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Вчені попереджають: Неконтрольований штучний інтелект небезпечніший за ядерну зброю.

Десятки науковців, підприємців та інвесторів, залучених до сфери дослідження штучного інтелекту, в тому числі Стівен Хокінг і Елон Маск, підписали відкритий лист, який попереджає про необхідність звернути більшу увагу на його безпеку і суспільну користь.

Про це йдеться у статті Financial Times.

Лист і супроводжуюча доповідь, які були направлені до Інституту майбутнього життя (Future of Life Institute), з'явилися на тлі зростаючої стурбованості ефектом, який можуть зчинити на робочу зайнятість і навіть на виживання людства у довгостроковому періоді. "Інтелектуальні здатності машин можуть перевершити інтелектуальні здібності людей, які їх створили", — йдеться у статті.

Співзасновник ракетобудівній компанії SpaceX і компанії з виробництва електромобілів Tesla Елон Маск, який входить до ради наукових керівників Інституту майбутнього життя, поряд з актором Морганом Фріменом і космологом Стівеном Хокінгом, заявив, що, на його думку, неконтрольований штучний інтелект "потенційно більш небезпечний, ніж ядерна зброя".

Як зазначає автор статті, замість нагнітання страху в листі з обережністю приділяється увага як позитивним, так і негативним сторонам штучного інтелекту. "Позитивні результати дослідження штучного інтелекту, які вже входять у використання, включають в себе розпізнавання мови і зображення і саморушні транспортні засоби", — вказано у матеріалі.

До слова, космолог Стівен Хокінг застеріг, що штучний інтелект "може перемудрувати нас усіх", і закликав людство створити колонії на інших планетах, щоб уникнути техногенної катастрофи.

Task 11.

Additional reading

Career of engineer

If you want to have a career in engineering, you have two options from which to choose. You can be an engineer or an engineering technician. Each of these has different educational and licensing requirements, as well as different duties and salaries. See the chart below for a quick look at the differences between these two career choices. Both engineers and engineering technicians can also choose from a variety of specialties which are discussed in the individual career profiles.

Engineers apply the theories and principles of science and mathematics in researching and developing solutions to technical problems. To become an engineer one must earn a bachelor's degree in engineering. Some jobs are available for those who have earned a bachelor's degree in physical science or mathematics. Engineers who offer their services directly to the public must be licensed. Engineers held 1.6 million jobs in 2008. The highest number of these jobs were in civil engineering (278,400), mechanical engineering (238,700), industrial engineering (214,800), electrical engineering (157,800) and electronic engineering, not including computer engineering (143,700).

Educational Requirements for Engineers:

To get an entry-level engineering job, one usually needs a bachelor's degree in engineering. Sometimes a bachelor's degree in physical science or mathematics may suffice, especially in high-demand specialties. Generally engineering students specialize in a particular branch of engineering but may eventually work in a related branch.

How Do Engineers Advance?

As entry level engineers gain experience and knowledge, they may work more independently, making decisions, developing designs, and solving problems. With further experience, engineers may become technical specialists or supervisors over a staff or team of engineers or technicians. Eventually, they may become engineering managers, or may move into other managerial or sales jobs.

Job Outlook for Engineers:

In general, engineering employment is expected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations through 2018, although outlook will vary by branch.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that biomedical, environmental and civil engineering will experience much faster than average growth, while employment in petroleum engineering, industrial engineering and geological and mining engineering will grow at a faster than average rate.

Other branches will grow either as fast as the average or slower than the average for all occupations, or will see a decline in employment.

Engineering Technician

Engineering technicians often assist engineers and scientists, using science, engineering and mathematical principles to solve technical problems in research and development, manufacturing, sales, construction, inspection, and maintenance. The work of engineering technicians is more application oriented and more limited in scope than that of engineers. To become an engineering technician one must generally earn an associate degree in engineering technology. Engineering technicians held 497,300 jobs in 2008. There were 164,000 electrical and electronic engineering technicians, 91,700 civil engineering technicians, 72,600 industrial engineering technicians, 46,100 mechanical engineering technicians, 21,200 environmental engineering technicians, 16,400 electro-mechanical technicians, and 8,700 aerospace engineering and operations technicians.

Educational Requirements for Engineering Technicians:

Those who want to work as engineering technicians should have at least an associate degree in engineering technology, although some employers will hire candidates who don't have formal training. Those who plan to become engineering technicians can expect to take courses in college algebra and trigonometry and basic science. Other coursework depends on specialty. For example, those who want to become electrical engineering technicians will take classes in electrical circuits, microprocessors and digital electronics.

Advancement for Engineering Technicians:

Engineering technicians initially work under the supervision of more experienced technicians, technologists, engineers or scientists. As they gain experience they are given more difficult assignments with limited supervision. Eventually they may become supervisors.

Job Outlook for Engineering Technicians:

Employment of engineering technicians, across all disciplines, is expected to grow more slowly than the average for all occupations through 2018. The outlook, however, will vary by specialty. For example, job growth for environmental engineering technicians is projected to be faster, through 2018, than it will be for other occupations requiring post-secondary training or an associate degree. Civil engineering technicians will also see an increase in employment as it grows faster than the average for all occupations. Employment of electro-mechanical engineering technicians will decline.

Check your comprehension

~ Do engineers usually assist engineer technicians?

~ What are job predictions for engineers and engineer technicians?



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