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Text 12. Effective Leadership
An organization that is established as an instrument or means for achieving defined objectives has been referred to as a formal organization. Its design specifies how goals are subdivided and reflected in subdivisions of the organization. Divisions, departments, sections, positions, jobs, and tasks make up this work structure. Thus, the formal organization is expected to behave impersonally in regard to relationships with clients or with its members. According to Weber's definition, entry and subsequent advancement is by merit or seniority. Each employee receives a salary and enjoys a degree of tenure that safeguards him from the arbitrary influence of superiors or of powerful clients. The higher his position in the hierarchy, the greater his presumed expertise in adjudicating problems that may arise in the course of the work carried out at lower levels of the organization. It is this bureaucratic structure that forms the basis for the appointment of heads or chiefs of administrative subdivisions in the organization and endows them with the authority. In contrast to the appointed head or chief of an administrative unit, a leader emerges within the context of the informal organization that underlies the formal structure. The informal organization expresses the personal objectives and goals of the individual membership. Their objectives and goals may or may not coincide with those of the formal organization. The informal organization represents an extension of the social structures that generally characterize human life — the spontaneous emergence of groups and organizations as ends in themselves. As an element in social interaction, leadership is a complex activity involving a process of influence, actors who are both leaders and followers, a range of possible outcomes - the achievement of goals, but also the commitment of individuals to such goals, the enhancement of group cohesion and the reinforcement of change of organizational culture. Leadership is imperative for molding a group of people into a team, shaping them into a force that serves as a competitive business advantage. Leaders know how to make people function in a collaborative fashion, and how to motivate them to excel their performance. Leaders also know how to balance the individual team member's quest with the goal of producing synergy - an outcome that exceeds the sum of individual inputs. The role of a leader is to create followers. The task of a leader is to bring about constructive and necessary change. The responsibility of a leader is to bring about the change in a way that is responsive to the true and long-term needs of all stakeholders. The greatest source of power available to a leader is the trust that derives from faithfully serving followers. Effective leaders recognize that what they know is very little in comparison to what they still need to learn. To be more proficient in pursuing and achieving objectives, you should be open to new ideas, insights, and revelations that can lead to better ways to accomplishing goals. This continuous learning process can be exercised, in particular, through engaging yourself in a constant dialogue with your peers, advisers, consultants, team members, suppliers, customers, and competitors. Leading others is not simply a matter of style, or following some how-to guides or recipes. Ineffectiveness of leaders seldom results from a lack of know-how or how-to, nor it is typically due to inadequate managerial skills. Leadership is even not about creating a great vision. It is about creating conditions under which all your followers can perform independently and effectively toward a common objective. Leadership attributes are the inner or personal qualities that constitute effective leadership. These attributes include a large array of characteristics such as values, character, motives, habits, traits, motives, style, behaviours, and skills. Super-leaders help each of their follower to develop into an effective self-leader by providing them with the behavioural and cognitive skills necessary to exercise self-leadership. Super-leaders establish values, model, encourage, reward, and in many other ways foster self-leadership in individuals, teams, and wider organizational cultures. An important measure of a leader's own success is the success of his or her followers. The strength of a leader is measured by the ability to facilitate the self-leadership of others. The first critical step towards this goal is to master self-leadership. If leaders want to lead somebody, they must first lead themselves.
Exercise 8 5 . Give Ukrainian equivalents. Defined objectives, work structure, subsequent advancement, by merit, arbitrary influence, presumed expertise, administrative unit, spontaneous emergence, competitive business advantage, long-term needs, pursuing objectives, constant dialogue, a lack of know-how.
Exercise 86. Find English equivalents. Проблема відмови від посади, хід роботи, призначення голів, адміністративний підрозділ, співпадати, соціальна взаємодія, можливі результати, досягнення цілей, джерело влади, постійний навчальний процес, невідповідні управлінські навички, спільні цілі, здатність полегшувати.
Exercise 8 7 . Match the verbs in the first column with the most likely noun in the second column.
Exercise 8 8 . Answer the questions. 1. What is a formal organization referred as to? 2. What does an informal organization express? 3. What is leadership? 4. What are the roles of leaders? 5. What do effective leaders recognize? 6. What does ineffectiveness of leaders result from? 7. What do leadership attributes include? 8. What do super-leaders do? 9. How to measure a leader’s success?
Exercise 8 9. Translate into English. 1. Керівництво – це вміння зобов‘язати працівників зробити їх найкращий внесок для досягнення цілі організації. 2. Лідер команди визначає завдання, які необхідно досягти. 3. Керівництво, засноване на цінностях, є не лише справедливим, але й дуже ефективним у сьогоденних складних організаціях. 4. Не можливо бути лідером без послідовника. 5. Завдання лідера збільшувати ефективність праці і покращувати навчальні навички колег. 6. Ознаками керівництва є внутрішні або особисті якості, які становлять ефективне керівництво. 7. Супер-лідери допомагають кожному своєму послідовнику розвинутися в ефективного лідера, забезпечуючи їх поведінковими та пізнавальними навичками, необхідними для здійснення керівництва.
Exercise 90 . Learn the following words and word combinations.
Exercise 91. Read, translate and give the gist of text 13.
Text 13. Teamwork One of the most important developments in the modern company is the use of work teams – groups that work together to create a much higher quality product than people who are working alone. A teamwork is a cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause, unison for a higher cause, people working together for a selfless purpose, and so on. Human beings are fiercely independent animals and we will always have our own opinions and independent methods of doing something. This is the way our minds are hardwired by nature. Except for a very small percentage of us, sharing and collaboration with others is not exactly programmed inside each and every one of us. This is because each person is mainly concerned about his or her rewards, appreciation, need for power over others, and so on. But teamwork is a different ballgame that aligns mindsets in a cooperative, and usually selfless manner towards a specific business purpose. And it involves sacrifices, sharing of rewards, sharing the blame and punishments, true uniformity, suppression of personal opinions, etc., which is not very palatable to many. It is always, "What is in it for me" rather than "What is in it for us”. In order for teamwork to succeed one must be a team player. A team player is one who subordinates personal aspirations and works in a coordinated effort with other members of a group, or team, in striving for a common goal. Businesses and other organizations often go to the effort of coordinating team building events in an attempt to get people to work as a team rather than as individuals. Today there is no business or organization that does not talk about the need and value of teamwork in the workplace. While the concept of teamwork and its benefits are well known and talked about, it is very rare to see it being practiced truly in reality. And you may have often noticed what appears outwardly as teamwork is not really teamwork internally. Some things cannot be accomplished by people working individually. Larger, more ambitious goals usually require that people work together with other people. Because of this, teamwork is a desired goal of many businesses and organizations today. Projects often require that people work together in order to accomplish a common goal. Although critics often argue that in the corporate world teamwork has become an empty buzzword, or a form of corporate-speak. Effective collaborative skills (knowledge) are necessary to work well in a team environment. As businesses and organizations become larger or more sophisticated, many employers attempt to enhance their employees' collaborative efforts through training, cross-training, and workshops in order to help people effectively work together in a cohesive group and accomplish shared goals. Teamwork is essential for competing in today's global arena, where individual perfection is not as desirable as a high level of collective performance. In knowledge based enterprises, teams are the norm rather than the exception. A critical feature of these team is that they have a significant degree of empowerment, or decision-making authority. There are many different kinds of teams: top management teams, focused task forces, self-directed teams, concurrent engineering teams, product/service development and/or launch teams, quality improvement teams, and so on. Do you have a dream team or a team with a dream? Read the following explanation that explains why some teams never become cohesive units: In any socio-technical system the people in the system work better when they understand how they fit into the system as a whole. To meet and exceed customer satisfaction, the business team needs to follow an overall organizational strategy.
Exercise 9 2 . Give Ukrainian equivalents. Coordinated effort, common cause, selfless purpose, corporate-speak, team environment, collaborative efforts, cohesive group, to aligns mindsets, true uniformity, in an attempt, individual perfection, decision-making authority, focused task forces, launch teams, cohesive unit, to exceed customer satisfaction. Exercise 93. Find English equivalents. Досягти спільної цілі, порожнє модне слівце, навички співпраці, складний, навчання декільком професіям, семінар, спільні цілі, осудження і покарання, особисті прагнення, скоординоване зусилля, важлива особливість, група з поліпшення якості, взаємопов’язані ролі, загальна стратегія організації. Exercise 9 4 . Answer the questions. 1. What is the definition of a teamwork? 2. What problem can be found out while speaking about the concept of a teamwork? 3. Why does teamwork exist as a concept? 4. What are two approaches to treating a teamwork? 5. What is the human nature of each person? 6. What it the pledge of success of a teamwork? 7. What is a team player? 8. What types of teams do you know?
Exercise 9 5 . Complete the sentences according to the text. 1. A teamwork is a cooperative or … . 2. Teamwork is a different ballgame that aligns … . 3. A team player is one who … . 4. Some things cannot be accomplished by … . 5. Projects often require that people … . 6. Effective collaborative skills are necessary … . 7. There are many different kinds of teams … .
Exercise 9 6 . Match the verbs in the first column with the most likely noun in the second column.
Exercise 9 7 . Study different types of teams.
Exercise 9 8 . Which kind of team would be suitable for each activity? Why? You may sometimes choose more than one kind of team for the same activity. 1. Designing a new commercial jet airliner __________ . 2. Developing a satellite system for international communication __________ . 3. A newspaper facing increasing competition from other advertising sources (TV, cable, radio) _________ . 4. Managing different functions in a manufacturing plant _____ . 5. Developing a new computer program _______ . 6. Finding a reason for a drop in sales of a product ________ . 7. Discovering the reason for a high rejection rate of a product _______ .
Exercise 9 9 . Translate into English. 1. Цілі членів команди узгоджуються з цілями компанії. 2. Команда зосереджується на взаємозалежних діях. 3. Члени команди беруть участь у планування і контролі над процесами. 4. Основні рішення приймаються в першу чергу за згодою. 5. Конфлікти виникають і розв’язуються спільно. 6. Особисті потреби стосуються всієї команди. 7. Члени команди є уповноваженими. 8. Працівники у команді відчувають себе вислуханими і підтриманими. Exercise 100. Learn the following words and word combinations.
Exercise 101. Read, translate and give the gist of text 14. |
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