Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

What are these people going to be? Write sentences using the words in the box.


Рабочая тетрадь I семестра для выполнения контрольных и практических упражнений


(фамилия, имя, отчество)

Курс___________, группа_____________, специальность__________________




                                                                                        (фамилия, инициалы,


                                                                                          ученое звание, степень)



Зачтено                            Не зачтено                  ___________________      

            (Ненужное зачеркнуть)                          (Подпись проверяющего)


"___"____________201____г.            "____" ____________201____г. __________                                                          



Москва 201

Lesson One

Grammar: 1. Времена группы Indefinite

              1.1. The Present Indefinite глагола to be.

              1.2. Образование формы 3-го лица ед. числа.

               2. Времена группы Continuous .

Упражнение 1

Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple.

1. Where .………… you? — I.………………in the kitchen.

2. Where .……………. Fred? — He .………….. in the garage.

3. Where .………... Lisa and John? — They …………… at college.

4.  …..…….. you busy? — No, I .……….. not. Mike .………………busy. He .……..…the busiest person I've ever met.

5. It………….... ten o'clock. She .……………. late again. 

6. How .…………. you? — I .……..…. not very well today. — I .…….. sorry to hear that.

7. We .……………. interested in classical music.

8. Vera .…………. afraid of snakes.

9. My grandmoth­er .………… not nervous and she .……..…. rarely upset. She …….... the kindest person I've ever seen. My grandmother …….... really wonderful.

10. I .……….… sorry. They .……….… not at the office at the moment.

11. Where .……………. the keys? — In your jacket.

12. What.………….. the time, please? — Two o'clock.

13. It .……………. the biggest meal I've ever had.

Упражнение 2

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous ( Now ) :

1. Timothy ……………………….(to feed) his dog.

2. Mr. Jones ……………………….(to clean) his yard.

3. Nancy ……………………………(to paint) her kitchen.

4. Our neighbours ……………………………(to wash) their car.

5. I …………………..(to wash) my hair.

6. Who ……………………….(to fix) your sink?

7. What she …………………………(to do) now? — She (to dance).

8. The children ………………………..(to brush) their teeth.

9. What he ……………………….(do) at the moment? — He (to fix) his bicycle.

10. They ………………………..(to have) a big dinner together.

11. The boys …………………………….(to run) about in the garden.

12. I …………………………(to do) my homework.

13. John and his friends ………………………..(to go) to the library.

14.  Ann …………………(to sit) at her desk. She ………………(to study) geography.

15. A young man ……………….(to stand) at the window. He ………………..(to smoke) a cigarette.

16. The old man …………………………….(to walk) about the room.


Упражнение 3

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя гла­ голы в Present Simple.


Мой дядя — инженер.

Он очень занят.
Его рабочий день начинается рано утром.
Он встает в семь часов.
Он умывается, одевается и завтрака­ет.
После завтрака он идет на работу.
Он работает в институте.
Он любит свою работу.
Он женат.
Его жена — врач.
Она работает в больнице.
Вечером она изучает французский язык.
Она посещает кур­сы французского языка.
Мой дядя не говорит по-французски.
Он говорит по-русски и по-немецки.
Он изучает английский язык.
Вечером он посеща­ет курсы английского языка.
Сын моего дяди — ученик.
Он ходит в школу.
В школе он изучает ан­глийский язык.

Сравните употребление Present Continuous и Present Simple

Упражнение 4

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple .

1. I ……………….(to take) my sister to school now. I ………………..(to take) her to school every day.
2. He …………………(to help) his father now. He ………………..(to help) his father very often.
3. At the moment they ……………(to go) to the river for a swim. They usually ………………(to go) to the river for a swim.
4. She …………………(to play) the violin now. She ………………..(to play) the violin every day.
5. I …………….(to read)  now. I ……………….(to read) every day.
6. He ………….(to sleep) now. He ……………to sleep) every night.
7. We ……………(to drink) tea now.       We ……………(to drink) tea every morning.
8. They …………(to go) to school now. They ………………(to go) to school every morning
9. I ………….(not to sleep) now. I ………………(not to sleep) in the daytime.
10. She …………….(not to drink) coffee now. She ………………..(not to drink) coffee after lunch..
11. We …………….(not to watch) TV now. We ………………(not to watch) TV in the morning.

Lesson Two

Grammar : 1. Образование формы 3-го лица ед. числа группы Indefinite .

              2. Вопросы к подлежащему и его определению.

              3. Оборот to be going для выражения намерения в будущем врем


Упражнение 1 Ответьте письменно на английском языке на вопросы. Полу­ченные ответы используйте в кратком сообщении после каждой группы вопросов.





1. Do you learn English or do you already know it well?
2. Does your friend know English well?
3 Do you sometimes do your homework together?
4 Do you like to do your homework together?
5. Which of you is doing well (in English)?
6. Which of you is always in time for the lesson?




1. How often do you get newspapers and magazines?
2. Which magazines do you like to read?
3 Do you often get letters from your friends?
4 Which of you likes getting "letters?
5. Which of you likes writing letters?   
6. How often do you write to your friends?
7 When are you going to write to your friends?







1. Who translates letters and telegrams from foreign firms at your office?
2. Does he (she) translate letters from English or from German?
3 How well does he (she) translate letters and telegrams?
4 Is he (she) translating a letter now?
5. What is he (she) going to translate tomorrow morning?




1. Are you going to revise the grammar rules in the evening?
2. Are you going to do it at home or in class?
3 What are you going to speak about in class tomorrow evening?
4 What do you usually speak about in class?



1. When do you usually get home after classes (after work)?
2. Who do you usually go 'home with?
3 Do you like to go home with your friends?
4 What do you like to do in the evening?
5. What are you going to do tomorrow evening


Упражнение 2


Упражнение 3

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Simple

1. I want to get a medical checkup. I ………………(to go) to my doctor tomorrow. 2. He …………………………(to give) me a complete examination. 3. The nurse ………………(to lead) me into one of the examination rooms. 4. I ………………….. (to take) off my clothes and …………………….(to put) on a hospital gown. 5. Dr. Setton …………………….(to come) in, ………………………….(to shake) my hand, and ……………………………(to say) "hello". 6. I ……………………….(to stand) on his scale so he can measure my height and my weight. 7. He ……………………(to take) my pulse. 8. Then he ………………………….(to take) my blood pressure. 9. After he takes my blood pressure, he …………………………..(to take) some blood for a blood analysis. 10. He ………………………(to examine) my eyes, ears, nose and throat. 11.He …………………………(to listen) to my heart with a stethoscope. 12. Then he ………………………………(to take) a chest X-ray and ………………..(to do) a cardiogram (EKG). 13. After the check­up I ………………..(to go) home and …………. (to wait) for Dr. Setton's call. 14. Dr. Setton …………………….(to call) me tomorrow afternoon and ………………………….(to say) to me: "Stop worring! Your blood analysis is excellent." He is a very good doctor.

Lesson Three

Grammar: 1. Глагол to be в Past Simple.

              2. Past Continuous

              3. Образование Past Simple правильных глаголов.

Упражнение 1

Вставьте глагол to b е в Past Simple.

My aunt ...     very depressed last Sunday. The weather ...   terrible. It ...   cold and rainy. Her hus­band ...   not at home. He ...    at hospital because he ...    sick. Her children ...     not at school. They ...  not in the yard, they ...  in the living room. The TV ...  broken. The children ...   not only upset, they ... very angry. The neighbours ...  not happy because her chil­dren ...   too noisy.

The house ... not clean. The sink ... broken. There ...    dirty dishes on the kitchen table and in the sink. There ...  nothing in the fridge. There ...    no vegeta­bles for dinner, there ...   no juice for her children. There ...   not even bread in the house! She ...  tired and hungry. She ...  just exhausted.

Упражнение 2

Упражнение 3

Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен : Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1. Kate………………(to cook) dinner every day. 2. Kate………………..(to cook) dinner tomorrow. 3. Kate…………………o cook) dinner now. 4. Kate…………..

(to cook) dinner yesterday. 5. I ………………………(not to eat) ice cream every day. 6. I……………….(not to eat) ice cream now. 7. I ……………. (not to eat) ice cream tomorrow. 8. I……………..(not to eat) ice cream yesterday. 9. He…………………...(to spend) last summer in the country. 10. He………………….(not to spend) last summer in the country. 11. He…………………………(to spend) last summer in the country? 12. Where he ……………………(to spend) last summer? 13. She …………… (to help) mother yesterday. 14. She ………………………..(not to help) mother yesterday. 15. She ………………(to help) mother yes­terday? 16. How she ………………(to help) mother yesterday? 17. You……………………(to go) to school every day? 18. You …

…………….(to go) to school now? 19. You …………….. (to go) to the south next summer? 20. You ……………………..(to go) abroad last summer? 21. What your brother……………(to do) every day? 22. What your broth­er……………….(to do) now? 23. What your brother ………………………(to do) to­morrow? 24. What your brother……………………….(to do) yesterday?

Упражнение 4

Переведите письменно предложения на английский язык, обращая внима­ние на время глагола-сказуемого.

1. Я посмотрел на доску и переписал новые слова.  
2. Где вы жили в прошлом году?—Я жил в Минске.
3. Вы поблагодарили его за книги?
4. Мы не обсудили многих вопросов вчера
5. Когда вы в последний раз повторяли это правило?—Мы. повторяли его только по­завчера.
6. Они ответили на многие письма в прошлом месяце.

Упражнение 5

Ответьте письменно на вопросы, обращая внимание на форму времени глагола-сказуемого.


1. What do Peter and his friend do now?
2. What did they do eleven years ago?
3. Where did they live then?
4. What did they like to do in fine weather?
5. How long did their classes last?
6. What did they do after classes?
7. What did Peter decide to do in his third year?
8. Where does he work now?
9. Does he like his work?


1. Did you do well at college?
2. Was your college in Moscow?
3. When were you usually at home on weekdays?
c I. Do you like to play volley-ball?
2. Did you play volley-ball yesterday?
3. When did you last play volley-ball?
4. Which of you often plays tennis?
5. Do you play tennis (football) on weekdays or at the week-end?


1. Do students at medical colleges work at hospitals?
2. When do they work at hospitals?
3. Is work at a hospital interesting for a medical student?


1. What was the weather like yesterday?
2. What is the weather like now?
3. What kind of weather do you like?

Спряжение глагола to work (работать)

в Past Continuous Tense (Past Progressive Tense)

(действие в процессе совершалось в определенный

момент или протекало в течение четко ограниченного

периода времени в прошлом)

I was working

Не was working

She was working

It was working


We were working

You were working

They were working

I was not working

He was not working

She was not working

It was not working

We were not working

You were not working

They were not working

Was I working? Was he working? Was she working? Was it working?   Were we working? Were you working? Were they working?

Yes, I was

Yes, he was Yes, she was Yes, it was

Yes, we were Yes, you were Yes, they were

No, I wasn't No, he wasn't No, she wasn't No, it wasn't No, we weren't No, you weren't No, they weren't

Сравните употребление Present Continuous

(действие протекает в момент речи)

и Past Continuous

(действие протекало в определенный момент в прошлом)

Сравните употребление

Past Simple и Past Continuous

Обратите внимание на обстоятельства

времени, характерные для Past Continuous :

at... o'clock yesterday

when mother came home

from 5 till 6 yesterday

                            the whole evening

Обратите также внимание

на следующие два предложения:

We played chess in the evening (вечером )

   Past Simple

Упражнение 6

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous .

1. 1. I …………… (to go) to the cinema yesterday. 2. I …………… (to go) to the cinema at four o'clock yesterday. 3. I ……………  (to go) to the cinema when you met me. 4. I …………… (to do) my home­work the whole evening yesterday. 5. I                                 …………… (to do) my homework when mother came home. 6. I …………… (to do) my homework yesterday. 7. I…………… (to do) my homework from five till eight yesterday. 8. I …………… (to do) my homework at six o'clock yesterday. 9. I                                  …………… (not to play) the pia­no yesterday. I …………… (to write) a letter to my friend. 10. I …………… (not to play) the piano at four o'clock yester­day. I                        …………… (to read) a book. 11. He …………… (not to sleep) when father came home. He …………… (to do) his homework. 12. When I …………… (to go) to school the day before yester­day, I met Mike and Pete. They …………… (to talk) and                               (to laugh). They told me a funny story. Soon I             (to laugh), too. I still          …………… (to laugh) when we came to school. After school I …………… (to tell) this story at home. My father and mother …………… (to like) it very much. 13. When we were in the country last summer, I…………… (to go) to the wood one day. In the wood I …………… (to find) a little fox cub. …………… (to bring) it home. I                  …………… (to decide) to tame the cub. Every day I …………… (to feed) it and                         (to take) care of it. I …………… (to tame) it the whole summer. Now the fox cub is quite tame. It lives in my house.

2. 1. When I …………… (to come) home, my little sister…………… (to sleep). 2. When Nick …………… (to come) home, his broth­er …………… (to play) with his toys. 3. When mother …………… (to come) home, I…………… (to do) my homework. 4. When father ………………. (to come) home, Pete……………… (to sleep). 5. When mother…………… (to come) home, the children…………… (to play) on the carpet. 6. When I…………… (to get) up, my mother and father…………… (to drink) tea. 7. When I …………… (to come) to my friend's place, he …………… (to watch) TV. 8. When I ……………… (to see) my friends, they……..……… (to play) football. 9. When I…………… (to open) the door, the cat…………… (to sit) on the table. 10. When Kate …………… (to open) the door, the children ………………(to dance) round the firtree. 11. When Tom…………… (to cross) the street, he ………………(to fall). 12. When I …………… (to go) to school, I …………… (to meet) my friend. 13. When we…………… (to go) to the cinema, we …………… (to meet) grandmother. 14. When grandmother…………… (to go) home, she…………… (to see) many children in the yard. 15. When Henry…………… (to walk) about in the forest, he ……………     (to find) a bear cub. 16. When we…………… (to walk) about in the for­est, we ……………   (to see) a hare. 17. When I ……………(to wash) the floor, I …………… (to find) my old toy under the sofa. 18. When granny…………… (to read) a book on the sofa, she……………… (to fall) asleep. 19. When I ………..…… (to play) in the yard, I suddenly…………… (to see) my old friend. 20. When Nick ……………    (to run) about in the yard, he ………………(to fall).




Lesson Four

Grammar: 1. Повторение Past Simple правильных глаголов

              2. Глагол to be в Past Simple.

              3. Образование Past Simple от неправильных глаголов

Упражнение 1

Past time expressions

1 . Number the times in chronological order, 1- 6.

this morning                  6                             

last winter                    __

in 1982                        __

the day before yesterday __

yesterday evening        __

ten years ago                __

2 ago


I saw him last June.

I saw him three months ago.

a I had breakfast at eight o'clock.


b They got married in 1989.


с We saw John the day before yesterday.


d They met in 1976.


e My daughter started school last September.


f Queen Victoria died in 1901.


g Alice came back from America last month.


h Their son was born at two o'clock this morning


Упражнение 2

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя гла­гол to b е в Present или Past Simple .

1. Погода была прекрасная. Было тепло и сол­нечно. Мои дети были в школе, а мой муж был на работе. Я была в саду. Там было много красивых цветов. Это было в мае. Я была счастлива.
2. Я ученик
3. Он летчик.
4. Она доктор.
5. Мы школь­ники.
6. Вы рабочие.
7. Ты рабочий.
8. Они уче­ники...
9. Я дома
10. Он в школе.
11. Она в кино?
12. Мы в парке.
13. Они в театре?
14.Она моло­дая?
15. Он старый.
16. Она не старая.
17. Они сильные
18. Она больна.
19. Вы больны?
20. Он болен?.
21. Я не болен.
22. Я был болен вчера.
23. Она не была больна
24. Мы были в кино.

Упражнение 3

Раскройте скобки,употребляя глаголы в Present или Past Simple .

1. His sister…………… (to study) English every day. 2. She …………… (to study) English two hours ago. 3. You …………… (to come) home at six o'clock yesterday? — No, I …………… Yester­day I…………… (to come) home from school at half past eight. I…………… (to be) very tired. I …………… (to have) dinner with my fam­ily. After dinner I …………… (to be) very thirsty. I …………… (to drink) two cups of tea. Then I…………… (to rest). 4. I …………… (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day. 5. I…………… (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 6. My brother……………         (to wash) his face every morning. 7. Yesterday he …………… (to wash) his face at a quarter past seven. 8. …………… (not to have) history les­sons every day. 9. We …………… (not to rest) yesterday. 10. My brother ……………      (not to drink) coffee yesterday. 11. My mother always ……………  (to take) a bus to get to work, but yesterday she …………… (not to take) a bus. Yesterday she …………… (to walk) to her office. 12. You …………… (to talk) to the mem­bers of your family every day? — Yes, I ……………. But yesterday I (not to talk) to them: I (to be) very busy yesterday. 13. Your sister…………… (to go) to school every day? — Yes, she ……………. 14. Mary …………… (to like) writing sto­ries. 15. Last week she …………… (to write) a funny story about her pet. 16. You ……………    (to tell) your mother the truth about the money? 17. You  …………… (to wear) your polka-dot dress to work? — Yes, I …………… I ……………  (to wear) it yesterday. 18. We …………… (to like) to go to the beach. We …………… (to enjoy) swimming in the ocean last weekend.


Упражнение 4 How we met


Упражнение 5

Regular and irregular verbs

'Braille' is a system of reading and writing for blind people. Read the story of Louis Braille. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.

«Брайль» - система чтения и письма для слепых людей. Прочтите рассказ о Луи Брайле. Поставьте слова в скобках в Past Simple


Making negatives

Lesson Five

Grammar: 1. Употребление глаголов в Past Simple, Past Continuous  

Упражнение 1

Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен : Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous.

1. Where you …………… (to be) yesterday? — I …………… (to be) at home the whole day. — How strange. I …………… (to ring) you up at two o'clock, but nobody …………… (to answer). — Oh, I …………… (to be) in the garden. I …………… (to read) your book and …………… (not to hear) the telephone. 2. What you …………… (to do) at five o'clock yesterday? — I                    (to work) in the library. — I …………… (to be) there, too, but I …………… (not to see) you. 3. Nina    ……………      (to celebrate) her birthday yesterday. Her room looked beautiful, there …………… (to be) many flowers in it. When I …………… (to come) in, somebody …………… (to play) the piano, two or three pairs …………… (to dance). 4. Listen! Somebody   ……………   (to play) the piano. 5. I ……………   (to like) music very much. 6. When I  …………… (to look) out of the window, it ……………   (to rain) heavily and people                                    (to hurry) along the streets. 7. What you …………… (to do) at seven o'clock yesterday? — I …………… (to have) supper. 8. When I     …………… (to come) home yesterday, I …………… (to see) that all my family …………… (to sit) round the table. Father ……………  (to read) a letter from my uncle, who ……………        (to live) in Kiev. 9. Yesterday …………… (to work) at my English from five till seven. 10. It ………………….. (to rain) the whole day yesterday. 11. Where your sister …………… (to be) now? — She …………… (to be) in her room. She …………… (to do) her homework.

Lesson Six

Grammar: 1. Глагол to have и оборот have (has) got

              2. Неопределенные местоимения some , any


Упражнение 1

Ответьте на вопросы.

а)1. How old are you?
2. Have you got a family?
3. How old is your wife (husband)?
4. How many children have you got?
5. How did is your daughter (son)?
b)1. Are your parents very old?
2. How old is your father (mother)?
3. Where do they live?
4. How often do you go to see them as a rule?
c)1. What does your wife do?       
2. Do you think she's doing well at her destitute (at her office)?
3. How much work does she have as а rule?
4. How many subjects does she take at her Institute?
d) 1.Do your children go to school (a nursery-school)?
2. Which of your family usually takes them to scho&l1 (their nursery-school)?
3. Do you think they are doing well?
4. Does your son (daughter) help his (her) mother at .home? 
5. Who helps your children with their homework?  
6. Who teaches them foreign languages?
e) 1. When did you last have a dictation?
2. How many mistakes did you make?
f) 1. When were you born?
2. When did you leave school?
3.When did you graduate from, your Institute?
g} 1. Are you married?
2. When did you get married?
3. What's your wife's (husband's) name? •
h) 1. What do students usually do in the summer (winter, spring, autumn)?
2. When do students usually have their exams?
3. When did you last have exams?
4. Did you spend the summer in the country or in town?
5. Where are you going to, spend the summer?

Упражнение 2 - like or would like!

Examples :

Jane has all the Rolling Stones' records.

She likes the Rolling Stones.

It's Ann's birthday next week.

She 'd like some new clothes for her birthday.

a Peter has more than twenty cookbooks. ______________________________ __________________________________________________________ cooking.

b My car is twenty years old! _________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

с Cathy thinks her house is very small. __________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

d My children have four cats, three dogs, and a bird. _______________________

__________________________________________________________ animals.

e There's a good film on TV tonight. _______________________________ _________________________________________________________________

f Peter buys a lot of CDs. ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

g I don't want to go out tonight. _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

h Tom and Mary always have a winter holiday. ___________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Lesson Seven

Grammar: 1. Обороты there is и there are в настоящем и прошедшем време

              нах группы Indefinite

              2. Модальный глагол can и оборот to able to

Упражнение 1  Have got





Упражнение 2

 Reading: A cottage near the sea

Paul, Jenny, and their two children want to rent a cottage for their summer holiday. Read the advertisement, then complete the conversation between Paul and Jenny.


April Cottage, Devon

This lovely cottage is 500 years old. It is in the country, one mile from the village of Parkham Gross, where there is a Post Office and a small shop. There are some very good pubs and restaurants in the area. The cottage has a big garden with flowers and trees, where children can play safely. There are two double bedrooms, a bathroom, and a toilet The living room has traditional and antique furniture, and an open fire. Phone O984 6552 colour TV  garage electric cooker  sea three miles away

Jenny Paul, look at this cottage!

Paul That's nice, (a) Where is it?

Jenny It's in Devon. Isn't it beautiful?

Paul Yes, it is. But is it big enough? (b) ___________ are there?

Jenny (c) ___________ two. That's just right for the four of us.

Paul The living room is nice, with antique furniture in it.

           But where do we eat? (d) _____________________dining room?

Jenny I don't know. But (e) ___________ a TV, and a cooker in the kitchen.  

           and           (f) ___________ where the children can play.

Paul   Mm. (g) ________________ near a village?

Jenny    Yes. The village of Parkham Cross is one mile away.

Paul   What about shops? (h) ________________________ in the village?

Jenny Yes, there are. It looks lovely. Paul OK. Why don't we book it?

Jenny Good idea!

Paul    (i) __________________________ ?

Jenny     09846552.

Paul     Right!

Упражнение 3 Reading and speaking

Pre-reading task What do teenagers like doing in your country? Think of three things and tell the others in the class.


Jaya Rajah is fourteen, but he doesn't go to school. He studies medicine at New York University in a class of twenty-year-olds. Jaya was born in Madras in India but now lives in a house in New York with his mother, father, and brother. They can all speak English fluently. His father is a doctor. Jaya was different from a very young age. He could count before he could say 'Mummy' or 'Daddy'. He could answer questions on calculus when he was five and do algebra when he was eight. Now he studies from 8.15 to 4.00 every day at the university. Then he studies at home with his father from 6.30to 10.00 every evening. Jaya doesn't have any friends. He never goes out in the evenings, but he sometimes watchesTV. He says/I live for onething-1 want to be a doctor before I am seventeen. Other children of my age are boring. They can't understand me.'
Ivan Mirsky is thirteen and he is the number 13 chess player in the world. He was born in Russia but now lives in America with his father, Vadim. They live in a one-room flat in Brooklyn. Ivan doesn't go to school and his father doesn't have a job. They practise chess problems all day, every day, morning, afternoon, and evening. Ivan was different from a very young age: he could ride a bike when he was eighteen months old and read before he was two. He could play cards at three and the piano at four. When he was twelve, he was the under-20 chess champion of Russia. His father can't speak English and can't play chess, either! Ivan translates for him. Vadim says, 'I know that I can't play chess, but I can still help Ivan. He and I don't have any friends-we don't want any friends. Other teenagers are boring! We don't like playing sports or watching TV. We live for chess!'



Comprehension check

a How old is he?                                                   b Does he go to school?

с Where was he born?                                          d Where does he live now?

e Who does he live with?                                     f What does his father do?

g How was he different when he was very young? h What does he do in the evening?

i Can his father speak English?                             j Does he have any friends?


Correcting the mistakes

Each sentence has a mistake. Find it and correct it!


Antonia is Italiana. Antonia is Italian.

a   London is a city very big.

b  My mother works in a hotel is a receptionist.

с   My father watch TV in the evening.

d  He's like watching football.

e   On Sundays we go in a restaurant.

f   Hans is businessman.

g   You family is very nice.

h  I like listen to music.

i   Our school have a lot of students.

j   The childrens go to school near here.

k  We have the dinner at 7.00.

1  Buses in London are reds.

m My brother no have a job.

n  Do you want a ice-cream?

о  Is near here, my flat.

Word order

Exampl : e

Madrid Jorge from comes Jorge comes from Madrid.

a policeman from is John a New York________________________________

b married sister is your? ___________________________________________?

с mountains sister skiing goes the in my _______________________________

d isn't coffee nice English very ______________________________________

e your what name teacher's is? ______________________________________?

f surname how spell do your you?_____________________________________?

 g often weekends go I at swimming ___________________________________

Example :

1 a Sally is a nice girl, and I like.

b Sally is a nice girl, and I like her.

с Sally is a nice girl, and I like him.

2 a Coffee English is horrible,

b The English coffee is horrible.

с English coffee is horrible.

3 a Peter works with his father.

b Peter works with he's father.

с Peter works with him father.

4 a Sally and Tim live in Madrid. They're flat is lovely,

b Sally and Tim live in Madrid. Their flat is lovely,

с Sally and Tim live in Madrid. There flat is lovely.

5 a She lives in a house or a flat?

b Does she lives in a house or a flat?

с Does she live in a house or a flat?

6 a I don't like going to discos,

b I don't like go to discos.

с I no like going to discos.

7 a How many languages you speak?

b How many languages do you speak?

с How many languages does you speak?

8 a My brother work in a bank.

b My brother he works in a bank.

с My brother works in a bank.


Put a preposition from the box into each gap.

at  in  about  after  for  with  by  to on  after



James lives in a small flat (a) ________ Cambridge. He lives (b) _____ two other boys who are students (c) _______ Cambridge University. They work hard during the week, but (d) ________ weekends they invite a lot of friends to their house. They cook a meal (e) _______ their friends, and then they go out (f) ______ the pub (g) ____ a drink, or they stay (h) _______ home and listen (i)______music. James has two jobs, (j) _______ Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays he works (k) _______ a hospital, where he helps to look (I) ________ children who are ill. He goes to the hospital (m) __________ bus. He starts (n) ___ ten o'clock and works until quarter (o)_____ five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works I (p) _______ home. He has a word processor (q) ____ his bedroom and he writes stones, (r) ________ the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal, (s) __________ dinner they look in the newspaper to see what's on TV or they talk (t)___________their day. They usually goto bed at about midnight.

5 ат /is/do/does (not)


I 'm not English, I'm French.

a  Vienna __________ in Austria.

b  Where ___________ you from?

с   I ___________ on holiday. I'm at work.

d  My teacher ____________ very funny.

e   What time _____________ the bank open?

f   My sister ___________ eat meat because she ____________ like it.

g I ___________ hungry. How much ___________ a cheese sandwich?

h Where ______________ you usually go on holiday?

i Daddy, we __________ want to go to bed. We ____________ tired.

j Learning English ____________ boring! It's interesting! 

6 can/could/was/were (not)

Put a verb from the box into each gap.


I can't drive. I'm only 14 years old.

a Our teacher __________ at school last week because she    I ______ ill.

b Leonardo ____ a student in Florence He _____________ draw, write music, and design buildings.

с We ____________ see the Mona Lisa in the Louvre in Paris.

d 'Where __________ you last night? You ___________ at home. I phoned you, but there ______________ no answer. ' 'I ___________ get into my flat because I lost my keys. I ______________ at a friend's house.

Irregular verbs

Write the Past Simple form of these irregular verbs.

a             give ______________  f   make _____________

b             leave __________  g   break _____________

с             sell __________ h  meet _____________

d             speak __________ i   win ______________    

e             lose ___________ j   take ____________

Past Simple

Fill in the gaps with the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets. There are regular and irregular verb.

Example: Leonardo da Vinci ___lived___ (live) in Italy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.


He was a student in Florence, where he (a) ___ (study) painting, sculpture, and design. He (b) ___ (begin) a lot of paintings, but he (c) ___ (not finish) many of them His picture of the Mona Lisa is the most famous portrait in the world. Leonardo (d) ___ (be) interested in many things. He (e) ___ (want) to know about everything he saw He examined the human body. He(f) ___ (think) that the sun (g) ___ (not go) round the earth. He (h) ___ (write) music He designed a flying machine 400 years before the first one flew. Many people (i)___(not understand) his ideas. It is difficult to think that one man ()) ___ (can) do so much.

1 0 . some/any/a/an

Put some, any, a, or an into each gap.

Example :

Heathrow is an international airport.

a Did Charles Dickens have ___________ children?

b I bought ___________ newspaper and ____ magazines,

с Jane lives m __________ old house in France,

d There are ___________ trees in my garden, but there aren't _______ flowers.

e Do you have ___________________ books by Gabriel Garcia Marquez?

f There are ______________ letters for you on the table.



Lesson Eight

Grammar: 1. Причастие II. ( Participle II ). Настоящее время группы Perfect .

              ( The Present Perfect Tense ). Cравнение с другими временными          

              группами; используемые союзы.

              2. Заполнение формы для регистрации в библиотеке, гостинице 

                 и т.д.

Упражнение 1

Раскройте скобки, заменяя инфинитив нужной формой глагола-сказуемого.

1. "You …………………….(to see) the new picture by Picasso?" "Yes." "How you …………………… (to like) it?" "I like it very much." 2. "You ever ……….. (to be) to Leningrad?" "Yes, I ……………… (to go) there last winter." 3. "Is Father at home?" "No, he …………………. (not to come) yet." 4. I just ……………….(to finish) work and ………………………. (to read) a book now. 5. "Where's your son?" "He ……………….. (not to come) home from school yet. I think he still ……………(to play) football." 6. "When your children ………………… (to come) back to town?" "They ……………………. (not to come) back yet." 7. You ……………….. (to do) the translation already? You only…………………… (to begin) it 20 minutes ago. 8. "You ………………….…….(to finish) the work yet? Can I have a look at it?" "Certainly. I …………………….. (to finish) it an hour ago." 9. "I just ………………….. (to have) breakfast, and …………………… (to read) the paper," I ……………………(to answer). "You ……………………….. (to get up) so late?" he …………………… (to say) and …………….(to ask) me to go to his place[1] at once. 10. "When you ………. (to come) to Moscow?" "A week ago."

Упражнение 2

Choosing the right verb

Use one of the verbs in the box to fill each gap. Put the verb in the Present Perfect. Use each verb once, except be (five times) and have (twice).






 Упражнение 3

Past participles

Write in the past participle of the following verbs.

walk walked

come come


Упражнение 4

For or since!

Put for or since into each gap.

Упражнение 5

Filling in forms

1. The following are typical expressions found in forms. Match an expression on the left with a question on the right.



Lesson Nine

Grammar: 1. Модальные глаголы.

.            2. Союзы и союзные слова. Сложноподчиненные предложения.

             3. Телефонный разговор.

Упражнение 1

Заполните пропуски следующими модальными глаголами и обо­ротами: can, could, be able to, must, have to (have got to), needn't, shall в соответствующей форме и письменно переведите предложения на рус­ский язык.

1. I ………….. not go to the theatre with them last night, I ……….. revise the grammar rules and the words for the test.

2. My friend lives a long way from his office and ……….... get up early.


3. All of us …………. be in time for classes.

4. When my friend has his English, he …….... stay at the office after work. He (not) …………... stay at the office on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and ……….……….. get home early.


5. ……….. you ……….. work hard to do well in your English?

6. "…………. we discuss this question now?" "No, we ……….. . We ... do it tomorrow after­noon."

7. I'm glad you ……….. come.

8. "……….. you ………... come and have dinner with us tomorrow?" "I'd love to."

9. "Please send them this article." "Oh, ………….. I do it now?"


Упражнение 2

Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внима­ние на употребление модальных глаголов и оборотов.

1. Вчера мне пришлось ответить на все эти письма.

2. Мы обязательно должны писать диктант сегодня? — Да, завтра мы начинаем новый урок.

3. Анну тоже при­гласить на обед? — Да, пожалуйста.

4. Вам пришлось остаться дома, потому что была плохая погода?

5. Вы обязательно должны прийти (и) посмотреть на нашего сына.— С удовольствием.

6. Пойти погулять с Колей сейчас? — Нет, не надо. Вы знаете, что он должен лечь спать в три часа.

7. Я не люблю поздно ложиться спать, но иногда мне приходится.


8. Я рад, что мне не пришлось заканчивать эту работу вчера.

9. Вам следует навестить вашего друга. Он вчера не пришел на урок.

10. Почему вы не пришли? — Я не могла, я должна была повести своих детей к врачу.

11. Вам не нужно идти в библиотеку, у нас много книг дома, и вы можете взять любую, какую хотите.

12. Ему не следует будить нас так рано.

Упражнение 3

1 . Forming have to

Complete the following sentences in a suitable way. Include have to, has to, or had to.

Example : I have to wear glasses because my eyes aren 't very good.


Упражнение 4 Giving advice

Give advice to the following people. Use I think... should or I don't think... should.


Peter's got a very bad cold.

I think he should go to bed.

I don't think he should go to work.


Упражнение 5 might = will perhaps

Rewrite the following sentences with might instead of will perhaps.


Perhaps it will rain tomorrow. It might rain tomorrow.

Упражнение 6 Choosing the correct form

Underline the correct verb form in the following sentence.


Don't wait for me. I'll be/I might be late. It depends on the traffic

Упражнение 7 Worries

People often worry about what might happen! What are the following people worried about?


Sophie's worried. She's going to be an au pair in Italy.

The children might be horrible.

She might not like the family.

Remember that the contraction mightn 't is unusual. We say might not.

Упражнение 8

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя дан­ные слова и выражения.


1. Товарищ Петров живет за городом. Ему нужно два часа, чтобы добраться до министерства.


2. Сколько вре­мени у вас пошло на то, чтобы сделать доклад? — Мне потребовалось два часа.

3. Сколько времени ему потре­бовалось, чтобы ответить на все эти письма? — Ему по­требовался только час.

4. Сколько времени у вас ушло, чтобы закончить эту работу? — Десять дней.



1. Мой товарищ хорошо знает два иностранных языка.

2. У вас очень хорошие дети.

3. Я не могу хорошо пе­ревести этот текст, потому что я не знаю многих слов.

4. Вчера вы плохо читали этот урок.

5. Вчера была пло­хая погода.

6. Сегодня моя дочь чувствует себя плохо.


7. Я не могу прийти к вам, потому что плохо себя чувствую.



1. Вы очень хорошо играете на рояле.


2. Этот фильм очень интересный, и мне он очень понравился.

3. Я очень хочу повидать нашего учителя.


4. Сегодня очень хорошая погода.

5. Профессор Смирнов не может разговаривать с вами, он очень плохо чувствует себя.


I. Вы не должны забывать грамматические правила.


2. Я забыл свою тетрадь в классе.

3. Не забывайте ста­рых друзей.

4. Не забудь учебник дома.

5. Не забудьте взять книги.

6. Мне кажется (я думаю), я забыл свою ручку здесь. Вы ее не видели?

7. Вы забыли зайти к нему вчера или у вас не было времени?

8. Кто забыл здесь этот журнал?

9. Извините, я забыл перевести этот текст.

10. Где вы оставили свой портфель? — Я не помню.


1. Почему ребенок боится врача?

2. Он боится выхо­дить из дому вечером.

3. Он боится и слово сказать.

4. Боюсь, что он забыл сказать вам об этом.

5. Боюсь, что вы меня не помните.

6. Вы можете позвонить ему сейчас? — К сожалению, (боюсь, что) нет. Я должен сейчас уходить.



1. Он, безусловно, знает этот предмет очень хорошо.

2. Вам, безусловно, надо пойти к врачу.


3. Не могли бы вы показать мне несколько журналов? — Пожалуйста (ра­зумеется).


4. Вы можете помочь мне? — Конечно.

Упражнение 9

Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.

1. I'm hurrying ….. the Institute. My friend's going to give a talk …... English History and I want to listen …... him. 2. "What's the matter …... you?" "I feel I've got a temperature and I can't even talk …….. you. I must see my doctor." 3. "How do I get ... …….. your brother's?" "I think you can get there …….. bus. Hurry .….. I'm afraid you are late already." 4. Why do you always forget to put all these books back …….. their places after you have used them? 5. I wanted to talk ……….. him ……... the lecture when I saw him ……... the trolley-bus stop, but I forgot. 6. He always makes notes ... ……… all the lectures. If you want to use his notes, talk ………. him ……... it. 7. What is he afraid ……....? 8. I had an interesting talk …….. them. I was sorry you were not there. 9. "Shall we meet ….... my place?" "... what time?"

Упражнение 1 0

1. Choosing the correct auxiliary

Put one of the following auxiliaries into each gap.


What does Wendy do?                     She's a nurse.

Is she working in the hospital now? No, she isn 't.

What's she doing?                                  She's having dinner.

Lesson Ten

Grammar: 1. Будущее время группы Indefinite (The Future Indefinite Tense).

             2. Придаточные определительные предложения. Союзы who ,

                 that , which , where .

                       3. Письмо официальное/неофициальное.

Упражнение 1


Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense. If there is no verb, use if, when, or as soon as.


I’ll phone (phone) as soon as I arrive (arrive) at the hotel.



British explorer Robin Drake says that the first international polar expedition (a) _________ (start) next March. It (b) ________ (try) to reach the North Pole on a 65-day, 480-mile journey, (c) __________ Drake (d) ____________ (succeed),he (e) _________ (be) the first man to walk to both the North and South Poles. Drake (f) __________ (go) on the Icewalk Expedition with navigator Alan Winterson. (g) ———————— they (h) __________ (arrive) in Thule in northern Greenland, walkers from the Soviet Union, the USA, Japan, Australia, Canada, and Italy (i) _________ (join) them, (j) _________they(k) _________(get) to their base camp, Eureka, inside the Arctic Circle, they (I) __________ (have to) build huts to protect them from temperatures as low as minus 70 degrees Fahrenheit. 'We (m) _________ (do) a lot of experiments to see how much pollution there is in the area,' said Robin. The results (n) _________ (help) us to understand the effects of pollution on the planet, including holes in the ozone layer and the greenhouse effect.' (o) _________ the weather (p) ________ (be) good enough, they (q) _________ (make) a film of the expedition.

Robin said, '(r) _________ we (s) ________ (get) back home, we (t) __________ (show) it to people all over the world.'

Упражнение 2 First Conditional

Environmentalists are worried about the greenhouse effect. Make sentences, using If..., ... will...


If the earth gets warmer, the sea will get warmer.

If the sea gets warmer, ...

Упражнение 3

1. Relative clauses (1)


Who, that, which, and where are relative pronouns. They are used to link ideas. Look at the following pairs of sentences and study how they are used.

Lesson Eleven

Grammar: 1. Согласование времен (Reported Speech)

             2. Инфинитив или ing (The Infinitive or –ing)

             3. Письмо официальное / неофициальное

Упражнение 1

1. Reported statements

Sally went to see a landlady called Mrs Mawby about a flat. Now she is telling her friend, Paul, about it. Report the sentences.


'The rent is £50 a week.'

The landlady said the rent was £50 a week.

Упражнение 2

Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.

1. The old woman says her husband retired .………. sixty-five. 2. I wonder which hotel your friend is staying ..………. Why hasn't he written to tell you? 3. ……….. my first visit ……….. Leningrad I spent three hours sightseeing every after­noon. 4. "Which street does he live ……....?" "He lives …….... Green Street. It's a long way …….... here." 5. I met ……... a friend ……... the way …….. the factory yesterday. He told me that he had got a new flat ……... a new district ……... the suburbs. 6. ……….. a holiday there are always a lot …….. people …….. the streets and squares. 7. My grandparents work …….. a collective farm which is not very far ……….. Moscow. 8. Is your grandfather still …….. hospital? 9. "Did your friend have to go …….. hospital?" "No, he only stayed ……... home a week or two." 10. My grandfather is quite an old man, but he doesn't want to retire. He still works ……... a colle­ctive farm.

Упражнение 3

1. Infinitive or -ing?

Put the verb in brackets in the right form, infinitive (with or without to), or -ing. Sometimes two forms are possible.


I enjoy walking (walk) in the rain.

Would you like to have (have) something to eat?

It started to rain/raining (rain) while we were out.

Упражнение 3 Infinitives of purpose

 Match a line in A with a line in В and a line in C

Lesson Twelve

Grammar: 1.Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные (Countable

               and noncountable nouns)

              2.Выражения would you like to do или do you like doing

                         3. Выражение used to be и I used your notes

Упражнение 1

1. How much? or How many?

Write questions with How much? or How many?


We've got some eggs. How many have we got?

We need some flour. How much do we need?

Упражнение 2 Much, many, or a lot of ?

Look at the picture on the down. Complete the sentences using much, many, or a lot of.


There are a lot of apples.

He hasn't got much washing powder

Упражнение 3 .

Выберите нужное слово из данных в скобках и зачеркните ненужное.

1. Не can read English (a little, a few). 2. Let him think (a little, a few). 3. I've been to (a little, a few) lectu­res here and liked them very much, 4. We spent (a little, a few) days in the country and then came back to town because the weather was awful. 5. You know (a little, a few) German, don't you? 6. My little son knows (a little, a few) English words. 7. There weren't many wide streets in this town (a little, a few) years ago. 8. If you think (a little a few), you will remember the rule and translate the senten­ce. 9. My brother is coming to Moscow in (a little, a few) days. 10.I don't know any French, but I like to hear it. Please say (a little, a few) words in French.

Lesson Thirteen

Grammar:1.Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice)

             2.Союзы but, and,so, however

Упражнение 1.

Определите, какие, из указанных глаголов, являются объектными и какие необъектными, подчеркните объектные глаголы и дайте после каждого из них дополнение.

to go   to spend  
to take   to miss  
to find   to stay  
to lie   to listen to  
to stop   to ski  
to swim   to use  
to come   to chan­ge  
to speak   to recognize  
to show   to skate  
to look at   to hear  
to live   to build  
to discuss   to examine  
to stand   to leave  

Упражнение 2.

1. Forming the passive

Use one of the verbs in the box to fill each gap. All the verbs are in the passive, either in the Present Simple, Past Simple, or Present Perfect.

A Stradivarius violin (a) was sold  yesterday at Christie's for £902,000, the highest price ever paid for a Strad. The violin, owned by the Mendelssohn family, (b) __________in 1720, and, because of its colour, it (c) _______________ as the 'Red Strad'. It (d) _____________ by 'a professional musician.'

In its years in the Mendelssohn family, it (e) ____________ very little, except by amateurs, but its beautiful tones (f) _______________ by a Japanese violinist before the auction yesterday.

'It is in very good condition because it (g) _______________ in a special case,' said Yoshito Ito. 'It (h) _____________ after very well.'

The violin reached such a high price because of its date of 1720 (the height of Stradivari's Golden Age), when his finest instruments (i)____________. Strads(j)_______________ all over the world for their purity and deep, clear sound.

Упражнение 3 Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы, делая необходимые по смыслу добавления.

1. Houses are built very quickly now.
2. This work will be finished tomorrow.
3. The delegation was met at the station
4. The article has been translated into Russian.
5. The work can be done tomorrow morning.
6. The doctor has been sent for.
7. The question has been discussed.
8. Mr. Petrov is wanted on the phone.
9. The rules will be revised at the next lesson.
10. The book was written in 1966.

Упражнение 4 Making questions

Ask questions about the information in italics.


The Strad was made in 1720.

When was the Strad made?

Упражнение 5 .

Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на употребление страдательного залога.



B .

1. Эти вопросы обычно обсуждаются после работы.
2. Много домов строится в вашем городе?
 3. Знаете ли вы, что эта книга была переведена на английский язык только два года тому назад?
4. Меня попросили помочь ему закончить эту работу сегодня, поэтому я должен был остаться в учреждении после работы.
5. Ему могут дать эти журналы в понедельник утром..
6. Вам показали все, что вы хотели посмотреть?
7. Его надо сейчас же найти.
8. Об этом фильме много говорят.
9. Лекции Петрова слушают с интересом.
10. Надо сейчас же послать за товарищем Ивановым
11. Детям велели быть дома в во­семь часов.
12. Кем была написана эта статья?
13. Когда принесут (будут принесены) письма и газеты? — Я думаю, только через час.
14. Нас спросили, преподают ли фран­цузский язык в нашей школе.
15. Когда будет отправлена эта телеграмма?
16. Его спросили, когда будет отправлена телеграмма.
17. В первый раз меня повели в театр, когда мне было пять лет..
18. После лекции было задано много вопросов.
19. Мне сказали, что вы завтра уезжаете.
20. Я думаю, что об этой книге будут много говорить

Упражнение 6

Переведите предложения на английский язык:

а) обращая внимание на перевод слов еще, уже, другой (-ая, -ое, -ие).

1. Нам сказали, что мы сможем посмотреть там музеи, дворцы и другие достопримечательности
 2. Вам уже показали другой костюм?
 3. У него двое детей: одному восемь лет, а другому два года
 4. Мне кажется, вам надо взять с собой еще одну пару туфель
 5. Они еще ждут нас, да?
 6. Кто еще собирался прийти попрощаться с нами?
 7. Он еще не упаковал остальные вещи
 8. Она еще не отвезла чемодан на вокзал
 9. Она уже пригото­вила ужин?
 10. Я еще не знаю его нового адреса
 11. Ра­бота еще не готова
 12. Урок еще не кончился
 13. Дети все еще катаются на коньках, да?
14. Он все еще болен?
15. Они еще здесь?

б). используя лексику урока 13 Бонк Н.А., Котий Г.А., Лукьянова Н. А. Учебник английского языка, с.223

1. Мне сказали, что завтра они уезжают в свой род­ной город. Пойдем попрощаемся с ними, хорошо?
2. Эту пищу обычно дают очень маленьким детям, правда?
3. Посмотри! Это ведь Петр, да? Интересно, куда он то­ропится?
4. Мне уже дали адрес завода. Мы пойдем туда, как только они нам позвонят.
5. Жаль, что он торопился. Я хотел задать ему несколько вопросов.
6. Эту работу нельзя делать в спешке.
7. Что вы собираетесь делать после обеда? — Я еще не знаю. Возможно, немного от­дохну и поеду в магазин.
8. Это все, что я хотела взять с собой. Остальные вещи будут упакованы, как только; придет мой брат и поможет мне.
9. Он спросил нас, хорошо ли мы доехали и сказал, что счастлив видеть нас снова.
10. Она спросила нас, почему мы торопимся уйти домой.
11. «Не спешите,— сказала она.— У вас еще много времени».
12. Он спросил нас, сколько времени мы сможем его ждать
13. Это пальто очень старое, мне кажется, оно было сшито (сделано) пять или шесть лет назад.

Упражнение 7  So is used to express the result of the statement before. Because expresses the reason or cause of something.

It started to rain, so we stopped playing tennis.

 Cause —————————> Result

We stopped playing tennis because it started to rain.

Result <————————— Cause

Rewrite the following pairs of sentences in two ways. Use the linking words in brackets.


She went home. She was tired, (so, because)

She was tired so she went home.

She went home because she was tired.



Lesson Fourteen

Grammar:1.Степени сравнения

             2.Условные предложения (нереальные – second Conditional)

             3. Посещение магазина (Shoping)

             4. Преимущества и недостатки.

              The advantages and disadvantages


Упражнение 1 Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внима­ние на безличные предложения и степени сравнения прилага­тельных.

1. Петр самый высокий (мальчик) в классе
2. Моя квартира менее удобная
 3. Зимой дни короче, чем летом, правда?
4. Какой месяц самый короткий в году?
5. Ваша дочь старше моей. Моей дочери только шесть, а вашей семь, правда?
6. Это менее важный вопрос, давайте об­судим его завтра, хорошо?
7. Было только девять часов, но, когда мы добрались до реки, мой брат уже сидел в лодке и ждал нас.
8. «Вы смотрите сейчас на самое высокое здание в Москве»,— сказал учитель детям.
9. Но­вая квартира моей сестры удобнее и светлее, чем старая.
10. Московские улицы красивее сейчас, чем они были несколько лет назад.
11. Вы моложе вашей сестры? — Нет.
12. Не могли бы вы показать мне дорогу на Крас­ную площадь? — Пожалуйста. Вы можете поехать туда на метро. У вас уйдет не более 20 минут.
13. Вы гово­рите, что та книга трудна для вас. Возьмите эту. Она легче.
14. Анна — лучшая ученица в классе.

Упражнение 2 Correcting mistakes

In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.



Упражнение 3

Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями, где это необходимо.

1. Though the watch was very expensive, he decided to buy it……... her. 2. Please buy ………. me some bread and sugar, will you? 3. I wonder whether the old man will sell all his pictures ……..….. the museum. 4. The man didn't sell his pictures ……….. the museum, he just gave them away without taking any money …….. them. 5. Though the shoes were her size and felt very comfortable, old Sally decided not to buy them because she thought they were too dear ……….... her. "I can't pay so much ... ……….a pair …….... shoes", she said …….... the shop-assi­stant. 6. Won't you have another look …….... these shoes? I think it's just the pair ……….... you. 7. He looked ... all the tele­grams quickly, gave them …….... the secretary ['sekratri] to send off and also asked her to ring ……... Mr Brown and tell …….. him that he could come …………. 10 if the time was suitable ……... him. 8. "Would you like to buy any ……….. these watches?" "No, I'm just looking ……..." 9. "Excuse me, how do I get ……..... the bookshop?" "It's ……... there ………. the right". 10. Will you please ask that man what time it is …….. his watch. I'm afraid mine is …….... five or six minutes slow.

Упражнение 4

Dreams and reality

Jimmy is in prison. Read about his life in prison, then complete the sentences that express his dreams.


He's in prison. He ...

- gets up at 5.00

- wears a prison uniform

- has cold toast for breakfast

- works in a factory

- exercises in a yard

- watches TV every evening

- goes to bed at 9.00.


Упражнение 5 Combining sentences

Rewrite the following sentences using a Second Conditional.

Example: I'm not rich. I don't live in a big house.

If I were rich, I'd live in a big house

Упражнение 6

Linking words


Рабочая тетрадь I семестра для выполнения контрольных и практических упражнений


(фамилия, имя, отчество)

Курс___________, группа_____________, специальность__________________




                                                                                        (фамилия, инициалы,


                                                                                          ученое звание, степень)



Зачтено                            Не зачтено                  ___________________      

            (Ненужное зачеркнуть)                          (Подпись проверяющего)


"___"____________201____г.            "____" ____________201____г. __________                                                          



Москва 201

Lesson One

Grammar: 1. Времена группы Indefinite

              1.1. The Present Indefinite глагола to be.

              1.2. Образование формы 3-го лица ед. числа.

               2. Времена группы Continuous .

Упражнение 1

Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple.

1. Where .………… you? — I.………………in the kitchen.

2. Where .……………. Fred? — He .………….. in the garage.

3. Where .………... Lisa and John? — They …………… at college.

4.  …..…….. you busy? — No, I .……….. not. Mike .………………busy. He .……..…the busiest person I've ever met.

5. It………….... ten o'clock. She .……………. late again. 

6. How .…………. you? — I .……..…. not very well today. — I .…….. sorry to hear that.

7. We .……………. interested in classical music.

8. Vera .…………. afraid of snakes.

9. My grandmoth­er .………… not nervous and she .……..…. rarely upset. She …….... the kindest person I've ever seen. My grandmother …….... really wonderful.

10. I .……….… sorry. They .……….… not at the office at the moment.

11. Where .……………. the keys? — In your jacket.

12. What.………….. the time, please? — Two o'clock.

13. It .……………. the biggest meal I've ever had.

Упражнение 2

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous ( Now ) :

1. Timothy ……………………….(to feed) his dog.

2. Mr. Jones ……………………….(to clean) his yard.

3. Nancy ……………………………(to paint) her kitchen.

4. Our neighbours ……………………………(to wash) their car.

5. I …………………..(to wash) my hair.

6. Who ……………………….(to fix) your sink?

7. What she …………………………(to do) now? — She (to dance).

8. The children ………………………..(to brush) their teeth.

9. What he ……………………….(do) at the moment? — He (to fix) his bicycle.

10. They ………………………..(to have) a big dinner together.

11. The boys …………………………….(to run) about in the garden.

12. I …………………………(to do) my homework.

13. John and his friends ………………………..(to go) to the library.

14.  Ann …………………(to sit) at her desk. She ………………(to study) geography.

15. A young man ……………….(to stand) at the window. He ………………..(to smoke) a cigarette.

16. The old man …………………………….(to walk) about the room.


Упражнение 3

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя гла­ голы в Present Simple.


Мой дядя — инженер.

Он очень занят.
Его рабочий день начинается рано утром.
Он встает в семь часов.
Он умывается, одевается и завтрака­ет.
После завтрака он идет на работу.
Он работает в институте.
Он любит свою работу.
Он женат.
Его жена — врач.
Она работает в больнице.
Вечером она изучает французский язык.
Она посещает кур­сы французского языка.
Мой дядя не говорит по-французски.
Он говорит по-русски и по-немецки.
Он изучает английский язык.
Вечером он посеща­ет курсы английского языка.
Сын моего дяди — ученик.
Он ходит в школу.
В школе он изучает ан­глийский язык.

Сравните употребление Present Continuous и Present Simple

Упражнение 4

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple .

1. I ……………….(to take) my sister to school now. I ………………..(to take) her to school every day.
2. He …………………(to help) his father now. He ………………..(to help) his father very often.
3. At the moment they ……………(to go) to the river for a swim. They usually ………………(to go) to the river for a swim.
4. She …………………(to play) the violin now. She ………………..(to play) the violin every day.
5. I …………….(to read)  now. I ……………….(to read) every day.
6. He ………….(to sleep) now. He ……………to sleep) every night.
7. We ……………(to drink) tea now.       We ……………(to drink) tea every morning.
8. They …………(to go) to school now. They ………………(to go) to school every morning
9. I ………….(not to sleep) now. I ………………(not to sleep) in the daytime.
10. She …………….(not to drink) coffee now. She ………………..(not to drink) coffee after lunch..
11. We …………….(not to watch) TV now. We ………………(not to watch) TV in the morning.

Lesson Two

Grammar : 1. Образование формы 3-го лица ед. числа группы Indefinite .

              2. Вопросы к подлежащему и его определению.

              3. Оборот to be going для выражения намерения в будущем врем


Упражнение 1 Ответьте письменно на английском языке на вопросы. Полу­ченные ответы используйте в кратком сообщении после каждой группы вопросов.





1. Do you learn English or do you already know it well?
2. Does your friend know English well?
3 Do you sometimes do your homework together?
4 Do you like to do your homework together?
5. Which of you is doing well (in English)?
6. Which of you is always in time for the lesson?




1. How often do you get newspapers and magazines?
2. Which magazines do you like to read?
3 Do you often get letters from your friends?
4 Which of you likes getting "letters?
5. Which of you likes writing letters?   
6. How often do you write to your friends?
7 When are you going to write to your friends?







1. Who translates letters and telegrams from foreign firms at your office?
2. Does he (she) translate letters from English or from German?
3 How well does he (she) translate letters and telegrams?
4 Is he (she) translating a letter now?
5. What is he (she) going to translate tomorrow morning?




1. Are you going to revise the grammar rules in the evening?
2. Are you going to do it at home or in class?
3 What are you going to speak about in class tomorrow evening?
4 What do you usually speak about in class?



1. When do you usually get home after classes (after work)?
2. Who do you usually go 'home with?
3 Do you like to go home with your friends?
4 What do you like to do in the evening?
5. What are you going to do tomorrow evening


Упражнение 2


What are these people going to be? Write sentences using the words in the box.


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