Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Write sentences for each of the following areas, making predictions about your life. If you need to, look back at the Analysis on page 94 before you start.

your next holidays   

how you use English    

your family

how you use computers    

your physical appearance   

your free time

the people you know     


the clothes you wear

a _________________________________________________________________

b _________________________________________________________________

c _________________________________________________________________

d _________________________________________________________________

e _________________________________________________________________

f _________________________________________________________________

g _________________________________________________________________

h _________________________________________________________________

i _________________________________________________________________


Read the following text about recent changes in Ireland and Dublin and decide what type of word might go in the spaces (noun, adjective etc.). Then complete the spaces with different forms of the words beside the text. The first one has been done for you.

1 economy

2 employment

3 deterioration

4 appear

5 fashion

6 danger

7 prove

8 increase

9 educate

10 improve

The 1 economic situation in Ireland has changed greatly over the last ten years. 2 ____________ has decreased as foreign businesses have invested in the country. Areas in cities which were 3 ____________ have dramatically improved their 4 ____________. Because of this, Dublin has become one of the most 5 ___________ cities in Europe and a top destination for tourists. However, it is not all good news. Over the last few years Dublin has definitely become a more 6 ____________ city. 7 ____________ of this is the increase in the numbers of violent attacks in the city centre. Some say that services have not improved at all. Complaints about the health care system have 8 ____________. Many feel that the 9 ____________ system is still behind the rest of Europe and that there has been no 10 ____________ in the transport system.


Translate into English:

1. Малоймовірно, що він добре складе іспити, тому, вірогідно, він не отримуватиме стипендію в наступному семестрі.

2. Чи підвезли б ви у вашій машині незнайому людину?

3. Чи хотіли б ви попрацювати в Іспанії, якщо б вам запропонували таку можливість?

4. На вашому місці, я б ніколи не мала справ з представниками цієї компанії.

5. Не забудь взяти парасольку. Можливо, ввечері буде дощ.

6. Малоймовірно, що недалекому майбутньому комп’ютери замінять вчителів.

7. Якщо б в неї було достатньо грошей, вона б кожної відпустки подорожувала у різні країни Європи.

8. Про що б ви запитали відому актрису, якби вас запросили на зустріч з нею?

9. Не турбуй зараз батька! Якщо він добре не відпочине, він почуватиметься вкрай втомленим.

10. Він ні за яких обставин не збрехав би друзям.



An amazing story



1. a few days later

2. a few weeks passed

3. abandone

4. adventure 

5. amazing coincidence

6. after a while

7. appear in court

8. at last

9. attempt

10. be arrested

11. be charged

12. be found guilty

13. be followed

14. be questioned

15. be sentenced

16. be surrounded

17. burned-out house

18. cargo crate

19. commit the crime

20. criminal

21. desperate to nescape

22. detective stories

23. discover

24. driving licence

25. die of poisoning

26. drink some punch

27. elderly couple

28. envelope

29. eventually

30. fairy tales

31. feeling tired / terrified

32. final draft

33. finally

34. fortunately /unfortunately

35. fraud

36. ghost stories

37. gradually

38. in the end

39. It’s completely unrealistic.

40. It’s very moving.

41. It’s really scary.

42. It’s very imaginative.

43. It’s got a moral.

44. It has a happy ending.

45. It made me cry.

46. immediately

47. ingenious

48. isolated house

49. JCB digger

50. mugging

51. myths and legends

52. newspaper headline

53. obviously

54. one day many years ago

55. pack himself

56. plead innocent

57. plead guilty to charges of theft and fraud

58. pocket knife

59. professional thief

60. remain free

61. restaurant owner

62. robbery

63. romances

64. science fiction and fantasy

65. smoke bombs

66. snatch the handbag

67. some ruins

68. someone offering to pay

69. speedboat

70. steal

71. suddenly

72. surprisingly

73. suspect

74. the following night

75. The plot is complicated

76. The plot is really clever.

77. The story is very slow.

78. The receiver was hanging off the phone.

79. theft

80. thick fog

81. to their surprise / horror

82. unemployed

83. women’s clothes




Match the adjectives with the different types of stories.

A story…







… which is difficult to understand

… which is not sensible

… in which not much happens

… which makes you feel emotions, especially sadness or sympathy

… which is frightening

… which contains new and interesting ideas



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