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Fight for Your Rights When a Deal Goes Wrong

  Which? answers:
Stores do their best to part us from our cash, but they are not always as friendly if a (1)… is defective. We have teamed up with consumer to offer some help. a) The iron bought was faulty and I was given a replacement, but that also stopped working after a week. The shop has refused to exchange it, saying the second iron was a gift. Is this correct? I) As you did not buy the machine yourself, you have to contract with the shop. But you can claim against the manufacturer under the Consumer Protection Act 1987 for (2)… to your house and any (3)… injury. Your parents, however, can claim for the machine from the retailer.  
b) My parents bought us a washing machine as a present but it exploded when we were out. The smoke and fire damage is extensive. Who is responsible for this? II) Try contacting the trading (4)… officer. He/she is responsible for (5)… of the Consumer Protection.
c) I have written many letters to a local supermarket after having found bits of glass in their fresh fruit. I still don't have a satisfactory response. III) No, you are legally (6)… to goods of a (7)… quality.  

Exercise 69. Translate the sentences into English.

1. „Конвенція про заснування Всесвітньої організації інтелектуальної власності” була підписана у Стокгольмі у 1967 і набула чинності у 1970. 2. Виданий патент надає патентний захист протягом 20 років. 3. Місія Всесвітньої організації інтелектуальної власності – сприяти через міжнародну співпрацю створенню, розповсюдженню, використанню та захисту інтелектуальної власності заради економічного, культурного та соціального прогресу всього людства. 4. Правові проблеми можуть виникнути у разі, якщо інша людина використала роботу, захищену авторським правом, без дозволу власника. 5. Порушник авторського права повинен сплатити збитки та компенсацію власнику авторського права. 6. Виробники, постачальники та імпортери відповідальні за продукт, який вони продають.

Exercise 70 . Learn the following words and word combinations.

marketing environment – маркетингове середовище
perspective – теорія; концепція
supplier – постачальник
machinery – виробниче обладнання
management department – управлінський відділ
research department – інформаційно-аналітичний відділ
development department – дослідницько-конструкторський   відділ
purchasing department – відділ матеріально-технічного забезпечення
operations department – операційний відділ; відділ   експлуатації
accounting department – бухгалтерія
intermediary – посередник
reseller – посередник (фірма, що спеціалізується на оптових поставках та торговому посередництві)
impact – вплив
financial publics – фінансові кола
hinder – заважати
obtain funds – залучати кошти
level of credit – рівень довіри
media publics – контактна аудиторія засобів інформації
editorial – редакційна стаття
government publics – державний сектор
legislation – законодавство
сitizen-action publics – громадські групи впливу
environmental group – „зелені”; група захисту навколишнього середовища
minority group – національна меншина
public spotlight – центр громадської уваги
local public – місцева спільнота
neighbourhood and community organizations – місцеві та громадські організації
general public – широка громадськість
internal public – штатний персонал фірми

Exercise 7 1 . Read, translate and give the gist of text 9.

Text 9. Microenvironment

The market environment is a marketing term and refers to all of the forces outside of marketing that affect marketing management’s ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target customers. The market environment consists of both the macro-environment and the microenvironment.

The microenvironment influences the organization directly. Micro tends to suggest small, but this can be misleading. In this context, micro describes the relationship between firms and the driving forces that control this relationship. It is a more local relationship, and the firm may exercise a degree of influence. It includes the company itself, its suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer markets, competitors, and publics.

The company aspect of microenvironment refers to the internal environment of the company. This includes all departments, such as management, finance, research and development, purchasing, operations and accounting. Each of these departments has an impact on marketing decisions. For example, research and development have input as to the features a product can perform and accounting approves the financial side of marketing plans and budgets.

The suppliers of a company are also an important aspect of the microenvironment because even the slightest delay in receiving supplies can result in customer dissatisfaction. Marketing managers must watch supply availability and other trends dealing with suppliers to ensure that product will be delivered to customers in the time frame required in order to maintain a strong customer relationship.

Marketing intermediaries refer to resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing services agencies, and financial intermediaries. These are the people that help the company promote, sell, and distribute its products to final buyers. Resellers are those that hold and sell the company’s product.

Physical distribution firms are places such as warehouses that store and transport the company’s product from its origin to its destination. Marketing services agencies are companies that offer services such as conducting marketing research, advertising, and consulting. Financial intermediaries are institutions such as banks, credit companies and insurance companies.

Another aspect of microenvironment is the customers. There are different types of customer markets including consumer markets, business markets, government markets, international markets, and reseller markets. The consumer market is made up of individuals who buy goods and services for their own personal use or use in their household. Business markets include those that buy goods and services for use in producing their own products to sell. This is different from the reseller market which includes businesses that purchase goods to resell as is for a profit. These are the same companies mentioned as market intermediaries. The government market consists of government agencies that buy goods to produce public services or transfer goods to others who need them. International markets include buyers in other countries and includes customers from the previous categories.

Competitors are also a factor in the microenvironment and include companies with similar offerings for goods and services. To remain competitive a company must consider who their biggest competitors are while considering its own size and position in the industry. The company should develop a strategic advantage over their competitors.

The final aspect of the microenvironment is publics, which is any group that has an interest in or impact on the organization’s ability to meet its goals. For example, financial publics can hinder a company’s ability to obtain funds and affect the level of credit a company has. Media publics include newspapers and magazines that can publish articles of interest regarding the company and editorials that may influence customers’ opinions. Government publics can affect the company by passing legislation and laws that put restrictions on the company’s actions. Citizen-action publics include environmental groups and minority groups and can question the actions of a company and put them in the public spotlight. Local publics are neighbourhood and community organizations and will also question a company’s impact on the local area and the level of responsibility of their actions. The general public can affect the company as any change in their attitude, whether positive or negative, can cause sales to go up or down because the general public is often the company’s customer base. And finally, the internal publics include all those who are employed within the company and deal with the organization and construction of the company’s product.

Exercise 7 2 . Answer the questions.

1. What does the market environment refer to? What are its elements? 2. What is microenvironment and what company departments does it include? 3. Why are the suppliers of a company an important aspect of the microenvironment? 4. What are marketing intermediaries? 5. What is the difference between resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing services agencies, and financial intermediaries? 6. What are the types of customer markets? Describe each of them. 7. What are competitors? 8. What is the final aspect of the microenvironment? What groups does it include?

Exercise 7 3 . Match the terms to their definitions.

1. supplier a) those that hold and sell the company’s product
2. reseller b) places such as warehouses that store and transport the company’s product from its origin to its destination
3. marketing interme-diaries c) companies with similar offerings for goods and services
4. physical distribution firms d) any group that has an interest in or impact on the organization’s ability to meet its goals
5. marketing services agency e) resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing services agencies, and financial intermediaries
6. financial intermediaries f) a company which supplies products or services to another company
7. consumer market g) institutions such as banks, credit companies and insurance companies
8. competitors h) internal environment of the company
9. publics i) companies that offer services such as conducting marketing research, advertising, and consulting
10. company aspect j) individuals who buy goods and services for their own personal use or use in their household

Exercise 74. Give Ukrainian equivalents.

Target customers, to influence the organization directly, research department, accounting department, to have an impact on marketing decisions, to result in customer dissatisfaction; to promote, sell, and distribute product; international market, market intermediary, to remain competitive, level of credit, to put restrictions on the company’s actions, neighbourhood and community organizations.

Exercise 75 .Give English equivalents.

Будувати та підтримувати стосунки, рушійна сила, маркетинговий посередник, конкурент, управлінський відділ, відділ матеріально-технічного забезпечення, маркетингове агентство, склад, перевозити продукт від місця походження до місця призначення, ринок клієнтів, споживчий ринок, державний ринок, досягати цілей, фінансові кола, контактна аудиторія засобів інформації, цікаві статті.

Exercise 7 6 . Put questions to the underlined words. 

1. The microenvironment influences the organization directly. 2. Marketing intermediaries refer to resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing services agencies, and financial intermediaries. 3. Citizen-action publics include environmental groups and minority groups. 4. The company should develop a strategic advantage over their competitors. 5. The market environment consists of both the macroenvironment and the microenvironment.



Exercise 7 7 . Learn the following words and word combinations.


baby boomer – бебі-бумер (дитина, що народилася під час післявоєнного демографічного вибуху)
purchasing power – купівельна спроможність
raw materials – сировина
intervention – втручання
surgery – хірургія
nuclear missiles – ядерні ракети
update – поновлювати
restriction – обмеження
subliminal message – звернення, спрямоване на підсвідомість
core beliefs – основні переконання
secondary beliefs – вторинні переконання

Exercise 7 8 . Read, translate and give the gist of text 10.


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