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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

V. Open the brackets and give the comparative or the superlative degree of the adjective.

1. Jack is the………….. (clever) of the three brothers.

2. If you need any …………..(far) information, please contact our head office.

3. The sinking of Titanic is one of …………..(famous) shipwreck stories of all time.

4. Please, send the books back without……………… (far) delay.

5. The deposits of oil in Russia are by far the ………(rich) in the world.


VI. Choose the correct variant of the verb in the Active Voice.

1. We (to cook) our meals on a fire last summer.

a) have cooked; b) cooked; c) will cook;

2. My sister (to wash) the dishes every morning.

a) washes; b) wash; c) is washing;

3. Mark (not finish) his essay yet.

a) have not finished; b) didn’t finish; c) hasn’t finished;

4. Helen (read) a book when she heard a loud shriek.

a) reads; b) has read; c) was reading;

5.  My brother (go out) with his girlfriend tomorrow.

a) goes out; b) is going out; c) will go out;

The English Language


Variant VIII


I. Read the text and translate it into Russian in writing.

All crops require nutrients (nourishing substances) and water to grow. Soil supplies most of the nutrients. It also stores the water that the crops need.

Crops differ, however, in the amount of nutrients and water they require for healthy growth.

A farmer must therefore make sure that the soil and water resources meet the needs of each crop. A farmer must also plan measures to controlpests, which could damage or ruin a crop. Most farmers plan their methods of soil and water management and of pest control well in advance of the growing season.

Soil management. Soil consists chiefl y of mineral particles mixed with decaying organic (plant and animal) matter. Chemical reactions involving these substances produce most of the nutrients that crops need. To be fertile, therefore, soil must consist of the right mixture of minerals, organic matter and helpful microbes. It must also have the proper amounts of air and water.

After deciding which crops to grow, farmers analyze their soil to learn if any nutrients are insuffi cient or lacking. To get an accurate analysis, most farmers send samples of the soil to a soil-testing laboratory. The test results help farmers plan a scientifi c fertilizer program for their crops.

The richest soil lies at and just below the surface. If this topsoil is not protected, it may be blown away by strong winds or washed away by heavy rains – a process called erosion. Effective soil management, therefore, also includes methods of soil conservation.

Water management. Crops cannot grow without water. In most cases, farmers rely entirely on rainfall for the necessary moisture. In extremely dry areas, however, farmers must irrigate their crops. Many farms often have too much water rather than too little. The problem is great on low-lying land and on land crossed by streams or rivers. Fields that tend to collect water must have a drainage system.

Pest control. Agronomists use the word “pests” in referring to weeds, plant diseases and insects that threaten crops. Most farmers control pests with chemicals called pesticides. Scientists have developed hundreds of

pesticides for use on farms. All pesticides must be used with extreme care.If they are used improperly, they may pollute the environment or the food supply and so endanger people’s health.

Farmers also use other methods of pest control in addition to pesticides. For example, turning the soil with a plough or mechanical cultivator kills most weeds. However, special pesticides called herbicides control weeds more thoroughly than soil turning does. Some herbicides remain active in the soil for some time and so kill weed seedlings as they develop. Plant scientists have developed varieties of corn, wheat and other crops that are more resistant to diseases and insects than earlier varieties were.

II.Put five questions to the text in writing.



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