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Task 3. Read the text. Fill in the gaps. Give your recipe for happiness.

How to Live Happily Ever After

Define happiness. Far too often people enter into relationships with unrealistic expectations. Happiness is primarily an internal emotion so there is a limit to how (1) ________ your partner can ‘make’ you happy. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said, ‘Happiness isn’t a goal, it’s a by-product.’ Talk to your partner (2) ___________ what makes you happy and learn what makes your partner happy as well.

Be realistic. A wise person once said that we spend one percent of our life (3) _________ decisions, four percent fretting over those decisions and the other 95 percent living with them. Odds are good that you didn’t end up with the fairytale romance you envisioned as a kid, just as odds are good that you didn’t end up with the job you saw yourself doing at age 10. Great relationships don’t happen on their own and the more time you spend wishing your partner was someone they aren’t, the less time you’ll have to work hard at making the most of your relationship.

Don’t get addicted to the past. Too often all people say things like ‘We don’t talk like we used to, ’ or ‘He’s just not like the man I married’. In a long relationship, you have to be prepared for your partner to grow and (4) _________. We continue to mature throughout our lives and you can’t expect somebody to act the same way they did a decade ago any more than you can realistically expect them to look the same as they did a decade ago. Instead (5) ______ focusing on the things you did together in the past, examine the people that you’ve become and focus on the things you will do together in the future.

Communicate. The first and last key (6)___ a successful relationship is communication. If you’re unhappy, discuss it with your partner in a blame-free atmosphere. Remember that the key to (7)______ communication is listening rather than speaking. You might find that your partner shares your concerns, and just by getting them out in the open they can be easily (8) _________.

Find mutual interests. The best relationships are the ones that are augmented by common interests and activities. Most relationships start off with at least one or two common interests but these can fade over time, so it’s important to keep trying new things and finding the ones that (9) _________ you as a couple.

Never give up. Once you’ve committed to a relationship, it’s far too easy to give up when you hit a rocky patch. Before you do, try to look at the whole relationship from start to finish and ask yourself if your current problems are temporary or habitual. In other words, are you always unhappy, or has your relationship just fallen on (10) _________ times? If you can guide your relationship through the tough times and get back on the track toward happiness, you’ll both be stronger for the journey.


1 A expecting B expectations                 C unexpected D non-expecting

2 A of            B in           C at           D about

3 A spending B taking    C giving    D making

4 A mature    B maturity C maternal D maternity

5 A in            B of           C for         D at

6 A at            B to           C about     D on

7 A good        B gooder   C sustaining D sustainability

8 A discussing B reaching C solved    D solving

9 A suit          B like         C match    D get

10 A sad          B good      C free        D tough

People and Personalities

Task 1. Vocabulary Revision.

Physical appearance

Age young, elderly, middle-aged, teenager, in 20’s, 30’s, 40’s
Height tall, tallish, short, shortish, average, medium height
Build frail, stocky, slim, thin, plump, fat, skinny, well-built
Hair short, long dyed hair, blond highlights, braids; straight, wavy, curly, a ponytail, bald, spiky; white, grey, blond, light/dark brown, red black
Face plain, wide, round, oval, square, with scares, wrinkles, freckles, sun-tanned, pale
Complexion light, white, olive-skinned, sun-tanned
Eyes green, blue, hazel, black; beautiful, big round eyes, large, small, bright, narrow, almond-shaped
Clothes elegant, casual, shabby, smart, tidy, messy
General beautiful, pretty, handsome, cute, good looking


Positive Negative
Personality Features pleasant personality, good-tempered, good-natured, easy-going terrible character, bad-tempered, ill-natured
Attitude to Friends friendly, sociable, outgoing unfriendly, hostile, unsociable
Attitude to Difficulties strong, tough, independent, mature weak, immature
Dependence/ Independence dependable, reliable, honest, trustworthy unreliable, dishonest
Reason reasonable, sensible unreasonable, unpredictable, impulsive
Ambitions ambitious, hard-working, energetic careless, lazy
Discipline disciplined, organized, careful, accurate undisciplined, disorganized, careless
Generosity generous, unselfish, kind-hearted, kind economical, thrifty, stingy, miserly, greedy
Attention attentive, perceptive, observant, insightful, thoughtful, considerate self-centred, selfish, egoistical
Formality/ Informality formal, official informal, relaxed, casual
Sense of Humour humorous, amusing, funny, interesting dull, boring

Task 2. Describe any person using the ‘Key Language’.

Key Language


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