sporting goods, stationery, knitwear, frozen goods, ready-to-serve foods, linen.


Ex.4 Give synonymous words or phrases for the following:

To go with, a dress, trousers, night dress, house coat, raincoat, rubber boots, to sell at a lower price, to buy a good thing at a reasonable price, to suit somebody (about some piece of clothes), a sweet-shop, a large self service food store, a drug store, to spend a large amount of money when shopping, haven’t enough money for something, to buy, seller, buyer.


Ex.5 Match the variants of the verb “to buy” with their definitions.

1. buy in a. откупаться
2. buy into b. выкупать
3. buy off c. скупать
4. buy back. d. закупать
5. buy up e. попасться на удочку; купиться


Ex.6 Open the brackets and translate the following sentences.

1. He changed his mind about moving, but was unable to (выкупить дом). 2. We must make sure (закупить) sugar before the price rises again. 3. The French have (купились) 9/11 conspiracy. 4. His sister threatened to tell the police, so he had to (откупиться). 5. The company (скупать) all the other cinemas and so became free of competition.


Idiomatic Expressions

Ex.1 Find Russian equivalents to the following:
1. Her clients are on the buy. 2. I will not buy that. 3. He changed his mind about moving, but was unable to buy the house back. 4. Housewives, afraid of running short, have bought up all the sugar in the shops. 5. Mr Sharp has enough money to buy out the town. 6. The painting failed to reach its agreed price, and was bought in at $68,000. 7. Bill's parents paid a lot of money to buy him out of the army. 8. A bargain is a bargain. 9. She sold me again. 10. He has sold all his goods like hot cakes.

Ex.2 Match the variants of the verb to sell with their definitions.

1. sell off          a. обманывать; предавать
2. sell short       b. распродавать со скидкой
3. sell oneself    c. распродавать
4. sell up            d. заниматься саморекламой; уметь подать себя
5. sell on            e. уговаривать, уламывать

Ex.3 Translate the following sentences into Russian using idiomatic expressions.

1. Магазин распродает старые телевизоры по сниженным ценам, чтобы освободить место для последних моделей. 2. Родители обманули своих детей.
3. Если Вы хотите продвинуться в сфере бизнеса, Вы должны уметь прорекламировать себя. 4. Я подумываю о том, чтобы все распродать и уехать из деревни; жизнь здесь невыносима. 5. Директора уже совсем уговорили на слияние двух фирм?

Ex.4 Rephrase the following sentences using idiomatic expressions.
1. I will take revenge on him in the same way.
2. Mr. Brown paid big money for his summer cottage.
3. You are lying. I don t believe you.
4. These cakes sell well.
5. Tom has betrayed his friend.
6. I don t know the answer to your riddle.
7. He was given two books in addition.
8. Promise is a promise.
9. She underestimated her rival.
10. It was the first time he didn t have anything to eat .

Ex.5 Make up situations using idiomatic expressions of the Vocabulary.


                            Additional Exercises.

Ex.1 Fill in the missing words.
1. It s a multistoried building where one can get everything in the way of ________ and ________ goods.
2. I must confess, it was so difficult to make a suitable ________ in such a huge shop with a lot of ________ and shelves.
3. Then I went along the ground floor and looked into the ________ of the grocery, where I could see all kinds of ________.
4. There were some _________ counters on the ground floor and I found myself in a fantastic _________ city of different things.
5. I was impressed by a great ________ of silk skirts and shirts, ________ boots and shoes, jeans and ________ pullovers and sweaters, jackets and blouses, bags and ________.
6. It was the latest ________ and I made up my mind to ________ it _______.
7. But unfortunately, it was a big ________ on me and didn t ________ me perfectly.
8. The shop assistant suggested looking at a beautiful _______.
9. The ________ of the present was not very high, I must admit.
10. So I paid the money at the ________.
11. The cashier gave me a ________ and I came up to the ________ with it again.
12. On my way home I suddenly remembered that my mother had given me a few ________.
13. We were _______ of bread and I had to drop in to the ________ to buy a _______ of white bread a loaf of brown bread, five _______ and a half a _______ small cakes.
14. There was a long _______ at the grocer s.
15. I bought some ________ bananas and apples at the ________ near the bus stop.

Ex.2 Translate into English.
Мне не нравится делать покупки, для меня это скучная необходимость. Но, если мне приходится покупать продукты, я предпочитаю супермаркет. Там можно купить все, что касается еды, в одном здании. И это не единственное его преимущество. Супермаркеты всегда ярко освещены, товары разложены на стеллажах и в тележках, многие товары расфасованы и снабжены этикетками, на которых указаны вес, стоимость товара и дата расфасовки. Там можно купить все, что вам необходимо: бакалейные товары, мясо, колбасы, молочная продукция, напитки и чего только там нет. На фоне приятной музыки вы расслабляетесь и накладываете в свою тележку больше, чем вы можете себе позволить. Умерьте свой энтузиазм, иначе вы будете шокированы суммой, которую увидите на кассовом аппарате. Благодаря большому количеству кассиров вам не приходится стоять в очереди. Одним словом супермаркет это фантастический, яркий "город " различных товаров.

Ex.3 Find the words in the lines with more general meaning.

1. shop, bakery, butchery, dairy
2. fabrics, goods, foot-wear, linen
3. ounce, kilo, weight, pound
4. pay, weigh, buy, do the shopping

Ex.4 Supply the missing words:

a) 1. One can do 2. One can go 3. One can buy, sell 4. One can stand in a 5. One can wrap up 6. One can display 7. One can offer One can waste 8. One can run out of 9. One can afford
b) 1. One can prices. 2. One can money. 3. One can clothes. 4. One can purchase. 5. One can goods. 6. One can discount. 7. One can customer. 8. One can window shop. 9. One can change. 10. One can shopping.
c) 1. can be reduced. 2. can be served. 3. can be negotiated. 4. can be offered. 5. must be displayed. 6. must be wrapped up. 7. must be given back. 8. must be tried on. 9. should be pushed. 10. should be weight.

Ex.5 Remember the most typical collocations with the words COST, PRICE, VALUE, EXPENSE.

1. the cost of bread, the cost of living, the cost of construction, at any cost
2. to rise in price, what`s the price of, at reduced prices, price control
3. the value of this discovery, the painting of great ( no ) value, the suit is good value for money
4. at my ( public ) expense, at great expense, at the expense of one`s health, travelling expenses.


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