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Complaints about Sannyasis (1999)
The GBC Sannyasa Sub-committee shall deal with any complaints against sannyasis. An investigation will be initiated if a majority of members judges a complaint to merit investigation. Decisions will be made by majority vote. The GBC Executive Committee shall present the decision to the GBC Body either by correspondence or at the next Annual General Meeting. A decision of the Sannyasa Sub-committee will be overturned by a majority vote of the GBC Body, otherwise the sub-committee’s decision remains in effect. A sannyasi who does not abide by the decision shall be subjected to penalties according to ISKCON Law; If there are complaints against sannyasis who are also GBC members or gurus, the GBC Executive Committee may decide to deal with them itself; however, in that case, the Sannyasa Minister should also participate in the decision making process. Reinstatement Procedures for a Devotee Who Has Fallen From His Sannyasa Vows If a sannyasi frequently falls down or goes away for a prolonged time from ISKCON but later returns, the following procedure is to be followed: 1. A sannyasi who returns should not wear the sannyasi dhoti, but later he may also be re-instated. Exactly when these procedures should be used will have to be judged according to individual circumstances.(81) 2. Anyone abandoning the sannyasa-asrama to take up the grhastha-asrama shall immediately relinquish his sannyasa name and title and resume his name at first initiation.
Update 2009:
If an ISKCON sannyasi is unable to maintain his lifelong commitment to renunciation he should communicate, in writing, his decision to leave the sannyasa-asrama to the Sannyasa Minister or to the GBC Executive Committee. Anyone who has abandoned the vows of the sannyasa-asrama, whether as per the procedure described above or otherwise, is required to also immediately relinquish the sannyasa dress and sannyasa name and title and resume the name accepted at first initiation. He should not again accept sannyasa dress or refer to himself by his sannyasa name and title without following the proper procedures for approval of sannyasa.
Duties 1. Each ISKCON sannyasi should allocate some time for traveling and preaching in various ISKCON temples in addition to his existing administrative and other responsibilities. 2. ISKCON sannyasis shall always endeavor to increase their active assistance to the GBC in maintaining the spiritual standard of ISKCON, expanding the dynamic preaching of ISKCON, and preserving Srila Prabhupada's mood and instructions.
Sannyasi Annual Commitment (1999) That all sannyasis shall annually submit in writing, to the GBC Body, a “service program” report they are committing themselves to, for the following year. This report shall include the following: a) What devotional services they intend to do. b) Where they intend to perform their services. d) Anything else they would like the GBC Body to know. Guidelines Sannyasa Reinitiation 1. Those who have taken sannyasa from a sannyasi in ISKCON who was in good standing but later fell from sannyasa are recommended to take sannyasa re-initiation by an authorized ISKCON sannyasi. 2. Anyone who took sannyasa outside of ISKCON and whose sannyasa-guru has fallen, but wants to serve as an ISKCON sannyasi must take sannyasa re-initiation from an ISKCON sannyasi. Vanaprastha-Asrama Eligibility Vanaprastha is generally recommended for 50 years of age and has to be taken with the permission of the local GBC after the recommendation of the local Temple President. vanaprastha cloths are received from the Spiritual Master whose blessing is also required. There should be no whimsical taking of vanaprastha.(76) 9.3 Grhastha-Asrama (Householder) 9.3.1 Giving Fifty Percent (50%) of One's Income to ISKCON Definition 1. The following is established as the official definition of "giving fifty percent (50%) of one's income to ISKCON", according to the scriptural reference cited. For the present, this definition shall only be applied in the statement of the qualification of a [grhastha] GBC member given in the following resolution: 2. "A grhastha should calculate his donation of fifty percent (50%) of income to ISKCON as follows: calculate gross personal income, deduct the required income tax remittance, then deduct fifty percent (50%) of the remaining net personal income and donate it to ISKCON. Supporting evidences: Bg.16.1-3, SB.1.5.36; 1.17.24; 1.17.38; 3.21.31; 5.19.7; 8.19.37. 3. Grhasthas should not be discouraged to work at jobs or develop their own business with their own means.(77) Polygamy No polygamy is allowed in ISKCON Grhastha Coordinator Duties To function under the auspices of the Ministry of Health and Welfare. 1. To report to the Health and Welfare Committee Chairman, who will report on the Coordinator's progress to the GBC Body. 2. To assemble materials for a grhastha-asrama handbook. 3. To gather information on how marriage matches occur in different parts of the world. 4. To work out guidelines in consultation with senior grhasthas in good standing about child raising, economic security, etc. (theoretical and practical). 5. To correspond with grhasthas and managers worldwide about householder questions. 6. To tabulate the successes and failures of grassroots efforts to deal with grhastha problems now underway in different regions of the ISKCON world and make the information available to all ISKCON devotees. 7. To insure adequate information is available on grhastha life. 8. To establish a system to counsel grhastha couples according to Srila Prabhupada's instructions. 9. To establish and support continental representatives. 10. To work out guidelines, in consultation with senior grhasthas in good standing about child raising, economic security, etc. 11. To organize seminars, presentations and/or conferences on grhastha life.(96) Brahmacari-Asrama Brahmacari life in a temple is a bona-fide process for cultivating the highest grade of Krsna consciousness and that it is not intrinsically inferior to brahmacari life in a traveling context. |
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