Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Total number of students from 244 in 2011 has been increased to 2,800 in 2017.

There are 70 regions of Russia and 15 foreign countries representatives among the students, 5 honored masters of sports of Russia, 26 masters of sports of international class,

Masters of sports of Russia and 358 candidates for master are studying at the university.

Total number of teachers: 220 people

Total area: 279 000 m2

Sport facilities: 8 educational and sports complexes.







Our advantages:

High-tech modern sport facilities
Implementation of information technologies in education
Qualified coaches
Collaboration with world leading sport associations
Volunteering services during mega sport events
Comfortable campus

Our partners:

The international University sports Federation FISU

International Association of physical education and sports universities



International Council for Sports Science and Physical Education ICSSPE


Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism

Uzbek State Institute of Physical Culture

Rakhimov Tajik Institute of Physical Culture

Academy of Physical Education and Sport of Gdansk (Poland)

Szczecin University (Poland)

Capital University of physical education and sports of Beijing

Catholic University of San Antonio (Spain)

University of Georgia (USA)

University of Tartu (Estonia)

Academy of Le Pans (France)

University of Novi Sad (Serbia)

University of Central Lancashire (UK)


Foreign students speaking :

        «Our Academy is different from many Russian universities.

There are all opportunities for quality education, self-development and self-realization. While studying here, I get invaluable organizational experience».


Minlikaev Kamran

Grgraduate student, Azerbaijan

Specialty: Physical education

Chairman of the foreign students Club



«I am glad that I have entered Volga Academy, because now for me, as a master of sports, there are great opportunities for studying many disciplines in sports field. Here I met many students from near and far abroad countries».

Safina Camilla

Undergraduate, Kazakhstan

Specialty: Sports





 Educational Laboratory Case

78 lecture rooms
Library with a book storage for 200 000 copies
Museum of student sport history
Concert hall (seating capacity - 1 350)


Sport facilities


Indoor swimming pool " Burevestnik"

Kazan Tennis Academy                         

     Football and athletics stadium                 

   Ice palace «Zilant»                                              

  Gymnastics center                               


Rowing center                                                          

Aquatics center                                        


Badminton center                                                          



Campus of Volga Region Academy includes 7 buildings in Universiade Village. Total capacity - 3 050 people. Each block of flats is equipped with:

Double, triple and quadruple room apartments with bathrooms
Laundry service
Ironing room
First-aid post
Video hall
Computer room

Accommodation area is a pedestrian zone. Educational Laboratory building and sport facilities are located within walking distance.

Educational programs

Undergraduate programs

Physical culture

Profiles: Sport training in favored sports: athletics, skiing, football, ice hockey, volleyball, basketball, rowing, kayak and canoeing, wrestling, tennis, badminton, rhythmic gymnastics, artistic gymnastics, swimming, synchronized swimming, figure skating, acrobatic rock and roll, taekwondo, boxing.


1) Russian language

2) Biology

3) Physical fitness testing


Physical culture

Profiles: 1) Sport management; 2) Physical education.



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