Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии


Dear colleagues!

We’d like to invite you to take part in the International Conference V Novikov Readings  «Functional Semantics and Linguosemiotics», to be held in Moscow on 18 – 19, April 2019 at RUDN University (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia), which is organized by the General and Russian Linguistics Department, the RUDN philological faculty.


The Conference is devoted to modern issues of functional linguistic semantics and semiotics as well as the theory of literary text and rhetoric, issues of intercultural communication and theory and practice of literary translation involving interdisciplinary aspect of studies.

Conference languages: Russian and English.

The main topics to be discussed:


· Theoretical and methodological issues and interdisciplinary character of functional semantics within linguistic anthropocentric paradigm.

· Semantic continuum: language and text.

· Semantic field as a range of senses.

· Semantics and semiotics interaction: principle of double denotation in lexis and grammar. Textual semiosis.

· Language as a semiosphere. Semiotic and semantic modelling.

· Data collecting technologies (IT) and semiotic modelling.

· Specific semantic and semiotic dominants in language and text.

· Semantic and semiotic parameters of literary text and discourse (stylistics, poetics, rhetoric).

· Semiotics of culture and cross/intercultural communication.

· Semantic and semiotic modulations and means of literary translation. Category of imagery in literary text and translation.


Within the Conference frame there are plenary meeting, section and panel discussions, master-classes, and more.

To join the Conference you should fill in the Registration form at the Conference site: http: //novikov-conf2019.rudn.ru/. You may also write an e-mail to: kaf_yazik_rudn@mail.ru with a subject of “ V Novikov Readings - 2019 ”. You’ll be able to look for the information about the Conference on its official site http: //novikov-conf2019.rudn.ru/.

ATTENTION, please:

the file with materials for publishing should be named as ivanov_abstract – the name of a participant goes firstly. The Registration form file is similar: ivanov_appl. You may mail both files to: kaf_yazik_rudn@mail.ru; the subject is “ V Novikov Readings - 2019 ”.

The deadline to apply and fill in the Registration form is 20th December, 2018; the deadline to submit the materials for publication is 10th February, 2019.

The Conference team is thankful for earlier registration and submission of materials.


NOTA BENE: site http: //www.translit.ru, offers automatic transliteration of Russian features; see: BGN (Board of Geographic Names).


After compulsory reviewing the editorial board is going to make a decision to choose the most actual materials are published after the conference in RUDN journalof language studies, semiotics and semantics having RINTS (e-library) indexation. Extramural reports may be published as poster presentations.

Registration fees are assigned for preparation of the Conference, its Programme, reviewing the materials for publication, coffee-breaks, cultural events, etc. makes 2.500 Russian roubles, and is charged after participant’s application and materials are approved.

The fees aren’t meant to cover postal expenses to send the Conference materials and editing journals with the reports published.


Information about the Conference Programme and other is going to be found on the Conference site: http: //novikov-conf2019.rudn.ru/.


Travel and expense be covered either personally by a participant or by the institution he/she works with.

Conference Team address: Russia, 117198, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklay, str., 10/2A, Philological faculty, the General and Russian Department. Vth Novikov Readings «Functional Semantics and Linguosemiotics».


Conference Team Chairman:

Denisenko Vladimir Nikiforovich, Acad. of MAN PO, Full professor, the Head of the  General and Russian Department;

Programme Committee Chairman:

Krasina Elena Alexandrovna, Full professor, professor of the  General and Russian Department;

Conference Site Coordinator:

Povalko Polina Yur’yevna, PhD, assistant of the  General and Russian Department.


E-mail: kaf_yazik_rudn@mail.ru (Subject: V Novikov Readings-2019); phone number: 8 (499) 936 85 73.



Supplement 1


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