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Radon Transform and Fourier Slice Theorem
With respect to reconstruction, it is important to note that the projec- tions under all the angles ϑ can be regarded as another 2-D represen- tation of the image. One coordinate is the position in the projection profi le, r, the other the angle ϑ (Fig. 8.15). Consequently, we can re- gard the parallel projection as a transformation of the image into an- other 2-D representation. Reconstruction then just means applying the inverse transformation. The critical issue, therefore, is to describe the 226 8 3-D Imaging
Figure 8.15: Geometry of a projection beam.
tomographic transform mathematically and to investigate whether the inverse transform exists. A projection beam is characterized by the angle ϑ and the off set r (Fig. 8.15). The angle ϑ is the angle between the projection plane and the x axis. Furthermore, we assume that we slice the 3-Dobject parallel to the xy plane. Then, the scalar product between a vector x on the projection beam and a unit vector n ¯ = [cos ϑ, sin ϑ ]T (8.23) normal to the projection beam is constant and equal to the off set r of the beam x n ¯ − r = x cos ϑ + y sin ϑ − r = 0. (8.24) The projected intensity P (r, ϑ ) is given by integration along the projec- tion beam:
P (r, ϑ ) = ∫ g( x )d s = ∫ ∫ g( x )δ (x1 cos ϑ + x2 sin ϑ − r )d2x. (8.25)
− ∞ − ∞ The projective transformation of a 2-D function g( x ) onto P (r, ϑ ) is named after the mathematician Radon as the Radon transform. To better understand the properties of the Radon transform, we an- alyze it in the Fourier space. The Radon transform can be understood as a special case of a linear shift-invariant fi lter operation, the projec- tion operator. All gray values along the projection beam are added up. 8.6 Depth from Multiple Projections: Tomography 227
This elementary relation can be computed most easily, without loss of generality, in a rotated coordinate system in which the projection di- rection coincides with the y' axis. Then the r coordinate in P (r, ϑ ) co- incides with the x' coordinate and ϑ becomes zero. In this special case, the Radon transform reduces to an integration along the y' direction: ∞ P (x', 0) = ∫ g(x', y')dy'. (8.26) − ∞ The Fourier transform of the projection function can be written as ∞ Pˆ (kx', 0) = ∫ P (x', 0) exp(− 2π ikx' x')dx'. (8.27) − ∞ Replacing P (x', 0) by the defi nition of the Radon transform, Eq. (8.26) yields
Pˆ (k ∞ ∞ , 0) ∫ ∫ g(x', y')dy' exp(
2π ik
x')dx'. (8.28) x' = − ∞ − ∞ − x'
− ∞ − ∞ = g(kx', 0).
(8.29) Back transformation into the original coordinate system fi nally yields Pˆ (q, ϑ ) = gˆ ( k )δ ( k − ( k n ¯ ) n ¯ ), (8.30) where q is the coordinate in the k space in the direction of ϑ and n ¯ the normal vector introduced in Eq. (8.23). The spectrum of the projection is identical to the spectrum of the original object on a beam normal to the direction of the projection beam. This important result is called the Fourier slice theorem or projection theorem. 228 8 3-D Imaging
Filtered Back-Projection
In the second step, the back-projection is performed and each pro- jection gives a slice of the spectrum. Adding up all the fi ltered spectra yields the complete spectrum. As the Fourier transform is a linear op- eration, we can add up the fi ltered projections in the space domain. In the space domain, each fi ltered projection contains the part of the ob- ject that is constant in the direction of the projection beam. Thus, we can back-project the corresponding gray value of the fi ltered projection along the direction of the projection beam and add it up to the contri- butions from the other projection beams. After this illustrative description of the principle of the fi ltered back- projection algorithm we derive the method for the continuous case. We start with the Fourier transform of the object and write the inverse Fourier transformation in polar coordinates (q, ϑ ) in order to make use of the Fourier slice theorem
g( x ) = qgˆ (q, ϑ ) exp[iq(x1 cos ϑ + x2 sin ϑ )]dqdθ. (8.31) 0 0
In this formula, the spectrum is already multiplied by the wave number,
8.6 Depth from Multiple Projections: Tomography 229 in Eq. (8.31) into two over the angle ranges [0, π [ and [π, 2π [ and obtain π ∞ g( x ) = ∫ ∫ qgˆ (q, ϑ ) exp[iq(x1 cos ϑ + x2 sin ϑ )]dqdϑ 0 0
+ ∫ ∫ qgˆ (− q, ϑ ') exp[− iq(x1 cos ϑ ' + x2 sin ϑ ')]dqdϑ ' 0 0 using the following identities: ϑ ' = ϑ +π, gˆ (− r, ϑ ) = gˆ (r, ϑ '), cos(ϑ ') = − cos(ϑ ), sin(ϑ ') = − sin(ϑ ). Now we can recompose the two integrals again, if we substitute q by
g( x ) = ∫ ∫ |q|Pˆ (q, ϑ ) exp[iq(x1 cos ϑ + x2 sin ϑ )]dqdϑ. (8.32) 0− ∞ Equation (8.32) gives the inverse Radon transform and is the basis for the fi ltered back-projection algorithm. The inner integral performs the back-projection of a single projection: P' = F− 1(|q|FP ). (8.33)
P' = [F− 1(|q|)] ∗ P. (8.34) The outer integral in Eq. (8.32) over the angle ϑ,
g( x ) = P'(r, ϑ ) dϑ, (8.35) 0
sums up the back-projected and fi ltered projections over all directions and thus forms the reconstructed image. Note that the fi ltered projec- tion profi le P'(r, ϑ ) in Eq. (8.35) must be regarded as a 2-D function to built up a 2-D object g( x ). This means that the projection profi le is projected back into the projection direction. 230 8 3-D Imaging
c Figure 8.16: Illustration of the fi ltered back-projection algorithm with a point ob- ject: a projections from diff erent directions; b fi ltering of the projection functions; c back-projection: adding up the fi ltered projections.
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