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Present Simple Passive Voice


Theyreadscientific articles for their research.

subject + verb + object


Scientific articlesare read for the research.

subject + verb


Active Voice: use ‘somebody’, ‘someone’, ‘they’.


Present Simple Passive Voice

  • I am given a dollar every day – Каждый день мне дают доллар
  • Vegetables are grown in greenhouses – Овощи выращивают в теплицах
  • Butter is made from milk – Масло делают из молока

For example:

Electric motorconvertselectrical energy to mechanical energy.

Electrical energyis converted into mechanical energy by means of electric motor.


Electric motoremployselectromagnetic phenomena.

Electromagnetic phenomenaare employed by electric motor.


The simplest type of induction motoris shown in cross section in the figure.

The figureshowsthe simplest type of induction motor in cross section.


This voltage is normally provided by an electronic amplifier with a low-power signal input.


The direction of the torqueis reversed by changing the input signal from 90° leading to 90° lagging.


Servomotorsare made only in small power ratings because of their high losses and low efficiency.


Theyare used in position-control systems.



  • She must be taken to the hospital – Ее обязательно нужно забрать в больницу
  • The dog can be fed with meat and vegetables – Собаку можно кормить мясом и овощами
  • He has to be taken to the swimming pool by car, as it is quite a long way – Его приходится возить в бассейн на машине, так как это очень далеко
  • This work should be done very carefully – Работу следует делать очень аккуратно


Passive 1 (present simple)


1) Somebody cleans the office every day.   

2) Somebody sends emails.

3) Somebody cuts the grass. 

4) Somebody prefers chocolate.       

5) Somebody often steals cars.         

6) Somebody plays loud music.        

7) Somebody speaks English here.   

8) Somebody loves the London parks.

9) Somebody wants staff.

10) Somebody writes articles.          

11) Somebody loves Julie.

12) Somebody reads a lot of books. 

13) Somebody cooks dinner every day.

14) Somebody delivers milk in the mornings.          

15) Somebody buys flowers for the flat.

16) Somebody washes the cars every week.

17) Somebody writes a report every Friday.

18) Somebody fixes the roads.         

19) Somebody builds new houses every year.         

20) Somebody sells vegetables in the market.


Ex.2. Write passive sentences in Simple Present.

the documents / print

the window / open

the shoes / buy

the car / wash

the litter / throw away

the letter / send

the book / read / not

the songs / sing / not

the food / eat / not

the shop / close / not


Ex.3. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

He opens the door. -

We set the table. -

She pays a lot of money. -

I draw a picture. -

They wear blue shoes. -

They don't help you. -

He doesn't open the book. -

You do not write the letter. -

Does your mum pick you up? -

Does the police officer catch the thief?


Files (to delete)

A party (to celebrate)

Forms (to return)

Ice cream (to freeze)

The turkey (to roast)

Animals (to kill)

Beds (to make)

Service (to include)



Theyreadscientific articles for their research.

subject + verb + object


Scientific articlesare read for the research.

subject + verb


Active Voice: use ‘somebody’, ‘someone’, ‘they’.


Present Simple Passive Voice

  • I am given a dollar every day – Каждый день мне дают доллар
  • Vegetables are grown in greenhouses – Овощи выращивают в теплицах
  • Butter is made from milk – Масло делают из молока

For example:

Electric motorconvertselectrical energy to mechanical energy.

Electrical energyis converted into mechanical energy by means of electric motor.


Electric motoremployselectromagnetic phenomena.

Electromagnetic phenomenaare employed by electric motor.


The simplest type of induction motoris shown in cross section in the figure.

The figureshowsthe simplest type of induction motor in cross section.


This voltage is normally provided by an electronic amplifier with a low-power signal input.


The direction of the torqueis reversed by changing the input signal from 90° leading to 90° lagging.


Servomotorsare made only in small power ratings because of their high losses and low efficiency.


Theyare used in position-control systems.



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