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Read and translate the text. 5. Translate into Russian


The gasoline engine is that type of machine where power generated within the cylinders. The engine is set in motion by the explosions of a mixture of gasoline and air.

Combustion takes place above the pistons. The detachable head is secured to the top of the cylinder block. It encloses the cylinder block and forms the combustion chamber. When the fuel is burnt within the cylinders the expansion of gases is used for producing piston movement. Such a type of engine is called the internal combustion engine.

In any internal combustion engine the gas charge is drawn into the cylinder.

The internal combustion engine converts heat into mechanical energy by burning a mixture of oil fuel and air within its cylinder or cylinders. The internal combustion engine consists of the following: 1. A cylinder (there may be several). 2. A piston which moves up and down inside cylinder. 3. A crankshaft connected to the piston by a rod known as a connecting rod. The connecting rod turns the up-and-down motion of the piston into a rotary motion of the crankshaft. 4. A flywheel which keeps the crankshaft moving when the pressure is exerted upon the top of the piston. 5. Two valves known as the inlet valve and the exhaust valve. 6. A camshaft which is used to open and close the valves. 'Combustion engines may be divided into types according to the duration of the cycle on which they operate. By a cycle is meant the succession of operations in the engine cylinder which constantly repeats itself. The great majority of modern automobile engines operate on the four-stroke cycle.

It is completed in four strokes of the piston, or during two revolutions of the crankshaft. Engines are also being built to operate on a cycle which is completed in two piston strokes. The four-stroke cycle comprises the following four phases or operations, which succeed one another in the order in which they are given: Admission of the charge to the cylinder. Compression of the charge. Combustion of the charge. Expulsion of the products of combustion.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What are the operations in the four-stroke cycle?

2. What can you say about gasoline engine?

3.Discribe the internal combustion engine.

4. A camshaft which is used to open and close the valves, isn’t it?

5. Why is such a type of engine called the internal combustion engine?

6. What energy does the internal combustion engine convert?

7. How many valves are there in the internal combustion engine? What are they?

4. Fill in missing words:

1. It is completed in (четыре хода) of the piston, or during two revolutions of the crankshaft.

2. In any internal combustion engine the (топливо) charge is (всасывается) the cylinder.

3. The detachable head is secured to the top of the (блок цилиндров).

4. The (двигатель) is set in motion by the explosions of a (смесь) of gasoline and air.

5. A  (маховик) which keeps the (коленвал) moving when the pressure is exerted upon the top of the piston.

6.It is completed in four strokes of the (поршень) or during two

 ( поворота) of the crankshaft.

5. Translate into Russian:

· the inlet valve and the exhaust valve

· gasoline engine

· combustion chamber

· air within its cylinder

· close the valves

· two revolutions of the crankshaft

· in two piston strokes

· connecting rod.

· great majority

· the inlet valve and the exhaust valve

· duration of the cycle

        Практическая работа №5




    STARTER MOTOR - Электрический стартер

to be put into engagement (зд.) – сцепляться

toothed ring – зубчатый венец

periphery – обод

disengagement gear – выключаемая шестерня

to project – выдаваться, выступать

moisture – влага

to arrange – встраивать

dust – грязь

driver’s cabin – кабина водителя

action – действие

to release pressure on the clutch pedal -отпустить сцепление

to disengage - выключить

direct drive - прямая передача

speed – скорость

hand brake – ручной тормоз

lever - рычаг

clutch pedal – педаль сцепления

lightly – слегка

accelerator pedal – педаль газа

to press – нажимать

to increase – увеличивать

gear shift lever –рычаг переключения скоростей


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