Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Introduction to language objectives . 6



Long term plan.. 3

Introduction to language objectives. 6

Medium term plan.. 7

12.1A: Algorithms and programming. 7

12.1B: Data representation.. 12

12.1C: Project (Analysis) 15

12.2A: Information Theory. 19

12.2B: Design decisions. 22

12.2C: Project (Design/Implementation) 25

12.3A: Web technologies and operating systems. 29

12.3B: Hardware and Networks. 34

12.3C: Project (Implementation/Testing) 37

12.4A: IT in society. 41

12.4B: Project – Documentation/Evaluation.. 46

12.4C: Revision.. 49

Lesson plan. . 53




Long term plan

Subject: Computing

Grade: 12

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4
1A Algorithms and programming · Algorithm design · Assembly language · Language translators · Different language levels · Programming errors · CISC vs RISC · HTML, XML 2A Information theory · Fetch decode execute cycle · Boolean Logic · Registers and their uses · Addressable memory · Hexadecimal and character encoding 3A Web technologies and operating systems · The web and the internet · Protocols · Passwords · Computer and network security · Interfaces · Operating systems · Search engines   4A IT in society · Limits of computer science · Artificial intelligence trends · Declarative programming · Philosophy of mind · Spreadsheet project
1B Data representation · Binary numbers · Binary addition · Binary multiplication · Trees · Stacks · Queues   2B Design decisions · DFD/Use cases · HTML and CSS conventions · Different web creation software (CMS) · Algorithm efficiency   3B Hardware and networks · IP, MAC addresses · Gateways and routers · Packet switching · Networking problems · Data validation and verification 4B Project (Documentation/Evaluation) · Technical write up · User manual · Help topics · Evaluation
1C Project (Analysis) · Analysis · Research methods · Data analysis · DFDs · ERDs · Objectives Copyright and ethics 2C Project (Design/Implementation) · Modular design · Data dictionary · Database design, DML and DDL · Normalisation extended · Interface · Algorithm design · Security 3C Project (Implementation/Testing) · Prototypes · Testing: Extreme, erroneous, typical · Error: Syntax, logic and runtime · Screen captures 4C Revision · Syllabus review · Past/specimen paper questions · Mock exam · Group discussions


W = whole class work

G = group work

I = individual work

f = formative assessment



A unit is a body of lessons over a shared theme of learning.

The emphasis of this scheme is on learners’ understanding of over-arching principles and hard skills that compliment them. Peer support should be encouraged throughout this course and group problem solving plays a major role in most units. Groups and pairs should be swapped often so that learners become comfortable working with each other. Learners should keep notes on all discussions and work covered.

Where possible all learners will:

- Have access to a computer running an IDE for a language such as VB.NET

- Have access to the notepad++ text editor and a web browser such as Firefox

- Have home access to the software and resources used in class. This will probably require an internet connection.

- Have direct access to a computer's networking settings

- Have access to highly customisable device.

There are two recommended book for this course:

AQA-AS – AQA Computing AS - ISBN 978-0-7487-8296-3

AQA-A2 – AQA Computing A2 - ISBN 978-0-7487-8298-7

Other resources come from the wikibooks AQA A-Level Computing book (http: //en.wikibooks.org/wiki/A-level_Computing/AQA) and other selected website. Depending on the learners’ level of English, Russian/Kazakh language alternatives to wikibooks should be found.

In the Learning Resources column where is says:

· AQA-AS p## this means a page number in the AQA Computing AS Textbook

· AQA-AS #.# this means a chapter number in the AQA Computing AS Textbook


Medium term plan


Computing Secondary Grade 12


A: Algorithms and programming


Recommended prior knowledge


Learners should have practical experience in creating simple web pages using HTML. They should know the basic of writing computer programs, including sequence, selection, assignment and iteration. This unit builds on the Grade 11 units 1A, 2A and 3A




The algorithms and programming section lays down the foundations for later units where learners will be expected to create more complex Assembly programs (Unit 12.2A). It gives the fundamentals of XML and web programming that will be used for the main project (see Units 1C, 2C, 3C, 4B) and will later support understanding of modern web technologies such as HTML5 (Unit 3B)





Learning objective

Language learning objective

Subject-specific vocabulary & terminology

Useful set(s) of phrases

For dialogue/writing


Learners can:


summarise the relationship between high level languages and low level languages

Learners can:   based on their research describe the difference between levels of programming language (reading and speaking skills)

generations, programming, language, convert, processor, low level, high level, code

first (low), machine code

second (low), assembly code

third (high), object code, programmer-friendly, loops, conditionals, classes, imperative, sequence

fourth (high), specific purpose, SQL, Oracle, XML, declarative

( First/second/third/fourth )- generation languages are designed to

An example is…

A disadvantage of… is…

An advantage of… is…

The benefits of (machine code) are…

The problem with (machine code) is it can/cannot…

This means that


To create other language objectives, and for additional guidance on language teaching objectives that apply to the teaching and learning of academic language, see ‘Introduction to language objectives’ above.




The fundamentals of program design are covered through flow charts. This unit reinforces the difference between the various programming language generations and the methods to create executable code. Learners will get hands on experience of Assembly programs. Web technologies such as XML are introduced and practical experience of programming with them will be delivered.



Subject Programme ref Learning objectives

Teaching notes

Learning resources use dataflow diagrams (DFDs) and system flowcharts to represent input, process, storage and output in computational systems  

( W ) Introduce the basic components of flow charts.

( I ) Learners create flow charts to describe how they prepare for school in the morning.

( W ) Demonstrate how a flow chart can be used to describe a password box on a website. Cover loops and If statements.

( G ) Groups create flow charts for complex routines such as bubble sort.

( I ) Using the flow chart learners implement bubble sort in any language.

The introduction should include sequence, selection and loops.

If learners have not learnt bubble sort it could be introduced here or an alternative program used.

Differentiation can be provided by producing an incomplete flow chart for learners to complete.

EXTENSION: Learners can attempt a Halting Problem.

AQA AS p25-27

Halting problem on wikibooks

AQA A2 p52 fill memory cells in a rational manner

( W ) Teacher reminds learners of Assembly language programs.

( G ) In pairs learners try to find as many different Assembly operation codes (opcodes) as they can. Feedback to the whole class.

( G ) Take a very simple executable file that adds two numbers together. Disassemble it and try to work out what the assembly is doing. Ask one group of learners to explain to the rest of the class.

( W ) Introduce them to a small variety of programs.

Watch tracing of code using loops and labels.

( G ) ( f ) Learners to practise using the Little Man Computer by creating simple programs to:

· Add two numbers together

· Doubling a number

· Multiplying a number by 7

( I ) If there is time; provide more complex problems for learners to solve such as loops and selection.

To get the learners started, provide some examples of Assembly instructions, highlighting the opcode and operands.

The Little Man Computer is a great way to see how registers and memory locations work.

For a fully functional Assembler, depending upon your platform, you might want to look at NASM, as that comes with GCC or the inbuilt assembler with Visual Studio.

Have code prepared to run on the Little Man Computer. It is useful to have the flow charts of programs available to demonstrate the use of conditionals when comparing values and implementing loops.

Learners may be given simple tasks such as:

· Adding two numbers together

· Doubling a number

· Multiplying a number by 7

Machine code and assembly language on wikibooks

Little Man Computer

AQA-AS 7: 3

Disassembler at http: //www.ollydbg.de/ understand the concept of addressable memory understand how addressable memory is used in a computer trace a given simple assembly language program show understanding of the various stages in the compilation of a program: lexical analysis, syntax analysis, code generation and optimisation

( W ) Give learners a description of how a compiler works.

( G ) Give pairs of learners several pieces of VB.NET code and ask them to find the syntax errors.

( I ) Learners create code with syntax errors for their peers to find.

( G ) Give pairs of learners several pieces of VB.NET code and challenge them optimise each piece of code.

( W ) Ensure learners understand how different languages are interpreted and compiled, including Java, C++, Python, and JavaScript.

( G ) Given different scenarios learners should debate whether they need a compiler or an interpreter and provide reasons why in each case.

Compiler descriptions should include:

· Source Code to Object Code

· Error Checking

· Code Optimisation

· Code portability

Optimisation examples might include the use of loops that are not needed and the use of variables that are not used.

AQA AS p182

Types of program translators on wikibooks

Characteristics of an Assembler

Characteristics of a Compiler on Teach ICT

Visual Studio 2012   show awareness that high-level language programs may be partially compiled and partially interpreted, such as Java summarise the relationship between high level languages and low level languages

( G ) Learners research the main differences between high and low level languages. Give the uses for both. Ask groups to play argument tennis, one side arguing why low level is better and the other side arguing why high level are better.

Learners may have used a variety of languages outside and inside school. Reference should be made to this experience and where possible learners should categorise the languages that they have been using

Generations of programming languages on wikibooks be aware of the history of programming languages and the drawbacks of assembly-language and machine-code show understanding of the differences between RISC and CISC processors

( G ) Research the difference between CISC and RISC including references to pipelines and registers, present the pros and cons of both to the rest of the class.

(G) Think pair share, what factors affect the speed of a processor.

Reference should be made to the processors on the laptops/desktop computers they are using and the mobile phones and games consoles they might own. These processors provide a starting point for discussion about performance.

If possible an old computer should be on hand to take apart to display and investigate the internal components.

Structure and role of the processor on wikibooks show understanding of the importance/use of pipelining and registers in RISC processors explain the effect of clock speed, word length and bus width on performance create a website using HTML, CSS and XML

( W ) Recap on how to build a basic webpage, get learners to list the code parts of a page (Head, Body, etc.). Introduce a simple script to insert today's date.

( G ) ( f ) In pairs learners create a script to add and delete document sections using tutorials to help them.

( G ) ( f ) Learners use the Document Object Model and a scripting language to extract data from XML and build a list of products on a webpage when different selection criteria is provided. Get learners to pull the data from the XML and display it on the screen.

Make sure that learners are familiar with the basics adding and deleting elements from the Document Object Model (DOM) to create dynamic web pages. This could be linked to SVG.

You might want to provide data stored in an XML file (such as products for an online shop).

Some systems might not allow scripts to access external XML files without the use of a web server. Creating pages and hosting them on localhost through XAMPP should get past this.

EXTENSION: ask learners to compare JSON with XML.

EXTENSION: http: //www.codecademy.com/


w3 schools on javascript lessons

w3 schools on DOM scripting


B: Data representation

Recommended prior knowledge

Learners should already by familiar with system fundamentals from Grade 11 Unit 4B.


This unit gives learners a background in computer data representation covering the basic concepts of binary numbers, binary trees, stacks and queues. This knowledge is fundamental for those wishing to study Computer Science at a higher level.




This unit covers the basics of how computers store numbers as binary. It will take them through addition and multiplication of binary numbers. Binary tree construction and traversal is covered, as well as stacks and the uses of and different types of queues.




Subject Programme ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Teaching notes Learning resources represent positive decimal numbers in binary

( W ) Introduce the binary number system and show how numbers are converted from binary into decimal and decimal into binary.

( I ) Learners convert numbers between binary and decimal.

( W ) Demonstrate the addition of two binary numbers.

( G ) ( f ) Learners complete addition questions and set their peers questions to answer.

( W ) Demonstration of multiplying two binary numbers

( G ) ( f ) Learners complete multiplication questions and set questions for other learners to answer.

Peer support and assessment can be used during conversion, addition and multiplication exercises.

EXTENSION: Learners could look at two's complement representations of numbers and consider the problems that overflow might bring when adding two large positive numbers together

Binary on wikibooks perform addition and multiplication on binary numbers using the two’s complement system build a tree of a data structure (W) Demonstrate adding items and storing them in a tree structure. (G) In pairs learners create several trees from given data. (G) Group discussion on how a tree would be stored in a computer. (W) Demonstrate an in-order tree traversal. (I) Learners run through in-order traversals on given trees. Learners may have to be reminded of multidimensional arrays to complete this task. Try to use a tree where the items aren't obviously ordered, for example you might have words stored on a tree in terms of length of word, not alphabetically. EXTENSION: Learners look at pre and post order tree traversal. AQA-A2 additional http: //filestore.aqa.org.uk/subjects/AQA-2510-W-TRB-COMP3TT.PDF Trees on wikibooks Tree traversal on wikibooks describe the functioning of the stack and queue data types correctly using the terms ‘last in first out’ and ‘first in first out’ (W) Demonstrate the functioning of circular, shuffle queue (First In, First Out) through role plays. Demonstrate a priority queue and link to use in an operating system. (G) Given several scenarios learners should select the correct queue and justify their choice. (W) Demonstrate of the functioning of a stack (Last In, First Out) using a pile of books. (G) In groups learners are given tasks where they use a queue and a stack to reverse the elements in a queue. You can use learners to role-play the items in the queue. You might also want to demonstrate the priority status of processes in the task manager of a computer. EXTENSION: Learners can implement a queue or a stack using a programming language. AQA-A2 2.4 Stacks on wikibooks Queues on wikibooks


C: Project (Analysis)

Recommended prior knowledge

This unit follows directly from the previous units on programming (Units 1A and 1B). From Grade 11 learners should already have experience of software engineering (Unit 1B), web programming (Unit 3A) and issues relating to the use of computers in society (Unit 4C).


Learners will find a real life problem with a real user, on which to base their project (continued in units 2C, 3C and 4B). Objectives set here will be used in the evaluation of overall project success.



Learners will find a real life user and through a variety of analysis techniques set down user names and system objectives for a computer-based solution. Techniques will include DFDs, Use Cases and questionnaires. Learners will engage with end users so that SMART targets for the new system can be agreed.

By creating a small scale project learners will get a chance to put their software engineering skills to use. Projects are recommended so that learning in Grade 12 can be consolidated.

Projects may include online simulations and games, focused on a business need. Though database/XML back ends are encouraged, projects only consisting of database interfaces should be discouraged. All projects should use new web technologies such as HTML5 to create interactive screens with features such as customisable maps and physics simulations.


Subject Programme ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Teaching notes Learning resources know the features of system analysis compare different analysis techniques and discuss the tradeoffs among them (W) Discuss the system life cycle. Teacher outlines the core components of Systems Analysis. (G) Think pair share different methods of collecting user needs. Discuss which is best and why.

Learners should aim to get real life end users from the local community. They might pick local businesses. In situations where they cannot find users for their projects the class teacher may step in as an end user.

Where pictures and information are being sourced externally, learners should take care to use and reference it correctly.

This self-led project alongside programming tasks included in other units will allow the learner to create four or more different applications.

Project Analysis on wikibooks

AQA A2 7.1

AQA AS 6.1 develop thinking skills of system analysis during project work (G) Discuss potential end users and write interview questions to find out what sort of website, software application, etc. they want building. Learners rate each other's questionnaires and adjust them in response to feedback. use at least four applications in implementing project work   (I) Interview users and write up: · the problem to be solved · the user's needs · description of all users · data used in current system · data needed for new system · review and explanation of similar systems currently in existence use the rules of taxonomy in the development of sites (I) Learners create an online blog to record their progress, list resources used and demonstrate their work. This should be completed every week and they should use tags to categorise their work. Care must be taken around legal issues of learners publishing data online. Legal requirements should be covered before starting the blog. Blogger or similar blogging site have experience of using prototyping to create solutions for project work (I) Learners create rough drawings of all the screens that the new system will involve. (G) (f) Share the rough drawings with peers and talk through how the system will work. Adapt the diagrams to incorporate feedback. (W) Class brainstorm of different ways to navigate a website or software application. How will they make their website or software application easy to navigate? (I) Following a whole class demonstration of the creation of a site map. Learners make own site maps bringing together the pages they have designed. It is important that learners can visualize their system at this stage. Reference should be made to the learners’ blogs being categorised using tags. Reference could also be made to the tagging that is used in the viral video in Grade 12: 2B. Site maps on wikipedia use dataflow diagrams (DFDs) and system flowcharts to represent input, process, storage and output in computational systems

( I ) With the help of end users where necessary build DFDs and Use Cases for the new system.

( I ) Where necessary, learners construct an entity relationship diagrams and Object Orientation.

( G ) Feasibility study: Learners prepare a short report that looks at the feasibility of the project with regards time, money, learner skills and overall complexity.

Teachers should check at all times the feasibility of the proposed projects given the limited time and the individual skills of learners involved. This can be accomplished through reading the feasibility study. analyse problems and evaluate the feasibility of creating computer-based solutions establish the relationship between a project concept and the requirements of the system (I) Learners write up the objectives of their project in three categories: · Input, Output, Processing · Data storage · Performance (G) They share the objectives with peers and receive feedback on whether they are SMART or not. (I) Objectives should to be agreed with the end user and signed off. Good guides on how learners can structure this section can be found in textbooks.  

A: Information Theory

Recommended prior knowledge

This unit builds on the learning from Unit 1A on algorithms and programming. Learners should also have completed Unit 11.4B: System Fundamentals.


This unit builds on the knowledge learnt in Unit 1A learning how computer programs are fetched, decoded and executed. the Assembly covered in 1A is extended.



Learners cover the concept of addressable memory and put the concept into action through the development of complex assembly language programs. Hexadecimal is introduced and used to convert assembly code mnemonics. Learners simplify Boolean expressions using a variety of techniques.


Subject Programme ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Teaching notes Learning resources outline the instruction cycle (fetch /decode /execute)

( W ) Recap the steps of the Fetch Decode Execute Cycle.

( G ) Learners role play the execution of code inside a computer.

( G ) In pairs learners create a poster explaining what each of the registers do.

( W ) Role play how addressable memory works by using the class to represent memory locations.


You may also demonstrate how the status register is used when performing binary calculations.

Introduce a small set of instructions that the learners can use to manipulate memory and perform through role play.

Fetch Execute Cycle on wikibooks

Registers on wikibooks

Status Register on wikibooks

AQA AS 7.2 understand the concept of addressable memory understand how addressable memory is used in a computer know the required set of processor registers, their format, purpose understand why hexadecimal number representation is often used and know how hexadecimal numbers are stored (W) Introduce learners to the Hexadecimal encoding system. (I) Learners complete questions converting Decimal and Binary to and from Hexadecimal. (G) (f) In groups discuss the reason why Hexadecimal is used to represent Assembly code. (I) After creating a table mapping the instructions for the Little Man Assembly interpreter to Hexadecimal equivalents, learners write a program that will convert from Assembly mnemonics into Hexadecimal. Some practice may be required to remind learners of how binary and different base systems work depending on experience from Grade 9. Questions on converting Decimal and Binary to and from Hexadecimal can be taken from textbooks. EXTENSION: learners can research the Octal system. Hex encoding on wikibooks AQA AS 5.1 AQA AS 5.2 Assembly language instructions that work with Little Man convert logical expressions in order to minimisation them to normal form using logical laws (W) Recap the use of Veitch Diagrams and truth tables to simplify logical expressions. (G) (f) Introduce the Boolean identities. In pairs learners complete a work sheet of Boolean identities where the simplified version of the identity is missing. (G) In pairs learners use a Veitch Diagram or truth table to prove the validity of De Morgan's Law. They then share and compare their proofs with other pairs. (I) (f) Individually learners are to simplify sets of Boolean statements using De Morgan's Laws and Boolean Identities. Have questions ready to remind learners of the use of Veitch Diagrams and truth tables to simplify logical expressions (Grade 11.4B). A Boolean identity model worksheet can be taken from wikibooks. Questions asking learners to simplify sets of Boolean statements can be taken from textbooks. There are plenty of websites that offer further questions Other examples could be used. Boolean identities on wikibooks AQA AS 7.1 De Morgan's Law on wikibooks

B: Design decisions

Recommended prior knowledge

From Grade 11 learners should already have experience of web programming (Unit 3A) and web security (Unit 3C).


This unit gives learners the skills required to design robust, fast and secure software programs. It gives them practical experience of the techniques required to build well designed websites and of protecting websites against attacks. The material covered here will assist with the design development of their project (units 2C, 3C, 4B).



This unit gives learners experience of designing programs to solve real life problems through the use of Use Cases and Data Flow Diagrams. Learners discuss what makes a well-designed website and they use textbook theory to reinforce their conclusions. They get practical experience of designing websites. They will understand the need for password security and how to implement this server side and client side. Learners are made aware of the complexity of code and can judge code speed using Big O notation.



Subject Programme ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Teaching notes Learning resources use dataflow diagrams (DFDs) and system flowcharts to represent input, process, storage and output in computational systems (W) Introduce learners to use cases with an example for making a computer game (G) (f) Ask learners to create use cases for: · online shop selling a product · shop stock control systems (W) Introduce the main components of Data Flow Diagrams and demonstrate with a shop customer registration system. (G) (f) Learners create DFDs for: · online shop selling a product · shop stock control systems You can use another use case if desired. There are several methods that can be used to construct Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs). The method linked here is for the Gane Sarson method. DFDs and use cases on wikibooks AQA A2 7.2 Smart draw introduction to data flow diagrams Dia modelling program for Gane Sarson DFDs create a website using HTML, CSS and XML

( G ) In groups learners make a list of what styles and structures go into making a good website, they should use examples of sites that they use every day.

( W ) Whole class builds a list of agreed features that make a good web page.

( W ) Teacher to introduce the 3 different methods of creating websites (WYSIWYG, text based, CMS) demonstrating each.

( W ) Teacher demonstration of using CSS to style Divs by colouring and positioning them.

( I ) ( f ) Learners create a web page for a local news story aimed at people of a similar age. All learners should use the same material.

( G ) Learners pick their favourite page out of those produced in the class and explain what they like about it. Reference should be made to the list of good website features made earlier in this activity.

( I ) Learners create a simple website to promote a new music group using a WYSIWYG and CMS development environments.

( G ) In pairs compare the results and list the pros and cons of each method.

( W ) In a whole class discussion talk about the pros and cons of different web development technologies.

Learners should be encouraged to build the list of desirable features themselves and avoid picking things up from a book.

Provide a basic text and images for the web page. During the CSS demonstration look at absolute and relative positioning.

Learners should be making more use of DIV and SPAN tags, using CSS to position them for devices with different resolutions.

Depending on how much experience learners have from the previous year it might be useful to introduce them to CSS3.0. This will require a modern web browser such as Firefox, IE9.0 or Chrome.

See examples of website creation methods in the learning resources.

Learners will require HTML knowledge from Grade 11 to create tags.

A version of WordPress (CMS) can be installed on a server or you may want to use other free online hosting alternatives such as Blogger.

At this stage there should be no need for learners to FTP files to a web server, this will come later

Webpage design on wikibooks

AQA AS 9.2

W3 schools on css

W3 schools on css 3

KompoZer / Dreamweaver


Wordpress / Joomla

Copyright free images for bands from a website such as wikicommons

xampp web server. A portable version is also available characterise and compare various editors for creating web pages according to the quality of the interface, capabilities, semantics and syntax understand that algorithms can be characterised by their complexity

( G ) Show learners two bits of code that perform the same task. Show that one is faster than the other.

( W ) Demonstrate how to add timers to code to check running speeds.

( G ) ( f ) In pairs compare the running times of linear and Boolean search algorithms. Discuss with the whole class which one is fastest and why. Discuss ‘order of growth’.

( W ) Introduce the concept of O(n) notation.

( I ) ( f ) Learners complete questions about O(n) notation and practice assigning O notation to two sorting algorithms.

( G ) Learners test the speed of Bubble and Insertion sort with different sets of data. They present their findings using O(n) notation to the rest of the class and explain which algorithm is best and why.

( W ) Introduce the idea of space efficiency in computing.

( G ) In pairs learners create the most space efficient program that works out the solutions to simultaneous equations

It is necessary to provide sets of data for learners to search and sort.

Learners might need to be introduced to timing functions within their programming environment.

Ideally learners should be familiar with sorting or searching algorithms to use as examples here. If not, a short introductory session might be needed.

Efficiency can include:

· size of program code

· size of input and output

· amount of memory needed during program running.

AQA A2 1: 2 understand the time-efficiency of algorithms understand the space-efficiency of algorithms


Recommended prior knowledge

This unit follows the work on modelling (Unit 1B) already completed in this Grade. From Grade 11 learners will be familiar with issues around computers and society (Unit 11.4C).


This unit will complete the project design (Units 1C) and get learners started on programming their projects.



In this unit learners complete the design of the web pages, data model and storage, inputs, outputs, processing and querying. Learners will then start making their system. At all stages end-users should be engaged with and feedback acted upon.



Subject Programme ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Teaching notes Learning resources have experience of using prototyping to create solutions for project work

( W ) Cover the main components of a system design outlining what is to be achieved in this unit.

( I ) Each learner constructs an Input Output Process Storage table listing the main components of the system.

( I ) ( f ) User interface design: Invite learners to improve drawings started in Unit 1C, reflecting on final design and ergonomic considerations. They should add annotations describing the ergonomic and user specific rationale behind each screen and add any extra drawings to describe detailed functionality. Discuss designs with the end user and get them signed off.

( I ) Learners create a hierarchy chart showing how the pages of the website or software application connect together.

( I ) ( f ) Learners create pseudo-code and/or block diagrams to describe the main programming components of the system. Make references to any websites or books used to aid this section.

( I ) Data dictionary: Ask learners to detail the data items required in the back end database/XML model.

( I ) Learners should also produce ER diagrams and, if appropriate, a normalised database.

( I ) Queries: For each page of the website learners list the SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements required.

( I ) Object Orientation Design: For projects requiring Object Orientated Design describe the classes, attributes and methods required.

Learners should continue to update their blogs throughout this unit.

Teachers should check that learners don't set targets beyond the timeframe and their capabilities during the planning stage.

Screens may be hand drawn or using a program such as Inkscape, Photoshop, etc. Examples and, if necessary, templates for learners to use should be provided.

Depending on the skill level of learners it may be advisable to start development of the system before completing the design. Or, it may be helpful to revisit the design once development has started.

Make sure that any references to websites are correctly attributed.

If necessary main characteristics of a database should be covered again in these lessons, including database normalisation.

Project Design on wikibooks

AQA A2 7.2

AQA AS 6.1 use dataflow diagrams (DFDs) and system flowcharts to represent input, process, storage and output in computational systems understand how primary, composite, secondary and foreign keys are used in databases and the importance of referential integrity create and use entity-relationship (ER) diagrams design a simple relational database to third normal form (3NF) use structured query language (SQL) on a relational database to SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE data in one or more tables   know the features and characteristics of the programming development environment

( W ) Demonstrate how to set up a project in the chosen programming environment.

( G ) In groups, learners come up with a feedback template to use; deciding what criteria are important for the developer to know about.

( I ) ( f ) Learners create prototypes of all their websites or software applications and show to users. Users’ feedback is recorded and changes made.

( W ) Introduce the basics of DDL and explain the difference between DDL and DML.

( I ) Database/XML structure is created and test data inserted.

( W ) If necessary, demonstrate the setting up of database connectors (see Unit 11.3A). Where applicable the modular approach should be incorporated into designs.

( G ) Learners complete their design document and receive peer assessment. Could they build the system that their peer has specified?

Depending on how much detail was delivered in Unit 2B the initial demonstration may not be necessary.

It is recommended that the school provides books or links to websites to aid learners. Projects should be completed independently. Generic skills such as building database connectors may be delivered to a whole class

Learners should use DDL to create their prototypes.

Where possible avoid using programming wizards to automatically generate code. Learners should be building their own database connectors and writing their own SQL. They should be programming the interfaces and not be using graphical interfaces to develop the code behind the systems.

w3schools web programming

Sams Teach Yourself VB.NET Web Programming in 21 Days

Any other book related to web development and the programming environment that learners are using contrast the data dictionary, data description language (DDL) and data manipulation language (DML) when describing a database management system (DBMS) describe the project program development rationale in terms of stages and feedback based on classical models


Recommended prior knowledge

Already in this Grade learners should have had experience of creating websites with HTML and CMS (Unit 1A), protocols and ergonomics (Unit 2A). In Grade 11 learners will have previous experience of system optimisation (Unit 4A), web programming (Unit 3A), networks and the internet (Unit 3C). They should also have covered issues around the use of computers and society (Unit 4C).



This unit will give learners practical experience of using HTML5 to build interactive and media rich websites. Learners will learn how to use a variety of methods in website creation, allowing them to judge which is most suitable for particular circumstances. They will gain practical experience of, compression, FTP and take into consideration ergonomic factors when building website. All these skills are necessary for designing and building websites (Units 3C and 4B).



This unit will need a shared webserver that learners can access to store their own websites and files. Learners will create websites using a range of methods and evaluate which is best. They will compress and upload videos to websites evaluating which is the best technique. They will gain experience of tagging and tracking web hits. They will take into consideration health and safety factors when creating websites and discuss ergonomic features of websites.



Subject Programme ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Teaching notes Learning resources contrast the Internet, the World Wide Web and an intranet

( W ) With the whole class discus the question: " What is the difference between the internet and the world wide web"?

( G ) Learners list as many top level domain names as they know. Invite them to swap the list with another group who have to explain what each of the domain names mean.

( G ) Learners are given a range domain names and have to explain the components to their neighbour.

       protocol: //hostname/location_of_file

( W ) Role-play of a client-server model, where the client requests a web resource and the Domain Name Service resolves URL.

The tools on centralops allow you to see the conversion of URLs to IP addresses and see where URLs are actually hosted. This is useful if you haven’t got access to a command prompt.

Centralops online networking tools

Domain names on wikibooks

URLs on wikibooks

IP addresses on wikibooks

Client Server on wikibooks explain how a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is used to locate a resource on the World Wide Web (WWW) and the role of the Domain Name Service give examples of applications which use the client-server model show an awareness of secure protocols (HTTPS, FTPS) and their purposes (G) Cover the idea of protocols and ports, taking FTPS as an example. Learners are given a selection of different network tasks and asked to find the correct protocol and port number for each. Examples might include sending emails, playing games, sending files, having video conversations, loading secure webpages, connecting to servers remotely Protocols on wikibooks describe security measures designed to protect computer systems, ranging from the stand-alone PC to a network of computers, including: user accounts, firewalls, general authentication techniques, including the use of passwords and digital signatures (G) Recap, in groups, password rules and find out about hashing. Present to rest of class why hashed passwords are more secure. (I) Using regular expressions learners implement a scripting language password complexity checker. (G) In groups learners discuss whether security is better handled by the server or by the client? (G) In pairs learners research different methods of keeping people safe on their computer and when using networks: · firewall · authentication techniques · digital signatures · user accounts Each pair presents their findings to the rest of the group. (I) Complete questions on hashing. Discussions should include sever side and client side security and which is better. A good example of a scripting language password complexity checking tool is registering for new Google accounts. Database security on wikibooks Hashing on wikibooks Handout on hashing AQA A2 6.4 AQA A2 1.6 describe the different types of application software and the criteria for selecting appropriate software for particular purposes (G) Learners ‘think, pair, share’ to create a list of as many different sorts of software as they can. Records them on the board or flipchart. (G) Definitions of different software types are given and each group has to categorise the different sorts of software they have collectively come up with. Make sure that learners aren't using commercial names. For example, instead of saying Excel, they should say Spreadsheet. The software types can be: Application, system, general purpose, special purpose, bespoke, library, translators, utility, operating system Classification of software on wikibooks argue the benefits and drawbacks to different types of user of a range of user interfaces (including graphical user interfaces (GUI), command line interfaces (CLI), natural language and gesture recognition) (G) In groups learners come up with as many ways that they can interact with a computer as possible. (W) Discuss the concepts of GUI, CLI, natural language and gesture recognition. (I) Learners come up with two scenarios for each user interface and explain why the user interface is the best for that scenario. Where possible learners should have the opportunity to try out each of these methods. AQA A2 4.1 AQA A2 4.2 characterise different types of operating system and relate them to different user requirements (including real-time, network, multi-tasking and multi-user and batch)

( W ) Whole class lists the operating systems that they have used.

( G ) ( f ) in groups learners create presentations about the different functional components of an operating system:

· memory management and virtual memory including serial sequential and random access

Each presentation should include some exam style questions. Each group presents their findings to the whole and marks the answers to their questions.


AQA A2 4.1

AQA A2 4.2 explain how operating systems manage memory through the use of virtual memory, paging and partitions define and explain the different methods of data access including serial, sequential and random access understand the steps required to convert natural language into the language understood by search engines (I) Learners are given several questions to answer using a search engine. Using a system such as Google search, learners must get a result that answers their question in the fewest number of words and operators. Learners record the exact phrases that they use. (W) Learners share the questions they used. What is the difference from natural language and the language a computer understands? Some revision might be needed here on Boolean/logic statements: AND, NOT, OR. https: //www.google.co.uk/ for natural language search


B: Hardware and Networks

Recommended prior knowledge

Learners will have learnt about networks and the internet in Grade 11, Unit 3C.


This unit gives learners practical experience of interacting with controllers and programming. This is suitable for those learners aiming towards engineering and scientific degree courses. Network theory is useful for those looking at networking qualifications.



Learners gain practical experience of creating programs that interface with external controllers. Learners develop several projects involving lights and sensors. Understanding of network gateways and grids is developed. Learners gain practical experience of setting up network cards.


Subject Programme ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Teaching notes Learning resources define routers, particularly gateways and consider where and why they are used   consider how routing is used to transfer data across the Internet and how gateways are used to connect local area networks to the Internet

( W ) Describe how IP addresses and MAC addresses are used to identify hardware devices. Explain the meaning of the different parts of the IP address and the need for network masks.


( I ) Ask learners to find the IP address of the machine they are using. Discuss what is similar and different about each IP address.

( W ) Explain how packet switching works using routers and gateways.

( W ) Role play sending a message across a wired, then satellite, network to stress the use of routers and in particular gateways in dealing with networks using different protocols.

( G ) In groups research the difference between Cat5 and Cat6e.

( G ) Look at the network card settings. Set up a network with correct subnets and network masks. Get computers connected to each other to communicate or play a game such as Quake.

( I ) Complete questions on networks and routers.

( W ) Explain the difference between packet switching and circuit switching.

( G ) In groups list the benefits and drawbacks of each. Discuss group findings to the whole class.

(G) Each group is given a range of problems with a network; they can only see the symptoms. How can they work out what the problem is?

You might need to set up a small network within the classroom, as it is unlikely that you will be allowed to access the college network.

Learners will benefit from having access to command line features of their operating system where they can use " ping" and " tracert".

Symptoms for their network problems may include a device being unreachable, slow connections, loss of packets. A range of network diagnosis tools should be used here.

AQA A2 6.1

AQA A2 6.2

Centralops online networking tools

Packet Switching on wikibooks

Computers with network cards.

Switch and cables

Game suitable for playing over networked computers, e.g. Quake. understand the role of packet switching and routers be familiar with the role of MAC addresses in routing packets/frames outline the use of subnet masks to identify the network identifier part of an IP address explain the difference between packet switching and circuit switching explain the format of an IP address and how an IP address is associated with a device on a network detect network faults with the help of different utilities describe error detection and correction measures designed to protect the integrity of data, including: data validation, data verification for data entry, data verification during data transfer (W) Demonstrate how the accidental change of one bit can massively change the meaning of data being sent. Use this to start a discussion on how to validate and verify data. (W) Demonstrate of hamming code to verify data sent. (I) Learners attempt hamming code questions. This might be changing a number, or changing an IP Address. Learners may come up with a range of methods including elements on forms and sending data twice – polling, check digits, etc. Hamming code on wikibooks


Recommended prior knowledge

In Grade 11, learners covered software engineering in Unit 1B. In Grade 12, learners should have already started their web-project in Units 1C and 2C.



This unit completes the implementation of the project, giving learners a feel of what it is like to complete a major software engineering task. The finished product will be used to complete the evaluation (Unit 4B).



This unit gives the learners time to complete their project implementation making sure they make use of user feedback in finishing. Thorough testing will be carried out and documented through screen shots of video capture.




Subject Programme ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Teaching notes Learning resources create a website using HTML, CSS and XML

( I ) Learners develop their system and should be encouraged to share ideas and work on problems with their peers.

( I ) Any resources or code used in developing their project should have its licence checked and be referenced in the blog.

( G ) Groups discuss technical issues that they might be having.

( G ) Group feedback on prototypes.

( G ) Groups provide peer support for solving coding issues.

( W ) Run a whole class programming lesson on topics concerning most/all learners, for example, database connectors, CSS, scripts, etc.

( W ) Show and tell of any code/design feature that learners are particularly happy with.

( I ) Teacher holds one-on-one meetings with each learner to discuss progress and problems.

( G ) In groups, discuss what types of feedback they want from an end user and design feedback forms to submit to users for prototype testing.

( I ) ( f ) Halfway through the unit a copy of the project should be shown to the user and any feedback recorded. The final write up should include how this feedback is incorporated into the finished product.

Learners should continue to complete their blogs each week. Blogs should contain any links to websites and books that they have used to advise their programming, pictures and descriptions of prototypes and analysis of feedback from users.

Learners should be encouraged to use each other and online resources for support in developing their programs. If the majority of learners are struggling with a similar problem which another learner has solved, get that learner to deliver a mini-lesson on their solution.

Lessons for this unit will often be open ended in their learning objectives but a structure of a lesson is recommended:

· group discussion amongst peers on where they are and issues they are having

· whole class feedback to recognise common issues

· if necessary teacher-led programming section

· independent work with internet, peer and teacher support

· self-reflection and target setting through blog

· whole class show and tell of something great they have discovered

Prototypes can be shown more than once, depending on user availability.

The teacher may provide individual technical solutions to problems that learners may be having. The details of any advice should be recorded and be taken into account when marks are given.

The development of the system should involve many of the skills learnt throughout this unit and plays an important role in reinforcing this knowledge. Throughout the process teachers should keep notes of learner progress and their competence with the various technologies being used. Suggestions for improvement should be given throughout the project

Programming conventions and technical advice on wikibooks

AQA A2 7.5

AQA AS 6.1

Stackoverflow programming help website have experience of using prototyping to create solutions for project work create programs with practical, personal, and/or societal purpose predict expected results from different input data to determine the quality of software code

( W ) Explain the concepts of syntax, logic and runtime errors.

( G ) In small groups learners come up with examples in their own code of these types of error.

( I ) By referring to the objectives of their system, learners come up with a test plan. Test plans are shared with peers and feedback acted upon.

( I ) Run tests with test data that covers Extreme, Erroneous and Typical inputs. Tests should be recorded as evidence of the functionality of the system.

( G ) Learners test their peers’ projects and feedback is given and acted upon.

Testing should occur throughout the system development and solutions to major bugs noted in the blog.

Testing may include screen shots and/or videos.

Any minor fixes should be incorporated into the final project.

If possible a trip should be organised to a local software development company who could discuss how they test their software before release.

AQA AS 4.2

Testing on wikibooks

Test data on wikibooks

Camstudio screen capture software choose test data which shows that a system performs properly for data which has normal values, valid but extreme values and invalid values describe types of errors in programs (syntax, logic and run-time errors) and understand how and when these may be detected


A: IT in society

Recommended prior knowledge

Learners should have already studied Unit 11.4C: Computers and society.


This unit gives learners background knowledge in AI, a subject that is taking route in all academic areas. Bayes’ Theorem is used heavily in mathematics and the sciences. Laws covered in this unit will help learners make decisions about practice in any future online business they may conduct. Spreadsheet experience will be useful for any business work they may conduct in the future. The AI topics covered will link well with studies of the philosophy of mind.



This unit gives learners experience of Logic Programming, a basic AI technique. It looks at the limit of such an approach and briefly covers current AI techniques such as machine learning. A basic spreadsheet project is given where learners learn to link data and present their results. International and regional laws are covered, along with different forms of software licensing.

Subject Programme ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Teaching notes Learning resources know the modern trends in the development of artificial intelligence understand the function of IT in the ‘collective intelligence’ network contrast declarative and imperative languages (W) Show a clip of AI by Steven Spielberg. Class discussion on the limits of AI. (G) List the areas of our everyday lives where AI now plays a part. Are there any problems to AI taking over human tasks? Feedback to class. (W) Demonstrate Logic Programming using Prolog to declare family structures through rules that define relationships (Mothers, Uncles, etc) and facts (declaring people as female, parent, etc.). Get it to return the result to goals such as asking if a person is someone else’s mother. (I) Learners add their own family to the Prolog facts and write rules for father and grandmother. Get peers to test the system. (W) Summarise the difference between declarative and imperative languages. Learners find further examples of each type and share with the group. (W) Introduction to natural language sentence construction using English Grammar. Demonstrate that sentences are grammatically correct (Prolog may be used here). (I) (f) Learners complete questions about different languages and AI. (G) Split into groups and research: · Turing Test · Chinese Room argument · Groups take it in turn to present their findings (W) Class discussion: " What is wrong with the Prolog and natural language models of AI? ", " Can we describe all behaviour as sticking to the rules? ", " What happens if people break the rules? " Other movies would be suitable, the idea is to start a discussion on how far learners think AI has progressed and whether there is anything that can't be computed The key words here are: · Facts · Rules · Goals English can be used as the language for natural language sentence construction as learners should be familiar with language constructs. Examples from books may be used. The class discussion will serve as an introduction to probabilistic reasoning. You could use Siri/Google/Amazon as an example of machine learning. Bayes’ Theorem: Free Prolog interpreter - SWI-Prolog Online Prolog interpreter Prolog tutorial Robotics on wikibooks Emerging technologies on wikibooks AQA A2 1.6 (p65-67) EXTENSION: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach Bayes’ Theorem example
    (W) Discuss current AI techniques including Machine Learning. (G) In groups research: · Bayes’ Theorem, · Neural Networks, · Genetic Algorithms. Feedback to the whole class. (W) Teacher works through a Bayes' Theorem example. (G) Groups work their way through Bayes’ Theorem examples. use computers to find patterns in data and test hypotheses about data (W) Demonstrate the use of graphing in highlighting trends from data through the Google ngram program. (I) Learners experiment with ngram and Wordle. (W) Teacher to demonstrate the use of VLOOKUP in linking two datasets together. (G) In groups learners work out which were the most successful Olympic teams at London 2012 on a medal per capita basis. Learners use graphs present their findings. EXTENSION: If learners have time they can look for trends in the last three Olympic Games. The Olympics project can be replaced by something that a teacher considers more suitable for their class. A large dataset may be provided that allows for learners to create graphs. VLOOKUP will be used to link the population of a country with the medal table of the country. Any example will do here but an example that is similar in task, for example, linking a learner’s date of birth from a table with a table of exam results to look for a pattern between date of birth and exam results. Learners should be able find suitable information themselves from location such as Wikipedia and the CIA factfile website. If necessary the teacher should teach learners how to construct graphs out of data sets. Usage of the name Kazakhstan in English Language Books from Google ngram Lists of freely available datasets at quora Wordle text visualiser Excel web queries tutorial show understanding of the ethical issues raised by the spread of electronic communication and computer systems, including hacking, cracking and production of malware

( G ) Groups of learners to research:

· The Berne Convention

· Law on Copyright and Neighboring Rights (Kazakhstan)

· The Patriot Act (USA)

· The Data Protection Act (UK)

Groups present their findings to the class and suggest how the law they are researching affects individuals, business and government.

( W ) Class discussion on how the Patriot Act might affect data stored in the “cloud”.

( G ) Groups of learners research:

· Apache License

· GPL2 and 3

· Creative commons

What are the differences and what are the similarities? Groups create posters to show similarities and differences.

Teachers might want to substitute some of these acts with acts that apply specifically to Kazakhstan, Russia, China, or other countries.

The Berne convention on wikipedia

AQA AS 10.1

Legislation on wikibooks show understanding of the concept of ownership and copyright of software and data


Recommended prior knowledge

Before starting this unit learners should be comfortable with the content of Unit 11.1B: Software engineering.


This unit completes the project (started in units 1C, 2C and 3C) and is useful experience for any future project work in any field.



In this unit the learner documents the project they have created from a technical and user perspective. Technical documentation will allow other programmers to understand and adapt their work as well as covering the basic components of the algorithm design, the database design and the variables. User documentation gives the end user the skills to competently use the software through videos and instruction booklets. The learner evaluates their project after gaining end user feedback on the final product. They consider what went well and what went wrong and think about tasks for the future.




Subject Programme ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Teaching notes Learning resources use comments to explain the functioning of a solution (W) With reference to the Systems Life Cycle, technical documentation is introduced to the whole class. (G) Group discussion on the benefits of technical documentation. (I) Technical Guide: Learners to provide documentation on: · Description of each page · Database model · Detailed selection of complex algorithm design including flowcharts · Lists of variables and their functions Learners should continue to complete their blogs each week. Blogs should contain notes on progress and share their best code with future learners. Technical guide on wikibooks AQA A2 p272 Camstudio screen capture software Headphones with microphones Video editing software such as Microsoft Movie Maker create programs with practical, personal, and/or societal purpose (I) Learners evaluate system for help tips, inbuilt instructions and ease of use. (W) Class discussion on the last time they had to research how to use a program, phone, game, etc. (G) Group discussion on what makes a good User manual. Feedback to whole class. (W) With reference to the Systems Life Cycle, User Manuals are introduced to the whole class. (I) User Manual: Learners create a range of materials covering the most important parts of how to use their system. This may include videos and paper based tutorials. (G) Peer evaluation of user manuals: Do the manuals meet the criteria set out in the group discussion? Scaffolding may be required here. Topics should include: · Introduction · Navigation · How to perform 2-3 complex tasks · Error handling Video tutorials are encouraged and learners should spend time adding annotations and editing videos. User manual on wikibooks AQA A2 p272 Camstudio screen capture software Headphones with microphones Video editing software such as Microsoft Movie Maker analyse problems and evaluate the feasibility of creating computer-based solutions (W) With reference to the Systems Life Cycle, Evaluation is introduced to the whole class. (I) Learners revisit their objectives and assess how well they have been achieved. (I) Learners demonstrate their project to their user and record any feedback. (W) Learners deliver a presentation of their project to the rest of the class, highlighting: · What it does · Issues they had · What they are proudest of · What they would do better next time · What they want to learn more about Learners should be encouraged to think about the future and highlight areas that didn’t go well. Many may say that everything did, but a critical eye to one’s performance is essential. Evaluation of project on wikibooks AQA A2 7.6


C: Revision

Recommended prior knowledge

This unit should be covered at the end of the 4th term and after all the other units have been completed.


This is an exam preparation unit.



This unit offers learners the chance to revise for the examination that will cover content from Grades 11 and 12. Group work is suggested throughout this section. Depending on your learners, you could consider additionally using:

  • matching exercises
  • question bingo
  • matching answers to questions/guess the question from the answer
  • using interactive quizzes from the web
  • directed reading activities (apart from reading the syllabus)
  • Write ideas and facts on cards to use as ‘prompts’
  • Create memory aids such as diagrams or mnemonics (e.g. SMART).
  • Mind mapping to see what they know about a topic
  • Get learners to write five ‘quiz style’ questions to ask next lesson as starter/plenary
  • Learners create podcasts of topics and share via blog/VLE
  • Dealing with stress/revising at home/healthy life styles
  • One of those “Read all the instructions before you do anything” exercises – where they start doing things to discover they should have done nothing at al
  • Blockbusters





Subject Programme ref Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Teaching notes Learning resources
  Revision preparation (G) Distribute the syllabi for Grades 11 and 12. In groups learners to discuss material and rate sections on their knowledge being: · good · fair · weak · none (W) Teacher collects feedback and highlights any areas that the whole class (or a large part of the class) are worried about. Learners use the subject programme as a reference point for their ongoing revision. (W) For areas that the whole class is unsure of the teacher should cover the theory again. (G) In groups, learners share their areas of weakness and pair up with someone who can teach them an area they are weak in and then with someone they can teach something to. It is important that learners are allowed to discuss during this procedure, as there may be areas that they have covered but don't recognise the syllabus wording. By speaking to each other they should have a clearer idea of what they have and haven't studied. Depending on the clarity of the document the teacher may add their own notes and list topics that were used to cover each point. Throughout the revision process peer support should be encouraged to provide help to learners. Print outs of the subject programme including a blank area for learner notes.
  Grade 11 revision (G) (f) In groups learners complete a selection of questions covering Units 11: 1A, 11: 1B, 11: 1C and 11: 2A. (W) Teacher collects feedback and covers areas with which the class are struggling. (G) (f) In groups learners complete a selection of questions covering Units 11: 2B, 11: 2C, 11: 3A and 11: 3B. (W) Teacher collects feedback and covers areas with which the class are struggling. (G) (f) In groups learners complete a selection of questions covering Units 11: 3C, 11: 4A, 11: 4B and 11: 4C. (W) Teacher collects feedback and covers areas with which the class are struggling. (I) Learners make use of the syllabus to highlight any remaining areas of which they are unsure. (I) Learners conduct general revision in preparation for an exam. Teacher prepares a selection of questions from the materials used to teach these units and from past/specimen exam papers or other examples of exams at a similar level. Learners could also get support from any appropriate online learning communities where they can safely and responsibly ask questions outside school hours. Exam papers and mark schemes.
  All Grades (I) Take a practice exam paper covering Grades 11 and 12. (G) (f) After marked scripts have been returned, learners go through in pairs and ask the teacher any parts they do not understand. Time may be adjusted depending on exam length. If time is available allow learners to peer assess exams so they are familiar with the marking A practice exam paper
  Grade 12 revision (G) (f) In groups learners complete a selection of questions covering Units 12: 1A and 12: 1B. (W) Teacher collects feedback and covers areas with which the class are struggling. (G) (f) In groups learners complete a selection of questions covering Units 12: 1C and 12: 2A. (W) Teacher collects feedback and covers areas with which the class are struggling. (G) (f) In groups learners complete a selection of questions covering Units 12: 2B, 12: 3A and12: 3B. (W) Teacher collects feedback and covers areas with which the class are struggling. (I) Learners make use of the subject programme to highlight any remaining areas of which they are unsure. Teacher prepare a selection of questions from the materials used to teach these units and from past/specimen exam papers Exam papers and mark schemes. A wiki or Google docs for collecting group feedback
  Summing Up (W) Any final questions a dealt with. Learners are encouraged to use each other and online forums as revision buddies before the exam. Basic techniques such as use of crib cards and those listed in the outline of this unit should be covered.    

Lesson plan


Before planning the lesson refer to your medium-term plan. Your lesson plans can be developed on the basis of the suggested template.

Long-term plan unit:



Teacher name:


Number present:


Theme of the lesson


Lesson objectives

Define  your objectives for the lesson, which either may be identical to Learning objectives (LO) or may be adapted for this lesson in case the LO has a long-term character (i.e. if the achievement of the LO requires several lessons)

Success criteria

Сopy the success criteria from the Assessment Guidance Document for teachers on Formative Assessment (FA) for the selected LO.

Create your own success criteria for the LO not selected for FA.

Language objectives

Cross-curricular links

ICT skills

Previous learning

Course of the lesson

Planned stages of the lesson



At the beginning of the lesson it is important to focus on:

Differentiation can be by task, by outcome, by individual support, by selection of teaching materials and resources taking into account individual abilities of learners (Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Gardner).

Health promoting techniques


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO?

If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Summary evaluation





Long term plan.. 3

Introduction to language objectives. 6

Medium term plan.. 7

12.1A: Algorithms and programming. 7

12.1B: Data representation.. 12

12.1C: Project (Analysis) 15

12.2A: Information Theory. 19

12.2B: Design decisions. 22

12.2C: Project (Design/Implementation) 25

12.3A: Web technologies and operating systems. 29

12.3B: Hardware and Networks. 34

12.3C: Project (Implementation/Testing) 37

12.4A: IT in society. 41

12.4B: Project – Documentation/Evaluation.. 46

12.4C: Revision.. 49

Lesson plan. . 53




Long term plan

Subject: Computing

Grade: 12

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4
1A Algorithms and programming · Algorithm design · Assembly language · Language translators · Different language levels · Programming errors · CISC vs RISC · HTML, XML 2A Information theory · Fetch decode execute cycle · Boolean Logic · Registers and their uses · Addressable memory · Hexadecimal and character encoding 3A Web technologies and operating systems · The web and the internet · Protocols · Passwords · Computer and network security · Interfaces · Operating systems · Search engines   4A IT in society · Limits of computer science · Artificial intelligence trends · Declarative programming · Philosophy of mind · Spreadsheet project
1B Data representation · Binary numbers · Binary addition · Binary multiplication · Trees · Stacks · Queues   2B Design decisions · DFD/Use cases · HTML and CSS conventions · Different web creation software (CMS) · Algorithm efficiency   3B Hardware and networks · IP, MAC addresses · Gateways and routers · Packet switching · Networking problems · Data validation and verification 4B Project (Documentation/Evaluation) · Technical write up · User manual · Help topics · Evaluation
1C Project (Analysis) · Analysis · Research methods · Data analysis · DFDs · ERDs · Objectives Copyright and ethics 2C Project (Design/Implementation) · Modular design · Data dictionary · Database design, DML and DDL · Normalisation extended · Interface · Algorithm design · Security 3C Project (Implementation/Testing) · Prototypes · Testing: Extreme, erroneous, typical · Error: Syntax, logic and runtime · Screen captures 4C Revision · Syllabus review · Past/specimen paper questions · Mock exam · Group discussions


W = whole class work

G = group work

I = individual work

f = formative assessment



A unit is a body of lessons over a shared theme of learning.

The emphasis of this scheme is on learners’ understanding of over-arching principles and hard skills that compliment them. Peer support should be encouraged throughout this course and group problem solving plays a major role in most units. Groups and pairs should be swapped often so that learners become comfortable working with each other. Learners should keep notes on all discussions and work covered.

Where possible all learners will:

- Have access to a computer running an IDE for a language such as VB.NET

- Have access to the notepad++ text editor and a web browser such as Firefox

- Have home access to the software and resources used in class. This will probably require an internet connection.

- Have direct access to a computer's networking settings

- Have access to highly customisable device.

There are two recommended book for this course:

AQA-AS – AQA Computing AS - ISBN 978-0-7487-8296-3

AQA-A2 – AQA Computing A2 - ISBN 978-0-7487-8298-7

Other resources come from the wikibooks AQA A-Level Computing book (http: //en.wikibooks.org/wiki/A-level_Computing/AQA) and other selected website. Depending on the learners’ level of English, Russian/Kazakh language alternatives to wikibooks should be found.

In the Learning Resources column where is says:

· AQA-AS p## this means a page number in the AQA Computing AS Textbook

· AQA-AS #.# this means a chapter number in the AQA Computing AS Textbook



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