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If necessary, correct or improve the comparative adjectives.

1. When I took the washing out of the machine it looked dirtier than when it went in.

2. The painting is from the 17th century. Really? It looks recenter than that.

3. Louis is already rich, but his aim in life seems to be to become even more wealthy.

4. All of us are unique, but some of us are more unique than others.

5. Most research in this area uses simple interviews, but we used a complexer methodology.

6. I didn't do well at school, and my fellow students all seemed cleverer than me.

7. For an extra $500 you could buy a much powerfuler motorbike.

8. Curiously, many people say they feel mentally alerter if they eat very little for a day. 


3. Put brackets around the if it can be omitted in these sentences.

1 It was the sweetest orange I'd eaten for ages.

2 Anna, Beth and Clara were all excellent musicians, but Clara was the most creative.

3 He's the fastest runner in his class.

4 We get lots of birds in our garden, but blackbirds are the most common.

5 Shall we go by train, bus or car? Well, going by bus is actually the easiest.


Comparatives Trainer

more + adjective:  
- ed. Никто не был более довольным, чем я, когда они поженились. No one was more pleased than me when they got married.
Я ожидал, что фильм будет более веселым, реальным, правильным и неправильным. I expected the film to be more fun, real, right and wrong.
Я думаю он более сумасшедший, чем смелый. I think he was more mad than brave.
Я думаю, что он не столько смелый, сколько сумасшедший. I think he was not so much brave as mad.
emphasize the comparison:  
Она дорога, а ты еще более дорога. She is dear, you are even more dear (dearer)
Было холодно, а сейчас еще более холодно. It was cold, it is even more cold (colder)
Море глубокое, а океан еще более глубокий. The sea is deep, the ocean even more deep (deeper)
Это еще более справедливо This is even more fair (fairer)
Это грубо, а то еще более грубо. This is rough, that is even more rough (rougher)
Ее кожа мягкая, а его кожа еще более мягкая. Her skin is soft, his skin is even more soft (softer)
Твоя история правдивая, но моя еще более правдивая. Your story is true but mine is even more true (truer)
2 syllables:  
- y lazy: lazier / more lazy
- ow narrow: narrower / more narrow
- er clever: cleverer / more clever
- ure mature: mature / more mature
Твой план проще (более простой), чем мой. Your plan is simpler (more simple) than mine.
Эта комната тише (более тихая). This room is quieter (more quiet).
Почему ты поехал на автобусе? Это дешевле всего. Why did you go by bus? It was (the) cheapest.
Эти апельсины были самыми дешевыми фруктами, которые я смог найти. These oranges were the cheapest fruit I could find.
Я проверил форму самым тщательным образом, но не заметил ошибку. I checked the form most carefully but didn't notice the mistake.



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Revise everything


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