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More formal gatherings include:

a black tie or a white tie event — a formal party where men wear bow ties;

cocktail party — a party in the early evening, where people dress quite formally for drinks;

fundraising event / charity do — ‘do’ is a more informal way of saying ‘event’. At these events, the aim is to raise money for a worthwhile cause. Often they involve a formal dinner, well-known speakers, or a raffle/auction (where people bid to buy an object);

fancy-dress party — a party where everyone wears a costume on a particular theme;

a ball — a formal evening occasion where people dance. For example, a fancy-dress ball is a more formal equivalent to a fancy-dress party;

dinner dance — an old-fashioned, quite formal occasion, where couples eat dinner, then dance waltzes etc.


I often attend… I sometimes go to… I have never visited…

Task 4. Fill in the table with the italicized words. Talk about the parties using the table.

Christmas, Easter, Birthday party, Guy Fawkes Night, St. Valentine’s Day, Halloween.

Party It’s traditionally for … to… There is a common trend in … to…
1 birthday cake, candles, to send invitations, to give/receive a present, to give flowers, to play party games
2 to make Jack-o-lantern out of a pumpkin, to dress up, to wear a … costume, to wear a mask/wig, to have your face painted, to trick-or-treat, to play ‘apple-on-a-string’ game
3 to send an anonymous card to smb. with kisses (XXX), to decorate a card with love hearts, to buy and give flowers, to have a romantic dinner
4 to spend Christmas eve with a family, Santa Claus, presents, stockings, holy, Christmas decorations, Christmas turkey, Christmas pudding, Christmas cards, crackers
5 to make a guy, to have a bonfire party, to set off fireworks
6 chocolate Easter eggs, Easter bunnies, chickens, hot cross buns, egg-hunt

Task 5. Describe the party you visited using the table.

Time Events
Much before the party prior to the actual event we were looking forward to preparations began (a week/a month) in advance
On the day of the party on the actual day before the guests arrived we got everything arranged for the party
When the party started heard a ring at the door presented hostess with flowers exchanged greetings, handshakes, kisses, compliments helped the guests with their coats
During the party the proper mood was set by (music, decorations, people) started the conversation going discussed studies, politicks, the latest news, fashion, music books made the conversation common got on one’s hobby-horse laughed to one’s heart content to bring refreshments to enjoy oneself / to have fun background music was played to enliven the atmosphere
After the party: Positive impressions to be a real success the music was a real treat we larged it up we burned the dance floor we danced the night away
After the party: Negative impressions the party was a flop/frost it was a real failure


Task 1. Read the text to review the vocabulary.

Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. It is always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms.

People travel by train, by plane, by boat, and by car. All ways of travelling have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans and destinations.

Task 2. Connect the destination with the means of transport you would prefer to take in certain cases.


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