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To Shave or Not to Shave?

There is no scientific evidence that shaving or waxing will make your hair come back thicker. There are believed to be two reasons that the myth continues to flourish. First, humans just aren’t the best observers. Second, hair often does grow back thicker when people first start to shave, but this isn’t caused by shaving. When an adolescent boy shaves his mustache for the first time, it’s likely to grow back thicker. This isn’t because shaving caused this; it’s because the hormonal changes in his body (which occur regardless of shaving) are encouraging new and thicker facial hair growth.

Human Differences

1 in 10, 000 people has their internal organs reversed or “mirrored” from their normal positions. The condition is called situs inversus.

1 person out of every 200 people has an extra rib.

The Pinky Is The Powerhouse Of The Hand

Without your pinky finger, you would lose about 50% of your hand strength. While the index and middle fingers function with the thumb in pinching and grabbing, it’s the pinkie that teams up with the ring finger to provide grip power.

Keeping Cool Down There

Men’s testicles hang between the legs to keep cool because sperm dies at body temperature. Keeping those baby-makers cool is a top priority, so make sure to keep your laptop off those bad boys!


You’ve probably heard that the appendix is essentially a waste of space. Just a leftover from our earliet, less-evolved ancestors… right?

That’s turned out not to be the case. Scientists have discovered it had an essential evolutionary function: the appendix functions as a “safe house” for the beneficial bacteria that live in the human gut. Bacteria which, by the way, scientists are beginning to believe has an unbelievably positive influence on physical and mental health.

Thanks appendix… sorry for the bad rap.

14. Well…

Your mouth is made of the same skin cells as a vagina. Flattened epithelial cells are well suited to areas in the body subject to constant abrasion, as layers can be sloughed off and replaced before quickly.

Cute Little Muscles

Muscle comes from the Latin “musculus.” Musculus means “little mouse, ” and this was used to describe muscles because biceps were thought to look like mice.

Liar, Liar

Are you surrounded by pathalogical liars? Here’s how to find out…

While a person is telling a lie, they tend to blink far less frequently than normal. Think of a TV murderer with a shark-like stare.

Later, though, after the lie is told, a person will immediately make up for all that staring by blinking about 8 times faster than normal.

Clearly our eyelids are incredibly honest, and are doing everything in their power to signal the truth—whether we want to or not.

Who Said That?

More than 3% of people are born with phonagnosia: they can’t recognize the voices of familiar people. People suffering from phonagnosia do not suffer from aphasia (an inability to comprehend and formulate language), which suggests that separate areas of the brain govern linguistic comprehension and voice recognition.

Annoying? Yes. Unhealthy? Maybe Not

A scientist cracked his knuckles on one hand for over 50 years to prove it did not cause Arthritis. After 50 years, he concluded that there was no arthritis in either hand, and no apparent differences between the two hands. This is, of course, a rather small data set, but it’s interesting none the less!

Hats off to the brave man who risked arthritis (as well as dirty looks from all his friends) in the name of science.

Starting Your Morning Off Right

You can burn 20% more fat by exercising in the morning on an empty stomach. Sex burns 3.6 calories a minute, so fifteen minutes of morning sex should burn off 130 calories.

It’s Complicated

Humans have no more genes than worms. We have less genes than a tomato. How could this be, given that the all-powerful homo sapiens are clearly a more complex species? We’re not sure, but scientist have noted that the number of genes in the genome may be less linked to complexity than we thought.


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