Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
Чтения и устной речи по английскому языку
для студентов 2 курса (3 семестр, часть 1) Москва 2002 Рецензенты:
Расторгуева Т.И., доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки» МГУПП Шишурина Н.Г., ст. преп. кафедры «Иностранные языки» МГУПП
П Р Е Д И С Л О В И Е Методические указания предназначены для студентов 2-го курса всех институтов МГУПП (3-й семестр). Целью данной работы является формирование и развитие умений и навыков чтения на базе учебного материала профессиональной направленности. Предлагаемый материал предусматривает также возможность развития других умений и навыков речевой деятельности. Методические указания состоят из семи разделов в 2-х частях: часть 1 – разделы 1 - 3, часть 2 – разделы 4 - 7. Каждый из разделов содержит материал для изучающего (А) и ознакомительного (В) чтения, а также тексты для индивидуального письменного перевода (С). К текстам А и В предлагаются различного рода задания для эффективного усвоения учебного материала. Каждый раздел содержит грамматический материал с комплексом упражнений. Предлагаемый материал является основой для подготовки студентов к чтению научно-технической литературы по специальности в оригинале.
С О Д Е Р Ж А Н И Е стр. Раздел 1. ХЛЕБОПЕЧЕНИЕ Грамматика “Бессоюзное подчинение” 4 - 19 Раздел 2. МУКОМОЛЬНОЕ ПРОИЗВОДСТВО Грамматика “Причастные обороты” 20 - 30 Раздел 3. КОНДИТЕРСКОЕ ПРОИЗВОДСТВО Грамматика “Герундиальные обороты” 30 - 44
UNIT 1. BREADMAKING Grammar “Object and Attribute Clauses without Conjunctions”
TEXT А1 “TECHNOLOGY OF BREADMAKING” Active Vocabulary bread, breadmaking, bread production; loaf, crust, crumb; dough, ingredients, flour, yeast; covering, skin to scale (to weigh), to ferment, to mould, to round, to proof, to bake, to cool, to slice (to cut), to wrap, to convey, to load (to unload), to supplement, to expand, expansion; humidity (moisture); mature, maturity; to bring about (to cause), to process (to treat), to gain (to obtain), to retain (to maintain), to subject (to undergo), to assume, to penetrate, to impart; accurate (exact), relative, intermediate, available, actual, thorough, smooth, dense, original
Notes bakery ['beikǝri]; baking хлебозавод, пекарня; выпечка baking pan [pæn] хлебопекарная форма oven [ʌvn] печь trough [trɔf][trou] дежа mixer ['miksǝ] тестомеситель dividing/scaling machine ['skeiliŋ] тестоделитель conveyer [kǝn'veiǝ] транспортер, конвейер moulder ['mouldǝ] формовочная машина rounder ['raundǝ] округлительная машина proofing ['pru:fiŋ] расстойка proof-box = proofer расстойный шкаф rolling pressure ['pre∫ǝ] раскатка давлением cooler ['kulǝ] холодильный шкаф/камера slicer-wrapper ['slaisǝ 'ræpǝ] резательная и упаковочная машина gluten ['glu:tǝn] sponge [spʌndƷ] клейковина; опара, губка carbon dioxide ['ka:bn dai'ɔksaid] углекислый газ lactic/acetic acid ['læktik/ǝ'setik'æsid] молочная/уксусная кислота alcohol ['ælkǝhɔl] спирт unit (plant, installation) агрегат, установка rack стеллаж
PRE-TEXT EXERCISES Переведите на русский язык. А . bread production, bread cooler, bread rack, dough piece, time period, fermentation room, fermentation gas, yeast fermentation, humidity conditions, humidity level, temperature rise, yeast cell, acetic acid bacteria B. mixing process, moulding operation, heating/cooling period, boiling point, rolling process, baking process C. moulded dough pieces, scaled dough pieces, ventilated bread coolers; bread conveyed through coolers; automatically reduced temperature, well insulated proof boxes, accurately weighed dough pieces D. the first basic step; to remain for a predetermined time period under temperature control; as the result of these phenomena; a dough rise in the trough to several times its original size; to assume a light, spongy character; to impart to dough pieces a thin, smooth and dense skin; actual baking process; the crust gains in thickness and colour 2. Запомните значения данного глагола и переведите следующие словосочетания. to render 1. обращать во что-либо; видоизменять; приводить в какое-либо состояние 2. воспроизводить, переводить to render the loaf suitable for slicing and wrapping; heating at high temperature renders food sterile; freezing renders microorganisms inactive; this article was rendered into many languages; his painting renders a great range of colours of nature
Прочитайте и переведите текст. TECHNOLOGY OF BREADMAKING
The first basic step in the production of bread is the mixing of the ingredients to form dough. This process takes place in mixers where all the ingredients are subjected to thorough mixing for an exactly determined time period and at a carefully controlled temperature. The mixed dough or sponge is next unloaded from the mixer into a dough trough and wheeled into the fermentation room where it remains for a predetermined period under thoroughly controlled temperature and humidity conditions. Here it undergoes the second main phase of bread production, namely fermentation. During this stage yeast cells act upon the available sugars, transforming them into carbon dioxide and alcohol. Bacterial fermentation, involving chiefly lactic and acetic acid bacteria, supplements yeast fermentation. As the result of these phenomena, dough rises in the trough to several times its original size and assumes a light, spongy character. The dough in which gluten has developed a maximum of elasticity becomes mature and ready for further processing. The fermented dough is taken to a dividing or scaling machine which automatically cuts it into accurately weighed individual pieces carried on a conveyer to the next machine called a rounder. The function of this unit is to round or ball up the scaled dough pieces, imparting to them a thin, smooth and dense skin. The rounded dough balls are next subjected to a brief period of fermentation which is called intermediate proofing. After the dough pieces have passed through intermediate proofing, they are shaped or moulded into the form of a loaf. The moulding operation is performed by special machines called moulders. The moulded dough pieces are immediately placed into baking pans and subjected to final proofing in large chambers called proof boxes. The chambers are well insulated. The interior of the final proofers is maintained at constant temperature and relative humidity levels. The actual baking process is the last and at the same time the most important step in the production of bread. As the heat of the oven begins to penetrate the dough loaf, there is a great acceleration of biological reactions. All these reactions bring about a noticeable increase in the volume of a baking loaf. With continuing temperature rise, the yeast and enzyme systems are destroyed. The crust gains in thickness and colour, improving both the structure and flavour of bread. The final processing of baked bread includes its cooling, slicing and wrapping. The bread, as it emerges from the oven, has an interior temperature near the boiling point of water. This temperature must be reduced to render the loaf suitable for slicing and wrapping. Cooling may be carried out either by stacking hot bread onto bread racks for simple atmospheric cooling, or by conveying the bread automatically through specially ventilated bread coolers. The cooled bread is then placed on a conveyer that takes it through a slicer-wrapper in which bread is sliced and wrapped either in waxed paper or cellophane.
ASSIGNMENTS 1. Укажите номера предложений, в которых выделенные слова являются глаголом и переведите их. 1. Dough ingredients are subjected to thorough mixing under a careful control of temperature. 2. A baker should slice and wrap bread only after its cooling. 3. Cool atmospheric conditions may be beneficial for hot bread stacked on racks. 4. Dough pieces are usually of round form. 5. After moulding a baker places dough loaves into baking pans. 6. Due to chemical processes dough crust gains in thickness and colour. 7. The dough becomes mature when gluten attains a state of optimum gas retention capacity. 8. Instead of using a variety of moulds of different shape in bread production a special machine called a moulder is employed. 9. A baker forms dough by mixing its ingredients at proper temperature and for an exactly determined time period. 10. The bread slices were of different size. 11. The gain in thickness of the dough crust is explained by chemical processes occurring during baking. 12. The mixed dough in a trough is wheeled into the fermentation room. 13. A fermentation room is the place where dough undergoes great changes. 14. After intermediate proofing dough pieces are moulded into loaves. 15. Moulders shape dough pieces into the form of a loaf. 16. Dough troughs are usually fitted with wheels. 17. A special machine rounds scaled dough pieces, imparting them a thin, smooth and dense skin. 18. Dough matures due to the development of gluten. 19. When mixing dough ingredients a baker should carefully control their pro-portions. 20. Before slicing and wrapping any kind of bread a baker must cool it.
2. При помощи суффиксов «-ion, -ment, -ence, -ty, -ing» образуйте от данных глаголов соответствующие существительные и дайте их перевод. to accelerate, to expand, to render, to attain, to penetrate, to emerge, to retain, to evaporate, to mature, to assume
3. Составьте словосочетания, используя слова, стоящие над чертой, в роли определения. 1) basic, 2) accurate, 3) spongy, 4) mature, 5) final, 6) actual, 7) thick, 8) intermediate, 9) thorough, 10) available, 11) noticable, 12) constant, 13) dense, 14) original 1) mixing, 2) step, 3) dough, 4) skin, 5) crust, 6) proofing, 7) character, 8) size, 9) weighing, 10) processing, 11) temperature, 12) sugars, 13) baking, 14) increase
4. Назовите функции хлебопекарного оборудования.
5. Укажите последовательность операций в производстве хлеба, используя следующие слова. 1. moulding. 2. cooling 3. intermediate proofing 4. mixing 5. slicing 6. rounding 7. fermenting 8. wrapping 9. baking 10. final proofing 11. scaling
6. Ответьте на вопросы . 1. What steps does bread production consist of? 2. Why is dough fermentation essential during its processing? 3. What machines are employed in bread production and what functions do they perform? 4. How does dough develop during baking? 5. What does the final processing of baked bread include?
7. Кратко расскажите по-английски: о технологии производства хлеба /о сущности каждого этапа/, об оборудовании и его функциях, о процессе выпечки. |
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