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In our history, there have been some remarkable children. Mozart is a famo
example. After he had heard a piece of music a couple of times, he could wri
it down on paper. He composed symphonies while he was still a child. Today
also hear stories of very gifted* children.

Ruth Lawrence, from the UK, became famous at the age of 12, when she beg
her studies at Oxford University. She was the youngest student ever to atte
a university in the UK. Before going to university, Ruth was taught at ho
by her father. While she was a student, her father was always by her side,
attended all her lectures with her. Ruth did very well at Oxford. She got a fi
class degree in mathematics. Now Ruth is a mathematics professor.

These young people are, however, extremely special. Because of that th
naturally feel different to other children of their own age. They can beco
lonely. Michael Howe, a professor of psychology says, "It is good to be g
at something while you are young, but if you do not have friends or oth
experiences you will not have a satisfying life." Gifted children who understa
quicker than their classmates can also become lazy. They can behave badly
class because they are bored.

If parents find that their child is especially talented, they have to take so
important and difficult decisions. They have to help their child develop but t'
cannot push their child too hard. If they do, the child may have serious proble
later in life. However, if a child is especially gifted, it is clear that they need
special kind of education. These children need to be motivated. This means t'
they have to study with people who are older than them. But at the same ti
they must be allowed to be children too.

Despite her great success, Ruth Lawrence does not want her own children
be brought up and educated in the same way she was. They will be sent to
normal school and she has said that she wants them to develop and grow o~
in a natural way.



2. Ruth Lawrence was a gifted child. Read aloud the extract which says about her.

3. What kind of problems can wonderkids have?

4. What should parents and teachers do for their gifted children?





I. Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.


To sweat



To avoid



To label

навешивать ярлык



About 50 % of people in the United States say that they are shy. And for more
than 13 % of Americans, being shy is a serious problem. The situation in other
countries around the world is very similar. Of course it is normal to feel a little
shy sometimes. Most people feel shy in a new social situation, for example when
they start a new job or have to meet and talk to strangers. But in these cases
the shyness usually passes quickly.

Some people, however, are extremely shy. They are so shy that they cannot live
normally. They feel worried, they sweat* and tremble when they are with other
people. In order to avoid these unpleasant feelings, the shy person avoids* other
people. Shy people often say to themselves: "I'm not normal. People think I am
boring and unattractive. I'm a failure." These negative thoughts make it more
difficult for the shy person to make friends. The result is that the shy person is
lonely and sad.

Shy children need a lot of help. Otherwise these shy children will grow up and
become shy, unhappy adults. Parents who have a shy child should set a good
example, since children learn a lot of behaviour from their parents. It is also
important not to label* a child as shy.

Shy children can also help themselves. You have to learn to think positively.
You must stop thinking negatively. Another thing you can do is give yourself
a target. For example, you may say, "I'm going to talk to at least one stranger
today" or "I'm going to ask X to come for a coffee with me." When you achieve
your target, you will feel very satisfied. If you are shy, you should try to walk
with your head up so that you look at other people's faces. Soon, walking like
that will become a habit and you will feel better and more confident as a result.

Of course, it is normal to be shy sometimes. Being a little shy can sometimes
stop us from doing things that are foolish. But if you are extremely shy, you do
not have to suffer. You can become less shy and become a happy, sociable person.



2. There are quite many shy people in the world and it is not an illness. Read aloud
the extract which says about it.

3.Why are shy people sad?

4. What recommendations does the author give parents and children?




1. Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.


An ancestor






An archive




"Researching family history is a true passion rather than just a hobby for man
people", says Julie Mason. "It is wonderfully exciting when you learn more abo
the ancestors*."

Julie began researching her family's past in order to find out her roots*. S
says: "When you discover your roots, it gives you understanding who yo
are." John Paul Thompson, has a different reason for wanting to research hi
family's history. "After my father died I found myself with photo albums full
old photographs with no labels. I wanted to find out more about the others."

Some of the things that people discover about their families can be ve
surprising. When Jean Sandwell researched her family history she had a ve
big shock. She found out that she had been adopted as a baby. After she h
accepted this situation, Jean tried to find her real parents. "I discovered that rn
mother emigrated to Australia in 1966," says Jean. "In 1982 I went to Austral'
to meet her. It was a very emotional experience for both of us."

So what is the best way to start researching your family history? 'Tntervie
all your family members before it is too late," says Julie Mason. "Make a bas'
family tree of your close family and step by step make it bigger. Of course, it
not easy to have accurate information from relatives about things that happen
in the distant past. It is quite normal for different family members give differen
versions of the same events. It is very important to check everything."

Public records in local libraries and in national archives* are also important t
the family historian. Old newspaper reports are often kept on in local librari
Sometimes, researching your family history can be lonely work. Remember th
you can find a lot of help on the internet.

Of course, it is not easy to trace your family history a long way back and y
must be very patient. Believe me, in the future, your children, and their childr
may be very grateful to you for recording it.



2. Jean Sandwell made a shocking discovery. Read aloud the extract which says
about it.

3. Why do people start tracing their family histories?

4. What recommendations does the author give to discover your roots?




I. Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.


A psychologist



Dr Richard Carlson is thought to be an internationally famous expert on
happiness. Tens of millions of copies of his self-help guides have been sold around
the world. These books try to help people deal with the many difficulties of life
so that they can become happy and feel strong inside themselves.

a psychologist Dr Carlson is a qualified psychologist*, also he is naturally optimistic and
has always had a deep interest in the idea of happiness. When he finished his
 university studies, he began giving lessons on how to be happy to small groups of people. Dr Carlson enjoyed that work but he wanted to try and help more people. He got an opportunity to do this when he began writing articles about
happiness for a newspaper. He then had the idea of putting his ideas into book

One of the secrets of happiness, Dr Carlson believes, is to approach problems
in stages, breaking the problem down into parts that can be solved bit by bit.
"Problems often seem so large that you feel shocked," Richard Carlson says. "It's
much better to stop a moment and see things in perspective."

Another advice is to develop a feeling of inner strength. You must consciously
try to be positive about things, seeing problems as challenges. When you have
a habit of being positive and optimistic, a lot of your problems either become
unimportant, or else they disappear altogether.

Dr Carlson also stresses that it is very important for people to take responsibility
for their own happiness. When you realize this, it can give you a sense of power.
Instead of blaming others we should learn how we ourselves can change to
improve the situation. As a result your personal relations will improve and you
will feel happier.

Dr Carlson also recommends people to develop a sense of presence. What he
means is that we should always be focused on whatever it is that we are doing at
any particular time. If you are successful at doing this, others will respect you.

Millions of people have benefited from Dr Carlson's common sense approach to
happiness. He manages to make complex issues easier to deal with.



2. Dr Carlson is considered an international expert on happiness. Read aloud the
extract which says about it.

2. Why did Dr Carlson start writing books?

3. What advice for being happy does Dr Carlson give?





1.Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.


A thief



To be sentenced

быть приговоренным к тюремному заключению


To cancel



You must have heard about Muhammad Ali — probably the most famous athlete
and one of the best-known people in the world. But what do you actually know
about his life?

He was the first three-time heavyweight boxing champion of the world. He was
known for his powerful hands as well as for his poetry. His ability to compose
rhymes while boxing impressed many people. He could be called the first rapper.
He won an Olympic gold medal and later threw it into a river in protest against
racism in America.

Ali's interest in boxing began when he was 12. He was living in a poor black
neighbourhood in Louisville, together with his parents and brother Rudy. One
day, when his new bicycle got stolen, Ali reported the fact to a local policeman,
Joe Martin. He was furious and said that he was going to beat up the thief*.
Martin was the boxing coach at the Louisville's Club and he also had a TV show
called 'Tomorrow's Champions'. Seeing fire in Ali's eyes, he suggested that the
boy learned to fight.

Ali passionately devoted himself to amateur boxing. He trained hard and soon
became famous in his hometown. Within the next few years, he won 100 of his
108 matches. At 18, he became Olympic gold medalist and very soon he signed
a good professional contract.

In the 1960s, Ali became one of the most disputable figures in his country. He
refused to serve in the American army in Vietnam for religious reasons and, as
a result, he lost his championship belt. He was also sentenced* to five years in
prison, but later the sentence was cancelled* by the Supreme Court.

Muhammad Ali retired from boxing in 1981 and soon afterwards he was
diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. However, he remained active in various
fields and he has not been forgotten. In 1999, he was named Sportsman of the
Century by one of the biggest sports magazines. In the same year, Ali's daughter
Laila made her debut as a boxer despite her father's earlier comments against
female boxing.



2. Muhammad Ali is a world-famous boxer. Read aloud the extract which says
about it.

3.What encouraged Ali to take up boxing?
4.How did his sporting career develop?





1. Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.


A grave




пальцы ног


A heel

пятка, каблук


A victim




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