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V. Read the following dialogues, see the difference in usage of 'fit', 'suit', 'become' and 'match' and use them in your own dialogues with the fellow-students.


- Why not buy this lovely dress? It's your size and the latest fashion.

- I don't think it'll suit me. And the price is too high, I can't afford such a sum at once.

- But you may buy it by hire-purchase.

* * *

- Try on this velvet hat. Does it fit you?

- No, it's too small. I need a size larger.

* * *

- I think I'll take this pair of black shoes.

- You'd better not. They won't match your new dress.

- I can't agree with you. Black goes well with all colours.


* * *

- Look, what a lovely hat Ann has on!

- Yes, it awfully becomes her.




Read the dialogues, Dramatize them


1. – Will you show me those black shoes?

- Leather-soled or rubber-soled?

- Those ones, black leather-soled shoes, please.

- What size do you wear?

- Thirty-eight.

- Here you are.


2. - Well, how do I look in this coat?

- Very nice indeed. It suits you perfectly. And the material is of high quality. It                                           

will wear for years, I am sure.

- Isn’t it too loose in the shoulders?

- I wouldn’t say that. But you may try (on) a size smaller.


3. - Good morning, madam. What can I do for you?

- A pound of apples at one shilling and these oranges for three shillings.

- Yes, madam. Wouldn’t you like some peaches? They are so juicy and sweet. Just from the country.

- I think I’ll take some. Add half a dozen.

- Anything else, madam?

- No, thank you.


4. - Excuse me, how do I get to the footwear department?

- Straight on end , then right.

- Do they sell stockings there, too?

- No, stockings are sold at the haberdashery department. This way. Second floor.


5. - Can you show me some blouses, please?

- Will that light green one do?

- I don’t care much for the colour. It’s rather too loud for me.

- Here’s one a shade darker.

- Oh, that’s just the thing I’ve been looking for.


6. - How much is that blue striped suit over there?

- Let me see . … roubles.

- Oh, that’s more than I can afford. I’d like something of the same cut, but cheaper.

- Then have a look at this grey one. The quality is excellent for the price.

- Can I buy it on hire-purchase?

- I am afraid not.


7. - What can I do for you?

- I need gloves.

- What gloves would you like: leather or suede?

- I haven’t made my choice yet. What could you advise?

- I think these suede gloves are good. And the colour is very nice.

- Thank you and the size is just mine. I’ll buy them.


8. - What would you like, sir?

- I need a suit for everyday wear. Can I have a look at this grey suit?

- Here you are. It’s size 50.

- Can I try it on?

- Certainly. The fitting-room is over there.

Text 2.

Buying a present

       My friend will have a birthday party in a week, so I have decided to look for a birthday present for her. I went to the Central Department Store which is situated in the centre of our city. It’s a multistoreyed building where one can get everything in the way of food and manufactured goods. I must confess it was so difficult to make a suitable purchase in such a huge shop with a lot of counters and shelves. When I arrived at the Central Department Store I first admired the window dressing. Then I went along the ground floor and looked into the shop – windows of the grocery, where I could see all kinds of food staffs: meat, fish, tinned food, sausage, fruit, wine, sweets, chocolates, etc. There were some commercial counters on the ground floor and I found myself in a fantastic motley city of different things. Then I went upstairs to the first floor, where I couldn’t help admiring at seeing various goods. There were on sale: haberdashery, stationery, hosiery, leather-wear, knitwear. To tell you the truth, I was impressed by a great choice of silk skirts and shirts, different kinds of frocks and coats, leather boots and shoes, woolen pullovers and sweaters, jeans and suits, jackets and blouses, bags and wallets. There one can get everything in the way of clothes wanted by men, women and children: footwear, knitwear, ready-made clothes, furs, and what not. I admired the cut and the style of a light summer frock. It was the latest fashion and I made up my mind to try it on. A pleasant-looking shop-assistant proposed me to put the frock on and look in the mirror. But unfortunately it was a bit loose on me and did not suit me perfectly. On the second floor of the Department Store I could see all kinds of household utensils: crockery, china, electric appliances, cutlery, pots and pans, vacuum-cleaners, washing-machines, cameras, radio and television sets, computers, stereo cassette recorders and many other things one may want in the house. Besides, there were perfumery, florist’s gift and souvenir departments. The shop-assistant suggested looking at a beautiful water-colour. I liked that nice picture very much and I was sure my friend would like it too. The price of the present was not very high, I must admit. So I have paid the money at the cash-desk. The cashier gave me a receipt and I came up to the shop-assistant with it again. I produced my receipt and obtained a wrapped parcel with a shirt. She thanked me and added they were always glad to see me at their shop. I felt very excited at the thought that I had bought a very nice birthday present and left the shop.

       On my way home I suddenly remembered that my mother had given me a few errands.

       We’ve run out of bread and I had to drop in at the baker’s to buy a loaf of white bread, a loaf of brown one, five rolls and half a dozen small cakes. There was a long queue at the grocer’s, but I had nothing to do but stand in the line for half an hour to buy a kilo of sugar and some sausage. Then I bought some fruit (bananas and apples) at the vegetable stall near the bus stop.

       I was lucky to buy everything I wanted. Frankly speaking. I like to go shopping.


Text 3.


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