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Topic 17. If you could ask a famous person one question, what would you ask? Why?

If you could ask a famous person one question, what would you ask? Why? Use specific
reasons and details to support your answer.

Sample essay.
If I had the opportunity to sit down and meet one of my idols or heroes, I could come up with
hundreds of questions to find out what they did to get where they are, but in particular I like to
have asked Helen Keller, what would she have made of the technology available today to blind
and deafblind individuals?
When Helen Keller was nineteen months old, a serious illness almost took her life. She survived
the disease had left her both blind and deaf. Her education contributed to her first teacher, Anne
Sullivan. Anne taught Helen to finger spell, and manage to let her understand the meaning of
words. Imagine how hard it is for a person both blind and deaf to relate words with real world
objects, although she never had a chance to see those objects!
Another teacher Mary Swift Lamson who over the coming year was to try and teach Helen to
speak. This was something that Helen desperately wanted and although she learned to understand
what somebody else was saying by touching their lips and throat, her efforts to speak herself
proved to be unsuccessful. However, Helen moved on to the Cambridge School for Young Ladies
and later entered Radcliff College, becoming the first deaf blind person to have ever enrolled at an
institution of higher learning.



Essay topics: 18.If you were asked to send one thing representing your country to an international exhibition, what would you choose? Why? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.

The identity of a country is the most important thing for each country's people. Generally, each country has a special symbol which introduces that country in the world. Certainly, my country is not exception, eventhough it has a variety of things, those are worthwhile for me, but if I want to chose one thing I will select an unexpected one. I would prefer to select a picture of the " Perspolis", the historical city in Shiraz, Iran. It seems to me that, the image from that place will be appropriate for the exhibition and will represent my country's Civilization, history, and culture.

The main reason for this dicision is presenting my country's civilization's existence to the world. All in all, each country's identity is based on it's civil. Archeologists have estimated Perspolis's age, more than 3500 years. Which means since that time my father's are lived in this country and was a citizen. However the majority of people neglect this point but considering some of the Europen countries which are vanished or emerged suddenly, our country is much prior to countries such as them. Thus, I am positive that, a picture from the Perspolis site can exhibit my countries civilization to the world.

Second important thing that picture can depict is a history of my country. Surely, the picture from the past can illustrate each illustrates each lands story. On the walls of the Perspolis we can find some frescos about ancient peoples wars and their destiny. For example, we can see a lithogrophy which shows the war between Iranians and Rome Emprore and that's story. Thus, I am certain that, if people see the image from Perpolis they will be familiar with my country's history.

Last but not least is discribing our culture. On the walls of the Perspolis some picture from our ancient costoms and cultures are depicted. Visiting this place, lots of visitors have become familiar and intrested in our culture. For instance, once a china girl asked me about " Nowros eiv" in Iran. It was very unexpected for me that, from where she was known this, after a while she related that, he had gone to Perspolise and knew about this eiv from the pictures depicted un walls. I am convinced that, this image can be a tool to introducing our culture to the world.

In my opinion the best choice for representing my country in a exhibition is an image from Perspolis site. Because it can illustrate our civilization, history, and finally our culture. In my view point, by examining each contry's History we can know that country completely


Essay topics: TOEFL essay: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are never satisfied with what they have; they always want something more or something different. Use specific reasons to support your answer.

I think it’s probably true that people are never satisfied with what they have. They always want something more or something different from what is theirs. This just seems to be part of our human nature. Look at a toddler, Give her a toy to play with and she’ happy—until she sees something else. Then she wants that other toy to play with. If she and her brother are each given a cookie, she’ll look to see whose cookie is bigger. She’ll protest loudly if she thinks her brother is getting more.

“The grass is always greener” is an old expression, but it’s a good expression of how many of us feel. We’re always striving for a better job, a nicer place to live, a fancier car, or more expensive clothes. Part of this reaching for more and better is because we care about what other people think and want to impress them. Part of it is trying to make ourselves feel successful. But there’ also something in our nature that tells us we can do better and reach higher.

This isn’t always a negative quality. There’s another saying: ”A man’s reach should excess his grasp. Or what’s a heaven for? ” It’s a good thing to be constantly pushing ourselves and looking for something different. If we don’t try for more and different things, we begin to stagnate, like a pool that doesn’t get any fresh water.

The problem comes when we won’t let ourselves be satisfied with anything we have. If we have a comfortable life and still feel as if something ‘s missing, then we need to look inward. The something that’s missing may be in our spirit.


Essay topics 20: Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

 Advertising has become one of the most powerful mediums to prompt new products. Every person or individual knows to differentiate useful and useless products and services, and in my opinion advertisements give us the detailed information about new products available in the market, which can ease our lives.

Firstly, advertising is a beautiful thing to introduce new products to the market. Even though some of the products are of no use, this can impart some information about the products, its range, advantages and dis-advantages. Take me for example, I love buying things online, which can save time and some money on travel, I am constantly looking for good online store, that have got wide a range of products and quick delivery. I once happened to look at an advertisement about flipkart the online shopping store. The advertisement was decent enough, which made me want to order. Within 24hrs I received the item with good packing and was pleasantly surprised.

Secondly, many people would blindly believe the products and its benefits as advertised. For example, my sister-in-law would buy all sorts of cosmetic creams, face scrub, hair oil and shampoos. Even without doing a proper study about the products ingredients and reviews. This is primarily because of the attitude as well as the mind set to get rid of pimples and hair fall and belief in the advertisement.

In addition, there are certain groups of people, who would buy products advertised by actors even though the products are not of much use to them. For instance, my friend, who stays near by my place, would buy all kind of clothes and accessories as advertised by his favourite actor. These are the tactics and strategies adopted by advertising agencies to attract more customers.

In my opinion, advertisement plays a major role in everybody's life to know about the new products and its range available in the market. Which can definitely improve ones own life.



Essay topics 21: Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources, such as forests, animals, or clean water Choose one resource that is disappearing and explain why it needs to be saved Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources, such as forests, animals or clean water but the most important natural resource, which is disappearing, and important for everyone is clean water and without it nobody can survive. There are a number of reasons in support of my view:

With the industrialization and globalization of the economy, every country in this 21st century is trying become a super power. But in this race they forget about the most important natural resources, which are depleting. Big industries are emitting waste materials directly in to the seawater and polluting the sea water drastically. Many animal species living under the water are dying because of this and these harmful gases destroying our environment too. In many developing countries, there are still not proper laws for dumping the industrial and sewage waste. As a result of this sewage and industrial waste is getting dumped in to the oceans regularly resulting in contamination of whole ecosystem. The marine animals such as fishes consume the waste and human beings consume those fishes, which results in serious health conditions damaging the whole food chain. In addition the supply of unfit water to many societies which causes many serious health problems like malaria, dengue etc. Recently, it was said by the United Nations that millions of people around the world don’t have proper access to an improved source of drinking water. Every country must focus on the sustainable development of fresh clean water but with the increase in the population growth in developing countries and the demands of the agriculture and industrial usage have made it difficult for the Governments to provide sufficient clean water to the people.

In conclusion, I would say government should raise public awareness on the importance of water on life and follow strict rules against contamination of water.




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