Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
Билет12,1 Debt Culture: Should credit cards have warning labels?
Credit cards are in our everyday life, and every day they increase their role in our lives. Over the past ten years, we have seen the consequences of debt both in the family and in the country. Most people who pay by credit card do not really feel that they were spending money, so they continue to spend money that they have not earned yet. I mean that credit cards are not evil, and I'm not against them, but no one has taught how to use them and how they work. How many people use credit cards with fixed monthly payments, without worrying about how high their total debt is? Knowing how to take care of a debt can tell you when it would be better to get a personal loan with a lower annual income. I think that this should be useful for families if companies with credit cards are required to write pro and con with the same size and page, but the main problem is the lack of education about them. This should be a kind of "credit license"
2 (McDonald's Corporation) - an American corporation, until 2010 the world's largest chain of fast food restaurants, working on a franchise system. In 2010, the company took the second place in terms of the number of restaurants in the world after the restaurant network Subway [6]. Included in the list of Fortune Global 500 in 2016. The company was founded in 1940 by the brothers Dick and Mac McDonald's (the first restaurant opened in San Bernardino, California), in 1948 for the first time in the world formulated the principles of the concept of "fast food". In 1954, Ray Crock acquired from the brothers McDonald's the right to act as an exclusive agent for franchising. In 1955, he opened his first McDonald's in the town of Des Plaines (now - the museum of the corporation). In 1955 Croc was registered company McDonald's System, Inc. (in 1960, renamed the McDonald's Corporation). In 1961, all rights to the company were fully redeemed by Krok. The history of the restaurant's appearance is shown by the 2016 "Founder" film drama. The company's headquarters are located in the suburbs of Chicago's Oak Brooke. Today, more than 36,000 McDonald's restaurants in 120 countries employ about 1.7 million people, serving more than 60 million guests every day. №13 1. Write on the topic: What’s the true cost of outsourcing IT departments The cost of outsourced IT depends wholly on the level of service that you require. Complete infrastructure care with unlimited support and CIO services for the above example of multiple servers, 75 users, etc. can range from $5000 to $9000/month while simple Infrastructure management and maintenance (with support being billed on a time/materials or hourly basis) may be as low as $1800 to $2500/month. Costs may be greater or increase if your business is in a heavy growth mode, since your infrastructure will need to keep pace with your organization's changing landscape. The price range is rather large, but so is the range and level of support. Fortunately, the right outsourced IT firm will remove the guesswork and provide you with a customized quote that details the recommended services to suit your wants, desires, and needs. Средняя стоимость для ИТ-аутсорсинга Стоимость внешних ИТ-услуг зависит от уровня обслуживания, который вам нужен. Комплексный уход за инфраструктурой с неограниченной поддержкой и услугами CIO для вышеупомянутого примера нескольких серверов, 75 пользователей и т. Д. Может варьироваться от 5000 до 9000 долларов в месяц, а простота управления и обслуживания инфраструктуры (при поддержке, которая будет выставлена счет за время / материалы или почасовую основу) может составлять от 1800 до 2500 долларов США в месяц. Затраты могут быть больше или увеличиваться, если ваш бизнес находится в режиме интенсивного роста, поскольку ваша инфраструктура должна идти в ногу с изменяющимся ландшафтом вашей организации. Диапазон цен довольно большой, но также диапазон и уровень поддержки. К счастью, правильная аутсорсинговая ИТ-компания устранит догадки и предоставит вам настроенную цитату, в которой подробно описываются рекомендуемые службы в соответствии с вашими желаниями, желаниями и потребностями.
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