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Zonal Secretary and Statements of Mission

A Zonal Secretary's duties in relation to Statements of Mission are to motivate and organize his zone's progress in each Statement of Mission area. He is also to present that progress in an Annual Report for each Statement of Mission. He is to identify one-year and five-year Progressive Goals for his zone and temples in consultation and cooperation with his Zonal Council, Regional Secretaries, and Temple Presidents, and submit the same to the respective Ministers.     Regional Secretary and Statements of Mission

A Regional Secretary's duties in relation to Statements of Mission shall be to assist the Zonal Secretary to motivate and organize the region's progress in each Statement of Mission area.     Temple President and Statements of Mission

A Temple President's duties in relation to Statements of Mission shall be to be directly responsible to realize the Statement of Mission and Progressive Goals in his temple. He is to motivate the devotees and organize his temple's progress in each Statement of Mission area. He is also to present the progress in an Annual Report for each Statement of Mission for his temple to his Zonal Secretary.

Temple Presidents shall submit annual reports to the Global Secretariat and to each GBC Member (Zonal Secretary and/or Minister) with the following information:

1. The details requested for each temple.

2. Summary of the zonal progress in relation to the specific Statement of Mission.

3. Proposals related to the Statement of Mission.

4. New or revised continental, zonal or local Progressive Goals for the Statement of Mission; including information on the progress achieved for each Statement of Mission/Aim.

5. The Corresponding Secretary, in conjunction with the concerned Minister, shall standardize the report forms or information so as to facilitate data entry and data reporting of annual progress of the entire ISKCON Movement. The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible to see that informative progress reports from available data are generated by computer as far as practical.

( 2001 )

6. The Temple Presidents are responsible to see that local Goshala managers send quarterly reports to the Ministry of Cow Protection & Agriculture. The local GBC Deputee/Deputies shall validate these reports by either personally visiting, or appointing an accountable and reliable representative to do so.

Executive Committee of the GBC Body


The GBC Executive Committee consists of the annually elected officers: Chairman, two Vice-Chairmen, and Secretary.


Executive Committee

1. With the Chairman of the GBC and the other Executive Committee members relieved of overseeing any specific area of the world, they can concentrate on global issues.

2. Every year, to meet in Mayapur and, reviewing previous reports, divide the practical workload amongst themselves for a more even distribution. This could include: correspondence, forwarding matters to appropriate persons, personally going to resolve problems which could not be resolved otherwise, follow-up, overseeing the implementation of resolutions, functioning of GBC Office, etc.

3. At the end of the year, to make a review of the previous year's workload and make suggestions for handling the work better, propose new amendments to the system, etc.

4. The yearly index of GBC resolutions and suggestions be published in proper booklet form and distributed yearly to the Society as soon as possible by the annual Secretary.(79)

5. A booklet of the ISKCON Constitution and the "Laws of ISKCON" shall be printed, with amendments added, yearly, at Sri Mayapur BBT, under the GBC Parliamentarians' supervision, and that funds shall be allotted for this. Each GBC and Temple President shall get one copy, extras for a fee.(80)

6. If an ISKCON member hears rumors of fall downs of a senior devotee like a GBC or sannyasi, rather than spread it further, he is to write to the GBC Chairman who, as one of his duties shall provide information.(77)

7. The Executive Committee shall mediate between GBC ministers and zonal secretaries if there is any conflict of interest in executing GBC directions.(86)

8. The Executive Committee is responsible to make sure that the resolutions passed by the GBC Body are carried out by ISKCON members during the year.

9. In addition the Chairman of the Executive Committee shall keep a written log or record of the actions the Executive Committee and its agents take during its year of office. This shall be handed over to the new Executive Committee at an explanatory briefing session so the new officers are up to date with their immediate service requirements.(96)

Delegation to Executive Committee of Power to suspend or Expel: (1999)


10. Whenever it deems necessary, the GBC Body may, by a two-thirds ( 2/3) vote, delegate to the Executive committee for a determined period of time, the power to suspend or expel from ISKCON, specifically named members, without convening a further meeting of the entire GBC Body.

11. GBC Body empowers the Executive Committee to re-constitute the GBC Deputees’ Body on a regional basia and engage a recognized Body of Deputees in research and the work of restructuring the GBC’s operations.

12.  The GBC Body directs the GBC Executive Committee to engage its office in organizing and working with the GBC Deputees for the purposes of improving communications, record keeping and adminstration in ISKCON.

13. The GBC Body empowers the GBC Executive Committee to approve GBC Deputees. Replacing the function of the GBC Deputy Nomination Committee described in ISKCON Law 9.4.10

  [Note : Law 9.4.10 is not in the existing Law Book.]

14. To have a deputy approved, the Executive Committee shall consult with a local GBC member who can verify the qualifications of the deputy candidate. GBC Executive Committee Term of Office : (1999)


The term for the GBC Executive Committee shall be one year.



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