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Specify the types of control are used to regulate and ensure the production process.

Specify the types of control are used to regulate and ensure the production process.

Management depends on the types and sequence of activities can be divided into three stages: strategic management; operational management; control.

Strategic management includes: development objective management, forecasting how the foresight of results, are committed under the influence of current factors, long-term planning as a system of measures needed to overcome the projected outcome of the deviation from the established target.

Operational management includes activities for the implementation of the above measures, which is divided into: the organization as the creation of the necessary structures and resources; guide as a stewardship (motivation) in the conditions created by the structure.

Monitoring includes analysis of the achieved results (feedback) and serves as the starting point of a new management cycle.

Describe the human resource management scheme in the workplace.

 The principal scheme of human resource management

Development and implementation of personnel policies Payment and Incentives Group management team and relationships with unions Socio-psychological aspects of management
The principles of selection and placement of personnel. Hiring and firing conditions. Education and training. Evaluation of staff and its activities. Forms of remuneration Ways to improve productivity. Incentive remuneration system. Involving workers in grassroots governance. Work crews and their functions. Workplace relationships. Relations with the trade unions. Motivating employees and creative initiative. The organizational culture of the company. Influence of personnel management on the activities of the company and its organization.

The structure of the human resource management includes the following activities:

Resource Planning: Develop a plan to meet the needs of human resources and of the necessary costs.

Recruitment: the creation of a reserve of potential candidates for all posts.

Selection: assessment of candidates for jobs and selection of the best from the reserve, created in the course of the set.

Determination of wages and compensation: the development of the structure of wages and benefits in order to attract, recruit and retain staff.

Professional orientation and adaptation: the introduction of hired employees in the organization and its subsidiaries, in the development of understanding of the workers that the organization expects from them and what kind of work it receives well-deserved praise.

Education: the development of staff training programs for the effective implementation of the work and its promotion.

Evaluation work: the development of assessment methods of work and bringing it to the employee.

Increase, decrease, transfer, dismissal: the development of methods of movement of workers to positions with greater or lesser responsibility, the development of their professional experience by moving to other positions or areas of work, as well as termination of the lease contract procedures.

Leadership training, career management: the development of programs aimed at developing the abilities and efficiency of work of leading cadres.

Labour relations: implementation of the negotiation of collective agreements.

Employment: development of ensuring equal employment opportunity programs.

Specify the types of control are used to regulate and ensure the production process.

Management depends on the types and sequence of activities can be divided into three stages: strategic management; operational management; control.

Strategic management includes: development objective management, forecasting how the foresight of results, are committed under the influence of current factors, long-term planning as a system of measures needed to overcome the projected outcome of the deviation from the established target.

Operational management includes activities for the implementation of the above measures, which is divided into: the organization as the creation of the necessary structures and resources; guide as a stewardship (motivation) in the conditions created by the structure.

Monitoring includes analysis of the achieved results (feedback) and serves as the starting point of a new management cycle.


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