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Which of these nouns DOES NOT exist:

a) linkor b) link  c) linkage d) linker

4. To put data or a program into a memory of a computer again means to _____ load it.

a) un b) re c) up d) down

5. What is the logical relationship between "junk mail" and "spam":

a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) equivalence d) contrast

6. What is the logical relationship between "input" and "processing":

a) cause and effect b) equivalence c) general and specific d) contrast

7. E-mail is antonymous to _____ mail.

a) snail b) office c) voice d) direct

8. The word "message" goes best with _____ .

a) copy b) password c) delivery d) guide 

9. An image can NOT be________ .                                                 a) distorted b) guided c) monitored d) loaded

10. Laptops, notebooks and palmtops differ mostly in ____. a) capacity b) scale c) size d) length

11. You place your mouse on a mouse _______.

a) click b) pad c) port d) driver

12. What is the logical relationship between “computer” and “mouse”:

a) general and specific b) part and whole c) contrast d) equivalence

13. A mouse is connected to a computer through a mouse _______.

a) pad b) port c) driver d) cursor

14. We _____ data through keys.

a) input b) output c) throughput d) put

15. Logging in is closest in meaning to logging ___.           a) off b) on c) up d) out

16. An original sample from which copies are made is called a _______ copy.

a) soft b) hard c) master d) back-up

17. What is the logical relationship between "monitor" and "computer":

a) cause and effect b) equivalence c) part and whole d) general and specific

18. All of these can be input EXCEPT FOR:                                  a) user b) data c) error d) channel

19. The word "host" is synonymous to all of these EXCEPT FOR:

a) main b) TV program conductor c) chief d) minor

20. To take smth (disk or tape) off a computer means to ___ load it.

a) un b) re c) up d) down

21. To copy or move data into a computer memory, esp from a larger computer means to ___ load it.                                                a) un b) re c) up d) down

22. To copy a program or information into a main system means to ___ load it.

a) un b) re c) up d) down

23. All of these can be uploaded EXCEPT FOR:

a) data b) processor c) files d) games





TM Training Test 101-120


1. Rules of behavior on the Internet are referred to as _______.

a) netizen b) netspeak c) netiquette d) network

2. A person actively involved in online communities is referred to as (a) _______.

a) netizen b) netspeak c) netiquette d) network

3. A type of slang that Internet users have popularized, and in many cases, have coined may be referred to as _______.

a) netizen b) netspeak c) netiquette  d) network

4. A _______ is a device attached to a host computer to expand its capabilities.

a) periphery b) peripheral c) reflector d) reference

5. A list of the programs expecting their execution is called a _______.

a) query b) key c) queu d) queue

6. A _______ is a request to provide information.

a) query b) key c) queu d) queue

7. All of these go with the word “password” EXCEPT FOR:

a) identify b) protect c) change d) connect

8. A plug ___ is a set of software components that adds specific capabilities to a larger software application.               a) in b) on c) out d) at

9. A/n _______ printer acts like a typewriter.

a) jet b) impact c) non-impact d) laser

10. A/n _______ error is the one which cannot be corrected.

a) recoverable b) irrecoverable c) unrecoverable d) non-recoverable

11. A _______ is a device which is not located on the motherboard.

a) peripheral b) peripherial c) reflector d) reference

12. “To insert" is synonymous to _______.

a) cut b) paste c) place d) pace

13. “A waiting line” is also called a _______.

a) query b) key c) queu d) queue

14. An aged password is _______.                                                     a) valid b) invalid c) non-valid d) unvalid

15. What is the logical relationship between “power supply” and “power consumption”:

a) general and specific b) part and whole c) contrast d) equivalence

16. What is the logical relationship between “printer” and “impact printer”:

a) general and specific b) part and whole c) contrast d) equivalence

17. Network ______ occurs when a link or node is carrying so much data that its quality of service goes down.

a) connection b) traffic c) congestion d) access

18. What is the logical relationship between “impact printer” and “dot matrix printer”:

a) general and specific b) part and whole c) contrast d) equivalence

19. A mouse is a/n _______ storage device.

a) online b) offline c) line d) line-up

20. A printout is a _______ copy.

a) hard b) soft c) master d) original

21. A group of computers and devices interconnected by communication channels that allows users to share resources is referred to as _______.

a) netizen b) netspeak c) netiquette  d) network





TM Training Test 121-140


1. What is the logical relationship between “periphery” and “scanner”:

a) part and whole b) cause and effect c) contrast d) general and specific

2. What is the logical relationship between “restricted information” and “security”:

a) part and whole b) cause and effect c) contrast d) general and specific

3. What is the logical relationship between “press a button” and “release a button”:

a) part and whole b) cause and effect c) contrast d) general and specific

4. What is the logical relationship between “remove” and “replace”:

a) part and whole b) cause and effect c) contrast d) equivalence

5. You cannot replace this file ____ another one.

a) with b) for c) at d) on

6. All of these prepositions can follow the verb “scale” EXCEPT FOR:

a) up b) down c) back d) on

7. A _______ is used for sending information to another place.

a) route b) root c) rout d) rote

8. “Remote” is antonymous to:

a) far away b) close c) distant d) preceding

Mark the odd word:

a) security b) safety c) defense d) protect

10. The beta version of the program was due for _______ at the end of 1990.

a) regain b) retake c) release d) remove

11. All of these can be remote EXCEPT FOR:

a) release b) DVD c) boot d) control

12. Antonym to “replaceable” is _______.

a) unreplaceable b) inreplaceable c) irreplaceable d) desreplaceable

13. These options should be used _______.

a) selected b) selective c) selectively d) selection

14. All of these can be released EXCEPT FOR:

a) button b) menu c) software d) bulletin

15. Root directory _______.

a) has a catalogue of roots      b) shows directions to some place  c) contains all other directories in a system of organizing information  d) is a place where smth in stored

16. They reside along this _______.

a) route b) root c) rout   d) rote


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