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Google To Offer Free 5GB Of Cloud Space (25th April, 2012)

     Google has entered the market for offering online storage space. Their new service, called Google Drive, will be in direct competition with rival cloud storage services like Dropbox, Apple’s iCloud and Microsoft’s SkyDrive. The search giant will offer 5GB (gigabytes) of storage for free for those wishing to keep their photos, documents and other files online. Keeping things in the cloud means users can access their files from any computer anywhere in the world, as long as it has Internet access. At the top end, Google will offer 16TB (terabytes) of space – at a price of $799.99 a month. Sixteen terabytes is sufficient to store 16, 000 movies. For most people, the free 5GB option will be more than enough space.

Google senior vice-president of apps Sundar Pichai said the launch of Drive was an important step for the company. He wrote on a blog post: “Drive is a central place where you can create, share, collaborate and keep all of your stuff.…You can take all your data, regardless of which device you’re on, and make it seamlessly available to you.” Some industry insiders believe Google’s entry into the cloud storage market could shake it up. Richard Edwards, an analyst at the research firm Ovum, said Google’s move could stir Facebook into action. “Facebook doesn’t have a cloud service but this may prompt it into an acquisition, ” he said. He added: “If Facebook was to buy Dropbox, that would be a game-changer.”


0. Google has entered the market to offer a new service.

0.  T.


1. Google’s new product is called Drive In The Cloud.

2. The new product will not be a rival for Apple’s iCloud service.

3. People will be able to buy 16TB (terabytes) of storage space.

4. Experts believe Google’s product will not change the market.

5. An analyst said Facebook might now enter the online storage market.


Read the sentences. Choose the letter A, B or C to fill in the gap. (20 points)


0. I want to buy a......... phone so that I can walk around my house and talk on the phone at the same time. I don't like being confined to my desk and the telephone cord is so short.

a) monopoly                         b) cordless                        c) package

0.  b)

1. I’m in the process of hooking-up my phone service. The telephone company is sending a technician out today to......... my landline. I can’t wait to have a phone again!

a) install                            b) hang-up                     c) hook-up

2. The International Telecommunication Union membership brings the benefits of modern communication technologies to people everywhere in an efficient, safe, easy and … manner.

a) affordable             b) incompatible        c) current

3. A telephone......... or provider is a company that provides telephone services both local and long-distance to customers.

a) install           b) message                   c) carrier

4. This program allows you to solve many technical computing problems, especially those with matrix and vector formulations, a … of the time it would take to write a program in a scalar non interactive language.

a) wink           b) fraction       c) spot

5. In the US, there is a lot of......... in the telecommunication field now so telephone service prices have come down in the past twenty years. Many companies are trying hard to get and keep customers.

a) message                       b) competition                   c) number

6. Government regulation in technological policies aimed at the modernization of telecommunications networks and conversion from analog to … modes of transmission

a) switch         b) batch          c) digital

7. We pay a monthly service fee and, in our plan, we are able to make an......... amount of local calls per month. That means that we can call anyone and talk for as long as we want so long as they live in the specified vicinity.

a) unlimited                      b) limited                     c) long-distance

8. Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (TTE) - assemblage of communications-type equipment required to transmit or receive a signal on a channel or ….

a) circuit         b) scope          c) expand

9. I need to get a......... carrier soon. I want to call my parents on a regular basis and I can't call them with my regular, local package because they on the west coast and we're on the east coast.

a) voicemail                    b) local                  c) long-distance

10. Modulation is used to encode the information on to a … wave, and may involve analog or digital methods.

a) carrier     b) infrared c) short

11. I’m going to get.... soon so that people can leave me messages on my landline if I’m not home. I hate not knowing who called and, this way, I’ll be able to respond to calls left by anyone who chooses to leave me a message.

a) voicemail                     b) cable                               c) fees

12. A power supply circuit in a radio transmitter is to transform the input electrical power to the higher … needed to produce the required power output.

a) frequency bands   b) rates  c) voltages

13. Why didn’t you a..... me message? I didn’t even know that you called. Please do that the next time you call so that I don’t miss any urgent matters.

a) call                           b) miss                    c) leave

14. Anti-virus software can also …. viruses on removable media, such as floppy disk.

a) detect                      b) control                    c) see

15. It’s essential to …. your virus protection regularly.

a) up-to-date                      b) update                   c) date

16. Software which blocks attempts by others to access your computer over the internet is called …..

a) firewall                      b) fire blanket                   c) fire engine

17. Turn on your computer. It will usually take a few minutes to …..

a) boot itself                    b) get booted                   c) boot up

18. In Windows the icon is just a …. to the application. If you delete the icon, the application will still be on your computer.

a) connector                    b) shortcut                  c) link

19. The internet is much faster with broadband connection than with …..

a) call-up                   b) phone-up                  c) dial-up

20. I need to charge up my mobile phone battery. Have you seen my …..

 a) charger                    b) recharger                  c) charging machine



Read the sentences. Choose the letter A, B, C or D to fill in the gap. (20 points)


0. When you receive an MMS message on your phone, the message icon is displayed … with a tone, illumination and/or vibration.

a) along     b) on     c) for   d) in

0.  a)


1. In the US, there is a lot of competition in the telecommunication field now so telephone service prices … in the past twenty years.

a) had come down b) have come down c) came down d) come down

2. More and more companies … hard to get and keep customers.

a) try     b) tried     c) have tried     d) are trying

3. While we … experiments, the signal … with oscilloscope.

a) was doing/ was being measured b) were doing/ was measured

c) were doing/was being measured d) were doing/ measured

4. He asked how many files ….

a) had been downloaded             b) have been downloaded

c) were downloading         d) are downloaded

5. You can receive, display, edit and/or send text messages on any network that … a roaming agreement.

a) is having     b) had     c) have     d) has

6. … that she could trust them she didn’t know what to do.
a) Not having known b) Knowing not c) Not knowing d) Knowing

7. In many developing countries, WI-MAX … a huge impact.

a) has already made b) have already made   

c) had already made d) has already been made

8. The Asia Pacific region … over 500 mln. 3G subscribers by the beginning of the next year.

a) will reached b) reach c) will have reached              d) reaches

9. Unless you have a license, you … to work in telecom industry.

a) are not allowed b) cannot allow c) be not allowed    d) will allow

10. … so little in the country, I am afraid I cannot answer all your questions.
a) Seeing         b) Having seen         c) To see d) See

11. Judging from the books and papers on his desk he must … since they left him in the morning.

a) have been working b) work c) have worked d) be working

12. They are said … the program since they presented the project.

a) to be developing   b) to have been developing

c) to have developed d) have been developing

13. It annoys me that you never do your assignments! I wish you … systematically.

a) get ready     b) got ready              c) would get ready             d) had got ready

14. She smiled … the joke.

a) remembered b) to remember c) remembering d) to be remembered

15. Joan likes arithmetical operations. She is pleased … this kind of work all the time.

a) to have been doing  b) to be doing c) to have done     d) to do

16. We … the scheme for several hours.

a) are assembling b) have been assembling c) have assembled d) have assembling

17. If we add a charge to our system that is greater than 0, then the test point charge … affect the system and change it.

a) would have b) wouldn’t have been c) will d) wouldn’t be

18. I felt very tired … the whole day at the computer.
a) being worked       b) having worked     c) work d) works

19. She failed most of her exams, and now she wishes she … harder.

a) works         b) worked       c) would work          d) had worked

20. I am sorry I have forgotten … you my textbook. Can I have it back?

a) lending        b) lend   c) to lend     d) lended



Choose one of the following: mobile phone, CCTV camera, laptop, wireless LAN. Write a composition, in which describe the following (10 points):

- The working principle;

- The meaning to the society;

- The advantages and disadvantages;

- Your personal attitude. 


In CCTV system video signals are sent directly by encoding and supplies 110 volt power. Another thing about CCTV system is that you will find a companion decoder. One of the important things is the durability. Another feature about the security system is that it has the ability to capture the pictures in the different angles. CCTV security system is highly sensitive, and would be able to deliver the quality images even in the dark room or at night.

CCTV camera system is being widely employed as a security system for surveillance in offices as well as homes. Not only in closed or private places; CCTV camera system extends as a security system in public and crowded places like traffic intersections, malls, shops, etc.

As with the case of any technology or security system device, a CCTV camera system has its own pros and cons. Advantages of CCTV Camera System: 1. Deters Crime: The presence of CCTV camera system for surveillance will reduce petty thefts and vandalism in shops, malls and other public places. 2. Helps Maintain Records; 3. Protects Employees. Disadvantages of CCTV Camera System: 1. CCTV camera system cannot monitor every area of your office or home at all times. 2. Privacy Concerns: Constant monitoring of every activity might put the workers ill at ease. 3. The initial costs incurred per camera are high.

I would like to have a good CCTV camera for my home security. Having an extra security gives a peace of mind, and you will feel cool as cucumber.



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