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Спеціальності «соціальна робота» та «соціальна педагогіка»

Спеціальності «соціальна робота» та «соціальна педагогіка»


1. Прочитати і перекласти (письмово) текст J. Pestalozzi та зробити до нього письмові вправи


2. Вивчити 3 теми   MODERN TEACHER

                                                SCHOOLING IN GREAT BRITAIN

                                     THE ROLE OF PLAY AT THE LESSON

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Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi


Born in Zürich, Pestalozzi was brought up brought up by his mother after his father died when the boy was five years old. This experience started his view, central to his educational outlook, of the importance in early education of mother and home. Strongly influenced by the writings of Rousseau, Pestalozzi abandoned ideas of entering the ministry and later the law and became a farmer though not a successful one.

An industrial school for 20 orphans, which he set up and in which work and learning were combined, was a financial failure. He turned to writing. The work, that made the most powerful impact, was a novel of village life “Leonard and Gertrude”, in which he described a form of home instruction where learning was based on immediate observation by children. For example they began arithmetic by counting the panes in the window. His work attracted great attention, and made it influential in the development of educational ideas.

In 1798 Pestalozzi was briefly in charge of a school of orphans in Stanz, in Switzerland, and afterwards, his ideas sharpened by experience, he was appointed head of a teachers training college at Burgdorf. In 1805 he set up the Institute of Yverdon, a magnet for teachers and pupils from many European countries. Pestalozzi’s most important book “How Gertrude Teaches Her Children” (1801) was based on his experience at Burgdorf.

Essentially, Pestalozzi believed with Rousseau that the primary concern of education is with the individual approach, and that a true method of education must be based on a firm understanding of the way in which children develop. Like Rousseau he believed that the life and operation of school should resemble those of a family, but unlike Rousseau he did not feel that the success of the home or the school called for exceptional parents or teachers or for ideal circumstances. And though he shared Rousseau’s concern for individuality, he recognized that a child depends a great deal of his social role for the full development of his powers. Pestalozzi’s approach to method initiated the first modern view of learning now widely followed: that it must begin in experience and lead to ideas and that it must be always within a child’s grasp. There must be progress from the near to the distant, from the simple to the increasingly complex. 

2. Перекладіть українською :

 Educational outlook, to abandon ideas, to set up a school, to combine learning and work, a financial failure, immediate observation, to attract attention, head of a teachers training college, the primary concern, on experience, a true method of education, a firm understanding, the school called for exceptional parents or teachers, ideal circumstances, a great deal, within a child's grasp, from the near to the distant, from the simple to the increasingly complex.


3 . З аповніть пропуски словами, вказаними нижче :

1. Ukrainian school pays ... to mental, moral and physical development of children. 2. The Ukrainian Academy of Sciences is ……… scientific guidance in the field of the natural and social sciences. 3. This child is side and ……… special attention. 4. They had practically no ... in this kind of work. 5. Labour ... and polytechnical principle of ... help a pupil be well oriented in modern production. 6. Excursions and pupils' personal ... of nature make up a regular part of school program. 7. My friend wanted to become a teacher like her mother so she entered a ……… 8. There are many ... insti­tutions in Kiev. 9. Ukraine helps the people of the young states in Africa and Asia ... their own economy. 10. Who ... Rector of an Institute? 11. The film was funny and we laughed ….

in charge of, to call for, attention, instruction, education, experience, a great deal, to develop, to appoint, observation, teachers training college, educational

4 . Перекладіть українською :

1. A great deal of literature is published in Ukraine on various aspects of education, its history and teaching methods. 2. "Maxim Gorky's influence was a great factor in my cultural and political development," wrote A. S. Makarenko. 3. The primary concern of Ukrainian education is to bring up good human beings. 4. In 1920 Makarenko was appointed head of a rehabili­tation institution for young delinquents near Poltava. 5. The first rehabilitation schools were set up in our country shortly after-the Great October Revolution when homeless children found themselves in the streets as a result of the First World War and economic devastation. 6. One of Makarenko's educational principles was combination of instruction, and productive labour. 7. I know it from my personal experience. 8. After five years of study at a teachers training college she will become a history teacher at school. 9. Dickens abandoned school very early as his father could not pay for his education.


5 . Перекладіть англійською :

Привернути увагу, впливати, індивідуальний підхід, педагогічний інститут, безпосереднє спостереження, поєднувати навчання із працею, вимагати, розвиток, досвід, створити школу, призначити, головна справа, педагогічний світогляд, залишити думку про щось, керувати школою.


6 . Об’єднайте пари синонімів :

a) complex, an instruction, a great deal, to abandon, to set up, a college, to attract attention, briefly, important, to resemble        

b) to give up, difficult, an institute, to draw attention much, to organize, to copy, shortly, a tuition, significant

7 . Об’єднайте пари антонімів :

a) strongly, many, true, to begin, after, near, a failure

b) false, before, a success, weakly, to finish, few, far


8 . Дайте відповіді на наступні запитання :

1. Where was Pestalozzi born? 2. How old was he and when his father died? 3. Did Pestalozzi's mother or grandmother bring him up? 4. Pestalozzi believed that mother and home were very important in early education, didn't he? 5. What did Pestalozzi become after abandoning ideas to enter the ministry and the law? 6. What school did he set up? Was it a financial failure? 7. When did Pestalozzi turn to writing? 8. What book by Pestalozzi made the most powerful impact? 9. What did he describe in it? 10. When did Pestalozzi set up the Institute of Yverdon? 11. Did it become a magnet for teachers and pupils from many European countries? 12. What was Pestalozzi's idea of school operation? 13. Whose concern for individuality did he share? 14. What was the leading principle of Pestalozzi's educational method?


9. Поставте питання до наступних речень :

1. Pestalozzi was influenced by the writings of Rousseau. 2. He set up an industrial school for 20 orphans. 3. Yes, he did. He turned to writing. 4. Pestalozzi described his teaching experience. 5. Pestalozzi's most important book was "How Gertrude Teaches her Children". 6. No, he didn't. Unlike Rousseau he believed that success of the school did not call for exceptional teachers. 7. According to Pestalozzi a child's development depends a great deal on his social role.


Прочитайте, перекладіть і вивчіть наступні теми:

1. Modern Teacher

Teaching is a very specific and difficult job. Teachers do not only teach their subjects. They develop their pupils’ intellect, form their views and characters, their attitudes to life and to other people. It’s a great responsibility.

    That is why it is important for a modern teacher to be not only a qualified specialist but a bright personality as well. I think that a modern teacher should possess vast knowledge in many spheres and should inspire in his pupils a burning desire to know.

    Secondly, teacher should always try to make his lessons interesting. I don’t mean to say he has to play games at his lessons. But it is necessary that the tasks which he gives to his students should be challenging and presented in an interesting form. In order to achieve this, the teacher must be enthusiast of his subject. If he is not fond of it himself, he won’t be able to interest his students in it. A bored teacher teaches boredom.

    I think that a modern teacher always keeps in step with the latest developments in teaching methods. He should be able to explain even the most difficult material in such plain words that even the slowest child in his class could understand it.

    Besides a modern teacher should possess such personal qualities as kindness, quiet disposition and sense of humour. He should never lose his temper and he should know how to encourage his students to do better at school. If the situation demands, he should be strict and demanding. But all the same his students must always feel that he treats them with love and respect.

    So, I quite understand that teaching is a great responsibility. It’s not as easy as it may seem at first. But I think that love for children combined with the knowledge I’ll get at the institute would be quite enough to succeed in my work.


Compulsory education in England begins at the age of 5 when children go to what is called a primary school (the first stage of which is called infant school where children go from 5 to 7; the second stage of primary school is called junior school to which children go from 7 to 11).

When they are eleven they transfer to what is called a comprehensive school. In most parts of the country comprehensive schools now replaced the old grammar and secondary modern schools. Before the introduction of comprehensive schools children at the age of 11 used to sit for the 11 plus examinations. The examinations consist of an Intelligence Quotient (I.Q.) test – an English test and an arithmetic test. An intelligence test includes a large number of short questions and it mainly measures the inborn abilities of a child and not what he has learned at school.

The cleverer children who passed the exam would then be sent to the grammar schools which provide education of an academic type and a large number of grammar school children go on to universities; the other children would go to the secondary modern schools which give a general education with a practical bias. But selection at such an early age as 11 was strongly criticized by many educationalists and teachers. Now the 11 plus is forced out and children can enter comprehensive schools which are open to all children whatever their intellectual ability may be.

In comprehensive schools teaching is done in mixed ability classes. It means that children of all abilities are put in one class so you'll have less able children, more able children and average children all in one class.

Different methods of grouping children within a school are used. One of the ways is the system known as “streaming”. This means that children of the same age are put into different groups or “streams” according to their level of general ability. There may be any number of streams up to nine or more depending on the size of the school.

At the age of 16 most children take some sort of public examination. These examinations are taken at the same time throughout the country. At present there are two forms of examination at 16. There is the GCE (General Certificate of Education, “O” (ordinary) level examination) and CSE examination (the Certificate of Secondary Education). These two examinations came into being during the grammar school secondary modern system and now still exist. The GCE examination tends to be for children who are more academically gifted and  the CSE examination for the less academically and more practically inclined children. At l6 the compulsory education finishes. Children then may choose to leave school and go to work. Children who stay on at school are to take what is called GCE — '"A" level (advanced level). This course lasts for 2 years children choose three subjects and are examined in these three subjects at the end  of two years when they are 18.

Outside of these state schools which provide free education there are also the fee-paying private independent schools the most important of which are the so-called public schools. Many public schools are several hundred years old. Nearly all of them are boarding schools and most of them are boys schools. These schools have the best conditions for giving a first-class education.




Children grow, learn and even investigate the world through play. Play is the basis for discovery, reasoning and thinking. When children are given the freedom to experiment, to make mistakes and then to learn from these mistakes, they are developing skills that will stay with them for life.

Children do not differentiate between play, learning and work. Children are playful by nature. They love to play because play is an activity in which any child is open to express his points of view, ideas and thoughts.

It is important to notice that games are necessary not just for junior pupils; in senior forms the elements of the play must be included into the educating process. So games vary accordingly to the age of children.

In primary school the lesson is a game itself. All the material is given in the form of play: different puzzles, crosswords, different competitions, creative activities, which do not only stimulate children's imagination, but also develop skills such as hand-eye coordination.

In secondary and higher schools games become more intellectual and scientific. They can be different projects on actual problems, role-playing, round tables, intellectual quizzes, some creative activities and team competitions.

In any case, we can't teach and educate without plays.




When a Man Marries

After a flaming row Mrs. Meek slammed the door and walked out into the rain. Hearing that Mr. Meek picked up his gun, aimed it at the ceiling and fired a shot. The lady who was still in the garden, heard it and rushed back but found the door locked. She had left the keys at home and realized she would not be able to get in unless she broke the door open. She set about the work at once but it was not so easy at all and, I daresay, she would no doubt have to give up the attempt if her neighbours had not heard her scream and wanted to give her a helping hand.

As the lady struggled bravely at the door, her husband tip-toed to the kitchen, picked up a tin of tomato juice, and split the liquid all over his face, his sports jacket, and the brand new tie. Having done that he looked at himself in the mirror and, no doubt, satisfied with what he had done, made his way to the bedroom. There he took a paper, the Daily Mirror I believe it was, and lay down on the bed with his slides on. For a time he played with the gun but then it occurred to him he had intended to read the press. So he put the gun on the dressing table, took the paper and set about reading. And how happy he was. There was nothing else he could wish at that particular moment... but what's that? The door had been broken open and he could now hear footsteps in the hall. He put away the newspaper, and closed his eyes trying to look as dead as he possibly could. Presently the door was torn open and his wife followed by a police constable ran into the room.

- It's all over now! — cried out the lady bursting into tears. She had taken stock of the situation at once, and whispered almost fainting:

— Poor me! He's split the last tin of tomato juice. What am I going to make soup with? Believe me, gentlemen, it's the last time I've ever left the larder open!


A flaming row — пылкая ссора

To tip - toe — идти на цыпочках

A tin of tomato juice - банка томатного сока

Almost fainting — почти теряя сознание

A larder — кладовая



спеціальності «соціальна робота» та «соціальна педагогіка»


1. Прочитати і перекласти (письмово) текст J. Pestalozzi та зробити до нього письмові вправи


2. Вивчити 3 теми   MODERN TEACHER

                                                SCHOOLING IN GREAT BRITAIN

                                     THE ROLE OF PLAY AT THE LESSON

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