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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

If you are informed there’s fire in the galley, what would you do?

What actions should be done in case you feel or see the smoke?

What should fire-fighters wear? / Should you have a torch? / Did you wear firefighting suit?

10. What kind of check-up do you have to do before using BA?/ What kind of test do you have to carry?/ How practically to check whether the cylinder is full before you use it?/ How to check whether a whistle works until the cylinder is full?

11. What is EEBD? What is important to check before using EEBD?/ What type of check-up should be done before using EEBD? Who gives orders in case of lack of oxygen in EEBD?

Man overboard –

1. What are your actions in case of ‘Man overboard’?

2. If you see a person overboard, what should you do? How to inform the crew (practically)?

Abandon the ship

1. What should you do in case you hear the signal ‘Abandon ship’?

Life-saving appliances –

1. What life-rafts do you know?

What should be there in a life-raft?

What equipment can we find in a rescue boat?

4. What food ration should be in a life boat?

5. What safety equipment do you know?

6. Why do we need life-rings?

Bridge equipment–

What equipment is on the bridge? / What navigation equipment do you know?

What is the name of the device that sends a signal in case of distress?

What is SART? Where is it located? What is the working area of SART? Does SART use a satellite?

At which equipment can you receive a distress signal?

What is ECDIS? Have you ever worked with it?

What is AIS? What information can you find using AIS? What is the purpose of AIS?

What radio equipment do you know?

What is NAVTEX?/ What we need NAVTEX for? / Can some other information be taken from NAVTEX?

How does GPS work?

Do you know what equipment should be exhibited in daytime?

What are Admiralty charts?

Helm orders

Whose order should you follow first in case when a pilot and a master give you different orders simultaneously?

2. Easy to ten. What does it mean?

3. What do “Steady”, “Port helm” mean?

Marine pollution –

1. What should be done in case of oil leakage on deck?

2. What are the rules of preventing oil leakage to the sea?

What special sea areas do you know for garbage disposal?

4. What should we do with sewage water?

5. What is MARPOL? / Annex V?

What garbage can be discharged overboard? / What kind of garbage may be thrown overboard?

7. Can you throw metal, paper in the middle of the ocean?

8. Where can I throw plastic overboard?

9. What is used for pollution prevention while berthing?


1. What do you know about COLREG? What is it?

2. What COLREG rules do you know?

3. Do you know Rules of the Road?

Navigation lights, signals, flags -

1. What types of navigation lights do you know? / What navigation lights do you know? / What lights can be aboard the vessel? Where are they?

2. What are the lights of vessels restricted by?

3. Do you know what light should be exhibited in case of the ship underway?

4. What lights are exhibited if the ship is engaged in towing?

5.  Navigational lights in case of running aground?


7. Do you know flags? / Do you know international flags? If you are loading dangerous cargo, what flag should be exhibited? / What flag should be established if the vessel has the dangerous cargo onboard?

8. When should the BRAVO flag be established? / VICTOR? ALFA? INDIA? ECHO? ZULU?

9. What distress signals do you know? / What and how many kinds of distress signals do you know?

10. What is MAYDAY? PAN-PAN?

11. What type of message must Captain send in case of distress?

Security levels –

1. How many ISPS security levels do you know?

2. Do you know ISPS Code? Levels of security?

3. What should be done in case of Security level 2?

4. What code/rules should you follow standing at the gangway?

5. Do you know ISPS rules of keeping gangway watch?

6. What do you do in case of ship trespassing (a man with a gun)?

7. What’s the purpose of piracy?




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