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Change paragraph alignment

To do this Press
Switch a paragraph between centered and left-aligned. Ctrl+E
Switch a paragraph between justified and left-aligned. Ctrl+J
Switch a paragraph between right-aligned and left-aligned. Ctrl+R
Left align a paragraph. Ctrl+L
Indent a paragraph from the left. Ctrl+M
Remove a paragraph indent from the left. Ctrl+Shift+M
Create a hanging indent. Ctrl+T
Reduce a hanging indent. Ctrl+Shift+T
Remove paragraph formatting. Ctrl+Q

Copy and review text formats

To do this Press
Display nonprinting characters. Ctrl+Shift+* (asterisk on numeric keypad does not work)
Review text formatting. Shift+F1 (then click the text with the formatting you want to review)
Copy formats. Ctrl+Shift+C
Paste formats. Ctrl+Shift+V

Set line spacing

To do this Press
Single-space lines. Ctrl+1
Double-space lines. Ctrl+2
Set 1.5-line spacing. Ctrl+5
Add or remove one line space preceding a paragraph. Ctrl+0 (zero)

Apply Styles to paragraphs

To do this Press
Open Apply Styles task pane. Ctrl+Shift+S
Open Styles task pane. Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S
Start AutoFormat. Alt+Ctrl+K
Apply the Normal style. Ctrl+Shift+N
Apply the Heading 1 style. Alt+Ctrl+1
Apply the Heading 2 style. Alt+Ctrl+2
Apply the Heading 3 style. Alt+Ctrl+3

To close the Styles task pane

1. If the Styles task pane is not selected, press F6 to select it.

2. Press Ctrl+Spacebar.

3. Use the arrow keys to select Close, and then press Enter.

Insert special characters

To insert this Press
A field Ctrl+F9
A line break Shift+Enter
A page break Ctrl+Enter
A column break Ctrl+Shift+Enter
An em dash Alt+Ctrl+Minus Sign (on the numeric keypad)
An en dash Ctrl+Minus Sign (on the numeric keypad)
An optional hyphen Ctrl+Hyphen
A nonbreaking hyphen Ctrl+Shift+Hyphen
A nonbreaking space Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar
The copyright symbol Alt+Ctrl+C
The registered trademark symbol Alt+Ctrl+R
The trademark symbol Alt+Ctrl+T
An ellipsis Alt+Ctrl+Period
A single opening quotation mark Ctrl+`(single quotation mark), `(single quotation mark)
A single closing quotation mark Ctrl+' (single quotation mark), ' (single quotation mark)
Double opening quotation marks Ctrl+` (single quotation mark), Shift+' (single quotation mark)
Double closing quotation marks Ctrl+' (single quotation mark), Shift+' (single quotation mark)
An AutoText entry Enter (after you type the first few characters of the AutoText entry name and when the ScreenTip appears)

Insert characters by using character codes

To do this Press
Insert the Unicode character for the specified Unicode (hexadecimal) character code. For example, to insert the euro currency symbol ( ), type 20AC, and then hold down Alt and press X. The character code, Alt+X
Find out the Unicode character code for the selected character Alt+X
Insert the ANSI character for the specified ANSI (decimal) character code. For example, to insert the euro currency symbol, hold down Alt and press 0128 on the numeric keypad. Alt+the character code (on the numeric keypad)

Insert and edit objects

Insert an object

1. Press Alt, N, J, and then J to open the Object dialog box.

2. Do one of the following.

o Press Down Arrow to select an object type, and then press Enter to create an object.

o Press Ctrl+Tab to switch to the Create from File tab, press Tab, and then type the file name of the object that you want to insert or browse to the file.

Edit an object

1. With the cursor positioned to the left of the object in your document, select the object by pressing Shift+Right Arrow.

2. Press Shift+F10.

3. Press the Tab key to get to Object name, press Enter, and then press Enter again.

Insert SmartArt graphics

1. Press and release Alt, N, and then M to select SmartArt.

2. Press the arrow keys to select the type of graphic that you want.

3. Press Tab, and then press the arrow keys to select the graphic that you want to insert.

4. Press Enter.

Insert WordArt

1. Press and release Alt, N, and then W to select WordArt.

2. Press the arrow keys to select the WordArt style that you want, and then press Enter.

3. Type the text that you want.

4. Press Esc to select the WordArt object, and then use the arrow keys to move the object.

5. Press Esc again to return to return to the document.

Mail merge and fields

Note: You must press Alt+M, or click Mailings, to use these keyboard shortcuts.

Perform a mail merge

To do this Press
Preview a mail merge. Alt+Shift+K
Merge a document. Alt+Shift+N
Print the merged document. Alt+Shift+M
Edit a mail-merge data document. Alt+Shift+E
Insert a merge field. Alt+Shift+F

Work with fields

To do this Press
Insert a DATE field. Alt+Shift+D
Insert a LISTNUM field. Alt+Ctrl+L
Insert a Page field. Alt+Shift+P
Insert a TIME field. Alt+Shift+T
Insert an empty field. Ctrl+F9
Update linked information in a Microsoft Word source document. Ctrl+Shift+F7
Update selected fields. F9
Unlink a field. Ctrl+Shift+F9
Switch between a selected field code and its result. Shift+F9
Switch between all field codes and their results. Alt+F9
Run GOTOBUTTON or MACROBUTTON from the field that displays the field results. Alt+Shift+F9
Go to the next field. F11
Go to the previous field. Shift+F11
Lock a field. Ctrl+F11
Unlock a field. Ctrl+Shift+F11

Language Bar

Set proofing language

Every document has a default language, typically the same default language as your computer's operating system. But If your document also contains words or phrases in a different language, it's a good idea to set the proofing language for those words. This not only makes it possible to check spelling and grammar for those phrases, it makes it possible for assistive technologies like screen readers to handle them.

To do this Press
Open the Set Proofing Language dialog box Alt+R, U, L
Review list of proofing languages Down Arrow
Set default languages Alt+R, L

Turn on East Asian Input Method Editors

To do this Press
Turn Japanese Input Method Editor (IME) on 101 keyboard on or off. Alt+~
Turn Korean Input Method Editor (IME) on 101 keyboard on or off. Right Alt
Turn Chinese Input Method Editor (IME) on 101 keyboard on or off. Ctrl+Spacebar

Function key reference

Function keys

To do this Press
Get Help or visit Office.com. F1
Move text or graphics. F2
Repeat the last action. F4
Choose the Go To command (Home tab). F5
Go to the next pane or frame. F6
Choose the Spelling command (Review tab). F7
Extend a selection. F8
Update the selected fields. F9
Show KeyTips. F10
Go to the next field. F11
Choose the Save As command. F12

Shift+Function keys

To do this Press
Start context-sensitive Help or reveal formatting. Shift+F1
Copy text. Shift+F2
Change the case of letters. Shift+F3
Repeat a Find or Go To action. Shift+F4
Move to the last change. Shift+F5
Go to the previous pane or frame (after pressing F6). Shift+F6
Choose the Thesaurus command (Review tab, Proofing group). Shift+F7
Reduce the size of a selection. Shift+F8
Switch between a field code and its result. Shift+F9
Display a shortcut menu. Shift+F10
Go to the previous field. Shift+F11
Choose the Save command. Shift+F12

Ctrl+Function keys

To do this Press
Expand or collapse the ribbon. Ctrl+F1
Choose the Print Preview command. Ctrl+F2
Cut to the Spike. Ctrl+F3
Close the window. Ctrl+F4
Go to the next window. Ctrl+F6
Insert an empty field. Ctrl+F9
Maximize the document window. Ctrl+F10
Lock a field. Ctrl+F11
Choose the Open command. Ctrl+F12

Ctrl+Shift+Function keys

To do this Press
Insert the contents of the Spike. Ctrl+Shift+F3
Edit a bookmark. Ctrl+Shift+F5
Go to the previous window. Ctrl+Shift+F6
Update linked information in a Word source document. Ctrl+Shift+F7
Extend a selection or block. Ctrl+Shift+F8, and then press an arrow key
Unlink a field. Ctrl+Shift+F9
Unlock a field. Ctrl+Shift+F11
Choose the Print command. Ctrl+Shift+F12

Alt+Function keys

To do this Press
Go to the next field. Alt+F1
Create a new Building Block. Alt+F3
Exit Word. Alt+F4
Restore the program window size. Alt+F5
Move from an open dialog box back to the document, for dialog boxes that support this behavior. Alt+F6
Find the next misspelling or grammatical error. Alt+F7
Run a macro. Alt+F8
Switch between all field codes and their results. Alt+F9
Display the Selection task pane. Alt+F10
Display Microsoft Visual Basic code. Alt+F11

Alt+Shift+Function keys

To do this Press
Go to the previous field. Alt+Shift+F1
Choose the Save command. Alt+Shift+F2
Run GOTOBUTTON or MACROBUTTON from the field that displays the field results. Alt+Shift+F9
Display a menu or message for an available action. Alt+Shift+F10
Choose Table of Contents button in the Table of Contents container when the container is active. Alt+Shift+F12

Ctrl+Alt+Function keys

To do this Press
Display Microsoft System Information. Ctrl+Alt+F1
Choose the Open command. Ctrl+Alt+F2



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