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IV. Complete the following sentences in any way you like.

1. Banks receive money ….

2. Borrowers are..

3. Depositors are …

4. Customers who need capital …….

5. Today the great banks of the world..

6. Interest is paid on …….

7. A bank makes its main profits ….

8. The system of banks rests upon ………


V . Translate into English:

1. Банки и банковское дело - это раздел экономической науки, в котором обсуждаются проблемы банковского сектора: зачем он нужен, как функционирует, как осуществляется его регулирование и пр.

2. Банк — финансово-кредитный институт, основной функцией которого является оказание финансовых услуг юридическим и физическим лицам.

3. Функция аккумуляции средств является первой функцией банка.

4. Вторая функция банка - функция регулирования денежного оборота. Банки выступают центрами, через которые проходит платежный оборот различных хозяйственных субъектов.

5. Третья функция банка - посредническая функция. Под ней зачастую понимается деятельность банка как посредника в платежах.

6. Банки являются финансовыми посредниками между заемщиками и кредиторами.

7. К банковским операциям относятся:

· привлечение денежных средств физических и юридических лиц во вклады и депозиты;

· размещение привлечённых средств;

· открытие и ведение банковских счетов физических и юридических лиц;

· осуществление расчётов по поручению физических и юридических лиц;

· инкассация денежных средств, векселей, платёжных и расчётных документов и кассовое обслуживание физических и юридических лиц;

· купля-продажа иностранной валюты в наличной и безналичной форме;

· выдача банковских гарантий;

· осуществление переводов денежных средств по поручению физических лиц без открытия банковских счетов (за исключением почтовых переводов).



VI. Summarize the contents of the Text using these questions as an outline.

1. What are banks concerned with?

2. Why do banks cooperate with government?

3. In what form do banks receive money?

4. How does a bank make its main profit?

5. What is the primary function of a bank today?

6. How do you understand the term liquidity of money?




Основная: 2, 3, 4, 6.

Дополнительная: 1, 2, 3, 4.






There are several types of banks in the world, and each has a specific role and function – as well as a domain – in which they operate. In broad strokes, banks may be divided into several groups on the basis of their activities and these include investment banks, retail, private, business, and also corporate banks. Many of the larger banks have multiple divisions covering some or all of these categories.

Retail banks deal directly with consumers and small business owners. They focus on mass market products such as current and savings accounts, mortgages and other loans, and credit cards. By contrast, private banks normally provide wealth management services to high net worth families and individuals.

Business banks provide services to businesses and other organizations that are medium sized, whereas the clients of corporate banks are usually major business entities.

Lastly, investment banks provide services related to financial markets, such as mergers and acquisitions.

Another way in which banks may be categorised is on the basis of their ownership. They might either be privatelyheld or publicly owned banks.

Privately owned banks are motivated by profit in their business operations. Publicly owned banks are held by the state governments of the individual countries and they serve as a nation’s centralized bank, as well as an economic backbone for that particular country. They are also known as central banks.

A central bank, reserve bank or monetary authority, is an entity responsible for the monetary policy of its country or of its group of member states, such as the European Union. Its primary responsibility is to maintain the stability of the national currency and money supply.

In most countries the central bank is state-owned and has a minimal degree of autonomy, which allows for the possibility of government intervening in monetary policy. Central Banks are also vested with certain supervisory powers so that banks and various other financial institutions do not behave irresponsibly. The functions of central banks widely vary from one country to another. Some of the important functions of the central bank of a country are as follows:

· Issuance of bank notes

· Managing the country's foreign exchange and gold reserves

· Deciding on the official interest rate to manage inflation

· Acting as the banker to the Government and the banker's bank

· Regulation and supervision of the banking industry

In most countries the central banks are state-owned and their policies, therefore, are subject to government interference. On the other hand, 'independent central banks' are the ones that function with least government intervention.

Publicly owned banks, which are controlled by the government, have numerous responsibilities pertaining to the banking sector of the country, such as administering various activities for the commercial banks of that country. They also determine the rates of interest offered by banks doing business in that country, as well as playing a major role in maintaining liquidity in the banking sector.

There are several types of notable retail banks. These include the offshore, community and savings banks, as well as the community development banks, building societies, postal savings banks, ethical banks and Islamic banks.

Offshore banks operate in areas of reduced taxes, as compared to the country in which the investor lives in. This is why most offshore banks are private banks.

Community banks are monetary organizations operated on a local basis, while community development banks cater to the populations, or markets, that have typically not been served properly.

Postal savings banks are basically savings banks that operate in conjunction with the national postal systems of that country.

Building societies where traditionally mutually owned by their customers. They provide a full range of retail banking services, but with a particular focus on mortgages.

Ethical banks do their business based on their own code of conduct. They only accept investments that they perceive to be useful from a social and environmental point of view. The Islamic Banks perform their business operations as per the Sharia law, the Islamic code of law. In particular, this means that they operate sans interest.

There are two types of investment banks – the investment banks that perform underwriting activities, and the merchant banks, a traditional form of banking, that performs trade-financing activities.

Commercial banks offer a wide range of corporate financial services that address the specific needs of private enterprise. They provide deposit, loan and trading facilities but will not service investment activities in financial markets.

Commercial banks can be described as a type of financial intermediary.

Commercial banks play a number of roles in the financial stability and cash flow of a countries private sector. They process payments through a variety of means including telegraphic transfer, internet banking and electronic funds transfers. Commercial banks issue bank checks and drafts, as well as accept money on term deposits.

Other institutions that perform banking services include savings and loan associations, credit unions, mortgage companies, insurance companies ,etc..

Credit unions are groups of people, typically workers at a particular business, that pool their money together for savings and loan activity. Credit unions typically offer lower loan interest rates to members.

Savings and loan associations traditionally accepted deposits from private investors and then lent money to individuals for mortgages.

A mortgage is a loan or money borrowed to pay for a home, business or other types of real estate. The home or business is the security for the loan to buy the home or business. If the borrower fails to repay the loan, the bank or savings and loan assumes ownership of the home or business.

Bankruptcy or going bankrupt means that a person is so in debt that they cannot repay their loans. When they declare bankruptcy, they publicly declare that they cannot repay their debts. A plan is worked out so that the person who owes money works out a plan to repay at least some of the debts owed.



Central Bank – центральный банк

Trustee Savings Bank – доверительный сберегательный банк

clearing bank – клиринговый банк

commercial bank – коммерческий банк

a financial intermediary – финансовый посредник

to deposit (with) – хранить , вкладывать

depositor – вкладчик

a deposit – вклад , депозит

to issue deposits – открывать вклады

to run down a deposit – уменьшать вклад

sight deposit – депозит до востребования, бессрочный вклад

time deposit – срочный вклад

to withdraw – отзывать (вклад)

to credit – кредитовать

to debit – дебетовать

to lend – давать взаймы

lending – кредитование

to borrow – брать взаймы

to transfer – переводить, передавать

to fail, to go bankrupt, to go bust – обанкротиться

interest rate – процентная ставка

bank accounts – банковский счет

a cheque accounts – текущий (чековый) счет

to write (to draw, to issue, to make out) a cheque – выписать чек

loan – ссуда, заем

a bank loan – банковская ссуда, заем

market loans – рыночные займы

a transaction – сделка

assets – активы

interest - earning assets – активы, приносящие процентный доход

cash assets – денежные активы

liquid ( illiquid ) assets – ликвидные активы

liabilities – пассивы

reserves – резервы

reserve ratio – резервная норма

securities – ценные бумаги

government bonds – государственные облигации

shares – акции

bill – вексель

advances – ссуда в виде аванса

certificates of deposit – депозитные сертификаты

the stock exchange – фондовая биржа

retail banking – операции банков с широкой клиентурой

wholesale banking – операции банков с крупными промышленными предприятиями

banking business – банковское дело; банковские операции

banking services – банковские операции syn. bank services

banking facilities – банковские услуги (операции)

deposit banking – депозитные операции банков

banking institution – учреждение банковского типа

syn. financial institution – кредитно-финансовое учреждение

depository (thrift, savings) institution – депозитное учреждение

lending institution – кредитное учреждение

full service – полный комплекс обслуживания

service fee – вознаграждение за услуги

large (small) scale services – услуги, предоставляемые банком крупным фирмам (мелким фирмам и населению)

personal services – услуги частным лицам

commercial services – услуги фирмам

trust services – трастовые услуги, доверительные услуги

cash management services – услуги по контролю и регулированию денежных операций (в банке, фирме)

investment services – услуги по управлению инвестициями

agency services – посреднические (агентские) услуги

insurance services – страховые услуги

real estate services – услуги по управлению недвижимостью по доверенности

trust deed – доверенность на управление собственностью

trust operations – доверительные услуги (операции), трастовые услуги (операции)

estate syn. assets – имущество, активы

trust estate – имущество, управляемое по доверенности

realty company – компания, занимающаяся операциями с недвижимым имуществом

real estate – недвижимое имущество

mortgage loan – ссуда под недвижимость

real estate mortgage – закладная под недвижимость

to borrow on mortgage – получать ссуду под залог недвижимого имущества

to mortgage property – закладывать имущество

to issue a letter of credit – открыть аккредитив


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