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Quite/perfectly etc normal

Her room was untidy, but that was quite normal.

She was assessed in the normal way, and placed on the waiting list.

All I want is to lead a normal life.

Under normal circumstances, fat in food is broken down by an enzyme.


10. professional – someone who earns money by doing a job, sport, or activity that many other people do just for fun opposite amateur:

Hurd signed as a professional in 1998.

top snooker professionals

Firstly, professionals make important contributions to the well-being of society as a whole.


profession noun

professional noun

professionalism noun

professional adjective

unprofessional adjective

professionally adverb

unprofessionally adverb


11. to respond - to do something as a reaction to something that has been said or done synonym react

Respond to

Responding to the news, Mr Watt appealed for calm.

Most people respond better to encouragement than to criticism.

Respond by doing something

The US responded by sending troops into Laos.

Respond with

Villagers responded with offers of help.

12. respond – to do something as a reaction to something that has been said or done synonym react

Respond to

Responding to the news, Mr Watt appealed for calm.

Most people respond better to encouragement than to criticism.

Respond by doing something

The US responded by sending troops into Laos.

Respond with

Villagers responded with offers of help.


respondent noun

response noun

responsiveness noun

responsive adjective

unresponsive adjective

respond verb

responsively adverb

13. situation – a combination of all the things that are happening and all the conditions that exist at a particular time in a particular place:

I explained the situation.

in a ... situation

She coped well in a difficult situation.

When people meet in a social situation, they assess each other visually

Difficult/dangerous/tricky etc situation

Schoolchildren must be taught to deal with dangerous situations.

We were in an impossible situation - whatever we did, someone would be upset.

Economic/political/financial etc situation

a long analysis of the political situation

First, let us consider the economic situation in the capitalist world.

Present/current situation

I cannot put up with the current situation one day longer.

Staff can be taught techniques for coping with stressful work situations.

Improve/remedy a situation

Some companies are taking measures to improve this situation.

She recommends using humor to defuse the situation.

Assess/monitor/review a situation

The district judge had assessed the situation.

When dealing with complaint letters, review the situation from the customer's point of view.

This situation has arisen as a result of our serious staffing shortages.

A situation worsens/deteriorates

From that day onwards the situation worsened.

The situation has improved substantially since then

Whatever he said, he was in a no-win situation.

For both of us, it was a real win-win situation.

14. stress - continuous feelings of worry about your work or personal life, that prevent you from relaxing:

Your headaches are due to stress.

Under stress

Janet's been under a lot of stress since her mother's illness.

the stresses and strains (=problems and worries) of public life

stress-related (=caused by stress) medical problems

Reduce/relieve stress

Yoga is excellent for relieving stress.

As the stress level goes up or as anxiety increases, one is more prone to sleeplessness.

Treatment includes individual or group therapy and stress management classes.

stressor – a situation that causes a stress reaction

The best way to find a student’s stress level may be to look at small daily stressors.


stress noun

stressed adjective

I always eat when I'm feeling stressed.

stressful adjective

Moving to a new house is a very stressful experience.

Sensitive children find life's daily events more stressful and overwhelming.

stress verb


15. suggest – to tell someone your ideas about what they should do, where they should go etc ➔ propose:

She wrote to me and suggested a meeting.

Suggest (that)

I suggest you phone before you go round there.

Suggest doing something

Joan suggested asking her father for his opinion.


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