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Recall a similiar experience from your or someone else's childhood.
Children live in some other kind of world than adults. Everything is much simpler there, there much less difficulties, there are no so much responsibility. All the things seem to be different for them, I mean children are not aware yet of all the life as it is. But living alongside with adults, they may get a vision of real adult’s life just before they step in it themselves. Particularly, speaking about children’s attitude to teachers, we can say that children, especially small ones, look at them with great appreciation. They think that their teacher would not forget about them and would be the best one whatever happens. In the story “Snowdrops” we see that a young hero doesn’t notice that his teacher looks different because of her close friend’s death. He doesn’t notice that his teacher’s voice has become different and her appearance has changed by the influence of the tragedy which has stroke her. In such a situation children usually don’t notice all the changes. And that’s a lot because of the efforts of the teacher who shouldn’t show his real feelings and stay sturdy and fulfill his duties, because he has a responsibility as a teacher and doesn’t have to display his real emotions. But some events give children an evidence of the real picture of the adult’s world. Thus, the hero of “Snowdrops” compares a minute, fragile flower to his teacher. He sees flowers blow in a sudden gust of the cold wind and straighten again and he sees his teacher crying. By comparing this two creatures he can find them very much in common. When I studied at the third form, our teacher was offered a vacancy in a more high-status school, where her job was better well-paid and she had better courier prospects. We all knew why she had left us in the middle of the term and it made us understand that in spite of the teacher commitment to her pupils and her love to her job in general, money does matter.
3. Speak of freedom of the will as an essential quality of human nature " The Burden of Eden" As far as I can understand it means that man is free to accept or reject God and God doesn’t intrude upon this freedom. In other words, man is free and capable of realizing his will. As described in the Bible “man is the only one in all creation that has God’s spirit breathed into him”. So freedom of the will is essential quality of human nature. What is more, it is a gift; however it is a dangerous and hard to deal with as it implies a lot of responsibility. And man shouldn’t exercise this (his) freedom for fleshly indulgence. But as far as I’m concerned our world is striving for the evil more than for the good. And mankind has acquired a reputation of being drunk by sin and having used its freedom “as a cover for evil”. At the same time however sinful man is, God doesn’t turn away from him. But to tell the truth it’s hard for me to believe that a new Jesus Christ will come into our history to redeem people’s sins and save them from spiritual death and slavery to sin. Nevertheless some people do hope and believe.
4. Speak about the frustrations and rewards of teaching as seen by an American university teacher "Why I teach" To begin with I must admit that teaching is a really challenging and rewarding job, but it is a demanding as well. It’s an incredible responsibility to be the guardians of the human spirit and the human mind. To be a good teacher you must be sincerely interested in what you are doing not to quit because teaching is a red-eye, sweaty-palm and sinking-stomach profession: Actually there are some frustrations about this job, for instance a teacher not always feels ready to teach, no matter how late at night he stays up to prepare; he is always nervous before entering the classroom; sometimes it happens so that a teacher realizes that the lesson failed and he was even more boring than usual. But still on the other hand there are many rewards of teaching which recompense for all the frustrations. Firstly, teaching is built on change, even when the material is the same, the teacher himself changes and his students change. Secondly, a teacher is the boss of his own, he is free to make his own mistakes, to learn his own lessons, to stimulate himself and his students. Even if there is a colossal failure, he can learn from those failures. Thirdly, teaching gives many nectars to taste, many woods to enter and leave, many fine books to read, and many ivory towers and real-world experiences to discover. Teaching gives pace, variety and the opportunity to keep on learning. And we know that every time you learn smth new, became smth new. Besides, it’s a great pleasure to see the people who grow and change in your presence. Alongside with all this, teaching offers smth else: it offers love, not only love of learning, but also the love a teacher feels for that rare student who walks into the life of a teacher and begins to breathe. And being around people who are beginning to breathe, you can find yourself catching your breath with them.
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