Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Внешность и характеристики человека


Досуг и увлечения (спорт, музыка, чтение, посещение кино/театра, дискотеки, кафе).


4.1.  Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk about your hobby.

       Remember to say:

  • why people have hobby;
  • who shares your interests;
  • where and how you would prefer to show your hobby.




 4.2.   Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk on hobbies and interests.

       Remember to say:

  • why it is important to have a hobby;
  • why different people have different hobbies;
  • what hobby would you like to take up, why.


4.3.  Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk about sports.

       Remember to say:

  • what kind of sports you like/dislike, why;
  • why you like/dislike it;
  • if all sports are good for people.


4.4.  Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk on sports.

       Remember to say:

  • what kinds of sport are your favourite;
  • whether you are going in for sport;
  • what difference is between sports and physical training.


4.5.  Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk on sports.

       Remember to say:

  • whether you or your friends do any sport and what it is;
  • what sport you like watching;
  • whether people should do sport regularly, why.


4.6.  Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk on sport in your life.

       Remember to say:

  • if you like doing sport in your free time;
  • if you prefer team or individual sport, why;
  • what sport facilities you use in your area.


4.7.  Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk about the last film you saw in the cinema.

       Remember to say:

  • what the film was about;
  • whether you liked/disliked it and why;
  • how much the ticket cost.


4.8.  Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk on reading.

       Remember to say:

  • why people read books and what sort of books;
  • what your favourite book is;
  • why you think people will never stop reading (or books will soon disappear).


4.9.  Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk on books.

       Remember to say:

  • whether you prefer reading books or newspapers and why;
  • how often you read books and if they are modern or classic literature;
  • whether or not people should read more books.


4.10.  Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk about spending your free time.


Remember to say:

  • about most popular activities;
  • what you like to do in your free time;
  • who shares your interests.


4.11.  Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk on entertainment in your area.

       Remember to say:

  • whether there are enough entertainment facilities in your area;
  • if you would like to see any improvements to the facilities or not;
  • what kinds of entertainment are most popular with young people.


Молодежная мода

5.1.  Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk about fashion.

       Remember to say:

  • whether you follow the latest fashions or not;
  • what clothes you like to wear when you go out;
  • whether clothes are too expensive to teenagers.


5.2.  Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk on teenage fashions.

       Remember to say:

  • if both teenage boys and girls pay attention to fashion, why;
  • what fashion style you prefer;
  • if you would recommend to introduce a fashionable school uniform, why/why not..


Покупки . Карманные деньги


6.1.  Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk on shopping.

       Remember to say:

  • which is the best way of going shopping in your place of living;
  • what are the usual departments in a department store;
  • do you usually pay in cash or use a credit card in your town.


6.2.  Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk on summer jobs for teenagers.

       Remember to say:

  • why teenagers do summer jobs;
  • whether any of your friends/brothers/ sisters do summer jobs; what jobs are they;
  • whether you would like to do summer job or not, why.




Школьная жизнь. Изучаемые предметы и отношение к ним.   Каникулы . Школьные обмены


8.1.  Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk about your school life.

       Remember to say:

  • the information about your school;
  • what subjects interest you most of all;
  • about relationship with your classmates.



 8.2.  Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk on holidays.

       Remember to say:

  • how you would ideally spend your time on holiday;
  • what kinds of holidays are popular in your country;
  • what sort of problems you can have when on holiday.


8.3.  Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk about your favourite school subject.

       Remember to say:

  • which of the school subjects you like most, why;
  • what you do during the lessons;
  • whether this subject is going to be useful for your life and career, and why/why not.



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